Ebru Exhibition (Albania-Tirana)
Grand Gathering of Iranians for #FreeIran ،“flag performance” displayed by PMOI in Albania
Grand Gathering of Iranians for #FreeIran ،“flag performance” displayed by the members of the PMOI in Albania
Blerina Ago in Independence Day Celebration of U.S. Embassy, Tirana
Të marten, më 9 korrik, Ambasada organizoi pritjen e saj vjetore për Ditën e Pavarësisë në mjediset e Galerisë Kombëtare të Arteve. Blerina Ago ne emer te Albania Rafting Group dhe mbi 600 të ftuar ndoqën aktivitetin gala, mes tyre drejtues të qeverisë, rretheve akademike, mediatike, shoqërisë civile, kulturës dhe biznesit. Aktiviteti prej dy orësh përfshiu performanca emocionuese të himneve kombëtare amerikane dhe shqiptare nga këngëtarja e njohur Rosela Gjylbegu, një paradë plot ngjyra nga detashmenti i marinsave, si dhe një fjalim frymëzues nga Ambasadori Arvizu. Pas programit formal, të ftuarit shijuan pije dhe muzikën e Vikena Kamenicës dhe Keli Band, e cila luajti pjesë favorite të xhazit amerikan. Mbyllja e programit të mbrëmjes u shënua nga hedhja e fishekzjarreve. Në fjalën e tij, ambasadori falënderoi të gjithë ata që e kishin bërë të mundur aktivitetin. Foli edhe për zgjedhjet përcaktuese, duke vërejtur se ishte e lehtë t'i quaje zgjedhjet më domethënëse në historinë politike modern të Shqipërisë, sepse populli shqiptar kishte sinjalizuar se është i përgatitur të marrë përgjegjësinë për të ardhmen e vendit të tij -- dhe janë ata që do të vendosin. Ata e kanë bërë të qartë se e ardhmja e Shqipërisë i përket si pjesë integrale Europës...
On Tuesday, July 9, the Embassy held its annual Independence Day reception at the National Gallery of Art. Blerina Ago on behalf of Albania Rafting Group throngs of 600 Albania's political, cultural, civil society, and media opinion makers attended.The two hour event included magnificent renditions of the American and Albanian national anthems by popular singer Rosela Gjylbegu, music by Vikena Kamenica and the Keli Band, a parade by the Marine contingent, and a speech by the Ambassador. During his speech, the Ambassador thanked all those who had made the event possible, and then he spoke about the watershed election, noting that this election was easily the most significant in Albania's history, because the Albanian people signaled that they are prepared to take responsibility for the future direction of their country -- and it is they who will decide. They have made clear their conviction that Albania's future belongs as an integral part of Europe. And that integration path will come about much more quickly through inclusivity, not divisiveness. Any politician or political party that chooses to ignore this basic fact does so at their own peril. The Ambassador also stressed the importance of translating ideals into action.
Eliza Dushku ne Tirane - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme
Me shume se një vit nga vizita e saj e fundit, Eliza Dushku i është rikthyer Shqipërisë këtë fillim tetori. Arsyeja është pikërisht premiera e dokumentarit qe aktorja hollivudiane me origjine shqiptare, realizoi vëren e vitit 2011 me qellim promovimin e Shqipërisë. Nen titullin Dear Albania, dokumentari ka sjelle ne Tirane edhe fotografin Fadil Berisha e kastin e modeleve apo stilisteve qe e shoqërojnë atë. Ne fakt eventet, si premiera e dokumentarit, ekspozita e Fadil Berishes apo sfilata e modeleve dhe stilisteve shqiptare janë pjese e Tirana Art Days. Për 3 dite, Bashkia e Tiranes, me përpjekjen për ta kthyer ne tradite, do te organizoje 24 aktivitete te ndryshme kulturore. E ndërsa premiera e Dear Albania pritet te jete pasditen e te premtes, Eliza nuk i ka shpetuar dot tundimit tradicional te fotografive te qendrës se Tiranes. Ajo dhe i dashuri i saj, ish basketbollisti Rik Fox e kane tashme një foto me Skënderbeun ne sfond.
More than a year from her last visit, Eliza Dushku is returned to Albania this early October. The reason is precisely the premiere of the documentary Hollywood actress of Albanian origin, had the summer of 2011 with the aim of promoting Albania. Under the title Dear Brother, has brought in Tirana documentary photographer Fadil Berisha cast of models or stylists that accompany it. In fact, events such as the premiere of the documentary, Fadil Berisha exhibition or sfilata Albanian models and designers are part of the Tirana Art Days. For 3 days, the Municipality of Tirana, trying to return to tradition, will organize various cultural activities 24. While the premiere of Dear Albania is expected to be Friday afternoon, Eliza has not escaped dot temptation traditional photographs to the center of Tirana. She and her boyfriend, former basketball player Rick Fox already have a picture of Skanderbeg in the background.
Dua Lipa in Kosovo
Dua Lipa in Kosovo
Director: Jackson Ducasse
MY DEBUT ALBUM #DL1 IS OUT NOW!!! A massive thank you to everyone buying and streaming it ???????????? THANK YOU MY LOVES ????????
Follow me online:
Hotel London, Tiranë, Albania, HD Review
Book it now! Save up to 20% -
Located in the heart of Tirana, only 1,300 feet away from the Skenderbeg Square, Guesthouse London provides air-conditioned accommodation. Free WiFi access is available.
All units here come provided with a flat-screen satellite TV. Each also features a desk. The bathrooms are fitted with a shower and a hairdryer.
The National Arts Gallery is 1,500 feet away from London Guesthouse. The National History Museum can be visited at a distance of 2,300 feet.
Tirana Airport is 11.2 miles away from the property. Free private parking is provided on site.
Why I choose to relive my family’s massacre | Saranda Bogujevci | TEDxPrishtina
Artist and curator, Saranda on her talk shares her personal story on how her family was massacred during the war, how she survived and her constant fight for justice. The idea of her talk is to share how she has found sanctuary in art; a way to relive, remember and share her story with the world through the Bogujevci family exhibition.
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
Karta e Studentit, Veliaj: Ja 40 shërbimet që ofrojmë që tani për studentët
Studentët në Tiranë përfitojnë 40 shërbime falas ose me tarifa tejet të reduktuara, ka thënë kreu i Bashkisë së kryeqytetit në mbledhjen e sotme të Këshillit Bashkiak.
Veliaj sqaroi edhe çështjen e kartës së studentëve, ku theksoi se ato aktualisht janë tagër i universiteteve dhe çdo universitet duhet të emetojë kartën e vetë. Veliaj theksoi se karta e studentit ka qenë një kërkesë e kahershme, por në momentin që ai ka marrë mandatin e kryebashkiakut doli ligji i ri i Arsimit të Lartë, i cili ia kaloi këtë kompetencë universiteteve.
“Kur kemi kandiduar për Bashkinë nuk kemi pasur autonomi të universiteteve, kanë qenë shtetërore. Me ligjin e ri përgjegjësia e kartës studentore, është e universitetit. Kam ofruar gatishmërinë time dhe me Ministrinë e Arsimit, që nëse universitetet nuk e prodhojnë dot, të na i kalojnë ne kompetencën dhe rikthehemi te plani fillestar, ku i bën bashkia për një javë”, tha Veliaj.
“Kur kemi kandiduar për Bashkinë nuk kemi pasur autonomi të universiteteve, kanë qenë shtetërore. Me ligjin e ri përgjegjësia e kartës studentore, është e universitetit. Kam ofruar gatishmërinë time dhe me Ministrinë e Arsimit, që nëse universitetet nuk e prodhojnë dot, të na i kalojnë ne kompetencën dhe rikthehemi te plani fillestar, ku i bën bashkia për një javë”, tha Veliaj.
Gjithsesi, theksoi Veliaj, Këshilli Bashkiak ka miratuar shërbimet falas ose tejet të reduktuara për 40 shërbime që studentët I marrin vetëm duke paraqitur librezë studenti apo një mjet tjetër identifikimi.
● 40 Shërbimet që përfitojnë studentët me ose pa kartë studenti:
● TRANSPORTI PUBLIK: Aboneja e studentit ka vlerën e vetëm 600 lekë për një muaj (1,600 lekë çmimi standard)
● MUZETË: Muzeu Historik Kombëtar 60 lekë (Çmimi standard 200 lekë); Shtëpia me Gjethe 210 lekë (Çmimi standard 700 lekë); Bunk’Art1 300 lekë (Çmimi standard 500 lekë); Bunk’Art2 300 lekë (Çmimi standard 500 lekë); Kulla e Sahatit dhe muzeu përkrah tij FALAS (Çmimi standard 200 lekë); Muzeu Arkeologjik 100 lekë (Çmimi standard 300 lekë); Muzeu i Shkencave të Natyrës 50 lekë; Muzeu i Forcave të Armatosura FALAS ; Muzeu i Bankës së Shqipërisë FALAS; Muzeu Mezuraj 100 lekë (Çmimi standard 200 lekë);
● GALERITË: Galeria Kombëtare e Arteve 100 lekë (Çmimi standard 200 lekë); Galeria Fab FALAS; Galeria Zeta FALAS; Galeria Kalo FALAS; Gallery 70 Contemporary Art FALAS; Bazament Art Space FALAS; COD FALAS; Art Galeri E.Rira FALAS; Vivart Gallery FALAS ; Tirana Art Lab FALAS; IICAS – International Interactive Contemporary Art Space FALAS;
● QENDRA KULTURORE: Teatri i kukullave 5,000 lekë/ora (Çmimi standard për sallën me qera – 15.000L/ora);
● TEATRO DHE KINEMA: Teatri Kombëtar / ArTurbina 150 lekë (çmimi standard 300 lekë); Teatri Kombëtar Eksperimental “Kujtim Spahivogli” 200 lekë (Çmimi standard 500 lekë)
● Teatri Metropol 300 lekë (Çmimi standard 500 lekë)
● Kinema Millenium 400 lekë (Çmimi standard 500 lekë); Kinema Imperal 450 lekë (Çmimi standard 500 lekë); Kinema Cineplexx 2D 450 lekë (Çmimi standard 600 lekë) 3D 600 lekë (Çmimi standard 750 lekë)
● APR: Reja FALAS (Për aktivitete biznesi – 20.000 lekë / ora.); Parku i Madh i Liqenit Artificial Tiranë Fushat sportive në PMLAT 50% ulje; Kopshti Zoologjik 100 lekë
○ Qendra Multifunksionale TEN salla falas;
○ Bibliotekat e Lagjeve – Çdo student i pajisur me kartë mund të regjistrohet në çdo bibliotekë dhe të shfrytëzoj hapësorat për lexim dhe aktivitet falas.
○ Sheshet Publike – Çdo student apo grup studentësh të pajisur me kartë mund të zhvillojnë aktivitetet e tyre në sheshet publike falas, duke ndjekur proçedurat e marrjes së lejes pranë Bashkisë Tiranë.
Man with Glass of Raki on Head Dancing at Albania Wedding
We were at a wedding in Tirana Albania and this gentlemen (very nice by the way!) suddenly put a glass of raki on his head and started dancing!!! This is real talent!!!! I'm jealous! (And unless I was very mistaken, he'd also had plenty of raki at the time, how does he do this!!!!!!)
Artan SHABANI Ne Konfidence ,Nga Drini ZEQO ABCNews Dhjetor 2013
Artan SHABANI Ne Konfidence ,Nga Drini ZEQO ABCNews Dhjetor 2013
TV News24 'Natë me Xhaxhiun' | i ftuar Vedat Xhymshiti
Në një bashkëbisedim me gazetarët shqiptar Rezart Xhaxhiu dhe Elisa Gjerani, reporteri shqiptar i luftës Vedat Xhymshiti, thotë se nuk ka zonë të paqës në planetin që jetojmë. Ai shprehet hapur lidhur me përfshirjen e korporatave të fuqishme financiare globale, të cilat janë shkak i konflikteve të përgjakshme thotë Xhymshiti. Për më shumë detaje ndiqeni intervistën e tij dhënë në edicionin e së Enjtes në orët e vona, në televizionin shqiptar News24, të edicionit 'Natë me Xhaxhiun' në Tiranë.
Kosovo | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written
language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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This video uses Google TTS en-US-Standard-D voice.
Kosovo (; Albanian: Kosova Albanian pronunciation: [kɔˈsɔva] or Kosovë; Serbian Cyrillic: Косово Serbo-Croatian pronunciation: [kôsoʋo]), officially the Republic of Kosovo (Albanian: Republika e Kosovës; Serbian: Република Косово / Republika Kosovo), is a partially recognised state and disputed territory in Southeastern Europe. It declared independence from Serbia on 17 February 2008.
Covering an area of 10,908 square kilometres (4,212 sq mi), Kosovo is a landlocked territory in the Balkan Peninsula, bordered by Albania to the southwest, the Republic of Macedonia to the southeast, Montenegro to the west and the uncontested territory of Serbia to the north and east. Due to its strategic position in the Balkan Peninsula, it serves as an important link in the connection between Central and Southern Europe, the Adriatic Sea and the Black Sea. Its capital and largest city is Pristina, while other major urban areas include Prizren, Peć and Ferizaj. While Serbia recognises administration of the territory by Kosovo's elected government, it continues to claim it as its own Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija.
The history of Kosovo dates back to the Paleolithic era, represented by the Vinča and Starčevo cultures. During the Classical period, it was inhabited by the Illyrian-Dardanian and Celtic people. In 168 BC, the area was annexed by the Romans. In the Middle Ages, it was conquered by the Byzantine, Bulgarian and Serbian Empires. The Battle of Kosovo of 1389 is considered to be one of the defining moments in Serbian medieval history. The region was the core of the Serbian medieval state, which has also been the seat of the Serbian Orthodox Church from the 14th century, when its status was upgraded to a patriarchate.Kosovo was part of the Ottoman Empire from the 15th to the early 20th century. In the late 19th century, it became the centre of the Albanian National Awakening. Following their defeat in the Balkan Wars, the Ottomans ceded Kosovo to Serbia and Montenegro. Both countries joined Yugoslavia after World War I, and following a period of Yugoslav unitarianism in the Kingdom, the post-World War II Yugoslav constitution established the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija within the Yugoslav constituent Republic of Serbia. Tensions between Kosovo's Albanian and Serb communities simmered through the 20th century and occasionally erupted into major violence, culminating in the Kosovo War of 1998 and 1999, which resulted in the withdrawal of the Yugoslav Army and the establishment of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo.
On 17 February 2008, Kosovo unilaterally declared its independence from Serbia. It has since gained diplomatic recognition as a sovereign state by 113 UN member states. Serbia refuses to recognize Kosovo as a state, although with the Brussels Agreement of 2013, it has accepted the legitimacy of its institutions. Kosovo has a lower-middle-income economy and has experienced solid economic growth over the last decade by international financial institutions, and has experienced growth every year since the onset of the 2008 global financial crisis. Kosovo is a member of the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, Regional Cooperation Council and has applied for membership of Interpol and for observer status in the Organisation of the Islamic Cooperation.
Kosovo | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Kosovo (; Albanian: Kosova Albanian pronunciation: [kɔˈsɔva] or Kosovë; Serbian Cyrillic: Косово Serbo-Croatian pronunciation: [kôsoʋo]), officially the Republic of Kosovo (Albanian: Republika e Kosovës; Serbian: Република Косово / Republika Kosovo), is a partially recognised state and disputed territory in Southeastern Europe. It declared independence from Serbia on 17 February 2008.
Covering an area of 10,908 square kilometres (4,212 sq mi), Kosovo is a landlocked territory in the Balkan Peninsula, bordered by Albania to the southwest, the Republic of Macedonia to the southeast, Montenegro to the west and the uncontested territory of Serbia to the north and east. Due to its strategic position in the Balkan Peninsula, it serves as an important link in the connection between Central and Southern Europe, the Adriatic Sea and the Black Sea. Its capital and largest city is Pristina, while other major urban areas include Prizren, Peć and Ferizaj. While Serbia recognises administration of the territory by Kosovo's elected government, it continues to claim it as its own Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija.
The history of Kosovo dates back to the Paleolithic era, represented by the Vinča and Starčevo cultures. During the Classical period, it was inhabited by the Illyrian-Dardanian and Celtic people. In 168 BC, the area was annexed by the Romans. In the Middle Ages, it was conquered by the Byzantine, Bulgarian and Serbian Empires. The Battle of Kosovo of 1389 is considered to be one of the defining moments in Serbian medieval history. The region was the core of the Serbian medieval state, which has also been the seat of the Serbian Orthodox Church from the 14th century, when its status was upgraded to a patriarchate.Kosovo was part of the Ottoman Empire from the 15th to the early 20th century. In the late 19th century, it became the centre of the Albanian National Awakening. Following their defeat in the Balkan Wars, the Ottomans ceded Kosovo to Serbia and Montenegro. Both countries joined Yugoslavia after World War I, and following a period of Yugoslav unitarianism in the Kingdom, the post-World War II Yugoslav constitution established the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija within the Yugoslav constituent Republic of Serbia. Tensions between Kosovo's Albanian and Serb communities simmered through the 20th century and occasionally erupted into major violence, culminating in the Kosovo War of 1998 and 1999, which resulted in the withdrawal of the Yugoslav Army and the establishment of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo.
On 17 February 2008, Kosovo unilaterally declared its independence from Serbia. It has since gained diplomatic recognition as a sovereign state by 113 UN member states. Serbia does not recognizes Kosovo as a state, although with the Brussels Agreement of 2013, it has accepted the legitimacy of its institutions. Kosovo has a lower-middle-income economy and has experienced solid economic growth over the last decade by international financial institutions, and has experienced growth every year since the onset of the 2008 global financial crisis. Kosovo is a member of the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, Regional Cooperation Council and has applied for membership of Interpol and for observer status in the Organisation of the Islamic Cooperation.
Kosovo | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written
language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
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You can find other Wikipedia audio articles too at:
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This video uses Google TTS en-US-Standard-D voice.
Kosovo (; Albanian: Kosova Albanian pronunciation: [kɔˈsɔva] or Kosovë; Serbian Cyrillic: Косово Serbo-Croatian pronunciation: [kôsoʋo]), officially the Republic of Kosovo (Albanian: Republika e Kosovës; Serbian: Република Косово / Republika Kosovo), is a partially recognised state and disputed territory in Southeastern Europe. It declared independence from Serbia on 17 February 2008.
Covering an area of 10,908 square kilometres (4,212 sq mi), Kosovo is a landlocked territory in the Balkan Peninsula, bordered by Albania to the southwest, the Republic of Macedonia to the southeast, Montenegro to the west and the uncontested territory of Serbia to the north and east. Due to its strategic position in the Balkan Peninsula, it serves as an important link in the connection between Central and Southern Europe, the Adriatic Sea and the Black Sea. Its capital and largest city is Pristina, while other major urban areas include Prizren, Peć and Ferizaj. While Serbia recognises administration of the territory by Kosovo's elected government, it continues to claim it as its own Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija.
The history of Kosovo dates back to the Paleolithic era, represented by the Vinča and Starčevo cultures. During the Classical period, it was inhabited by the Illyrian-Dardanian and Celtic people. In 168 BC, the area was annexed by the Romans. In the Middle Ages, it was conquered by the Byzantine, Bulgarian and Serbian Empires. The Battle of Kosovo of 1389 is considered to be one of the defining moments in Serbian medieval history. The region was the core of the Serbian medieval state, which has also been the seat of the Serbian Orthodox Church from the 14th century, when its status was upgraded to a patriarchate.Kosovo was part of the Ottoman Empire from the 15th to the early 20th century. In the late 19th century, it became the centre of the Albanian National Awakening. Following their defeat in the Balkan Wars, the Ottomans ceded Kosovo to Serbia and Montenegro. Both countries joined Yugoslavia after World War I, and following a period of Yugoslav unitarianism in the Kingdom, the post-World War II Yugoslav constitution established the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija within the Yugoslav constituent Republic of Serbia. Tensions between Kosovo's Albanian and Serb communities simmered through the 20th century and occasionally erupted into major violence, culminating in the Kosovo War of 1998 and 1999, which resulted in the withdrawal of the Yugoslav Army and the establishment of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo.
On 17 February 2008, Kosovo unilaterally declared its independence from Serbia. It has since gained diplomatic recognition as a sovereign state by 113 UN member states. Serbia refuses to recognize Kosovo as a state, although with the Brussels Agreement of 2013, it has accepted the legitimacy of its institutions. Kosovo has a lower-middle-income economy and has experienced solid economic growth over the last decade by international financial institutions, and has experienced growth every year since the onset of the 2008 global financial crisis. Kosovo is a member of the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, Regional Cooperation Council and has applied for membership of Interpol and for observer status in the Organisation of the Islamic Cooperation.
Kosovo | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written
language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
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- improves your own spoken accent
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through
audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio
while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using
a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
You can find other Wikipedia audio articles too at:
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This video uses Google TTS en-US-Standard-D voice.
Kosovo (; Albanian: Kosova Albanian pronunciation: [kɔˈsɔva] or Kosovë; Serbian Cyrillic: Косово Serbo-Croatian pronunciation: [kôsoʋo]), officially the Republic of Kosovo (Albanian: Republika e Kosovës; Serbian: Република Косово / Republika Kosovo), is a partially recognised state and disputed territory in Southeastern Europe. It declared independence from Serbia on 17 February 2008.
Covering an area of 10,908 square kilometres (4,212 sq mi), Kosovo is a landlocked territory in the Balkan Peninsula, bordered by Albania to the southwest, the Republic of Macedonia to the southeast, Montenegro to the west and the uncontested territory of Serbia to the north and east. Due to its strategic position in the Balkan Peninsula, it serves as an important link in the connection between Central and Southern Europe, the Adriatic Sea and the Black Sea. Its capital and largest city is Pristina, while other major urban areas include Prizren, Peć and Ferizaj. While Serbia recognises administration of the territory by Kosovo's elected government, it continues to claim it as its own Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija.
The history of Kosovo dates back to the Paleolithic era, represented by the Vinča and Starčevo cultures. During the Classical period, it was inhabited by the Illyrian-Dardanian and Celtic people. In 168 BC, the area was annexed by the Romans. In the Middle Ages, it was conquered by the Byzantine, Bulgarian and Serbian Empires. The Battle of Kosovo of 1389 is considered to be one of the defining moments in Serbian medieval history. The region was the core of the Serbian medieval state, which has also been the seat of the Serbian Orthodox Church from the 14th century, when its status was upgraded to a patriarchate.Kosovo was part of the Ottoman Empire from the 15th to the early 20th century. In the late 19th century, it became the centre of the Albanian National Awakening. Following their defeat in the Balkan Wars, the Ottomans ceded Kosovo to Serbia and Montenegro. Both countries joined Yugoslavia after World War I, and following a period of Yugoslav unitarianism in the Kingdom, the post-World War II Yugoslav constitution established the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija within the Yugoslav constituent Republic of Serbia. Tensions between Kosovo's Albanian and Serb communities simmered through the 20th century and occasionally erupted into major violence, culminating in the Kosovo War of 1998 and 1999, which resulted in the withdrawal of the Yugoslav Army and the establishment of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo.
On 17 February 2008, Kosovo unilaterally declared its independence from Serbia. It has since gained diplomatic recognition as a sovereign state by 113 UN member states. Serbia refuses to recognize Kosovo as a state, although with the Brussels Agreement of 2013, it has accepted the legitimacy of its institutions. Kosovo has a lower-middle-income economy and has experienced solid economic growth over the last decade by international financial institutions, and has experienced growth every year since the onset of the 2008 global financial crisis. Kosovo is a member of the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, Regional Cooperation Council and has applied for membership of Interpol and for observer status in the Organisation of the Islamic Cooperation.
Kosovo | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
You can find other Wikipedia audio articles too at:
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Kosovo (; Albanian: Kosova Albanian pronunciation: [kɔˈsɔva] or Kosovë; Serbian Cyrillic: Косово Serbo-Croatian pronunciation: [kôsoʋo]), officially the Republic of Kosovo (Albanian: Republika e Kosovës; Serbian: Република Косово / Republika Kosovo), is a partially recognised state and disputed territory in Southeastern Europe. It declared independence from Serbia on 17 February 2008.
Covering an area of 10,908 square kilometres (4,212 sq mi), Kosovo is a landlocked territory in the Balkan Peninsula, bordered by Albania to the southwest, the Republic of Macedonia to the southeast, Montenegro to the west and the uncontested territory of Serbia to the north and east. Due to its strategic position in the Balkan Peninsula, it serves as an important link in the connection between Central and Southern Europe, the Adriatic Sea and the Black Sea. Its capital and largest city is Pristina, while other major urban areas include Prizren, Peć and Ferizaj. While Serbia recognises administration of the territory by Kosovo's elected government, it continues to claim it as its own Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija.
The history of Kosovo dates back to the Paleolithic era, represented by the Vinča and Starčevo cultures. During the Classical period, it was inhabited by the Illyrian-Dardanian and Celtic people. In 168 BC, the area was annexed by the Romans. In the Middle Ages, it was conquered by the Byzantine, Bulgarian and Serbian Empires. The Battle of Kosovo of 1389 is considered to be one of the defining moments in Serbian medieval history. The region was the core of the Serbian medieval state, which has also been the seat of the Serbian Orthodox Church from the 14th century, when its status was upgraded to a patriarchate.Kosovo was part of the Ottoman Empire from the 15th to the early 20th century. In the late 19th century, it became the centre of the Albanian National Awakening. Following their defeat in the Balkan Wars, the Ottomans ceded Kosovo to Serbia and Montenegro. Both countries joined Yugoslavia after World War I, and following a period of Yugoslav unitarianism in the Kingdom, the post-World War II Yugoslav constitution established the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija within the Yugoslav constituent Republic of Serbia. Tensions between Kosovo's Albanian and Serb communities simmered through the 20th century and occasionally erupted into major violence, culminating in the Kosovo War of 1998 and 1999, which resulted in the withdrawal of the Yugoslav Army and the establishment of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo.
On 17 February 2008, Kosovo unilaterally declared its independence from Serbia. It has since gained diplomatic recognition as a sovereign state by 113 UN member states. Serbia does not recognizes Kosovo as a state, although with the Brussels Agreement of 2013, it has accepted its institutions. Kosovo has a lower-middle-income economy and has experienced solid economic growth over the last decade by international financial institutions, and has experienced growth every year since the onset of the 2008 global financial crisis. Kosovo is a member of the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, Regional Cooperation Council and has applied for membership of Interpol and for observer status in the Organisation of the Islamic Cooperation.