Istres Etang de l'Olivier 7 04
Présentation parcours touristique Istres
Film de présentation du parcours touristique de la ville d'Istres. Tout au long de ce parcours vous pourrez accéder à différentes vidéos directement depuis votre téléphone portable via NFC / QR code.
Un été à Istres
Vivez votre été à Istres
Buren cirque-Istres 2013
Daniel Buren
Buren cirque, Istres, octobre 2013. Vidéo: Annick Boisnard.
Sanary et Vercors ( France )
A Sanary- sur- Mer , il y a un beau jardin botanique qui se trouve non loin de la mer Méditerranée où les plantes exotiques aiment bien la fote chaleur de l'Eté . Mais , dans la Drôme , les fleurs poussent partout sur les montagnes . C'est un lieu idéal pour se rendonner .
How did triangles shrink France?
Click here for a free trial of the Great Courses Plus:
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Jay Foreman and Mark Cooper-Jones are MAP MEN.
Written and presented by
JAY FOREMAN @jayforeman
MARK COOPER-JONES @markcooperjones
Edited by
JAY FOREMAN @jayforeman
INDIA RAKUSEN @indiarakusen
French accordion music
Hair whitening VFX
Props and Costume
JADE NAGI @jade_nagi
National Footprint Database coding
Studio and green screen provided by
Thanks to BEX TRISTA @tristabytes
By the way, if you're still reading this, here is a paragraph that we've been told to say by our sponsors. It goes like this:
The Great Courses Plus is currently available to watch through a web browser to almost anyone in the world and optimized for the US, UK and Australian market. The Great Courses Plus is currently working to both optimize the product globally and accept credit card payments globally.
Hope you enjoyed that paragraph. Thanks a lot. Bye!
The Far Right French Revolution - The 6 February Crisis | BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1934 Part 4 of 4
In February 1934, France threatens to go down the same political rabbit hole as Germany: anti-Semitic Fascism, but the French extremists are not quite as well organized as the Nazis.
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Hosted by: Indy Neidell
Written by: Francis van Berkel & Spartacus Olsson
Directed by: Spartacus Olsson and Astrid Deinhard
Executive Producers: Bodo Rittenauer, Astrid Deinhard, Indy Neidell, Spartacus Olsson
Creative Producer: Joram Appel
Post-Production Director: Wieke Kapteijns
Research by: Francis van Berkel
Edited by: Daniel Weiss
Sound design: Marek Kamiński
Colorizations: Klimbim/Olga Shirnina:
Daniel Weiss, Oleg M, Dememorabilia, Julius Jääskeläinen, Adrien Fillon.
A TimeGhost chronological documentary produced by OnLion Entertainment GmbH.
Vue aérienne de salon-de-provence
Les ailes de la liberté
Depuis quelques années, Jacques Olivier, ancien journaliste, s'est reconverti dans le dressage des magnifiques aigles pygargues, symboles de l'Amérique.
Cet homme récupère des aigles pêcheurs qui n'ont connu que la cage d'un zoo ou de la maison d'un particulier. Nés en captivité, ils n'ont jamais appris à voler.
Avec douceur et finesse, Jacques leur fait découvrir l'usage de leurs ailes et les accompagne en vol à bord de son parapente.
Véritable complicité humaine et animale tournée vers un même absolu : la liberté.
Une fois les aigles affranchis, Jacques les accompagne jusqu'au sommet du Mont Blanc.
Gestion de la faune sur un aéroport - Wildlife Management at Airports
Here is some image of our work as wildlife manager at airports using falconry as a tool.
Voici quelques images de notre travail de gestion de la faune dans un aéroport en utilisant la fauconnerie comme outil.
Raymond, faucon sacre de fauconnerie à l'entrainement, hiver 2015
Les Effaroucheurs du Ciel vous présentent le grand Raymond! à l'entrainement cet hiver 2015.
Raumond est dure à suivre à la caméra, il va vite loin et revient aussi vite! Du coup parfois il sort du champ, je m'en excuse.
Retrouvez le grand Raymond! sur le site des Effaroucheurs du Ciel. .
8 femmes acrobates chutent de 12 mètres de haut dans un cirque Public averti
Dimanche 4 mai 2014 à Providence, au nord-est des États-Unis, un grave accident est survenu au cours de la représentation d'un cirque. Une plateforme s'est affaissée pendant un numéro de suspension par les cheveux , blessant sérieusement huit femmes acrobates ainsi qu'un danseur se trouvant sur la scène. Selon le commissaire à la sécurité publique de la ville, Steven Pare, des responsables et des inspecteurs n'ont pas encore déterminé la cause de l'événement. On ne craindrait pas pour la vie des artistes.
Fête des couleurs à Salon de Provence septembre 2015
Voici les images du défilé de La fête des couleurs
départ du Kiosque à musique jusqu'au Château de l'Empéri. Retrouvez-nous sur notre site : et sur Facebook :
TIMEK - Bar Bar - L'usine Istres - ELECTRO CIRQUE
TIMEK en première partie de CARAVAN PALACE le 27MARS2012 a l'usine à Istres.
page fan TIMEK:
page fan SPIKY The Machinist:
Diaporama Spectacle de Danse AIL de Fuveau 2015
Circus 2012
Lions and Tigers
THE TRUTH ABOUT FRENCH PEOPLE (French Stereotypes, Culture and Assumptions about French People)
Reacting to your assumptions about French People, French Stereotypes and French culture! There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about France which is why I asked for your ASSUMPTIONS about French people and French culture! I respond to your French stereotypes, questions about what are French people like, French Mindset, French behaviour and tackle some of the major topics making up that French reputation!
INCOME TAX FRANCE - THE FRENCH PAYSLIP | French Tax Rates and Social Charges:
Do French People Speak English? Why the level of English in France is lower than other EU countries:
DO FRENCH PEOPLE CHEAT MORE? Infidelity, Mistresses & Adultery in France:
YOUR OPINIONS ABOUT FRENCH PEOPLE (I react to your assumptions about French People):
French Stereotypes: Your ASSUMPTIONS about French People, Culture and Attitude:
Disclaimer that there is no stereotypical Frenchman or typical French person…I’m just talking about the French people characteristics that I observed during my time there (in Paris).
If you enjoy learning about French Culture, Lesser Known French Stereotypes, France Culture Shocks and more, I highly recommend you check out my latest video on the topic:
10 SURPRISES ABOUT LIFE IN FRANCE (Funny Things You Notice in France):
???????? French Culture shocks // France seen by expats ????????
#frenchpeople #frecnhstereotypes #frenchculture
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25€ AirBnB travel credit:
* Best books to learn French:
* Favourite reads on French life/culture:
* Youtube gear (camera set up, drone...):
* Travel essentials:
You can join me, Rosie, for even more adventures on Not Even French! If you are interested in French culture, life in Paris, or tales from a New Zealander (kiwi) living a long way from home, please ❤SUBSCRIBE❤ for new videos released each WEDNESDAY! ✌✌
french people, french culture, french stereotypes, what are french people like, french people characteristics, myths about france, typical french person, french mindset, french reputation, french behavior, france misconceptions, lesser known french stereotypes, opinions about french people, france culture shock, france culture shocks, life in france as student, expat paris, parisian attitude, what are french people really like
Brousse Criminal @ Le Zoo / Usine - 1er avril 2011
Soirée Brousse Criminal au Zoo (Usine) le 1er avril 2011.
DJ's :
Mosca (Dancehall, Hiphop, House)
Tête de Tigre (Tropisch, Zouk/ BE)
Jay Weed ((Electronica/ FR)
NguzuNguzu (Club, House, Visual Kei/ US)
Matériel :
- Canon EOS 600D
- Canon 35mm F2
- Canon 85mm F1.8 USM
- Canon 17-40mm L F4 USM
Logiciel : Adobe Premiere Element
Musique : Richard Savani - Whiteball [Richard Savani Remix] (Creative Commons)
Crée par Gabriel Asper
THINGS I DON'T MISS ABOUT FRANCE (Reflections on Life in France vs. Life in New Zealand)
The honest truth about things I don't miss about living in France! Join me as I reflect about life in France vs. life in New Zealand and if I miss Paris as a city. Hopefully this gives you some insights as to what life in Paris France is really like!
If you are living in Paris, moving to Paris, or just plain interested in life in Paris, this will probably give you some key insights! In a way, I'm simultaneously discussing living in New Zealand pros and cons, as well as the pros and cons of living in Paris. There are some things I would kill to have back again, enjoying life in Paris as an expat with all those PASTRIES, but there's also some of that Paris negativity that I'm happy to no longer deal with!
If you have any questions about what is life really like in France, life in new Zealand, French lifestyle and culture or anything else, please don't hesitate to let me know down below!
If you are interested in this topic, check out this video:
❤️ Subscribe to the tribe:
????See my daily life on Instagram:
????SHOP at Francophile Designs:
#lifeinfrance #lifeinnewzealand #lifeinparis
???? VIDEO NOTES ????
25€ AirBnB travel credit:
* Best books to learn French:
* Favourite reads on French life/culture:
* Youtube gear (camera set up, drone...):
* Travel essentials:
You can join me, Rosie, for even more adventures on Not Even French! If you are interested in French culture, life in Paris, or tales from a New Zealander (kiwi) living a long way from home, please ❤SUBSCRIBE❤ for new videos released each WEDNESDAY! ✌✌