Bacho Kiro cave, Dryanovo, Bulgaria
Пещерата Бачо Киро - Дряново от
Bacho Kiro cave, Dryanovo, Bulgaria
Bacho Kiro Cave at Dryanovo Monastery, Bulgaria
Inside the incredible Bacho Kiro cave in Dryanovo, Bulgaria.
Bacho Kiro cave of Dryanovo, Bulgaria - Пещера Бачо Киро в Дряново, България
Bacho Kiro cave Bulgaria / Пещера Бачо Киро България / La Cueva “Bacho Kiro”
The Bacho Kiro cave is situated 5 km west of the town Dryanovo, Bulgaria, only 300 m away from the Dryanovo Monastery
It is embedded in the canyons of the Andaka and Dryanovo River. It was opened in 1890 and the first recreational visitors entered the cave in 1938, two years before it was renamed in honor of Bulgarian National Revival leader, teacher and revolutionary Bacho Kiro. The cave is a four-storey labyrinth of galleries and corridors with a total length of 3.600 m, 700 m of which are maintained for public access and equipped with electrical lights since 1964. An underground river has over time carved out the many galleries that contain countless stalactone, stalactite, and stalagmite speleothem formations of great beauty. Galleries and caverns of a 1.200 m long section have been musingly named as a popular description of this fairy-tale underground world. The formations succession: Bacho Kiro’s Throne, The Dwarfs, The Sleeping Princess, The Throne Hall, The Reception Hall, The Haidouti Meeting-Ground, The Fountain and the Sacrificial Altar.
The site has yielded the oldest human remains ever to be found in Bulgaria. Among one of the earliest known Aurignacian burials (layer 11), two pierced animal teeth were found and ordered into the distinct Bachokiran artifact assemblage. Radiocarbon dated to over 43.000 years ago, they currently represent the oldest known ornaments in Europe. With an approximate age of 46.000 years, human fossils consist of a pair of fragmented mandibles
Пещера „Бачо Киро“ е разположена на 5 km от град Дряново и на 300 метра западно от Дряновския манастир. Наречена е Бачо Киро на името на героя от Априлското въстание.
Пещерата се състои от сложен лабиринт от галерии с обща дължина над 2400 метра. Първата зала на пещерата (Преддверието) е най-добре изследвана в археологическо отношение. По-нататък галерията извежда в Дъждовната зала. Следва залата Срутището, а по-нататък са Залата на самотния сталактон, Залата на езерата и Конгресната зала. Най-красива е Приемната зала. В предния й край е разперил крила - нейният страж - Каменният орел. Сред фигурите в другата част на залата се отличават Гъбите, Монасите, Трите клюкарки, Старият храм, Баба Яга.
В нея са открити оръдия на труда и следи от човешко присъствие, които датират от средния (150 000 до 30 000 г. пр. Хр.) и късния (150 000 до 12 000 г. пр. Хр.) палеолит. Разполага с разнообразие от вторични карстови образувания – сталагмити, сталактити, сталактони, драперии. Температурата във вътрешността на пещерата е постоянна – 13 градуса, влажността е 95%. Открити са следи от човешка култура и кости от домашни и диви животни. Намерен е и скелет на мечка с височина 3 метра. Интересни за са карстовите образувания в пещерата, наподобяващи риби, змии, хора, Богородица и младенеца, мечка и много други. Една от туристическите атракции е „Чистилището“ – нисък, трудно проходим коридор с размери 60х40 cm, за който казват, че може да бъде преминат само от праведен човек.
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Το βίντεο τραβήχτηκε με action camera GoPro HERO5 Black 4K ultra hd
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Видео снятое на экшн камеры GoPro Hero5 Black 4K ultra hd
Video capturado con la cámara GoPro HERO5 Black 4K ultra hd
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Waterfall at Bacho Kiro Cave, Dryanovo, Bulgaria
Bacho Kiro cave to the Dryanovo Monastery
The Bacho Kiro cave (Bulgarian: пещера „Бачо Киро) is situated 5 kilometers west of the town Dryanovo, Bulgaria, only 300 meters away from the Dryanovo Monastery. It is embedded in the exquisit canyons of the Andaka and Dryanovo River. The first tourists entered the cave in 1938, two years before it was actually called the Bacho Kiro cave after the Bulgarian National Revival enlightener Bacho Kiro. The cave is a four-storey labyrinth of galleries and corridors with a total length of 3,600 metres, 700 metres of which are maintained for tourists' attraction.
Bulgaria. Bacho Kiro Cave
Dryanovo monastery St. Archangel Michael - Bacho Kiro cave
⛪⛰???? Дряновски манастир Св. Архангел Михаил
пещера Бачо Киро
Dryanovo monastery St. Archangel Michael
Bacho Kiro cave
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Дряновский монастырь (болг. Дряновският манастир Свети Архангел Михаил) — действующий православный мужской монастырь в Болгарии. Расположен в горном ущелье, близ рек Дряново и Андака, в 5 км к юго-западу от болгарского города Дряново. Это один из крупнейших и хорошо сохранившихся монастырей в регионе Тырново. Монастырь посвящён архангелу Михаилу.
Bacho Kiro cave
Пещерата Бачо Киро, България
Dryanovo, Bulgaria
The town of Dryanovo (Дряново) is situated at the northern foot of the Balkan Mountains in Gabrovo Province, Bulgaria, amphitheatrically along the two banks of Dryanovo River, a tributary to the Yantra River. The town is a centre of Dryanovo municipality, which is composed of 62 villages, hamlets and huts picturesquely spread out of the mountain folds. The population of the town is 9,707
Varna: bul. Saborni - ul. Bacho Kiro. Trolleybus no. 326
Varna: bul. Saborni - ul. Bacho Kiro. Troleibuz nr. 326.
Bacho Kiro Cave
Vizita la Pestera Bacho Kiro din Bulgaria
Dryanovo (Дряново) sleepy town on the banks of the Dryanovo River
Dryanovo (Дряново) sleepy town on the banks of the Dranovo River sometimes referred to as a town of centenarians for the healthy climatic conditions prolonging people's life. The town is also known as the birthplace of the renowned architect Kolyu Ficheto.
CT-Varna Bacho Kiro Trip 2011.wmv
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Guest House Dryanovo - Dryanovo - Bulgaria
Save up to 25% with Smart Booking. Book it now:
Guest House Dryanovo hotel city: Dryanovo - Country: Bulgaria
Address: 13 Bacho Kiro Str.; zip code: 5370
Guest House Dryanovo is a holiday home featuring free WiFi and a patio set in Dryanovo. The holiday home is 4 km from Bacho Kiro Cave. Free private parking is available on site.
Dryanovo Ecotrail, Bulgaria - Дряновска екопътека, България
The hiking trail Dryanovo Monastery - Bozhentsi begins close to the Dryanovo Monastery and the cave Bacho Kiro. The route is between 3 and 4 hours long and it is considered of an average difficulty due to the steep sections. The ascending continues towards Boruna, where from the cliff you can take a glance at the whole area and enjoy the view to the river gorge. Next stop is the ruins of Boruna Fortress. Boruna was built around the 5th – 6th century and lasted until the fall of the Second Bulgarian Empire. Given its proximity to the capital at Veliko Tarnovo, it was probably fairly significant. Today there are only partial ruins of the fortress walls and some residential buildings. Still, it was kinda cool exploring some overgrown ruins in the middle of a forest.
Екопътека Дряновски манастир - Боженци започва от пещерата Бачо Киро, която се намира близо до Дряновския Манастир. По каменни стълби се достига скалата Боруна, където има изградена дървена беседка и две обзорни площадки. Оттам се открива панорамна гледка към Дряновския манастир и каньоните на реките Дряновска и Андъка. След това по красива горска пътека се достига крепостта Боруна, която е съществувала в периода V-VI век до края на Втората Българска Държава. Пътеката продължава през село Долни Върлища, Горни Върлища, Голямата Бочуковска поляна, село Трапезковци и Боженци.
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Το βίντεο τραβήχτηκε με action camera GoPro HERO5 Black 4K ultra hd
Видеото е заснето с камера GoPro Hero 5 Black 4K ultra hd
Видео снятое на экшн камеры GoPro Hero5 Black 4K ultra hd
Video capturado con la cámara GoPro HERO5 Black 4K ultra hd
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Bacho Kiro cave
cave Bulgaria Bacho Kiro monastery
Dryanovo mini-cascade
16 Aprilie 2017 Dryanovo
Peștera Bacho Kiro, râul Dryanovska
prosetka do Temna pestera HQ Video
There are 346 registered caves in Macedonia - a heaven for adventurers and high-adrenaline lovers. Their number is believed to be between 400 and 500. Many of the Macedonian caves have underground rivers, waterfalls, and small lakes, while most of them abound in stalactites, stalagmites, pillars, drapers, and corals. The caves are also home to a variety of interesting fauna, such as crabs, spiders, bats, and various insects, which are accustomed to life in the dark and food shortage. Fossil remains of the extinct Pleistocene fauna, such as cave bears and sword tigers, are also found in many of the Macedonian caves.
The caving tour of Macedonia covers the most attractive regions of Skopje and Western Macedonia (Caves “Jasika” and Ubava in the vicinity of Skopje, caves “Gorna Slatinska”, Peshna and “Puralo” in the Makedonski Brod region, and cave “Alilica” in the Mavrovo National Park.