Antalya Atatürk Memorial and the Turkish flag
A short video from Cumhuriyet Meydani, including Atatürk Memorial and a large Turkish flag during 2013 protests in Turkey.
ataturk monument
antalya saat kulesi yivli minare yat limani
【K】Turkey Travel-Antalya[터키 여행-안탈리아]전차타고보는 줌후리에트광장/Tram/Cumhuriyet Square/Ataturk Statue/Marble Game
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[한국어 정보]
안탈리아 시내로 가기위해 전차를 탔다. 안탈리아의 구 시가지에 가려면 전차가 편하다. 전차의 운행거리는 짧다. 관광객이 많은 곳을 중심으로 운행하기 때문이다. 느릿느릿 오가는 전차 안에서 바라보는 바깥풍경은 더없이 여유롭다. 터키의 어지간한 공원에는 아타튀르크의 동상이 있다. 초대대통령이자 건국의 아버지로 아직도 그에 대한 존경은 변함이 없다. 전차에서 내려 길을 걷는데 낯익은 풍경이 눈에 들어온다. 분명 공기놀이를 하는 아이들의 모습이다. 한편 반가우면서도 다른 한편으론 궁금해진다. 혹시 우리나라에서 기증한 것이 아닐까? 그런데 아니란다. 터키에도 똑같은 놀이가 있다고 한다.
[English: Google Translator]
I rode the streetcar to go to Antalya city. The tank is easy to go to the old city of Antalya. A short distance of the tram station. Because tourists to travel around many places. Landscape slowly and from the outside looking in tanks is ropda Absolutely free. Decent park has a statue of Ataturk in Turkey. Still invitation to the President and the Founding Fathers no respect for that change. To walk down the street from the tram familiar landscape comes into the eye. A clear view of children playing in the air. On the other hand, yet on the other hand it is curious bangawoo euron. I wonder if it was donated in the country? But no, no. And that the same play in Turkey.
[Turkish: Google Translator]
Ben Antalya'ya Gitmek Click tramvay indi. Tank Antalya eski sehre Gitmek Click kolaydır. Tramvay istasyonu kisa bir mesafe. Turist Etrafında birçok yerde Seyahat göster çünkü. Peyzaj yavaş ziyaretinde Dışarıdan tanklarda bakarak ropda Kesinlikle ücretsizdir. İyi Türkiye'de Atatürk heykeli Vardır Parkı. Başkan Kurucu Babalar Hala A.Ş. davetiye o değişim Click hicbir saygı. Tramvay Tanıdık manzara caddede yürümek Click göz icine giriyor. Havada oynayan Çocukların açık Bir görünüm. Öte yandan Yandan, yine de, Diğer Yandan da merak bangawoo EURON OLUP. Ülkedeki bağışlanan acaba? Hayır, ama hayır. Ve Türkiye'de de Cardio oyun oldugunu.
■클립명: 유럽115-터키03-03 전차 타고 둘러보는 줌후리에트 광장/Tram/Cumhuriyet Square/Ataturk Statue/Marble Game
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 백주환 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2009년 6월 June
유럽,Europe,유럽,터키,Turkey,Turkey,백주환,2009,6월 June,안탈리아,Antalya,Antalya
Turkey 24. Ataturk Mausoleum and Museum.
The Mausoleum to Ataturk, the founder of the Turkish Republic in 1923. Underneath is a fascinating museum.
ANTALYA MUSEUM: A Turkish Delight and a little known World Class Museum, Antalya, TURKEY
Pierre Repooc Productions -URL:
This museum is little known outside of Turkey but it is just stunning. It rivals other world class museums, like the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the National Gallery of London, albeit, on a smaller scale.
Protests continue with one protester in only a bikini, another chains himself to Ataturk's monument
1. Mid of Mine Gostum walking in Taksim Square wearing only a bikini
2. Mid of Gostum standing in front of police having a drink
3. SOUNDBITE: (Turkish) Mine Gostum, protester:
I am an unhappy Turk because there is a lot of lying, there is a lot of cheating, and if I have to protest wearing a bikini then so be it.
4. Wide of police ushering journalists away
5. Various of a man chained to Ataturk monument, shouting anti-government slogans
6. Zoom in as plain-clothes policeman climbs monument with bolt cutters, and cuts the chains while the protester kisses the Turkish flag
7. Zoom in as the protester climbs down
8. Wide of police
8. Protester climbs down from monument
9. Wide of officers arresting the protester and escorting him to a police vehicle
Anti-government protests continued in Istanbul's Taksim Square on Thursday, with one protester arriving stripping down to just a bikini and another chaining himself to a monument to Kemal Ataturk, modern Turkey's secular founder.
Demonstrations calling for the Turkish Prime Minister's resignation erupted several weeks ago sometimes resulting in clashes with law enforcement.
Over the last few days the protests have been more subdued.
After removing her clothes, Mine Gostum stood in front of the police cordon in her bikini, and drank a latte macchiato.
I am an unhappy Turk because there is a lot of lying, there is a lot of cheating, and if I have to protest wearing a bikini then so be it, she told the press just seconds before being arrested.
A few minutes later, an unidentified protester chained himself to Kemal Ataturk's monument in Taksim Square.
The man shouted anti-government slogans, as police officers climbed up the monument with bolt cutters to detach him from the statue.
He was also arrested and removed from the square.
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Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Memorial
21/10/2013 Antalya Turkey, Nikal Travel event
Change of Guards at Mausoleum of ATATÜRK
Change of Guards at Mausoleum ‘ Anıtkabir ' of Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK in Ankara Türkiye.
Turkey: Putin pays respects to Ataturk in Ankara
Video ID: 20141201-028
W/S Vladimir Putin greeted by army officers
W/S Vladimir Putin and officials
W/S Vladimir Putin and officials walking to Ataturk's mausoleum
W/S Vladimir Putin and officials walking to Ataturk's mausoleum
M/S Vladimir Putin and officials walking to Ataturk's mausoleum
W/S Vladimir Putin and officials walking to Ataturk's mausoleum
W/S Vladimir Putin and officials walking to Ataturk's mausoleum
W/S Vladimir Putin and officials walking to Ataturk's mausoleum
W/S Vladimir Putin and officials walking to Ataturk's mausoleum
W/S Vladimir Putin laying flowers at the tomb of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
M/S Vladimir Putin and officials paying their respect
M/S Vladimir Putin signing the Ataturk Memorial Book
C/U Vladimir Putin signing Ataturk's Memorial Book
M/S Vladimir Putin signing the Ataturk Memorial Book
M/S Officials leaving Ataturk's Mausoleum
W/S Vladimir Putin leaving
President Vladimir Putin visited the mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the first President of the Republic of Turkey, in Ankara on Monday to pay his respects to the Turkish leader.
Putin entered the building by a path known as the 'Road of Lions' to leave a wreath of red and white carnations on the independence fighter's tomb. He also signed the Ataturk Memorial Book leaving a message expressing his gratitude for Ataturk's efforts made to strengthen Russian-Turkish relations.
The Russian president is on a one-day visit to Turkey to meet Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan before the leaders will jointly chair the fifth High-Level Cooperation Council between Turkey and Russia.
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Аланья Памятник Ататюрку Alanya Ataturk Monument Atatürk Anıtı Atatürk-Denkmal Liman Порт Port 端口
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#ПамятникАтатюрку #AtaturkMonument #AtatürkAnıtı #AtatürkDenkmal #Алания #Аланья #Alanya #port #Turkey #MILLIONAIRE #BELEDIYESI #финиковаяпальма #кот #liman
Аланья — город в провинции Анталья, Турция, крупный морской порт и курорт, находится на побережье Средиземного моря. Множество магазинов, ресторанов, отелей находится в Аланье. Это красивый восточный город
Alanya-a city in the province of Antalya, Turkey, a major seaport and resort, is located on the Mediterranean coast. Many shops, restaurants, hotels are located in Alanya. It is a beautiful Eastern city
Alanya, Antalya, Türkiye, Büyük bir liman ve tatil beldesinde, Akdeniz kıyısında yer alan bir şehirdir. Alanya'da birçok mağaza, restoran ve otel bulunmaktadır. Bu güzel bir oryantal şehir
Alanya ist eine Stadt in der Provinz Antalya, Türkei, ein großer Hafen und Resort, befindet sich an der Mittelmeerküste. Viele Geschäfte, Restaurants, Hotels in Alanya. Es ist eine schöne östliche Stadt
Alanya est une ville de la province d'Antalya, en Turquie, un grand port maritime et une station balnéaire, située sur la côte méditerranéenne. De nombreux magasins, restaurants, Hôtels sont situés à Alanya. C'est une belle ville orientale
Alanya es una ciudad en la provincia de Antalya, Turquía, un gran puerto marítimo y un complejo, se encuentra en la costa mediterránea. Muchas tiendas, restaurantes, hoteles se encuentran en Alanya. Es una hermosa ciudad Oriental
Costuma — cidade na província de Antalya, na Turquia, grande porto e para o resort está localizado na costa do mar Mediterrâneo. Uma variedade de lojas, restaurantes, o hotel está situado em Alanya. É uma bela cidade oriental
Аланья — місто в провінції Анталья, Туреччина, великий морський порт і курорт, розташований на узбережжі Середземного моря. Безліч магазинів, ресторанів, готелів знаходиться в Аланьї. Це гарний східний місто
Аланья — горад у правінцыі Анталья, Турцыя, буйны марскі порт і курорт, знаходзіцца на ўзбярэжжы Міжземнага мора. Мноства крам, рэстаранаў, гатэляў знаходзіцца ў Аланье. Гэта прыгожы ўсходні горад
Аланья — miestas provincijoje Анталья, Turkija, didelis jūrų uostas, ir kurortas, įsikūręs Viduržemio jūros pakrantėje. Daug parduotuvių, restoranų, viešbučių yra Аланье. Tai gražus miestas rytų
Αλάνια — μια πόλη στην επαρχία της Αττάλειας, Τουρκία, μεγάλο λιμάνι και θέρετρο, βρίσκεται στην ακτή της Μεσογείου. Πολλά καταστήματα, εστιατόρια, ξενοδοχεία, βρίσκεται στη Alanya. Είναι ένα όμορφο ανατολίτικο πόλη
ألانيا-مدينة في محافظة أنطاليا, تركيا, ميناء بحري رئيسي و منتجع يقع على ساحل البحر الأبيض المتوسط. العديد من المحلات التجارية, المطاعم, الفنادق تقع في ألانيا. فمن الجميل شرق المدينة
Alanya — miasto w prowincji Antalya, Turcja, duży port morski i ośrodek, położony jest na wybrzeżu morza Śródziemnego. Wiele sklepów, restauracji, hoteli znajduje się w mieście Alanya. To piękne orientalne miasto
אלניה-עיר במחוז אנטליה, טורקיה, נמל מרכזית הנופש, ממוקם על חוף הים התיכון. חנויות רבות, מסעדות, בתי מלון ממוקמים ב Alanya. זה יפה במזרח העיר
Alanya-en by i provinsen Antalya, Tyrkia, en stor vanntank og resort, ligger ved Middelhavet kysten. Mange butikker, restauranter, hoteller ligger i Alanya. Det er en vakker Øst-byen
alanya-en stad i provinsen antalya, turkiet, en stor hamn och resort, ligger vid medelhavskusten. många butiker, restauranger, hotell ligger i alanya. det är en vacker östlig stad
Alanya è una città nella provincia di Antalya, in Turchia, un grande porto di mare e resort, si trova sulla costa del Mediterraneo. Numerosi negozi, ristoranti, hotel si trova a Alanya. Questa è una bella città orientale
Alanya-kaupunki maakunnassa Antalya, Turkki, merkittävä satamakaupunki ja lomakohde, sijaitsee Välimeren rannikolla. Monet kaupat, ravintolat, hotellit sijaitsevat Alanya. Se on kaunis Itä-kaupunki
Alanya-एक शहर के प्रांत में एंटाल्या, टर्की, एक प्रमुख बंदरगाह और रिज़ॉर्ट स्थित है, भूमध्य सागर के तट पर है । कई दुकानें, रेस्तरां, होटल Alanya में स्थित है । यह एक सुंदर पूर्वी शहर
アラニヤ周辺の都市州トルコ-アンタルヤでは、主要な海港とリゾートに位置しており、地中海の海岸です。 多くのショップ、レストラン、ホテルアラニヤです。 利用することができます。東市
阿拉尼亚-一个城市在土耳其安塔利亚省,一个主要的海港和度假胜地,位于地中海沿岸。 许多商店,餐馆,酒店位于阿拉尼亚。 这是一个美丽的东部城市
Alanya-지방에있는 도시의 안탈리아,터키,주요 항구 및 리조트,지중해 해안에 위치하고 있습니다. 많은 상점,레스토랑,호텔 직원들이 항상 대기하고 있습니다. 그것은 아름다운 동부 시티
Alanya is een stad in de provincie Antalya, Turkije, een belangrijke zeehaven en resort, is gelegen aan de Middellandse kust. Vele winkels, restaurants, hotels zijn gelegen in Alanya. Het is een mooie Oostelijke stad
Alanya-sebuah kota di provinsi Antalya, Turki, pelabuhan utama dan resort, terletak di pantai Mediterania. Banyak toko-toko, restoran, hotel yang terletak strategis di Alanya. Ini adalah indah kota Timur
Alanya — pilsēta provincē Antālija, Turcija, lielas jūras ostas un kūrorts, kas atrodas Vidusjūras krastā.
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Walk at Anıtkabir - Mausoleum of ATATÜRK in Ankara Türkiye
Anıtkabir - The Mausoleum is the final resting place of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the leader of the Turkish War of Independence, Atatürk was also the first Turkish President and the founder of Turkish Republic. ‘ Anıtkabir ' the memorial complex located in Ankara the Capital City is visited by thousands of tourists every year. Anıtkabir includes four main elements: The Hall of Honor, The Ceremonial Plaza, Peace Park, and the Road of Lions.
Atatürk - one of the Greatest Leaders of the 20th century is the one Man who you are going to see everywhere you go in Türkiye, displayed on the Turkish money, on flags, shops, and offices, you will also see a statue of him in every town. If you wonder why we ‘Turkish' people Love him so much and who he is here are some facts About Mustafa Kemal Atatürk ❤️ our beloved and ‘ONLY' leader !
Atatürk stands as one of the world's few historic figures who dedicated their lives totally to their nations.
A military hero who had won victory after victory against many foreign invaders.
Atatürk has a perfect military record, which boasts victories and no defeats.
Atatürk ranks among the world’s greatest strategists.
Atatürk a Respected Leader with 35 streetnames, statues, monuments worldwide named after him.
Atatürk a reformer to raise Türkiye to the level of modern civilization.
Atatürk a political visionary, he westernized Türkiye, enforcing secularism and promoting women's rights.
Quote by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk relates to the awful battle of Gallipoli (Gelibolu Çanakkale) when many Turkish and Australian soldiers lost their lives during World War I
“Heroes who shed their blood and lost their lives!
You are now lying in the soil of a friendly country.
Therefore, rest in peace.
There is no difference between the Johnnies and Mehmets to us where they lie side by side here in this country of ours.
You, the mothers, who sent their sons from far away countries, wipe away your tears; your sons are now lying in our bosom and are in peace
Peace at Home, Peace in the World - was first pronounced by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk on 20 April 1931 to the public during his tours of Anatolia. This stance was later integrated and implemented as the foreign policy of the Turkish Republic.
Walk at Anıtkabir - Mausoleum of ATATÜRK in Ankara Türkiye
Anıtkabir, Çankaya / Ankara
ISTANBUL : Otello Kamil sok. Zeren apt. no : 2 / 11 Şişli TURKEY Tel :0 212 212 33 55
ANTALYA : Şirinyalı mah. Özgürlük bul. no :120 / 2 Lara TURKEY Tel :0 242 324 30 58
VANCOUVER : 7990 Hoskins Street Delta bc V4G 1M4 CANADA Tel :00 1 604 940 09 85
WASHINGTON : 15127 NE 24th Street, Suite 314 Redmond, Washington 98052 USA Tel :00 1 425 417 81 47
Аланья Эрдоган Памятник Ататюрку Erdogan Alanya Monument To Ataturk TURKISH AIRLINES BURGER KING
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Аланья — город в провинции Анталья, Турция, крупный морской порт и курорт, находится на побережье Средиземного моря. Множество магазинов, ресторанов, отелей находится в Аланье. Это красивый восточный город
Alanya-a city in the province of Antalya, Turkey, a major seaport and resort, is located on the Mediterranean coast. Many shops, restaurants, hotels are located in Alanya. It is a beautiful Eastern city
Alanya, Antalya, Türkiye, Büyük bir liman ve tatil beldesinde, Akdeniz kıyısında yer alan bir şehirdir. Alanya'da birçok mağaza, restoran ve otel bulunmaktadır. Bu güzel bir oryantal şehir
Alanya ist eine Stadt in der Provinz Antalya, Türkei, ein großer Hafen und Resort, befindet sich an der Mittelmeerküste. Viele Geschäfte, Restaurants, Hotels in Alanya. Es ist eine schöne östliche Stadt
Alanya est une ville de la province d'Antalya, en Turquie, un grand port maritime et une station balnéaire, située sur la côte méditerranéenne. De nombreux magasins, restaurants, Hôtels sont situés à Alanya. C'est une belle ville orientale
Alanya es una ciudad en la provincia de Antalya, Turquía, un gran puerto marítimo y un complejo, se encuentra en la costa mediterránea. Muchas tiendas, restaurantes, hoteles se encuentran en Alanya. Es una hermosa ciudad Oriental
Costuma — cidade na província de Antalya, na Turquia, grande porto e para o resort está localizado na costa do mar Mediterrâneo. Uma variedade de lojas, restaurantes, o hotel está situado em Alanya. É uma bela cidade oriental
Аланья — місто в провінції Анталья, Туреччина, великий морський порт і курорт, розташований на узбережжі Середземного моря. Безліч магазинів, ресторанів, готелів знаходиться в Аланьї. Це гарний східний місто
Аланья — горад у правінцыі Анталья, Турцыя, буйны марскі порт і курорт, знаходзіцца на ўзбярэжжы Міжземнага мора. Мноства крам, рэстаранаў, гатэляў знаходзіцца ў Аланье. Гэта прыгожы ўсходні горад
Аланья — miestas provincijoje Анталья, Turkija, didelis jūrų uostas, ir kurortas, įsikūręs Viduržemio jūros pakrantėje. Daug parduotuvių, restoranų, viešbučių yra Аланье. Tai gražus miestas rytų
Αλάνια — μια πόλη στην επαρχία της Αττάλειας, Τουρκία, μεγάλο λιμάνι και θέρετρο, βρίσκεται στην ακτή της Μεσογείου. Πολλά καταστήματα, εστιατόρια, ξενοδοχεία, βρίσκεται στη Alanya. Είναι ένα όμορφο ανατολίτικο πόλη
ألانيا-مدينة في محافظة أنطاليا, تركيا, ميناء بحري رئيسي و منتجع يقع على ساحل البحر الأبيض المتوسط. العديد من المحلات التجارية, المطاعم, الفنادق تقع في ألانيا. فمن الجميل شرق المدينة
Alanya — miasto w prowincji Antalya, Turcja, duży port morski i ośrodek, położony jest na wybrzeżu morza Śródziemnego. Wiele sklepów, restauracji, hoteli znajduje się w mieście Alanya. To piękne orientalne miasto
אלניה-עיר במחוז אנטליה, טורקיה, נמל מרכזית הנופש, ממוקם על חוף הים התיכון. חנויות רבות, מסעדות, בתי מלון ממוקמים ב Alanya. זה יפה במזרח העיר
Alanya-en by i provinsen Antalya, Tyrkia, en stor vanntank og resort, ligger ved Middelhavet kysten. Mange butikker, restauranter, hoteller ligger i Alanya. Det er en vakker Øst-byen
alanya-en stad i provinsen antalya, turkiet, en stor hamn och resort, ligger vid medelhavskusten. många butiker, restauranger, hotell ligger i alanya. det är en vacker östlig stad
Alanya è una città nella provincia di Antalya, in Turchia, un grande porto di mare e resort, si trova sulla costa del Mediterraneo. Numerosi negozi, ristoranti, hotel si trova a Alanya. Questa è una bella città orientale
Alanya-kaupunki maakunnassa Antalya, Turkki, merkittävä satamakaupunki ja lomakohde, sijaitsee Välimeren rannikolla. Monet kaupat, ravintolat, hotellit sijaitsevat Alanya. Se on kaunis Itä-kaupunki
Alanya-एक शहर के प्रांत में एंटाल्या, टर्की, एक प्रमुख बंदरगाह और रिज़ॉर्ट स्थित है, भूमध्य सागर के तट पर है । कई दुकानें, रेस्तरां, होटल Alanya में स्थित है । यह एक सुंदर पूर्वी शहर
アラニヤ周辺の都市州トルコ-アンタルヤでは、主要な海港とリゾートに位置しており、地中海の海岸です。 多くのショップ、レストラン、ホテルアラニヤです。 利用することができます。東市
阿拉尼亚-一个城市在土耳其安塔利亚省,一个主要的海港和度假胜地,位于地中海沿岸。 许多商店,餐馆,酒店位于阿拉尼亚。 这是一个美丽的东部城市
Alanya-지방에있는 도시의 안탈리아,터키,주요 항구 및 리조트,지중해 해안에 위치하고 있습니다. 많은 상점,레스토랑,호텔 직원들이 항상 대기하고 있습니다. 그것은 아름다운 동부 시티
Alanya is een stad in de provincie Antalya, Turkije, een belangrijke zeehaven en resort, is gelegen aan de Middellandse kust. Vele winkels, restaurants, hotels zijn gelegen in Alanya. Het is een mooie Oostelijke stad
Alanya-sebuah kota di provinsi Antalya, Turki, pelabuhan utama dan resort, terletak di pantai Mediterania. Banyak toko-toko, restoran, hotel yang terletak strategis di Alanya. Ini adalah indah kota Timur
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7 second Hyper lapse of Ataturk Statue - cyprus/Turkey
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. re·ac·tion
. an action performed or a feeling experienced in response to a situation or event.
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jessy Kigen
Haspolat-lefkosa,via mersin 10,Turkey (cyprus international university)
mersin, turkey,99010
ANITKABIR, TURKEY lets visit together.
Hello Guys, so I visited Anitkabir, Ankara city and here is how I spent a day in this wonderful place. I had an amazing time there. Amazing history of the Turkish people. The battles they fought until independence, The evolution of their currency and many more other things. Stay tune for my next video to see more of the beauty in Turkey & how I embrace the different culture here. I am looking forward to see y’all next week on Saturday.
Antalya Turkey TRAVEL VLOG || I loved it more than Istanbul
Antalya is a resort city in Turkey located on the coast of Mediterranean. it's fifth most populous city in Turkey and is one of the beautiful regions with historical monuments and attractions. Antalya's beaches are also very famous for its blue colored water. food is amazing and people are very friendly.
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Istanbul, 10th November, 09,05 AM, anniversary of death of Atatürk
Turkey's Republic Day
Turkey the Aegean Sea - Kuşadası waterfront promenade with Atatürk memorial and downtown
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Mustafa Kemal Ataturk by World History 21-Sept 07
NEIL Campau & Dominick Campbell (Luminous Craft) at Jambalaya, Arcata, CA, USA