Places to see in ( Livorno - Italy ) Chiesa dei Greci Uniti
Places to see in ( Livorno - Italy ) Chiesa dei Greci Uniti
The church of Santissima Annunziata is located in Livorno , in via della Madonna , a few meters from the temple of San Gregorio and the church of Madonna. It is also known as the Church of the United Greeks , because it was the place of worship of the Byzantine rite of the Eastern community in communion with the Pope. The Orthodox , non-Catholics, had instead a separate church (the Greek Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity ) and its own cemetery space (see the Greek-Orthodox Cemetery ).
After the Second World War , when it was sold to a Catholic archconfraternity, it assumed the name of church of the Purification. At the end of the 16th century, many Greeks arrived in Tuscany to serve on the ships of the Order of Santo Stefano dei Cavalieri. Initially this community gathered at the small oratory of San Jacopo in Acquaviva , outside the fortified city. Subsequently, in 1601 , the construction of a national church was started in via della Madonna and the works were completed in March 1606 ; the project is due to Alessandro Pieroni , a very active architect in Livorno medicea .
A century later, the elegant façade was erected, perhaps designed by Giovanni Baratta or Giovan Battista Foggini with the sculptural contribution of Andrea Vaccà , while a small bell tower was built next to the church. Around the mid- eighteenth century the ceiling was enriched by a coffered structure, with a painting in the center of the Annunciation by Giovanni Domenico Ferretti , which hid the previous ornament of exposed beams and trusses . An illustrious papàs ( priest of the Byzantine-Greek rite ) wasDemetrio Camarda ( 19th century ), linguist, historian and Albanian philologist from Piana degli Albanesi , who kept alive the Eastern Christian cult in the city.
The bombings of the Second World War erased most of the church, which was reduced to a pile of rubble from which only the facade and the part of the nave with the bell tower emerged. Restored the façade and rebuilt the body of the church in an aseptic style, in 1951 the church was ceded to the Arciconfraternita della Purificazione which, before the war, had a chapel in the Bagno dei forzati .
( Livorno - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Livorno . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Livorno - Italy
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festa di santa fortunata spot 2018
Sabato 8 e Domenica 9 Settembre Baucina vi aspetta per la duecentoventottesima edizione della Festa di Santa Fortunata , con la solenne processione del Sacro corpo,il corteo storico di personaggi in costume d’epoca romana e la tradizionale “ Volata degli angeli “ .
Mentre lunedi 10 settembre - Bianca Atzei in concerto dalle ore 22 -,ingresso libero, durante la Festa ci sara’ una lotteria locale di beneficenza organizzata dall’Associazione Santa Fortunata dove verra’ sorteggiata una fiat Panda , vi aspettiamo ...seguiteci anche su Facebook confraternita & associazione santa fortunata .
Diocesi di Sessa Aurunca - Secondo Convegno Ecclesiale Diocesano
Invito del vescovo della Diocesi di Sessa Aurunca, Mons. Orazio Francesco Piazza, al Secondo Convegno Ecclesiale Diocesano, organizzato a Sessa Aurunca dal 14 al 16 settembre presso il Centro Pastorale SS. Casto e Secondino.
Tema del convegno è Il valore cristiano della famiglia: sfide. contraddizioni, missione.
Lunedì 14 settembre relazionerà sul Valore cristiano della famiglia Mons. Paolo Gentili, direttore dell'Ufficio Famiglia della CEI.
Martedì 15 sarà ospite del convegno il cardinale Lorenzo Baldisseri, segretario generale del Sinodo dei vescovi, che tratterà Il Sinodo sulla famiglia tra sfide e missione.
Mercoledì 16 settembre sono previsti i laboratori pastorali per i delegati iscritti al convegno.