Arut River - Pangkalan Bun (HD 1080p)
15 Seconds Timelapse of Arut River, Pangkalan Bun, Indonesia.
Shot on Tuesday 30 September 2014 at Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia.
Music: Traditional Sape Music Instrument of Dayak Tribe.
Arut River, Pangkalan Bun
Arut River is the artery of Pangkalan Bun. It forms local water traffic corridors in the city for its inhabitants. Alongside the river, visitor can see the traditional wooden houses from the first settlements of Malay, Javanese and Chinese descendants.
Still on Antasari, particularly in the morning, the public markets are always attractive spots to visit where you meet locals and many interesting products, such as various river fishes, fruits in season (durian, mangosteen etc), vegetables such as rattan shoots and many more. In the evening it turns into a long night market for eating out.
Exploring Pangkalanbun - Borneo, Indonesia
A walk through the river market of Pangkalanbun Borneo Indonesia.
I was here on a short stay after seeing the Orangutans. I didn't expect much, but when walking through the city the amount of kindness and laughter from the people was amazing.
This was shot on the Arut River and apparently a river market. It is easily accessible through the small trails and roads off one of the main roads in the city near the temple. I wasn't sure what to expect, but the people were so welcoming to me that I was a little taken back.
This is why we travel.
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Pangkalanbun, Borneo Indonesia
Music: Amoeba
Wonderful Indonesia. Doprava v Pangkalan Bun - traffic on the river
Hektická lodní doprava.Život obyvatel na řece. Domy na kůlech.
Pangkalan Bun město na jihu ostrova Borneo - Kalimantan Indonésie.
Seputar Pangkalan Bun (Kota Manis) - Kalimantan tengah, Indonesia
Pangkalan Bun or Pangkalanbuun is a town (population: around 200,000) in Central Kalimantan (Kalimantan Tengah) province on Borneo in Indonesia. It is the administrative headquarters of South Arut (Arut Selatan) district (kecamatan) and also the capital of West Kotawaringin Regency in the southwest part of central Kalimantan.
Pangkalan Bun is served by Iskandar airport. Multiple airlines fly into Iskandar airport. Shipping services provide connections to Jakarta, Surabaya, and Semarang.[2]
Birutė Galdikas established her base, Camp Leakey, for the study and conservation of orangutans about 30 miles (48 km) from Pangkalan Bun up the Sekonyer River. The site has expanded from the original hut in 1971. Its facilities, supported by the Orangutan Foundation International, are a part of the Tanjung Puting National Park.
Pangkalan Bun is 24 metres (79 ft) above sea-level.
There no real dry season in Pangkalan Bun, but between June through October, the town receives less than 200 millimetres (7.9 in) of precipitation per month (in contrast to the other months which receive at least 250 millimetres (9.8 in) per month).
Kalimantan 1: Pangkalan Bun and Kumai
We arrive at PKN, and ride to the docks of Kumai to board a kelotok. The boat crew of captain, his assistant, the assistant's wife who is also the chef, and a 'local guide' take us up the Kumai river into the highlands of Borneo, where the last remaining wild population of orangutans might be found.
Tanjung_Puting_National Park - Kalimantan_Tengah
Tanjung Puting National Park, Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia
Adalah salah satu wisata alam yang menyuguhkan keindahan alam borneo yang sedap di pandang, sekaligus tempat dilestarikannya orang utan yang dilindungi habitatnya.
video ini tentang keseruan keluarga saya saat di hari minggu mengisi waktu luang mancing di sungai arut PAngkalan Bun
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Sungai Arut dengan Senyuman
ini adalah video singkat, dibuat secara spontan :D
Tempat : Sungai Arut, Pangkalan Bun, Kotawaringin Barat, Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia.
Arut River - Indonesia Heritage n' Culture | #WOW awesome :3
Arut River located on Pangkalan Bun, Central Borneo, Indonesia.
Small river that hide thousand secrets.
Join and feel Your Self.
Administrative regions traversed by Arut River in West Kotawaringin area of 5,085 km2, each spacious District of North Arut 2,400 km2 and 2,685 km2 District of South Arut. Both districts have the producer of freshwater fish originating from capture fisheries and aquaculture in public waters.
Arut River classified as type parenial river is a river running water, which has a year-round flow. Arut River has a length of 250 km, with an average depth of 4.0 meters and an average width of 100 meters. Long Arut River that can be used for shipping lanes along the 190 Km. The area surrounding the watershed Arut easy stagnant, swampy, and is an area of sediment and organic nature and sour. Kelerangan around Arut River ranges from 0-2%, ie an area of 113,593.76 hectares in the District of South Arut and gradients of 2-15% area of 292,410.98 hectares in District Arut Utara.Air S. Arut sourced from a spring located in the Village archery north, bordering the District of north Arut. From the observation of 2014 it is known that people use river water for sanitation activities (bathing, washing, toilet) and for consumption (drinking and cooking). In addition, S. Arut waters used by the people for fishing and water transport, and submerging the tree trunk.
Editing Software : Corel Video Studio X6
Editor : Mr. N
BGM : Adventures - A Himitsu - SoundCloud (No Copyright Music) timpas_2k16
Instagram @timpasmansa
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Kemunculan buaya di tepian sungai arut hebohkan warga kelurahan mendawai pangkalan bun warga berbondong_bondong ramai_ramai sorak_sorak kemunculan buaya
▶️INSTAGRAM : @redyaulia
Istana Kuning merupakan Pusat Kerajaan pada masa Kesultanan Kutaringin. Lokasinya di tengah kota Pangkalanbun dan terdiri dari empat bangunan, yaitu: Bangsal (tempat penerimaan tamu kerajaan), Rumbang (tempat raja bersemedi), Dalem Kuning (pusat pemerintahan dan tempat tinggal raja), dan Pedahiran (ruang makan kerajaan). Penisbatan nama kuning memiliki akar histori, yaitu warna kuning adalah warna keramat untuk orang-orang Kotawaringin, Kalimantan Tengah.
Untuk video lainnya kunjungi etalase khusus audio visual Rekam Indonesia. Mari jadi bagian dari #TemanRekam dengan mengunggah #DoClip kalian di website
Mari menjadi #TemanRekam dengan mengunggah karya-karya terbaik anda di Etalase Khusus Audio Visual Dokumenter di
#IstanaKuning #PengkalanBun
Assalamualaikum guys!! Hari ini aku upload sebuah video tentang keindahan alam yg ada di kampung Mendawai Seberang????????. Keindahan Sungai Arut nya????????, bahkan perumahannya yg bagus bagus????. Maaf ya aku cuman merekam videonya cuman sebentar????????cuman perumahannya sebagian saja aku rekam????????????????. Mohon di maklumi teman teman????????.
Mungkin segitu aja ya temen temen yg dapat aku sampaikan semoga bermanfaat ya video nya invasi kalian????????.
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Pangkalan Bun is name of a city in Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. The city is served by the Iskandar Airport.
Started when Prince Adipati Antakusuma leaving the kingdom of Banjar towards the west in order to find a place where it will set up a new kingdom. With the blessing from King and Queen, Prince Adipati, along with a number of guards, with sailboats heading towards the West. On the way, a lot of places visited, among others: the Sebangau Gulf, Pagatan Mendawai, Sampit, Kuala Pembuang and finally comes to a Pandau village inhabited by the Dayak Arut community under the leadership of Demat officer, in Umpang.
Prince Adipati Antakusuma is accepted by the Dayak Arut community to be the king of the Dayak people on the condition that the King should not be treated Dayak people as his servant , but as his top aides and close friends or a good brother. The People will not bow down to worship the Prince Adipati Antakusuma. That condition accepted by Prince Adipati, including the requirement of stamped agreement with human blood is by one of a Dayak tribe and one from Prince Adipati group.
Before sacrifice, the two people representing each side, took a stone to be plugged in to the ground as evidence of heredity, the witness of all time, through the ceremonies, the stone now known as the BATU PETAHAN in Pandau, North Arut District.
At the ceremony, the one that represent the Dyak tribes facing upstream where they place belong, while the one represent the group of Prince Adipati facing downstream, likens their arrival. Oat Ceremonial / covenant was eventually named PANTI DARAH JANJI SEMAYA.
Since the Dutch recognized Indonesian sovereignty on December 17, 1949, by Law no. 22 In 1949, established a Kotawaringin regency with the capital Sampit, led by the District Head: Tjilik Riwut. Autonomous Region Kotawaringin at the time only in a level if kewedanan with the capital Pangkalan Bun with Wedana / Deputy Head, who was named: BASRI.
After a few years this area was within the Kotawaringin regency , on the basis of the will of its people were channeled through political parties, regional Swapraja Kotawaringin / Kewedanan Pangkalan Bun asked to separate themselves from the regency and the elimination swaparaja Kotawaringin into its own regency.
Then came the messenger of the parliament (DPR) to Pangkalan Bun, aim for a close look at where the region and the community, especially about the desire that animates the motion to estabilish its own regency. Once satisfied that the motion is really the desire of society, the central government issued Law no. 27 about about the solving of Kotawaringin regency become Level II Regional East Kotawaringin with Sampit as its Capital and Regional Level II West Kotawaringin with capital Pangkalan Bun.
At that time both the Regional Level (Dati) II has been in Central Kalimantan. Furthermore, on October 3, 1959 on behalf of theMinister of Home Affairs, Governor Tjilik Riwut inaugurated the West Kotawaringin regency in CENTER SEMBAGA MAS, Pangkalan Bun, and as the first regent is: C . MIHING.
Tanjung Puting National Park, Pangkalan Bun - Central Kalimantan
Video Lomba Dayung Festival Batang Arut
Ketemu lagi sobat ! Maaf suaranya nggak ada, kecuali suara getek, karena terlalu kagum, dan gemetaran, ngeles. Saya baru pertama kali, naik getek di Sungai Arut, yang arusnya cukup deras. Sebenarnya saya takut banget, tapi Sungai ini bikin penasaran.
Sungai Arut ini, membelah kota Pangkalan Bun, Kota Manis, yang ada di Kotawaringin Barat, Kalimantan Tengah. Sewaktu saya naik getek ini, saya hanya membayangkan betapa indahnya, sungai ini tahun 90-an, jernih dan masih alami. Betapa indahnya Indonesia, lindungi alam kita.
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Semoga saya dapat buat video ditempat lain lagi di seluruh Indonesia. Amin.
Main ke sungai arut
Arut River (sungai arut) pangkalan Bun , Kalimantan tengah.
Menelusuri sungai menggunakan kelotok atau perahu kecil bermesin.
Kelotok Getek Nyaris Karam Gara2 Kelebihan Muatan !!! | Explore Pangkalan Bun
Halo Bang Bro..
Balik lagi dengan Reza di Channel Sida Pangkalan Bun..
Kali ini kita lagi jalan2 naik getek nih nyusur Sungai Arut Pangkalan Bun. Menikmati keindahan alam Pangkalan Bun sambil melihat kegiatan orang2 yang tinggal di bantaran sungai arut. Seru cuuyyyy..
Hayooo siapa yang belum pernah naik Getek???
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Trip to South Arut River @ Pangkalan Bun (March 21st, 2012)
Trip to South Arut River @ Pangkalan Bun (March 21st, 2012)