Monastery Ardenice, Albania Europe
Scholars claim that the Byzantine Emperor, Andronikos II Palaiologos started building the monastery in 1282 after the victory against the Angevins in the Siege of Berat. The chapel of Saint Trinity was already there, erected centuries before. A pagan temple, dedicated to Artemis had existed on the site before the chapel, and it is thought that the name of Ardenica stems from Artemis. The monastery site lies approximately 1 km from the Via Egnatia (a major 2nd century Roman road). On April 21, 1451 in this monastery was celebrated the marriage of George Kastrioti with Andronika Arianiti. The archbishop of Kanina, Felix said the mess in the wedding in the presence of all the Albanian princes, members of the League of Lezhë and the ambassadors of the Kingdom of Naples, Republic of Venice, and Republic of Ragusa.
In 1743 me with the initiative of the Berat's archbishop, Methodius, who was originary of Bubullimë, Lushnjë District, western Albania, then Ottoman Empire, the monastery was renovated: the paitings from this period of the Zografi brothers pertain to this time.
Since 1780, in the Monastery existed a Greek school to prepare clerics. In 1817, the school became a high school, which had also a student house. From this school graduated the Bishop of Berat, Josif. During the Albanian National Awakening period the school became one of the places where also the Albanian Language was taught.
An important cleric of the monastery was Father Mark, who was the priest to find the bones of Saint Cosmas of Aetolia, thrown in the Seman by the Turkish chevaliers.
The monastery had an exceptional library of 32,000 volumes that got completely burned by a fire in 1932.
The monastery has a Byzantine-orthodox architecture, which lays in a surface of 2.500 meters square. It is composed of the Saint Mary Church, the chapel of the Saint Trinity, a mill, and a barn.
Ky është vendi im - Ardenica
Manastiri Ardenices. Lushnje. Albania ????????
Manastiri Ardenices. Lushnje. Albania ????????
Manastiri i Ardenices
Ardenica Monastery (Albanian: Manastiri Lindja e Hyjlindëses Mari, is an Eastern Orthodox monastery, distant 18 kilometers north of Lushnje, Albania, along the national road that links Lushnjë to Fier.
Built by Byzantine Emperor, Andronikos II Palaiologos in 1282 after the victory against the Angevins in the Siege of Berat, the monastery is famous as the place where, in 1451, was celebrated the marriage of Skanderbeg, the national hero of Albania, with Andronika Arianiti. In 1780 the Monastery started a theological school to prepare clerics in Greek Orthodoxy. It had an important library with 32,000 volumes that got completely burned by a fire in 1932. The Church of Saint Mary within the monastery contains frescos from brothers Kostandin and Athanas Zografi, notably one of saint John Kukuzelis, born in Durrës, Albania.
Albania - Blessing of the Five Loaves in Ardenica Monastery
Bekimi i pesë bukëve në Manastirin e Ardenicës.
Ardenica descending !
Descending the hill of ardenica with a 7.5% avg. and a 23 % max gradient!
Ardenica në pikun e turizmit | ABC News Albania
Manastiri i Ardenicës midis Lushnjës dhe Fierit, është një nga pika turistike që po vizitohet nga shumë turistë të huaj dhe vendas. Por, shqiptarët që vijnë nga jashtë, thonë se ky vend pavarësisht se popullohet, nuk ka ndryshuar asgjë.
Ardenica po përjeton ditët më të mira të turizmit të saj. Manastiri, i ngritur në pikën më të lartë të kodrave të fshatit vizitohet nga shumë turistë vendas dhe të huaj.
Sot, kjo zonë listohet në guidat turistike shqiptare, ndaj është kthyer në vendqëndrim për ata që udhëtojnë drejt jugut. Vizitorët e ardhur gjatë muajit korrik janë nga Polonia, Franca, Italia, India dhe Kina.
Këtij fluksi turistësh i shtohen edhe vendasit. Në sytë e këtij çifti që kthehen pas më shumë se 20 vitesh në Manastir, asgjë nuk ka ndryshuar. Kur krahasimin e bëjnë me turizmin evropian, kjo pikë u duk e lënë pas dore.
Manastiri i Ardenicës është zona kryesore turistike për Lushnjën. Kisha dhe afresket e saj janë të vetmet objekte ku lejohet hyrja, pasi zona ku qëndrojnë murgjit është e ndaluar.
Për shkak të pozicionit gjeografik në lartësinë e kodrave, nga maja e saj aty ku ndodhen disa restorante, turistët qëndrojnë jo vetëm për të drekuar, por edhe për të parë fushën e Myzeqesë. /ABC News Albania 24/7
Monastery of Ardenica HD - Albanian Orthodox Church
Orthodox Church in Albania
Manastiri i Ardenices - Kisha Ortodokse Shqiperise
L'antico Monastero Ortodosso di Ardenica in Albania
ABCNews 28 Korrik
A1 Report - Njerezit Rediana Kola Udhetim ne Ardenice
Ardenica Monastary, Fier Albania
Build in 1282 after the victory against the Angevins in the Siege of Berat, the monastery is famous as the place where, in 1451, was celebrated the marriage of Skanderbeg, the national hero of Albania, with Andronika Arianiti. Believed to be a place of worship for the pagans and the ancient temple of the goddess Artemis.
アルデニツァ修道院(Monastiri i Ardenices) in Berati, Albania
The Apollonia Monastery and Church, Albania
The medieval Monastery of St. Mary at Apollonia is composed of a church and refectory that was very interesting because the builders used decorative blocks and other materials from the ruins of Apollonia. A person could probably stand for hours scanning the outside to pick out different pieces.
One stone block had Arabic writing. Stone heads of lions. Another, figures of people. Quite unique. The frescoes were in poor shape and almost everything within the church has been rebuilt. Done with sightseeing, it was time for lunch al fresco in the Apollonia Archaeological Park. Yum, yum, yum...
Orthodox Monastery of Ardenica, Fier - Albania 3
Orthodox Monastery of Ardenica, Fier - Albania 3
Orthodox Monastery of Ardenica, Fier - Albania 2
Orthodox Monastery of Ardenica, Fier - Albania 2
apolonia ardenica
Apolonia Ardenica
apolonia ardenica welcome to albania
apolonia ardenica welcome to albania