El turismo aventura en la región de Tarapacá
La zona tiene las condiciones climáticas perfectas para practicar parapente durante todo el año.
Our first impressions exploring Arica, Chile
Crossing from La Paz, Bolivia to Arica, Chile was a nightmare in terms of Immigration. It took us over 5.5 hours to get processed and by the time we finally arrived in Arica we were beyond exhausted. For this very reason, we were thrilled that we budget a full day of rest in the city. This allowed us to sleep-in and wander the city casually without any real aim or goal in mind aside from booking onward travels to San Pedro de Atacama. Come join us as we discover vintage markets (flea markets), farmer's markets and eat the best Peruvian food we've ever had outside of Peru.
Our first impressions of Arica, Chile Travel Video Transcript:
Well good morning. As you can probably tell from the sunglasses and t-shirt we have left Bolivia and we are back to much warmer weather. Yesterday, we crossed over to Chile and we are visiting Arica. Which is actually a border city which sits between Chile and Peru right at the very top. So yeah, we're right by the beach, warmer weather and yeah today we're going to go out and explore.
So we should probably tell the story of how we got to Arica. Ha, yeah. It was a pretty good one involved in that. First off, we'll say that that bus ride was one of the most scenic we've ever been on. Absolutely incredible coming from La Paz to Arica in terms of going from a high altitude destination all the way down to sea level. Yes, it was supposed to take about 7 or 8 hours. Yeah. And it took over 15. Almost six hours at immigration. It was probably honestly the biggest gong show of an immigration I've ever seen. They had one immigration officer processing all of the people on the bus, so they were literally hundreds of people in line. And yet they had other immigration officers like sometimes two or three just checking out one car. Like it just totally didn't make sense. And there had just been a strike in Bolivia a few days ago so they had just opened the border and there were hundreds of people who wanted to get across because they had been waiting for days. Yeah, but anyways part of the adventure so we arrived last night exhausted but now we've had a good night's sleep and we're excited to explore Arica. Yes, the city looks great.
So one of the coolest things about arriving in a city and having no plans is that you just encounter all of these random things. And there appears to be a market setting up right now. Yeah, it is still a bit early. About eight in the morning or so. So it is just getting started but I think it is going to get busy later on today.
So this looks to be like a vintage market where they're selling used clothing. Although I did see some booths that were selling plants and teddy bears so I guess you can find a little bit of everything here.
And it looks like we've come across yet another market. This one is more like a farmer's market so they are selling fresh produce. Let's go through.
We are at the bus terminal buying tickets for our next destination. Want to tell us where we're going? Yes. San Pedro de Atacama. And what is funny is we went to a bus company called Atacama and they do not go to Atacama. We had to find another one. Which bus did we go with? Ah, I think Tour. Tour something. Tour something? I forget but we have tickets. We've got our tickets. We're going. That is the main thing. Night bus. Yes.
Cocina Peruana. So as you can probably tell from the sign we are having Peruvian food in Chile. But don't worry. We are planning to eat Chilean food while we're here. It is just you know Peru is so close and we love Ceviche and we've found this restaurant so we had to go in. And Aji de Gallina. Yes, let's go in.
So tell me about that fantastic meal. That seriously was fantastic. I don't give a lot of restaurants an A plus but I do for this one. Authentic Peruvian food done at a high level.
And that is a wrap for Arica. We didn't make it to the beach. No, or any museums. Or any major landmarks as a matter of fact. But I mean that what our stop here was all about. Just resting, buying tickets to San Pedro. Yeah, and we got to see flea markets and some other things. We had good food and that is all we really wanted to experience. Now we're on to a new destination. Yeah, so great impressions from the city. We would definitely recommend it as pit stop. And yeah, Arica was fun.
This is part of our Travel in Chile series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Chilean culture, Chilean arts, Chilean foods, Chilean religion, Chilean cuisine and Chilean people.
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All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
Descidas e curvas na estrada do Peru que vai para Arica, Chile..MP4
Peru 2012
Parapente Arica - Rodrigo
Vuelo de Rodrigo con Aventura Parapente, un fin de semana de adrenalina.
Arica en Parapente - CHILE #20
Regresamos al norte de Chile para revivir nuestra aventura por Arica, aqui les mostramos una actividad increible, esto es el Parapente, vean todo nuestro viaje por Arica aqui:
Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales:
#Arica #Parapente #Chile
Lauca National Park
Lauca National Park is rich in wildlife, and located in the far north of Chile in the Andes mountains. It is famous for its snow-capped volcanoes Pomerape and Parinacota, the nearby Chungará Lake and the Cotacotani Lagoons. The small town of Parinacota, with its 17th-century church, is close by.
Chile: Mejor Destino de Turismo Aventura de Sudamérica 2017
Los World Travel Awards eligieron a Chile como el Mejor Destino de Turismo Aventura de Sudamérica 2017. Conoce más de Chile y sus destinos en
Aventura por la Ruta panamericana, 45.000 kms en solitario
Antes de cumplir los 30, Iosu López decide abandonarlo todo para cumplir un sueño de infancia: Recorrer América de norte a sur y hacerlo íntegramente por tierra. Un viaje en solitario de 45.000 kilómetros y más de 10 meses desde Prudhoe Bay (Alaska) hasta Bahía Lapataia en Tierra de Fuego (Argentina) a través de la Ruta Panamericana. El cambio en su perspectiva vital, el autoconocimiento y el esfuerzo personal de superación marcan un viaje de descubrimiento de la rica y compleja topografía humana y social del continente americano.
Todas nuestras aventuras y viajes en directo en el resto de redes sociales:
* SNAPCHAT: @mochilerostv
Una Aventura: Comuna de camarones [Part 2] ARICA Y PARINACOTA
Segunda parte del vídeo! quizás en un futuro suba la 3ra parte jejej!
Chile fue reconocido como el mejor destino de turismo aventura de Latinoamérica
Chile fue reconocido como el mejor destino de turismo aventura de Latinoamérica, lo que convierte a nuestro país es uno de los destinos más importantes de la región. La Fundación Imagen estuvo en Aysén para destacar cuáles son los lugares más atractivos del sur de Chile en el marco de este reconocimiento.
Viviendo la aventura en.... CHILEEE!! :D
Este es nuestro segundo viaje que hicimos estando de intercambio, fuimos a Arica- Chile, acompáñenos a ver los hermosos paisajes que tiene este impresionante lugar.
Si te gusta el video regálanos un like y suscríbete! :D
Laguna Roja
Laguna Roja in the neighborhood of Camiña in the north of Chile is a very nice place to visit. The environment is one of the most beautiful places I visited. Nature on the way to Laguna Roja is so beautiful and the changing of the landscape is mar
Valle de Copaquilla (Arica-Chile) Marzo 2012
Los paisajes rupestres de los valles de Arica, Chile
Productos realizados en el marco del proyecto Fondecyt 1151046: Consumo integral de animales en la prehistoria del extremo norte de Chile: una perspectiva interdisciplinaria a través de diferentes líneas de evidencias (ca. 1000 - 1400 d. C)
Viaje por Sudamérica / Tour in South America 51 días de Chile a Colombia
Viaje por Sudamérica
Recorridos Distancia Metodo de Viaje Tiempo
CHILE / Santiago - Calama 1500 kms Avion (3 Horas)
CHILE / Calama - San Pedro de Atacama 104 Kms Autostop Dedo (2 Horas)
CHILE / San Pedro de Atacama - Laguna Cejar 30 Kms Autostop Dedo (2 Horas)
CHILE / Laguna Cejar - San Pedro de Atacama 30 Kms Autostop Dedo (1 Hora)
CHILE / San Pedro de Atacama - Calama 104 Kkms Autostop Dedo (2 Horas)
CHILE-BOLIVIA / San Pedro de Calama - Uyuni 503 Kms Autostop Dedo (2 días)
Bolivia / Uyuni - Salar Uyuni 30 Kms Tour (5 Horas)
Bolivia / Uyuni - La Paz 546 Kms Bus (12 Horas)
Bolivia / La Paz - Valle de la Luna 10 Kms Micro (1 Hora)
Bolivia / Valle de la luna - La Paz 10 Kms Autostop Dedo (40 Minutos)
Bolivia / La Paz - Copacabana 145 Kms Bus (4 Horas)
Bolivia / Copacabana - Isla del Sol 15 Kms Lancha (2 Horas)
Bolivia / Isla del sol - Copacabana 15 Kms Lancha (2 Horas)
Bolivia - Peru / Copacabana - Cuzco 530 Kms Bus (14 Horas)
Peru / Cuzco - Santa Maria 186 Kms Van (6 Horas)
Peru / Cuzco - Santa Teresa 35 Kms Taxi Colectivo (45 Minutos)
Peru / Cuzco - Hidroelectrica Macchupicchu 14 Kms Taxi Colectivo (45 Minutos)
Peru / Hidroelectrica - Macchupicchu - Wayna 15 Kms Caminando (11 Horas)
Peru / Wayna Macchupichu - Hidroelectrica 15 Kms Caminando (7 Horas)
Peru / Hidroelectrica - Cuzco 235 Kms Taxi Colectivo (8 Horas)
Peru / Cuzco - Lima 1070 Kms Bus (18 Horas)
Peru - Ecuador / Lima - Guayaquil 1506 Kms Bus (22 Horas)
Ecuador / Guayaquil - Montañita 170 Kms Bus (3 Horas)
Ecuador / Montañita - Puerto Lopez 44 Kms Autostop Dedo (1 Hora)
Ecuador / Puerto Lopez - Manta 90 Kms Bus (3 Horas)
Ecuador / Manta - Quito 385 Kms Bus (7 Horas)
Ecuador - Colombia / Quito - Cali 470 Kms Bus (12 Horas)
Colombia / Cali - Medellin 440 Kms Bus (12 Horas)
Colombia / Medellin - Cartagena 600 Kms Avion (2 Horas)
Colombia / Cartagena de Indias - Santa Marta 235 Kms Bus (5 Horas)
Colombia / Santa Marta - Parque Nac. Tayrona 20 kms Autostop Dedo (1 Hora)
Colombia / Parque Nac.Tayrona - Cartagena 255 Kms Autostop Dedo (10 Horas)
Colobia / Cartagena - Medellin 600 Kms Avion / Autostop (2 Horas)
Colombia / Medellin - Cali 440 Kms Bus (12 Horas) 10.401
Colombia-Peru / Cali - Lima 2.852 Kms Bus (3 días)
Peru / Lima-Tacna 1.300 Kms Bus (1 día)
PERU - CHILE / Tacna - Arica 60 Kms Taxi / Autostop (2 Horas)
Why Not Chile? Live the Experience of an Adventure
A stunning landscape at the edge of the Earth, perfect for extreme sports, is waiting.
Let your imagination take you deep into the Chilean wild where you can feel the excitement of your next journey.
Discover for yourself, the best of Chile
Vive una aventura extrema pasando por los mejores paisajes del sur del mundo.
Déjate cautivar por la riqueza de la naturaleza chilena y las múltiples actividades que podrás realizar en tu próximo viaje.
Recorre en primera persona, lo mejor de Chile.
Ubicación del complejo fronterizo Chacalluta.
El complejo fronterizo Chacalluta es un edificio ubicado en el lado chileno de la frontera entre Chile y Perú. Se encuentra en el «kilómetro 2092» de la ruta 5 Panamericana, 22 km al norte de Arica (calculado desde el centro de la ciudad) y a unos 30 km al sur de la ciudad peruana de Tacna. Su distancia de la frontera chileno-peruana es menor a 1 km.
Los organismos presentes en el recinto son el Servicio Nacional de Aduanas, la Policía de Investigaciones, el Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero (SAG) y Carabineros. El primer Coordinador fue Adolfo Sánchez Sánchez.
Es el complejo fronterizo más transitado de todo Chile,[cita requerida] con un paso diario aproximado de 5000 personas. En fines de semana o días festivos, esta cifra se incrementa, llegando en ocasiones hasta las 30 000 personas por día.
Este complejo es utilizado en su gran mayoría por chilenos y peruanos debido al convenio Arica-Tacna, que permite el paso entre ambas ciudades utilizando solamente la cédula nacional de identidad; sin embargo, es usual en fechas de vacaciones encontrar gran tráfico de vehículos argentinos, bolivianos y brasileños.
Debido a la gran cantidad de tráfico que circula por este complejo, se requiere para su paso la utilización de un documento denominado relación de pasajeros. A diferencia de otros pasos fronterizos, en que simplemente los documentos de los pasajeros y del vehículo son suficientes para pasar, sin la relación de pasajeros no será posible pasar hacia ninguno de los dos países por este control fronterizo.
#chacalluta #chileperu #complejofroterizochacalluta #lunaviajeramg #tacna #papeles #fronterizo #ayuda #concordia #rumbosur #chile #desierto #calor #lunaviajera#jumpingaroundtheworld #saltandoporelmundo #motorcycle #honda #goldwing #america #orlando #usa #mexico # rider #adventure #aventura #unitedairlines #guatemala #elangeldelaindependencia#mxcd #lima #huacachina #road #lamalima #moto #viajero#aventura #2019 #hondagoldwing #road #virtual #orlando #rodando #porelmundo #viajeros #bycicle #pedaling #mind #slow #miles #waytogo #huacachina #oasis #america #peru #desierto #myworls #travel #endosruedas #aventuraporamerica #santiago #enjoy #live #live #tothebest #frontera #papeles
Estrada de Mollendo, Peru seguindo para Arica, Chile
Peru 2012
B.S.F. viaje Lima-Arica Chile
Aventura sobre asfalto