7th June Bourke and Back O' Bourke Exhibition Centre
From Kidmans Camp in Bourke NSW we had a look at the old Darling River Bridge and then the Back O' Bourke Exhibition Centre.
Back O'Bourke Exhibition Center Opening Ceremony
The Bourke Exhibition center was openened on the 24th of October 2009 and celebrated with a street parade and an official opening ceremony. The center celebrates outback characters and tells the story of life in the outback. Produced by
PV Jandra - Paddle Boat - Darling River - Bourke NSW - Australia
The replica Paddle Vessel JANDRA makes regular sight seeing tours of the Darling River near the town of Bourke in Australia.
The JANDRA is typical in shape and scale to vessels that used to navigate the inland waterways of Australia in the late19th and early 20th Centuries.
For details and bookings please contact the Back O' Bourke Exhibition Centre.
Eröffnungs-Event Back´o Bourke Exhibition Centre
Am 24. Oktober 2009 fand die offizielle Eröffnungsfeier des Back´o Bourke Ausstellungs-Centers statt. Ein buntes Straßenfest mit vielen Einheimischen, aber auch Touristen wurde geboten. Bourke ist eine kleine Stadt in New South Wales im Outback Australiens.
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Back O' Bourke is open Promo
Mateship Country Tours - discover Bourke and surroundings
hear a unique take on the development of Bourke from its past to present by Bourke Tourist Information officer, Stuart Johnson on the Mateship Country tour;
mystery - journey to the solitary outcrop of Mt Oxley, and wonder about the noises heard by the explorers as you look down from a magnificent view;
Bourke Park Paintout #1
The Bourke Park Street Art project in Pakenham was funded by Cardinia Shire Council and supported by Councillors and Hardy's Mitre 10 as part of the overall park re-development.
Working with the tiffany bishop COLLECTIVE (tbC) to engage local young artists and provide mentoring in street art, project management, film making and documenting. This project aims to build a local crew to take ownership and continue to grow the project with regular re-design and re-paints of all surfaces.
Providing ongoing opportunity for these local artists to become lead artists -- paid to mentor the next generation of artists -- creating local employment in cultural industry.
Stay tuned for phase 2 and 3
Run by Cultural Development and Open Space units, with support from Youth Services and many other departments.
Want to get involved? Contact our Cultural Development unit on 1300 787 624.
My Movie ahahahaha bourke 1 half.wmv
Back of Bourke Easter 2012 NSW Australia
The Bourke Police and Community Outback Trek 2013 Highlights
The Bourke Police and Community Outback Trek 2013. Highlights of the Trek. From Bourke to the Barossa Valley. Through the desert of South Australia and many stop overs in between. Coming back into NSW through Cameron Corner, Tibooburra then back to Bourke. Then to return home in time for the 2013 NRL Grand Final. Fund raising trip for the Royal Flying Doctor Service.
Back to Bourke Documentary.mov
Back o Bourke Channel Surfing
kane and Matt carve it up out west
Trilby Station, Bourke
Roll up your sleeves for fishing, 4WDing, canoeing and more on the 320,000 acre working outback Trilby Station on the Darling River in regional NSW.
Water Skiing on the Darling River, Back O'Bourke
Harry Bartlett water skiing on the Darling River at Bourke
JDs pursuit
Bourke Police and Community Outback Trek. Clips of JD's black and white in pursuit of trekkers before they can get to the county line. Is that Sheriff Rosco driving...
Bourke Bridge Jump
Andy takes the plunge in the Darling at Bourke
Russ Bellette - Bourke NSW - 1984
Russ Bellette performs a song written by Kelly Dixon and made popular by Slim Dusty at the Buddy Williams Show, Oxley Club Bourke, NSW Australia, 9th of June 1984.
7th June Bourke to Louth and Trilby Station
We leave Bourke and follow the Darling River South to Louth, we have a drink at Shindy's Inn and and then go on to Trilby Station where we stop for a Station stay at a camp site on the Darling River bank. We see lots of wild pig tracks, catch a nice feed of yabbies and get a great campfire going.
Bourke NSW Holiday
Shot and edited on iPhone