Project SKOPJE 2014: Archaeological Museum Of Macedonia - Skopje, North Macedonia
Archaeological Museum Of Macedonia is one of the buildings - part of the very criticized Project SKOPJE 2014!
Archaeological Museum of Macedonia-Skopje
Archaeological Museum of Macedonia-Skopje
A day with Macedonian Archaeology
This is a video that shows how archaeologists in Macedonia spend their day on archaeological field or in museums. This video is made for celebrating the 29 June - International Day of Archaeology.
Exhibition opening in the National Archaeological museum of North Macedonia
On July 11, 2019 the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan opens the exhibition “Great Steppe: history and culture” in the exhibition hall of the National Archaeological Museum of North Macedonia. The exhibition will be held till August 11, 2019 in the framework of the international project Golden Man Procession through Museums of the World.
The aim of the exhibition is to familiarize the foreign audience with the rich historical and cultural heritage of Kazakhstan. The exhibition will feature the symbol of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the “Golden Man”.
Македонија доби најсовремен Археолошки музеј
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Copyright: OnAir Media Group
Royal grave site of the lost ancient kingdom of Pelagonia found in the Republic of Macedonia - Откриена изгубената престолнина Пелагонија
Latest discoveries by archaeologists have shown a massive royal grave site in a village known as Bonce in Macedonia, one of a kind in the Balkans, which has led them to suggest that the locality may be the long lost kingdom of Pelagonia.
The grave site was discovered by a team led by Professor Viktor Lilcic.
According to the way this was built, the brilliance behind it, and just from the sheer size of the grave site, we believe the king of Pelagonia had been buried here, said Dr. Antonio Jakimovski, coordinator of the Archeological Research.
The grave site is from the 4th century B.C. when the kingdom of the Pelagonians was around. It was suggested the site had been robbed even in Antic times.
This is one of the rarest gravesites not just in the Balkans, but globally that goes back to the 4th century BC, said Jakimovski.
The site is located right underneath the hill of Visoka where it is suggested to be the site of the city of Pelagonia.
Unfortunately, the Government did not allocate funds this year for the Visoka location.
Archeologists have been searching for the city of Pelagonia and the Pelagonian kingdom for more than 150 years.
This find will undoubtedly make funds available for Visoka in 2009.
Just two years ago, near the hill of Visoka were discovered three Macedonian Shields of King Demetrij with the Vergina Sun embedded on them. The shields are currently undergoing restorations.
When completed, the world will see for the first time how did the shields of the Macedonian phalanx look like.
Откриена изгубената престолнина Пелагонија:
Се повеќе се потврдуваат тезите дека кај локалитетот Бонче можно е да се наоѓа четвртата изгубена македонска престолнина, градот Пелагонија. Со најновите годинешни открија, под раководство на професорот Виктор Лилчиќ, целосно е откриена гробницата која е единствена од ваков тип на Балканот.
Грчките археолози не сакаат да соработуваат со македонските колеги на споредувањето на артефактите од гробниците на античките македонски кралеви од Пела и оние, слични на нив, откриени неодамна на локалитетот Бонче во Пелагонија, под планината Селечка. Сличностите меѓу гробниците на двата локалитети упатуваат на идејата дека веројатно во Пелагонија се наоѓа загубената античка македонска престолнина - градот Пелагонија - по кој се трага повеќе од 150 години.
Archaeology in Macedonia
Macedonia is the Land of touch. It is a magnificent space where with every single step you may touch every moment of time - to see the past and feel the future.
Macedonia, Stobi ancient city
Photographer:Samuel Magal (
Stobi developed from a Paeonian settlement established in the Archaic period. Located on the northern side of a terrace, the early town covered an area of about 25,000 m2. Its proximity to the junction of the Erigón and Axiós Rivers as well as its position in the fertile central Vardar valley allowed it quickly to develop a flourishing economy and to establish trade. Nearby Mount Klepa was a lucrative source of marble. The initial Paeonian population was later supplemented by other immigrant groups.
Macedonia Timeless Skopje Македонија Вечна Скопје
Macedonia Timeless Skopje Македонија Вечна Скопје
Even though Macedonia is a young state which became independent in 1991, its roots run deep in the history. The name Macedonia is in fact the oldest surviving name of a country in the continent of Europe. Archaeological evidence shows that old European civilization flourished in Macedonia between 7000 and 3500 BC. Macedonia is located in the center of the Southern Balkans, north of ancient Greece, east of Illyria, and west of Thrace. The ancient Macedonians were a distinct nation, ethnically, linguistically, and culturally different from their neighbors. The origins of the Macedonians are in the ancient Brygian substratum which occupied the whole of Macedonian territory and in Indo-European superstratum, which settled here at the end of the 2nd millennium.
From the down of history, various races have inhabited Macedonia, and ancient civilisations have flourished on these lands. The chronology of Macedonia, from the time of the Argeadai Dynasty, was founded by a powerful Kingdom around 725 BC. The more recent petition between Greece, Bulgarian and Serbia on 10 August 1913, are presented below.
BC 724-512: The establishment and development phase of the Macedonian Empire.
BC 512-497: The Persian Invasion.
BC 479-360: The recovery of the Macedonian Kingdom.
BC 399-336: The Macedonian Kingdom of Philip II.
BC 333-323: The reign of Alexander the Great.
BC 306-168: The reign of the Antigonos Dynasty.
BC 214-148: Macedonian Wars. First, Second, Third, Fourth War.
BC 148-AD: Macedonians defend their rights firstly as a Roman province, then as a province administered by the Roman Senate.
AD 178: Invasion of the Goths.
AD 434: Invasion of Huns.
AD 478: Invasion od Ostrogoths.
AD 500: Invasion of Bulgars.
AD 527: Invasion of some Slav tribes.
AD 855: Kiril and Metodij create the first alphabet.
AD 886: Kliment spreads Christianity and founds the Ohrid Literary School.
AD 969: The Macedonian Empire of Tsar Samuel.
1914: Battle of Mount Belasica.
1018-1185: Byzantine reign.
1185-1280: Bulgarian reign.
1346-1912: Ottoman Empire reign.
Macedonian Dukes during the Ottoman reign.
1912: First Balkan War.
1913: Second Balkan War.
1913: Three-partition of Macedonia.
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Exhibition from archaeological site Grncarica, Republic of Macedonia
Grncarica, the oldest Neolithic settlement in Macedonia, was discovered accidentally before two years by a team of archeologists who are exploring the sites along the hydro-system Zletovica's pipeline. Macedonian archeologists unearthed a skeleton of a human dating from 7,000 BCE. The skeleton has been uncovered at the archeological site Grncarica, at the Stip's nearby village of Krupiste. This video is a part of the exhibition held in Bezisten, Stip, Republic of Macedonia.
More on this topic:
A Fast Walking Tour of Skopje, Macedonia: Part 1
What a day! Touring interesting Kratovo took hours, stops at a church, drive to Skopje and then tour for another couple of hours, it's no wonder everyone in the group was ready to fall off their feet. Skopje is is in the heart of the Balkan Peninsula, capital of the Republic of Macedonia and was once an important crossroad in the Ottoman Empire.
We began touring at the 1500 year old Skopje Fortress, simply referred to as Kale, the Turkish word for fortress; guide Goran related information about the 1963 Earthquake that may not have been high in magnitude but still devastated families; and then worked our way through the old Turkish area. Lots to see. Lots to do in Macedonia.
Bylazora and the Palace of Philip V
The Texas Foundation for Archaeological & Historical Research (TFAHR) invites you to explore this video program on the discovery and excavation of the Palace of the Macedonian king Philip V at the Paionian stronghold city of Bylazora (Sveti Nikole, Republic of Macedonia). This presentation is an updated version of the 2013 TFAHR video, Bylazora and the Last Palace of the Last Macedonian Kings, and includes new material from the most recent TFAHR publications on Bylazora.
GREECE, Archaeological Museum of MACEDONIA, Thessaloniki
World's Best Archaeology site Kokino | Macedonia
Kokino (Macedonian: Кокино) is a Bronze Age archaeological site in the Republic of Macedonia, approximately 30 km from the town of Kumanovo, and about 6 km from the Serbian border, in the Staro Nagoričane municipality. It is situated between about 1010 and 1030 m above sea level on the Tatićev Kamen (Татиќев камен) summit and covers an area of about 90 by 50 meters, overlooking the eponymous hamlet of Kokino.
It was discovered by archeologist Jovica Stankovski, director of the national museum in Kumanovo, in 2001. In 2002, Stankovski together with Gorje Cenev (who is the head of a planetarium at a Youth Cultural Center in Skopje) published the claim that the site contains a megalithic observatory and sacred site (мегалитска опсерваторија и светилиште).
The oldest archaeological finds date from about the 19th century BC, corresponding to the early European Bronze Age. It shows signs of occupation for the period from the 19th to the 7th centuries BC. Finds from the Middle Bronze Age (c. 16th to 14th centuries BC) are the most numerous (mainly ceramic vessels, stone-mills and a few molds). An agglomeration from the Iron Age was discovered in 2009.
The Kokino megalithic observatory should be distinguished from the wider Kokino archaeological site. While the observatory consists of two platforms of a combined area of about 5000 square meters, the site covers about 30 hectares. From this area, an abundant amount of fragments of ceramic vessels, dated to between the 19th and the 11th centuries BC. Also found was a mould for casting bronze axes, and a pendant. The remains of vessels filled with offerings were found deposited in cracks in the rocks, which gave rise to the interpretation of the site as a holy mountain.
The claimed archaeo-astronomical site itself consists of two platforms with an elevation difference of 19 m. The claim of the site representing an astronomical observatory was made by Stankovski and by Gjore Cenev in 2002. According to this interpretation, the site includes special stone markers used to track the movement of the Sun and Moon on the eastern horizon. The observatory used the method of stationary observation, marking positions of the Sun at the winter and summer solstice, as well as the equinox. Four stone seats or thrones are placed in a row on the lower platform. According to Cenev, A stone block with a marking on the upper platform marks the direction of sunrise on summer solstice when viewed from one of the seats.
Kokino was mentioned in a poster made by NASA's Sun-Earth Connection Education Forum in 2005.
The Cultural Heritage Protection Office of Macedonia's Ministry of Culture declared the site a property under temporary protection on 13 November 2008 (Decision nr. 08-1935/6). In 2009, Minister of Culture Elizabeta Kancheska-Milevska declared Kokino one of the priorities of the Ministry of Culture’s 2009 programme.In 2009, the Republic of Macedonia also suggested the site be inscribed on the World Heritage Site.
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Museum of Macedonia Displays 9,800 Artifacts
Museum of Macedonia Displays 9,800 Artifacts Excavated at Archaeological Sites in 2009
Dec. 27, 2009. Some 10.000 artifacts of 100.000 excavated in total in 2009 during the archaeological researches on 18 locations in Macedonia, have been presented on this exhibition opened on Sunday.
The Macedonian Information Agency reported that Elizabeta Kanceska-Milevska, Minster of Culture, opened Sunday the annual exhibition of artifacts excavated at archaeological sites throughout Macedonia in 2009. Prime Minister, Nikola Gruevski, also attended the opening of the exhibition which took place at the Museum of Macedonia.
A total of 9,800 artifacts excavated at 18 archaeological sites throughout Macedonia are displayed in the Museum of Macedonia, in the framework of the third archaeology exhibition.
The display includes items from Ohrids Gorna Porta, Isar Marvinci, Stobi, Carevi Kuli, Heraklea etc.
Museum director Meri Anicin-Pejoska and director of the Cultural Heritage Protection Office Pasko Kuzman attended the exhibition opening.
Traces left by past civilisations are the only witness of our past and an inseparable part of our existence. Therefore, it gives me great pleasure to attend the third annual exhibit of most valuable artifacts excavated in 2009, said Gruevski to the Macedonian Information Agency in his welcoming speech.
The amount that was excavated this year is small. There is a lot more to be done. The Government will continue to support nation-wide excavations, because artefacts are national and cultural treasure. In 2010 we plan to continue our support in this field, stated PM Gruevski after the opening at the Museum of Macedonia.
Asked whether some of the artefacts could help in strengthening country's position in the name dispute with Greece, Gruevski said it could be the case only if the argument of facts prevailed in the name talks. Unfortunately, Greece negotiates with the argument of power, the PM stressed.
Future generations will laugh at the fact that someone today is trying to divide people into ancient and Slavic Macedonians, noted the PM when asked whether Sunday's exhibition was an attempt to resume the process of antiquisation.
Future generations will be stunned as to why someone in this period tried so hard to divide people into ancient and Slavic. It is ridiculous because both were part of past civilisations, he said adding that Macedonia was lying on a territory that was the home of many prominent or less prominent civilisations, which needed to be equally acknowledged by modern Macedonians.
Во следните шест месеци, публиката ќе има можност да ги види најрепрезентативните наоди откриени на Горна Порта во Охрид, на Плаошник и на Самоиловата тврдина, наодите од Исар - Марвинци, Хераклеја, Стоби, Исар во Штип, Баргала, Зрзе, на Скопската тврдина, Кокино, Виничко Кале, Таор, Стибера, Вардарски Рид и на другите локалитети, на дел од кои беа вршени и капитални истражувања. Координатор на изложбата е Управата за заштита на културното наследство, а според најавите по завршувањето на истражувачките кампањи, откриваните материјали ќе бидат претставувани на посебни, тематски изложби.
macedonia македонија makedonija art music srbija hrvatska albania bulgaria kosovo greece balkan macedonian museum
International Archaeology Day 2014 - Nikos Chausidis
Меѓународен ден на археологијата 2014
Д-р Никос Чаусидис (УКИМ, Скопје)
„Македонските бронзи“ и религијата на железнодобните култури од Средниот Балкан
International Archaeology Day 2014
Museum of Macedonian struggle, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Dr. Nikos Chausidis (University of Skopje, Skopje)
“Macedonian Bronzes” and the Religious Traditions of Iron Age Cultures in the Middle Balkans
HAEMUS - Center for Scientific Research and Promotion of Culture (MK)
HAEMUS endorses historical and archaeological research, exploration, education, popularization, promotion and management of the cultural heritage of the Balkan Peninsula as a mutual benefit from the past.
Official web site:
Many thanks for the video to Aristid Filaktov
© Copyright by HAEMUS
Skopje (Скопје), Macedonia (Македонија) 2017 I Top Tourist Attractions, Sightseeing
Skopje (Скопје), Macedonia (Македонија) 2017
Tourist Attractions, Walking in Skopje, Driving in Macedonia
Macedonia is a landlocked Balkan nation of mountains, lakes and ancient towns with Ottoman and European architecture. The capital, Skopje, is known for its sprawling Old Bazaar quarter and historic buildings turned museums, including the National Gallery of Macedonia, housed in a 15th-century Turkish bath complex. The southern city Ohrid, on a lake of the same name, has a medieval townscape and hilltop castle.
Stone Bridge, Millennium Cross, Memorial House of Mother Teresa, Museum of Macedonia, Museum of the Macedonian Struggle, Museum of the City of Skopje, Skopje Zoo, Archaeological Museum Of Macedonia, Skopje Aqueduct, Contemporary Art Museum of Macedonia, Suli An, Holocaust Memorial Center for the Jews of Macedonia, Matka Canyon, Old Bazaar, Skopje, Skopje Fortress, Vodno, Porta Macedonia, Square Macedonia, Monument Warrior on a horse, Kale Fortress, City Park, Art Bridge, Ottoman Clock Tower, The Slots Electronic Casino, Warrior on a Horse, Casino Senator
Skopje (Скопје), Mazedonien (Македонија) 2017
Sehenswürdigkeiten, Spazieren in Skopje, Autofahrt in Mazedonien
Stone Bridge, Millennium Cross, Memorial House of Mother Teresa, Museum of Macedonia, Museum of the Macedonian Struggle, Museum of the City of Skopje, Skopje Zoo, Archaeological Museum Of Macedonia, Skopje Aqueduct, Contemporary Art Museum of Macedonia, Suli An, Holocaust Memorial Center for the Jews of Macedonia, Matka Canyon, Old Bazaar, Skopje, Skopje Fortress, Vodno, Porta Macedonia, Square Macedonia, Monument Warrior on a horse, Kale Fortress, City Park, Art Bridge, Ottoman Clock Tower, The Slots Electronic Casino, Warrior on a Horse, Casino Senator
Europe Tour Round Trip (Road Trip) 2017 Part 17
Germany (Frankfurt), Czech Republic (Prague), Slovakia (Bratislava), Hungary (Budapest),
Serbia (Belgrad), Bulgaria (Sofia), Turkey (Istanbul), Greece (Athens), Macedonia (Skopje),
Serbia (Belgrad), Hungary (Budapest), Austria (Vienna), Germany (Frankfurt), Belgium (Brussels),
Holland (The Hague & Amsterdam) and Germany (Frankfurt).. More than 8000 km in 3 Weaks
Europa Rundreise (Road Trip) 2017 Teil 17
Deutschland (Frankfurt), Tschechien (Prag), Slowakia (Bratislava), Ungarn (Budapest),
Serbien (Belgrad), Bulgaria (Sofia), Turkei (Istanbul), Griechenland (Athens), Mazedonia (Skopje),
Serbien (Belgrad), Ungarn (Budapest), Ostereich (Wien), Deutschland (Frankfurt), Belgien (Brüssel),
Niederland (The Hague & Amsterdam) und Deutschland (Frankfurt).. Mehr als 8000 km in 3 Wochen
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Memorial house Mother Teresa, Skopje, Republic Of Macedonia