Jochen Kopf's music box impressions: a huge Kalliope in Bremervörde, pt. 1
This is an antique music box video like many other collectors would show it here: A Kalliope with 12 bells and double comb playing The Washington Post March by John Philipp Sousa. But of course there's a difference to the others: This huge and rare antique music box with up to 30 (72,5 cm) in disc diameter(!) is standing in a café, which is part of the Bachmann Museum in Bremervörde / Northern Germany. The focus of this museum are exhibition pieces of the pre and early history / archeology, collected by Mr. August Bachmann at the beginning of the 20th century. This sensational music box also belongs to the Bachmann family. In the next videos you'll see and hear more details. Special greetings go to Lars in Bremervörde (BRV1848), who paid my attention to this box. Many thanks go to Udo Edebohls in Dorum for leading the camera, a good friend of mine from our common fraternity Frankonia in Gießen. Also big thanks to the staff of the Bachmann Museum for the great support. And now enjoy the first video of this antique Kalliope music box, and if you like it, please feel free to leave a comment.
Jochen Kopf's music box impressions: a huge Kalliope in Bremervörde, Pt. 3
In this video you can see the insight of the music box with the mechanism, the 12 bells and a zither attachment. As I said in the 2nd video, I noticed, that some of the bells are off-tuned, and I tried to work out, which of them don't tune exactly. Especially at the beginning of the video I tried to translate the German words into English (hopefully more British accented than in the videos before:-), but then the rest was said in German, because I talked with the lady from the museum staff and my camera man, so it's an English-German life-mix. The people of the museum staff were so fascinated, that I could hear, which bells are off-tuned, that they interviewed me for a newspaper article, which already appeared in the Bremervörder Zeitung, October 16th, under the title Großer Körper, großer Klang - Mandolinen-Automat Kalliope im Bachmann-Museum Bremervörde (Big corpus, big sound - mandolin automaton Kalliope in the Bachmann Museum Bremervörde). - So enjoy also this part of the presentation.
Jochen Kopf's music box impressions: a huge Kalliope in Bremervörde, pt. 4
And here is the crowning end of this presentation with another disc, playing Mauseschwänzchen. This melody was made by the popular operetta and review composer Paul Lincke (1866-1946). In German, the word Mauseschwänzchen (mouse's tail) is often used as a term of endearment for a beloved person. - Special thanks go to Tim, my neighbur in Marburg, who was so nice to edit pt. 2-4 of this presentation. Also many thanks again to Udo, my camera man, and the staff of the Bachmann Museum in Bremervörde for the great support. And now enjoy the great sound of this huge antique Kalliope music box with Mauseschwänzchen.
stuhmer museum film 0001
Das Stuhmer Museum in Bremervörde gehört zu den neunzig niedersächsischen Heimatsammlungen, die viel zu wenig zugänglich sind. Ich finde die Ausstellungsstücke sehr sehenswert und ein Besuch lohnt sich . Die Stuhmer Heimatkreisgemeinschaft gehört der Westpreussischen Landsmannschaft an. Und das Wespreussische Landesmuseum ist auch mit von der Partie. Die Fotos sowie die Lehrerhandreichung habe ich 2007 gemacht.
Jochen Kopf's music box collection: 15.5 Polyphon discs, pt. 7
Here is part 7 of this huge Polyphon documentation, which will bring a lot of dance music. The 3rd disc, The skaters waltz by Waldteufel (#1090) is very popular, and you can find it on some other music boxes, for example the 15.5 Regina, which is compartible to the 15.5 Polyphon. Here on Youtube you can hear a guide to Japan's oldest museum of mechanical music, which closed 1 year ago after 30 years of excellent work. In this video ( the guide introduces the title in Japanese. The 9th disc, The Washington Post March by Sousa, I brought 3 years ago from Bremervörde's Bachmann Museum and the 30 Kalliope there (see the documentation in 4 parts on this channel). The 4 last discs from the 2nd series are marked as Unknown on the Japanese website of Polyphon and Regina discs ( They are: #10341 O Hedwig, Hedwig, Hedwig (German song); #10500 Roses, tulips, nelks; 10627 This is love; 10630 The ladies from Chantlan. As usual, many thanks to my dear sweet blond Polyphon lady Sandra Kopf (not only) for leading the camera. If you like the sound of mechanical music, you can join the German association for Self-playing Music, GSM ( where many collectors of different countries are closed together.
Peat Railway - Der Moorexpress von Wietmarschen
Was alles möglich ist! Loks in der Steilwandkurve und abhebende Räder.
Jochen Kopf's music box impressions: a huge Kalliope in Bremervörde, pt. 2
Here you can see and hear this huge instrument again with the Washington Post March, but this time in full version and with an introduction about the museum and the music box. It's edge driven, has a double comb and 12 bells (that was clarified just before dropping the coin). Enjoy this 2nd life presentation of the huge antique Kalliope music box.