Recife - Brazil
Recife is the 4th-largest Metropolitan area in Brazil with 3,768,902 inhabitants, the largest metropolitan area of the North/Northeast Regions, the 4th-largest metropolitan influence area in Brazil, and the capital of the state of Pernambuco. The population of the city proper was 1,561,659 in 2009. Recife is located where the Beberibe River meets the Capibaribe River to flow into the Atlantic Ocean. It is a major port on the Atlantic Ocean. The name Recife means reef in Portuguese, in allusion to the coral reefs that are present by the city's shores. The many rivers, small islands and over 50 bridges found in Recife city center characterize its geography and gives it the moniker of the Brazilian Venice.
The Metropolitan Region of Recife is the main industrial zone of the State of Pernambuco; most relevant products are those derived from cane (sugar and ethanol), electronics, food, and others; thanks to the fiscal incentives of government, many industrial enterprises were started in the 1970s and 1980s. Recife has a tradition of being the most important commercial center of the North/Northeastern region of Brazil with more than 52,500 business enterprises in Recife itself plus 32,500 in the Metro Area which will total more than 85,000.
A combination of a large supply of labor and significant private investments turned Recife into Brazil's second largest medical center, (second only to São Paulo); modern hospitals with state-of-the-art equipment receive patients from several neighboring States. Like all other cities in the Northeast, Recife is developing its tourist sector. The beach of Porto de Galinhas, 60 kilometers (37 miles) south of the city, has been repeatedly awarded the title of best beach in Brazil and has drawn many tourists. Recife's infrastructure is among the most developed in Brazil for travellers and business people, though there is wide room for improvement.
The city is also a renowned educational center, and home to the Federal University of Pernambuco, the largest university in Pernambuco. Several Brazilian historical figures, such as the poet and abolitionist Castro Alves, moved to Recife to attain their education.
Recife is served by the Gilberto Freyre/Guararapes International Airport which connects Recife to several Brazilian destinations as well as major international cities in Europe, the United States and South America. Also, together with Natal these are the only Brazilian cities with direct flights to the paradise islands of Fernando de Noronha, World Heritage Site since 2001. ( source Wikipedia )
The Trolleybuses of Recife
Super-8 silent film shot in 1980 of the Recife, Brazil, trolleybus system shortly before it closed.
【4K】Drone RAW Footage | This is BRAZIL 2020 | Belo H | Fortaleza | Recife | BSB UltraHD Stock Video
4K raw footage from BRAZIL at Belo Horizonte, the Capital City of Brasilia, Fortaleza, Recife, Salvador, Jericoacoara and many more | 2020 | by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage. Stock Videos from South America on Sale!
▶️ Belo Horizonte @ 0:00
▶️ Brasilia @ 53:38
▶️ Chapada Diamantina @ 1:47:37
▶️ Fortaleza @ 3:00:46
▶️ Jericoacoara @ 4:43:45
▶️ Lencois @ 6:43:22
▶️ Mangaratiba @ 7:28:52
▶️ Recife @ 7:38:11
▶️ Salvador @ 8:12:21
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Media data: This drone video (9:28:12h playtime) is a showcase of my full and uncut 237GB Brazil 4K UltraHD Drone Video Footage & Brazil Drone Pictures. Copyright protected Footage and Photos on Sale. For inquiries, contact me via E-Mail, my Blog, Facebook or Instagram Page.
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This copyright protected footage showcase video on YouTube is shown in full 4K quality *raw* and *uncut*, but may include color editing and/or transitions.
Brazil Drone Flight: Brazil, a vast South American country, stretches from the Amazon Basin in the north to vineyards and massive Iguaçu Falls in the south. Rio de Janeiro, symbolized by its 38m Christ the Redeemer statue atop Mount Corcovado, is famed for its busy Copacabana and Ipanema beaches as well as its enormous, raucous Carnaval festival, featuring parade floats, flamboyant costumes, and samba music and dance. Vibrant São Paulo is packed with shops, restaurants and cultural institutions including the noted Museum of Art. Brazils capital, Brasília, founded in 1960, is a planned city with modernist buildings by Oscar Niemeyer. The northeastern state of Bahia, known for beaches and dense Amazon rainforest, reflects African influences in its capoeira martial arts, axé dance music and moqueca (a coconut milk-seafood stew). Its capital, Salvador, retains its 16th- and 17th-century core. Farther north are Alagoas coral reefs, Maranhãos sand dunes and Portuguese colonial town Olinda. Western Pantanals wetlands shelter caimans and jaguars. [Source: Google]
Among others, you will see following places by Drone (Keywords): RAW Footage, Buy 4K Drone RAW Footage, Signature 4K Drone Footage, Stock Footage, Drone Stock Footage, Around The World, Drone Stock, UltraHD Drone Stock Video, Stock Video, Drone Stock Video, UltraHD Drone, 4K Drone, Brazil Drone, Brazil, South America, Belo Horizonte, Brasilia, Chapada Diamantina, Fortaleza, Jericoacoara, Lencois, Mangaratiba, Recife, Salvador
???? Video [Internal ID 463] taken in between 2016 & 2020 and published in 2020
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【K】Brazil Travel-Barreirinhas[브라질 여행-바헤이리냐스]사막속 호수/Lencois maranhenses/National park/Desert
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비를 내려준 열대의 우기와 그 비를 머금어준 사막이 만든 이 기특한 기적을 좀 더 가까이서 보고 싶어졌다. 공기 속에 축축함이 느껴지는 5월은 우기의 끝자락. 사막의 오아시스로 가는 여행은 이 작은 강에서 시작된다. “여기 이 노란색 선으로 표시된 곳이 마라녠시스 지역입니다. 155,000ha에 달하죠. 여러분의 이해를 돕기 위해 덧붙이자면 전체 면적이 상파울루와 맞먹는 정도입니다. 그 안에 35,000개가 넘는 호수가 있고, 작은 것까지 합치면 더 많을 겁니다. 다 보시려면 30일은 족히 걸릴 거예요.” 사막으로 가려면 다리가 없는 이 강을 건너야 하는데 뗏목 같은 배에 우선 타고 온 차들을 싣는다. 그 다음 여행객들이 배의 남은 공간에 빼곡이 올라타면 두 명의 선원이 있는 힘껏 배를 밀어 움직이고 마지막으로 모터 달린 배가 그 뒤에 붙는다. 이 모든 과정이 허무할 만큼 강은 좁아서 5분 남짓이면 강의 반대편에 도착한다. 문제는 배에서 내린 뒤부터다. 차로 갈만한 곳은 배로 가더니 배로 갈만한 곳은 차로 가고 있다. 나는 분명히 사막 투어를 신청했는데 여긴 아무래도 물이 너무 많다. 그렇게 아마존 우기의 위력을 실감하던 중 결국 차가 멈춰버렸다. “저기는 길이 이렇게 나 있어서 올라가려면 옆으로 꺾어서 들어가야 할 것 같아요. 차 빨리 밀게 다들 내리라고 하세요.” “움직여야 되나 봐요.” “여성분들도 다 내려주세요.” 우선 바퀴 아래 흙을 잘 밟고 앞에서 차를 밀어보는데 소용이 없다. 결국 뒤에 오던 차와 연결을 해야 하는 상황. 그런데 뒷 차의 손님들은 한없이 여유롭다. 길가에 선 사람들도 마찬가지. “맨 앞에 가고 있어서 우리만 당했네요.” “다른 차들은 우리 덕분에 무사히 지나갈 거예요.” 길에서 30분을 보냈지만 가이드와 농담을 주고받고 누구 하나 불만을 이야기하는 사람도 없다. 급할 것 하나 없이 천천히 차에 타고 무슨 일이 있었냐는 듯 물 위의 승차감을 즐긴다. 그렇게 한참을 달리면 어느새 물보다 모래가 많아지고, 모래 언덕의 커브를 도는 순간. 사막의 파란 눈동자와 드디어 마주치게 된다. 바라보기만 해도 머릿속이 깨끗해지는 시린 푸른빛. 우릴 이 먼 곳으로 부른 바로 그 빛이다. 그런데 한참 더 먼 곳에서부터 걸어오고 있는 사람들이 보인다. “이렇게 트래킹을 하는 건 조금 미친 방식이라고 할 수 있죠. 국립공원의 한쪽 끝에서 다른 쪽까지 걸어가는 데는 5일이 걸려요. 4일, 3일 만에 갈 수도 있고요.” “제가 환경 보호에 관심이 많아서 트래킹을 하겠다고 했어요. 그래서 자동차를 이용하지 않고 그냥 이렇게 걷고 있어요.” 하지만 걷는 것을 좋아하는 사람이든 싫어하는 사람이든 가장 아름다운 호수에 가려면 마지막엔 비탈길을 올라야 한다. “힘내” “드디어 다 와 간다!” 신발을 벗은 채 밧줄을 꽉 잡고 숲과 사막의 경계가 되는 이 가파른 언덕을 오르고 나면 아름다운 호수, 라고아 보니타에 도착한다. 내려다 보면 바다 같고, 올려다 보면 사막 같은데 고개를 돌려보면 지구의 그 어느 곳도 아닌 풍경. 새하얀 모래 언덕이 두 손을 모아 맑은 물을 담고 사람들은 그 위를 걸어 다니며 순간을 담아보지만 적막과 희망이 교차하는 묘한 공기 속에서 우린 작은 점이 될 뿐이다. “여기는 처음 와 보는데요. 완전히 반해 버렸어요. 여길 보고 나서 새삼 브라질이 정말 큰 나라라는 걸 느꼈어요. 이렇게 장엄한 자연이 가까이 있는데도 우리 브라질 사람들은 그걸 느껴볼 기회를 놓쳐버리곤 한다는 생각도 들고요. 와 보면 누구나 놀라워할 만한 광경이에요.” 너무 부드럽고 폭신폭신해서 발이 빠지는 모래 언덕. 넘어지지 않기 위해선 달려야 한다. 아니면 처음부터 넘어지는 것도 좋은 방법이다. 모래를 가득 묻힌 뒤엔 물을 먹어도 기분이 좋고. “따봉” 이렇게 같은 곳을 바라보고 물 위에 누워보면 하늘마저 품은 땅이 바다보다 넓게 느껴진다. “브라질이 이렇게 아름다운 나라예요.” “맞아요. 우리가 여기에 오기로 결정했을 때 더 묻지도 따지지도 않았어요. 세계의 여러 곳을 돌아다녀 봤지만 브라질은 우리나라이면서도 정말 와볼 만한 가치가 있다고 느껴지는 곳이에요.” “바로 그거죠.”
[English: Google Translator]
I wanted to see a closer view of this rainy season of the rain that set off the rain and this unique miracle made by the desert that gave its rain. May is the end of the rainy season, where dampness is felt in the air. The journey to the oasis of desert begins in this small river. This yellow line here is the Marathi Sys area. It reaches 155,000ha. To help you understand, the total area is about the same as Sao Paulo. There are over 35,000 lakes in it, and even smaller ones will have more. It will take 30 days to see it. To go to the desert, you have to cross this bridgeless river and load the cars first on the boat like a raft. Then, when the passengers climb into the remaining space of the boat, they push the ship with two crews, and finally the boat with the motor is attached to it. The river is so narrow that all this process is futile, and if it is five minutes or less, it arrives on the other side of the river. The problem is from the time we get off the boat. The place to go by car goes by boat, and the place to go by boat is going by car. I obviously applied for a desert tour, but there is too much water here. So while I realized the power of the Amazon rainy season, the car eventually stopped. There is a way like this, and I think I have to break into the side to get up. I have to move. Let all the women down, too. First of all, it's no use treading the soil under the wheel and pushing the car in front of it. Eventually you have to connect with the car that came after you. But the guests in the rear car are leisurely. The same goes for the people on the roadside. We were going to the front and we were the only ones. Other cars will pass safely through us....
■클립명: 남미007-브라질08-15 사막속 아름다운 호수 라고아 보니타
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김가람 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2018년 5월May
사막,desert,열도, 군도, archipelago, cay,
*섬으로 이루어진 곳호수,lake,volcanic, crater, caldera, mountain,터미널,terminal,트레킹/산책,체험,,trek,배,탈것,,ferry, cruise,남아메리카South America남미브라질BrazilBrasil Federative Republic of Brazil김가람20185월마라냥MaranhaoMay걸어서 세계속으로
1936 Zeppelin Hindenburg's Maiden Voyage to Brazil
Reel #: 308 TC In: 0`10332 TC Out: 010426
Zeppelin blimp mcu gondola ropes hold down beauty hindenburg; Hindenburg completes its maiden voyage round tip across the ocean, in Rio De Janeiro piloted by the airship master Dr. Hugo Eckener; control tower seen from below; dropped water ballasts spew from belly of blimp, used to land ship down along with ropes pulled from below by group of men;
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Tupolev, Ilyushin, Antonov.... Budapest Air Museum
A small tour of Budapest Air Museum
Beverly Hills Lamborghini
Beverly Hills Lamborghini
Barnaby Brokaw has spent 40 years in the car collector world and has the unique access to take us along on this grand adventure through the world of the vintage car collectors.
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Traffic Flow Simulation - congestion in road network
Jeep Willys CJ5 Cinza - Trilha Da Pelanca
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[4k] Museu do Amanhã, Exposição Santos Dumont GoPro Hero4 Black Edition, Drone Tarot 650
[4k] Museu do Amanhã, exposição “O poeta voador, Santos Dumont” !!
GoPro Hero4 Black Edition, Drone Tarot 650
Espero que gostem!!!
Obs. Imagens exportadas para o You Tube perdem bastante qualidade, possuo a gravação original!
## As imagens e a edição deste vídeo foram feitas por Warley Pereira da Silva. Para utilização das imagens favor entrar em contato com o autor através do e-mail
É proibido a alteração do trabalho original, podendo o autor tomar as medidas cabíveis de acordo com os direitos autorais - LEI Nº 9.610, DE 19 DE FEVEREIRO DE 1998.
GoPro Hero4 Black Edition
Configuração Câmera:
4k /30fps
Spot Meter: On
Pro Tune: On
White Balance: Auto
Color: GoPro
Shutter: Auto
ISO: 1600
Sharpness: High
Exposure Value Compensation: -0.5
GoPro Studio
Edição Confiuração:
Image Size: Source (3840X2160)
Frame Rate: Source (29,97fps)
File Format: Avi
Quality: Hight
Remove Fisheye: Yes
The Price of the World Cup (ENG/POR/ESP/GER)
¡¡Subtítulos en ESPAÑOL se pueden activar / desactivar en parte inferior del reproductor!!
DEUTSCHE Untertiteln können in Unterseite des Players eingeschaltet und ausgeschaltet werden!!
Danish documentary about the social and human price of the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. // Documentário dinamarquês sobre o preço social e humano da Copa do Mundo no Brasil.
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Oficina de Brennand- Fotografado por Jose alves Gonalves com sua nova nikon d80.
Museu da TAM - Auto Trip
Visita da Auto Trip no Museu da Tam, em São Carlos/SP.
O Museu TAM está localizado em São Carlos a 250 km de São Paulo. Dica no Distrito de Água Vermelha, no km 249,5 da rodovia SP 318, que liga São Carlos a Ribeirão Preto, para os aviadores as coordenadas são um pouco diferente, com a latitude 21º 52″ 35″ S e longitude 047º 54″ 12″ W.
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Thunderstoms on GOL Boeing 737-800 São Paulo Congonhas to Brasilia & IATA Aviation Day Brazil
Today’s flight is São Paulo Congonhas to Juscelino Kubitschek airport in Brasilia BSB on PR-GUB, a Boeing 737-800 delivered to GOL in 2010 that flies also with Transavia in the Netherlands on the high season.
Congonhas is the third busiest airport in Brazil, after São Paulo Guarulhos and Brasilia
The airport is located in the middle of urban areas. There is a small but nice lounge.
Congonhas used to be the main airport in São Paulo. In the past, there were flights to domestic destinations in Brazil and to other countries as well. That was until 1985, with the opening of São Paulo Guarulhos airport. Nowadays, CGH is a very congested airport, serving domestic destinations. It is especially popular for the CGH-SDU (Santos Dumont in Rio de Janeiro) shuttle, or ponte aérea.
This plane still had GOL’s old livery.
This is a 1 hour 20 min long flight and they served a snack and water (the other drinks were not complimentary, coffee included). Actually, I prefer to pay less, as I did, and have almost no frills.
There were some heavy storms ahead and we could see some cumulonimbus clouds. We had to fly around the storm.
This was the first time that I visited Brasilia. The reason of this trip is to attend the IATA Aviation Day Brazil, a one-day conference where there were many aspects about the airline business in Brazil being discussed.
The last panel included the Presidents/CEOs of the four main airlines in Brazil:
Claudia Sender (LATAM), Frederico Pedreira (Avianca Brasil), Antonoaldo Neves (Azul) and Paulo Kakinoff (GOL).
The discussion was very interesting. The main complaints were about high costs due to bureaucracy, fuel costs, airport fees, strict
regulations, compensations and taxes.
As they all agreed, should those costs be reduced, the market would grow much bigger.
Other complaints, especially by Mr. Neves (Azul) included the poor infrastructure in some airports that prevents them from flying there (i.e. due to a lack of a functioning fire engine).
At BSB there is still at least one Boeing 767-200 parked that belonged to the defunct Transbrasil, that ceased operations in 2001. The airline used to be the third largest in Brazil, after VARIG and VASP.
BSB is an impressive airport, it actually looks like a crystal palace. This hub has flights to all big cities in Brazil and also to neighboring countries, the US and Europe.
Brasilia was built in the middle of nothing to become the capital of Brazil. The plano piloto is an airplane-shaped city. Many constructions have been designed by the infamous Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer, among others the cathedral.
Unfortunately the day before there were some demonstrations. Many monuments were painted and some buildings invaded by demonstrators. Due to that, the buildings and museums that I wanted to visit were all closed to the public.
In the video you will also see the Esplanada dos Ministerios and the Congresso Nacional.
On the radio they were talking about the crash of the plane with the Chapecoense football team that happened a few days before my trip.
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Equipment: Boeing 737-800
Asiento/Assento/Poltrona/Seat: 23F
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1996 Brazilian Flight Crashes Seconds After Takeoff
Shortly into TAM Flight 402's takeoff from Congonhas Airport, the pilots are stunned when the plane tilts dangerously to the right. Seconds later, it crashes into a crowded Sao Paulo neighborhood.
From the show Air Disasters: Carnage in Sao Paolo:
B707 and B52 Take Offs
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Mechanical traffic signal controller.MP4
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【4K】Drone Footage | BRAZIL - A country like no other..:: Cinematic Aerial Film | Brasil 2019
The final 4K footage of my drone flights in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Brasilia, Chapada Diamantina, Fortaleza, Jericoacoara, Recife, Salvador and more); project finished & uploaded on 2019-04-28 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.
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Media data: This drone video (6:00min playtime) is an extraction of my multipleGB Brazil 4K Drone Video Footage & Brazil Drone Pictures. Footage and Photos on Sale. For inquiries, contact me via E-Mail, my Blog, Facebook or Instagram Page.
Brazil Drone Flight: Brazil, a vast South American country, stretches from the Amazon Basin in the north to vineyards and massive Iguaçu Falls in the south. Rio de Janeiro, symbolized by its 38m Christ the Redeemer statue atop Mount Corcovado, is famed for its busy Copacabana and Ipanema beaches as well as its enormous, raucous Carnaval festival, featuring parade floats, flamboyant costumes, and samba music and dance. Vibrant São Paulo is packed with shops, restaurants and cultural institutions including the noted Museum of Art. Brazils capital, Brasília, founded in 1960, is a planned city with modernist buildings by Oscar Niemeyer. The northeastern state of Bahia, known for beaches and dense Amazon rainforest, reflects African influences in its capoeira martial arts, axé dance music and moqueca (a coconut milk-seafood stew). Its capital, Salvador, retains its 16th- and 17th-century core. Farther north are Alagoas coral reefs, Maranhãos sand dunes and Portuguese colonial town Olinda. Western Pantanals wetlands shelter caimans and jaguars. [wikipedia // Google]
Among others, you will see following places by Drone (Keywords): Brazil, Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Rio, Sao Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Brasilia, Chapada Diamantina, Fortaleza, Jericoacoara, Jeri, Lencois, Mangaratiba, Recife, Salvador, Copacabana
Video [Internal ID 269] taken in 2017 + 2018 + 2019 and published in 2019
Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | One Man Wolf Pack 2019 -