Asinara Scuba Diving Stintino
IMMERSIONI Area Marina Protetta Isola dell 'Asinara DIVING AUTORIZZATO
DIVES Marine Protected Area of Asinara Island DIVING AUTORIZED
L'Italia on tre road - Stintino 2018 - immersione all'Asinara
Agosto 2018 - Vacanze in Sardegna, con base a Stintino, e non poteva mancare, per gli amanti del mare, un'immersione nelle acque dell'isola protetta dell' Asinara - Acque trasparenti e cernie a darci il benvenuto... per noi, un'altra perla da ricordare.Le foto e i filmatini subacquei sono stati fatti da Fabio Savignano e montati da Linda Altrui
Sardinia Coast To Coast - Due giorni al'Asinara con Cala d'Oliva Diving Center
Scommettiamo che la maggior parte di voi non ha mai visitato l'Asinara? Noi di Sardinia Coast to Coast ci siamo stati. Grazie ai ragazzi del Cala d'Oliva Diving Center ( abbiamo toccato con mano un mondo completamente diverso da quello che di solito ci si aspetterebbe da un'ex colonia penale. Guardate cosa è successo in soli due giorni di villeggiatura nel parco :D
PADI Promo # 2
Get your PADI certification with us inside the Asinara Island National Park, Stintino Sardinia ITALY. Roccaruja Diving Center
Places to see in ( Stintino - Italy )
Places to see in ( Stintino - Italy )
Stintino is a small town on the northwest tip of the Italian island Sardinia. Its fine-sand beaches include La Pelosa, with clear, shallow waters, and the smaller Pelosetta, with views of Piana Island and Asinara National Park. Torre della Pelosa, built in 1578, is a tower on a nearby islet. In town, the Museo della Tonnara has multimedia exhibits, photos and boat replicas exploring the local tuna-fishing heritage.
36 kilometers north-west of the city of Sassari, in the north-western tip of Sardinia, you’ll find Stintino. Stintino used to be a village of fishermen hunting for tuna, but has now grown to become quite a popular Sardinian seaside resort. The small village is best known for the beach of La Pelosa – Spiaggia della Pelosa – a true Sardinian oasis, and a top contender on the list of the best beaches of Europe. La Pelosa is accompanied by an ancient sixteenth century watchtower, the Torre della Pelosa. Stintino provides easy access to Asinara National Park to the north – Parco Nazionale dell’Asinara – in the Marine Protected Area of Isola dell’Asinara.
The Tonnara Museum is located in the center of Stintino near the port. The little museum was built in 1995, and serves as a tribute to all people who have worked in the tuna fishing sector. It is divided into six rooms where model fishing boats are on display, maps with swimming routes of Mediterranean tuna fish can be viewed, diaries and other historical documents can be studied, and videos showing the different stages of tuna processing can be watched.
The Windsurfing Center in Stintino offers a full range of services to anyone who’d like to enjoy water sports. At the Windsurfing Center, qualified instructors will help you enjoy windsurfing, sailing, kitesurfing, or diving in the beautiful waters of Asinara National Park. On the beach of Le Saline, 4 kilometers south-east of Stintino, the Center runs Kitezone Le Saline, a wind- and kitesurfing school for both beginners and the advanced. Rental and storage of equipment is available. The Windsurfing Center also offers a taxi boat service to and from the island of Asinara, and can drop you off at the docks of Fornelli, Cala Reale and Cala d’Oliva. This is certainly one of the best things to do in Stintino
Stintino is located on the peninsula of the same name, running from Nurra plain to the Asinara Island, part of the Asinara National Park, for which Stintino is the nearer embarkment place. The municipality borders with Sassari and its northernmost point, a cape in which is located the town, is in front of the Asinara, who belongs to the municipality of Porto Torres. It is a popular seaside resort and is provided with three tourist ports: Porto Mannu (with 300 boat places), Marina di Stintino (160 boat places) and Porto Minore (110 boat places).
( Stintino - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Stintino . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Stintino - Italy
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Asinara punta sabina cala d oliva diving center
Immersione in 17 metri d acqua. Solo una parte delle meraviglie. Rimani incantato dalle bellezze e ti dimentichi di accendere la cam
asinara 2012
Immersione all'Asinara Agosto 2012
Delfini - Isola dell'Asinara
Bellissimo incontro durante la navigazione verso il punto di immersione.
Get your PADI certification with us!!! Just start now with PADI eLearning, visit us at:
Roccaruja Diving Center - Stintino ITALY
secondo allenamento apnea cala d'oliva diving asinara
Immersione Cala Reale - Asinara
Prima immersione con il Samsung S4 grazie ad una custodia protettiva di CellularLine;
Bellissima escursione in barca a vela, fatta all'isola dell'Asinara; questa è la prima discesa in acqua, mare bellissimo e pulitissimo con un'infinità di pesci non impauriti della presenza umana. Un esperienza da rifare anche grazie al Capitano e ai nostri compagni di viaggio.
Asinara - Punta Agnadda (N©M)
11 Agosto 2005
Immersione nel Parco Nazionale dell'Asinara
Stintino - Sardegna
Questo filmato è stato realizzato molti anni fa in Sardegna e per me ha un grande valore affettivo perciò ho voluto condividerne il ricordo.
Il video è piuttosto lungo, circa 16 minuti, ma il luogo è veramente unico ed affascinante! Se potete, concedetevi il tempo per apprezzarlo. ;-)
Punta Agnadda, un tempo regno di numerose aragoste, ora ospita principalmente branchi di corvine, cernie e barracuda che si incrociano con salpe e castagnole. Un fondale luminoso e caratterizzato da innumerevoli pinnacoli e passaggi molto scenografici. Immersione facile in bassa profondità (18-20m.) ma esiste anche un percorso alternativo fino a 33 m.
Il percorso segue il versante occidentale dello scoglio con grandi massi accatastati per aggirarlo con un percorso a spirale. Tra i massi si osservano accumuli di ciottoli e in alcuni tratti la parete diviene verticale.
A caratterizzare il percorso è innanzitutto la maestosità del paesaggio, valorizzata dai tagli di luce nei passaggi tra i grandi blocchi e le pareti.
La roccia è ricoperta da alghe brune, in sottostrato crescono alghe rosse, ma a volte si trovano fronde di alga gorgonia esposti. Chiazze di Caulerpa racemosa a volte interrompono la continuità del ricoprimento che nelle zone in ombra muta rapidamente dando spazio a spugne, margherite di mare e briozoi. Durante il percorso si incontrano con frequenza grosse cernie, spesso confidenti, e gruppi di corvine. Colonie di eunicella gialla crescono alla base dei massi e nelle strettoie, dove sono favorite dalle correnti. Nelle zone meno profonde, più esposte a onde e correnti cresce l'alga Corallina elongata.
Credits: ZoomMare di Paolo Porcheddu
Places to see in ( Stintino - Italy ) La Pelosa Beach
Places to see in ( Stintino - Italy ) La Pelosa Beach
La Pelosa beach (Spiaggia della Pelosa), with its shallow turquoise waters and salty white sands, is a true Sardinian oasis and arguably one of the best beaches of Europe. One of the westernmost beaches of Sardinia, La Pelosa is just 2 kilometers away from the harbour village of Stintino, in Capo Falcone, in the province of Sassari.
The beach is 300 meters long – and up to 60 meters wide in some spots – and faces north-east, offering marvelous views of Isola Piana situated 600 meters off the coast and the larger Isola Asinara behind it. La Pelosa beach is accompanied by an ancient sixteenth century watchtower, the Torre della Pelosa, that used to be part of Sardinia’s marine defense system.
Since this is a popular diving area, there are two diving centers in the vicinity: the Asinara Diving Center, and the Roccaruja Diving Center. Both offer diving excursions in the Capo Falcone area. Surfboards and canoes are for rent at the Stintino Windsurfing Center nearby.
The beach can get crowded during peak season in July and August, but if you find yourself in the area of Sassari or Porto Torres, La Pelosa beach is definitely worth a visit. For many Europeans, La Pelosa is a marvelous opportunity to experience the Caribbean at a fraction of the cost.
( Stintino - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Stintino . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Stintino - Italy
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Dentici - Isola dell'Asinara
Branco di dentici durante un tuffo in apnea in pochi metri d'acqua.
Group of snappers during a freediving in a few meters of water.
Gita in bici nel Parco dell'area marina protetta dell Asinara
La Maddalena Scuba diving: Angelika Wreck
Greak cargo sunk in the 1983 at 20mt of deep.
Thanks to Blu Dive Center and its whole staff.
Diving Sardegna 2016
Wonderfull scuba diving in Sardinia Italy
Places to see in ( Sardinia - Italy ) La Pelosa Beach
Places to see in ( Sardinia - Italy ) La Pelosa Beach
La Pelosa beach (Spiaggia della Pelosa), with its shallow turquoise waters and salty white sands, is a true Sardinian oasis and arguably one of the best beaches of Europe. One of the westernmost beaches of Sardinia, La Pelosa is just 2 kilometers away from the harbour village of Stintino, in Capo Falcone, in the province of Sassari. The beach is 300 meters long – and up to 60 meters wide in some spots – and faces north-east, offering marvelous views of Isola Piana situated 600 meters off the coast and the larger Isola Asinara behind it.
La Pelosa beach is accompanied by an ancient sixteenth century watchtower, the Torre della Pelosa, that used to be part of Sardinia’s marine defense system. Since this is a popular diving area, there are two diving centers in the vicinity: the Asinara Diving Center, and the Roccaruja Diving Center. Both offer diving excursions in the Capo Falcone area. Surfboards and canoes are for rent at the Stintino Windsurfing Center nearby.
The beach can get crowded during peak season in July and August, but if you find yourself in the area of Sassari or Porto Torres, La Pelosa beach is definitely worth a visit. For many Europeans, La Pelosa is a marvelous opportunity to experience the Caribbean at a fraction of the cost.
( Sardinia - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Sardinia . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Sardinia - Italy
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