Bhopal - City of Lakes - Upper lake - Weekend Hangout RJ Rhicha
Let's go to Bhopal :) the capital city of Madhya Pradesh, and a beautiful hangout !
❤ भोजताल झील : Most Beautiful Upper Lake In Madhya Pradesh : Bhojtal, Bhopal
This travel video furnish the information about the Bhojtal lake . If you go there , you will enjoy boating, nature view, artistic sculptures, stalls, etc. this is well organised lake . very beautiful . watch this video for full knowledge .
Watch , learn and enjoy !
► Location – Bhopal
► Production - * Shot by Sanjeev Kumar Gupta ( the owner of
* Camera used in this video - Sony Handycam HDR PJ410
* Music track taken from youtube audio library
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Badi Jheel भोजताल Bhopal...
Bhojtal,(Hindi: भोजताल), formerly known as Upper Lake is a large lake which lies on the western side of the capital city of Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal.Bada talaab, along with the nearby Chhota Talaab, meaning small lake in Hindi, constitute Bhoj Wetland, which is now a Ramsar site.
Badi Jheel of bhopal (upper lake), Beautiful Sunset view , Trip to bhopal during ssb interview.
While going for ssb interview to bhopal, i see one of my most beautiful sunset in badi jheel (upper lake) , had a speed boad ride too in india's first boad club in lake view. one of the amazing road trip
Bhopal lake view,
भोपाल झील के दृश्य
भोपाल को झीलों का शहर कहा जाता है आज यहां बहुत सारी झील देखने को मौका मिला और उसमें से जो सबसे बड़ी झील कही गई है जहां पर आप वोटिंग कर सकते हैं झील के किनारे किनारे पैदल घूम सकते हैं बत्तख को घूमते देख सकते हैं बतख को खाना खिला सकते हैं।
भोपाल जाए तो यह स्थान जरूर देखें
The pride of city of lake, bhojtal or upper lake is located in Bhopal which largest artificial lake and is listed as Wetland under Ramsar Wetland convention by UNESCO.The bhojtal is one of the most popular tourist place in Bhopal having rich variety of biodiversity, landscape beauty, scope of adventure sports,fun loving games and social activities.
How to reach:
You can reach to this place using public transport from below mentioned location and also by personal vehicle through GPS Location provided .
Nearest Bus stand : ISBT bhopal.
Nearest railway station : Habibganj and bhopal
Nearest airport : Bhopal
Location : 23.270776N,77.338071E
Bhojtal ( Upper Lake ) at Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
Bhojtal ( Upper Lake ) also called Bada Talab is a prime sightseeing attraction of Bhopal. The large lake - front is ideal for taking a stroll and watch the speed boats carrying tourist cruising rapidly on placid water. In afternoon one can see colorful sailboats gliding smoothly on lake water. Tourists with more time at their disposal hire paddle boats and move on the lake at their own leisurely pace. In the evening the motor-launch looking like a mini-ship carry a lot of passengers in its upper deck for a cruise with fun, frolic and music. The snow white swans are not shy to come on the shore for the food - the tourist may offer. There is a model of mini-railway station named as 'Bhojtal Junction' with a locomotive in display. The large model of ship 'Shivalik' in glass case serves as a backdrop for tourists taking memory picture shoots.
shahpura lake of bhopal
lake city of bhopal is one of the greenest city of india
Bhopal videos
Bhopal Lake Full View | Madhya Pradesh | भोपाल झील का अद्भुत दृश्य । CCC
भोपाल में एक कहावत है “तालों में ताल भोपाल का ताल बाकी सब तलैया”, अर्थात यदि सही अर्थों में तालाब कोई है तो वह है भोपाल का तालाब। भोपाल की यह विशालकाय जल संरचना अंग्रेजी में “अपर लेक” (Upper Lake) कहते हैं इसी को हिन्दी में “बड़ा तालाब” कहा जाता है। यह एशिया की सबसे बड़ी कृत्रिम झील भी कहा जाता है। मध्यप्रदेश की राजधानी भोपाल के पश्चिमी हिस्से में स्थित यह तालाब भोपाल के निवासियों के पीने के पानी का सबसे मुख्य स्रोत है। भोपाल की लगभग 40% जनसंख्या को यह झील लगभग तीस मिलियन गैलन पानी रोज देती है। इस बड़े तालाब के साथ ही एक छोटा तालाब (Small Lake) भी यहाँ मौजूद है और यह दोनों जलक्षेत्र मिलकर एक विशाल “भोज वेटलैण्ड” का निर्माण करते हैं, जो कि अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय रामसर सम्मेलन के घोषणापत्र में संरक्षण की संकल्पना हेतु शामिल है।
भौगोलिक स्थिति –
बड़ा तालाब के पूर्वी छोर पर भोपाल शहर बसा हुआ है, जबकि इसके दक्षिण में “वन विहार नेशनल पार्क” है, इसके पश्चिमी और उत्तरी छोर पर कुछ मानवीय बसाहट है जिसमें से अधिकतर इलाका खेतों वाला है। इस झील का कुल क्षेत्रफ़ल 31 वर्ग किलोमीटर है और इसमें लगभग 361 वर्ग किमी इलाके से पानी एकत्रित किया जाता है। इस तालाब से लगने वाला अधिकतर हिस्सा ग्रामीण क्षेत्र है, लेकिन अब समय के साथ कुछ शहरी इलाके भी इसके नज़दीक बस चुके हैं। कोलास नदी जो कि पहले हलाली नदी की एक सहायक नदी थी, लेकिन एक बाँध तथा एक नहर के जरिये कोलास नदी और बड़े तालाब का अतिरिक्त पानी अब कलियासोत नदी में चला जाता है।
सामाजिक और सांस्कृतिक महत्व –
11वीं शताब्दी में इस विशाल तालाब का निर्माण किया गया और भोपाल शहर इसके आसपास विकसित होना शुरु हुआ। इन दोनों बड़ी-छोटी झीलों को केन्द्र में रखकर भोपाल का निर्माण हुआ। भोपाल शहर के बाशिंदे धार्मिक और सांस्कृतिक रूप से इन दोनों से झीलों से दिल से गहराई तक जुड़े हैं। रोज़मर्रा की आम जरूरतों का पानी उन्हें इन्हीं झीलों से मिलता है, इसके अलावा आसपास के गाँवों में रहने वाले लोग इसमें कपड़े भी धोते हैं (हालांकि यह इन झीलों की सेहत के लिये खतरनाक है), सिंघाड़े की खेती भी इस तालाब में की जाती है।
Bhopal News VIP lake par ek lady paani me giri. LIVE
Bhopal lake . lady in water
JHEEL MAHOTSAV was held in bhopal
JHEEL MAHOTSAV was held in bhopal
Bada Talab or Upper Lake of Bhopal Madhya Pradesh/Incredible India/ MP tourism
Hi everyone,
Today I am going to take you to the upper lake or Bada Talab
one of the star attractions of Bhopal which is the capital city of Madhya Pradesh.
With lots of love and light,
Dr Mousmi Singh
A Channel with a Difference!!!
bada talab bhopal, bhojtal lake
Bhopal videos
Bhotjal or Upper Lake, Bhopal | India Video
Bhotjal or Upper Lake, Bhopal | India Video
Bhojtal or Upper Lake one of the favourite picnic spots in the capital city of Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal. For more click on -
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Upper Lake, Bhopal || बड़ा ताल || Water Scooter || Bhopal Tourist Place, Madhya Pradesh.
बड़ा ताल जाने के लिए आप बस से जाएं या किसी online taxi से जाएं। भोपाल में auto से कही भी मत जाएं और auto वालो के साथ hotel लेने तो बिल्कुल भी मत जाये क्योकि auto वालो का hotel में कमीशन बना रहता है।
Upper lake एक बहुत ही खूबसूरत जगह है । यहाँ आपको parasailing, water scooter, boating etc करने को मिल जाएगा।
Bada Talab, Upper Lake Bhopal Speed Boat
Bhojtal, (Hindi: भोजताल), formerly known as Upper Lake[1] is a large lake which lies on the Western side of the capital city of Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal. It is a major source of drinking water for the residents of the city, serving around 40% of the residents with nearly 30 million imperial gallons (140,000 m3) of water per day.[2] Bada talaab, along with the nearby Chhota Talaab, meaning small lake in Hindi, constitute Bhoj Wetland, which is now a Ramsar site.[3]
According to the local folklore, Bhojtal is said to have been built by the Parmara Raja Bhoj during his tenure as a king of Malwa (1005--1055). He is also said to have established the city of Bhopal (also named after him, then as Bhojpal) to secure the eastern frontier of his kingdom. There is a legend why they built the lake. Once king Bhoj suffered from skin disease and all Vaidyas (Doctor in English) failed to cure him. Then, one day a saint told the king to build a tank to combine 365 tributaries and then have a bath in it to wipe out the skin disease. Bhoj called upon his engineers to build up a huge tank. They spotted a place near river Betwa, which was 32 km away from Bhopal. It was found that it has only 359 tributaries. A Gond Commander Kalia fulfilled this shortage. He then gave the address of an invisible river. After merging the tributaries of this river the number 365 was completed.[4]
The lake was created by constructing an earthen dam across the Kolans River. An eleven gate dam called the Bhadbhada dam was constructed at Bhadbhada in 1965 at the southeast corner of the Lake, and now controls the outflow to the river Kaliasote.
The lake was known as the Upper Lake or Bada Talab (Big Pond) until March 2011 it was renamed to Bhojtaal in honour of the Great King Raja Bhoj who built it.[5] A huge statue of Raja Bhoj was also installed on a pillar on one corner of the lake.[6]
Bhojtal is situated on the west central part of Bhopal city and is surrounded by Van Vihar National Park on the south, human settlements on the east and north, and agriculture fields on the west.[3] It has an area of 31 km², and drains a catchment or watershed of 361 km². The watershed of the Upper Lake is mostly rural, with some urbanized areas around its eastern end. The Kolans was formerly a tributary of the Halali River, but with the creation of the lake using an earthen dam and a diversion channel, the upper reach of the Kolans River and Bada Talaab now drain into the Kaliasote River. It is the largest artificial lake in Asia.
Social and cultural significance[edit]
Since the construction of the lake in the 11th century, Bhopal city has grown around it. The people are religiously and culturally attached to the lakes. The lakes meet their needs of water supply and they wash clothes in them (very harmful for the lake ecosystem), cultivate water chestnut in Bhojtal and lotus in Chhota Talaab. The idols of gods and goddesses are also immersed in the lake during religious festivals, though the local administration is advising devotees not to do so. The Takia island in Upper lake has a tomb of the Shah Ali Shah Rahamatullah Alla, which has religious and archaeological significance.[3]
Economy and entertainment[edit]
Tourists in Bhojtal
The fishing rights to Bhojtal have been given on long lease by the Bhopal Municipal Corporation to a co-operative consisting of some 500 fishermen families. Fishing is mainly done on its south-eastern shores. The lake also serves as the source of water for irrigating a large area. There are 87 villages in its catchment area in the Bhopal as well as Sehore districts. Agriculture is the main source of livelihood for people in these areas and most farmers have livestock as well. While some farmers have large landholdings, many farmers are small and marginal farmers with only a few acres of land.[2]
Bhojtal attracts tourists due to its scenic beauty. India's first National Sailing Club has been established at the Boat Club[7] on its Eastern side. This club offers various water sports such as kayaking, canoeing, rafting, water skiing, parasailing etc. A number of operators provide facilities for exciting trips by sail, paddle and motor boats.[8] Van Vihar National Park, situated on the south-eastern side of the lake, attracts tourists. The road passing through it has on one side the animals in their natural habitats, and on the other hand is the scenic beauty of the lake.
Coordinates 23.25°N 77.34°ECoordinates: 23.25°N 77.34°E
Primary inflows Kolans River
Catchment area 361 km²
Basin countries India
Max. length 31.5 km
Max. width 5 km
Surface area 31 km²
Best Attractions and Places to See in Bhopal, India
Bhopal Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Bhopal. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Bhopal for You. Discover Bhopal as per the Traveler Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Bhopal.
This Video has covered Best Attractions and Things to do in Bhopal.
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List of Best Things to do in Bhopal, India
Madhya Pradesh Tribal Museum
Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka
Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi
Badi Jheel Lake
Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya - National Museum of Mankind
Upper Lake
Lake View Bhopal
DB City Mall
Lakshmi Narayana Temple
Lake City boat club bhopal☺️☺️
Bhopal lake city small view