Napoleon Defeated! Aspern 1809
In 1809, with Napoleon and his best troops bogged down in Spain, Austria decided to try to get revenge for her humiliation at Austerlitz three years before. Archduke Charles led an invasion of France's ally Bavaria, but Napoleon raised fresh troops and transformed the strategic situation in four days of hard fighting along the Danube. But having taken Vienna, Napoleon's overconfidence led to a desperate battle at Aspern-Essling, resulting in his first major defeat as Emperor, and the death of his closest friend.
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Recommended books on the Napoleonic Wars (as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases):
Eggmühl 1809: Storm Over Bavaria
Aspern & Wagram 1809
French Napoleonic Infantryman 1803-15
British Light Infantry & Rifle Tactics of the Napoleonic Wars:
Tactics and the Experience of Battle in the Age of Napoleon
Napoleon the Great
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Napoléon ~Battle of Aspern-Essling (English) HD
Battle of Aspern-Essling from the Napoléon mini series in English
May 21th–22th,1809
France: 27,000 (First day) and 66,000 (Second day)[
Austrian Empire: 95,800 (First day) and 90,800 (Second day)
French Losses: 7,000 killed and 16,000 wounded
Austrian Losses: 6,200 killed or missing, 16,300 wounded, and
800 captured
In the Battle of Aspern-Essling, Napoleon attempted a forced crossing of the Danube near Vienna, but the French and their allies were driven back by the Austrians under Archduke Charles. The battle was the first time Napoleon had been personally defeated in over a decade. However, Archduke Charles failed to secure a decisive victory as Napoleon was able to successfully withdraw most of his forces.
Napoleon's Revenge: Wagram 1809
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Six weeks after his bloody repulse at the Battle of Aspern-Essling, Napoleon led his reinforced army back across the Danube. The resulting clash with Archduke Charles's Austrian army was the biggest and bloodiest battle yet seen in European history, and despite heavy French losses, resulted in a decisive strategic victory for the French Emperor.
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Recommended books on the Napoleonic Wars (as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases):
Osprey's Aspern & Wagram 1809
Osprey's French Napoleonic Infantryman 1803-15
Osprey's Austrian Grenadiers and Infantry 1788-1816
Tactics and the Experience of Battle in the Age of Napoleon
Napoleon the Great
Music from Filmstro
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The Battle of Aspern Essling
Video created from a replay made in NTW3.
Napoleon Crosses the Danube.
French and Austrians on the Marchfeld.
The Battle of Aspern-Essling - Destiny on the Marchfeld
May 21st–22nd, 1809 - Napoleon attempted a forced crossing of the Danube at Lobau Island near Vienna, unaware that he was outnumbered 3 to 1 by the Austrians under Archduke Charles, who stood ready to oppose him. The two-day battle resulted in the First french defeat in a decade.
(Video created with TOTAL WAR NAPOLEON III 8.0)
Battle of Aspern-Essling: 144px-1080px - Destiny on the Marchfeld
May 21st–22nd, 1809 - Napoleon attempted a forced crossing of the Danube at Lobau Island near Vienna. Unaware that he was outnumbered 3 to 1 by the Austrians under Archduke Charles, who stood ready to oppose him. The two-day battle resulted in the First french defeat in a decade.
(Video created with TOTAL WAR NAPOLEON III 8.0)
Battle of Aspern Essling March 2014
The guys from the Newbury and Reading Wargames Club play out the battle of Aspern great acclaim.
Triumph & Glory - Aspern-Essling: day 1 4:30PM
What is Battle of Wagram?, Explain Battle of Wagram, Define Battle of Wagram
~~~ Battle of Wagram ~~~
Title: What is Battle of Wagram?, Explain Battle of Wagram, Define Battle of Wagram
Created on: 2018-08-23
Source Link:
Description: The Battle of Wagram was a military engagement of the Napoleonic Wars that ended in a costly but decisive victory for Emperor Napoleon I's French and allied army against the Austrian army under the command of Archduke Charles of Austria-Teschen. The battle led to the breakup of the Fifth Coalition, the Austrian and British-led alliance against France. In 1809, the French military presence in Germany was diminished as Napoleon transferred a number of soldiers to fight in the Peninsular War. As a result, the Austrian Empire saw its chance to recover some of its former sphere of influence and invaded the Kingdom of Bavaria, a French ally. Recovering from his initial surprise, Napoleon beat the Austrian forces and occupied Vienna at the beginning of May 1809. Despite the string of sharp defeats and the loss of the empire's capital, Archduke Charles salvaged an army, with which he retreated north of the Danube. This allowed the Austrians to continue the war. Towards the end of May, Napoleon resumed the offensive, suffering a surprise defeat at the Battle of Aspern-Essling. It took Napoleon six weeks to prepare his next offensive, for which he amassed a 165,000-man French, German and Italian army in the vicinity of Vienna. The Battle of Wagram began after Napoleon crossed the Danube with the bulk of these forces during the night of 4 July and attacked the 145,000-man strong Austrian army. Having successfully crossed the river, Napoleon attempted an early breakthrough and launched a series of evening attacks against the Austrian army. The Austrians were thinly spread in a wide semicircle, but held a naturally strong position. After the attackers enjoyed some initial success, the defenders regained the upper hand and the attacks failed. Bolstered by his success, the next day at dawn Archduke Charles launched a series of attacks along the entire battle line, seeking to take the opposing army in a double envelopment. The offensive failed against the French right but nearly broke Napoleon's left. However, the Emperor countered by launching a cavalry charge, which temporarily halted the Austrian advance. He then redeployed IV Corps to stabilise his left, while setting up a grand battery, which pounded the Austrian right and centre. The tide of battle turned and the Emperor launched an offensive along the entire line, while Maréchal Louis-Nicolas Davout drove an offensive, which turned the Austrian left, and rendered Charles's position untenable. Towards mid-afternoon on 6 July, Charles admitted defeat and led a retreat, frustrating enemy attempts to pursue. After the battle, Charles remained in command of a cohesive force and decided to retreat to Bohemia. However, the Grande Armée eventually caught up with him and scored a victory at the Battle of Znaim. With the battle still raging, Charles decided to ask for an armistice, effectively ending the war. With 80,000 casualties, the two-day battle of Wagram was particularly bloody, mainly due to the use of 1,000 artillery pieces and the expenditure of over 180,000 rounds of artillery ammunition on a flat battlefield packed with some 300,000 men. Although Napoleon was the uncontested winner, he failed to secure an overwhelming victory and the Austrian casualties were only slightly greater than those of the French and allies. Nonetheless, the defeat was serious enough to shatter the morale of the Austrians, who could no longer find the will to continue the struggle. The resulting Treaty of Schönbrunn meant the loss of one sixth of the Austrian Empire's subjects, along with some territories, rendering it landlocked until the War of Liberation.
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The Napoleon's Siege of Bratislava 2018
The reenactment of the military operation, lasting from May till June 1809, in which allied French and German troops commanded by Napoleon assaulted Pressburg, defended by the Austrian Army.
Conquerors - Napoleon Bonaparte.
Reconstruction of the Siege of that times' Pressburg by the French Army in the Year 1809 will take place the third weekend of May. Napoleon sieged Bratislava in summer 1809. The Siege was part of Napoleon's 1809 Campaign against the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Napoleon took Wien, fought two major battles at Aspern and Wagram, but the Siege of Pressburg was not sucessfull and French forces didn't take the city in spite of being besieged and bombarded. Leaving the city, however, French troops turned Devín Castle into a ruin, remaining in ruins until today.
Janko Kral´s garden will become a place of historical battles, where Napoleon and Austro-Hungarian armies met and let brutal battles in 1809. Hundreds of enthusiasts and volunteers dressed in contemporary uniforms will show the battle for Bratislava reconstruction. The visitors can shoot from historical guns or watch the cannon gun shooting from Tyrsovo square nearby.
Súľovské skaly - Zraková pyramída - Súľov - Hradná. Slovensko Zhora
DinoPark Bratislava 2018
ZOO Bratislava 2018
Slovenské Hrady, zámky, zrúcaniny a kaštiele.
Abecedný zoznam Hrady, Zámky, Kaštiele a Zrúcaniny na Slovensku ktoré som pre vás navštívil.
Castles and castle ruins in Slovakia - Europe from above.
Slovensko zhora - Tipy na výlety.
Hrady, zámky, kaštiele a krásy Slovenska.
Slovakia from above - tips for hiking.
Slovak Castles.
Hi, I live in Europe - Slovakia and love YouTube.
Welcome to Slovakia.
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Traveling in Slovakia.
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Pamiatky a zaujímavé miesta.
List of castles in Slovakia.
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Castles of Slovakia.
Enjoy Castle from a bird's eye view.
Amazing Castles in Slovakia You Must Definitely See.
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Secure holidays in Slovakia.
Aspern Essling at the WHC
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
Napoleon Grossenzersdorf 1809
Napoleon Grossenzersdorf 1809
Auf den Spuren Napoleons
Napoleonic Wars - Battle of Eckmühl 1809 DOCUMENTARY
We are continuing our historical animated documentary series on the Napoleonic Wars with the beginning of the War of the Fifth Coalition and the early campaign on the Danube theater which culminated at the battle of Eckmühl in 1809. Emperor Napoleon met his old and new nemesis Archduke Charles.
You can watch the first season via this link, it covers Trafalgar, Austerlitz, Jena, Eylau, Friedland and other battles:
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This video was narrated by Officially Devin (
Machinimas were made on NTW3 mod for Napoleon Total War by Malay Archer (
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Zu Zeit der Schlacht bei Eggmühl 1809
Zu Zeit der Schlacht bei Eggmühl 1809 (2016)
Napoleon: Die dunkle Vergangenheit der Seestadt
Vor 200 Jahren erlitt Napoleon in der Schlacht bei Aspern seine erste militärische Niederlage. Wo heute eine ruhiges Stadtviertel entsteht, sind 50.000 Menschen in nur zwei Tagen gestorben. Ein Blick in die Geschichte.
Mehr über die Seestadt findet ihr hier:
Beitrag: Isabella Dussmann, Alexander Winter, Luisa Fohn
Kamera: Harun Celik
Schlacht bei Aspern
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Schlacht bei Aspern
Die Schlacht bei Aspern fand im Fünften Koalitionskrieg am 21./22.Mai 1809 zwischen französischen und österreichischen Truppen bei den Orten Aspern und Essling östlich von Wien statt.Sie gilt als erste Niederlage Napoleons auf dem Schlachtfeld.
Lizenz: Public domain
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Playlist Kriege und Schlachten im 19. Jahrhundert :
1809 - 2009
Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung:
Essling war bis 1938 eine eigenständige Gemeinde und ist heute ein Stadtteil Wiens im 22.Wiener Gemeindebezirk Donaustadt sowie eine der 89 Wiener Katastralgemeinden.
Urheber Info: Patrick Gronemann
Lizenz Link:
Lizenz: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Patrick Gronemann (//
Patrick Gronemann (//
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8th Austrian Grenzers Linebattle#1 Thursday July 18
Hail to the Kaiser! the 8th Grenzers have taken to the field to fight the dreaded French. If you would like to take up the sword and shoulder a rilfe in the name of Austria and the
8thGrenzers, Add Paltors on Steam. Stay tuned till the end for Isaiahs...interesting story
Cossacks 2: Napoleonic Wars - WAGRAM | Battle [VERY HARD/1080p/HD]
This is the gameplay walkthrough of battle WAGRAM on VERY HARD from Cossacks 2: Napoleonic Wars. More videos with the Battles of Cossacks 2 Napoleonic Wars here:
In Cossacks II: Napoleonic Wars , lead your 19th century army to glory in this much-anticipated sequel to the internationally acclaimed Cossacks: European Wars. Whether fighting as Napoleon's highly disciplined Grand Arme, the tenacious Russians and their Cossack horseback warriors, the Austrians, Britons, Prussians, or Egyptians, the challenges will be daunting as you master weapons and tactics during a time that redefined modern warfare.
The Cossacks II: Battle for Europe add-on continues the renowned Cossacks II:Napoleonic Wars game. It depicts the rather short historic period of the Napoleonic wars. The Napoleon wars changed Europe forever, leading to the formation of empires and putting an end to almost one thousand years of constant strife between small states. The game provides mass-scale battles between thousands-strong armies of the nations involved in conflicts during this period. The theatres of operation introduce France, Britain, Austria, Russia, Prussia, Egypt, and three nations not represented in the original game – Spain, the Grand Duchy of Warsaw (Poland), and the Confederation of the Rhine.
The Cossacks II: Battle for Europe reconstructs in detail the soldiers' uniforms weapons and architecture of each nation. Each nation's army has its unique units and possibilities. The game includes over 180 units 190 buildings and 1200 flora and fauna elements. When developing the combat system the peculiarities of early 19th century warring were taken into account as was the value of formations provisions and troop morale. Tactical tricks utilized by military commanders of the time are fully reflected in the game. An honest system of bullet and cannonball ballistics based on physics is an innovative addition to the Cossacks engine. Other engine features include 3-dimensional landscaping which creates realistic-looking scenery and towns and impacts combat tactics. For example the firing range of a subdivision of soldiers or a cannon positioned at the top of a hill is greater than the firing range of a unitstationed on flat terrain.
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►Cossacks 2: Battle for Europe - Battle for Europe Campaign Walkthrough
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►Cossacks 2: Napoleonic Wars
►Cossacks 2: Battle for Europe
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