Bai Causeway on West Lake, Hangzhou
Hangzhou, P.R. China, 2011-04-17;
西湖・バイディー(白堤), 中国・ハンジョウ(杭州)
4th sept 2012 hangzhou the su causeway and bai causeway, king hue fei's tomb, west lake sceneries
Su Causeway, West Lake, Hangzhou, China
Afternoon on West Lake
20090906 D - Bai Causeway, West Lake, Hangchow 04
Bai Causeway, West Lake, Hangchow, Chekiang.
Walking Hangzhou's West Lake Causeways (Day 1)
West Lake / 西湖 is a freshwater lake in Hangzhou divided into five sections by three causeways. There are numerous temples, pagodas, gardens and artificial islands within the lake.
At the beginning of the Song dynasty's Yuanyou era (1086–1094), another great poet, Su Shi (also known as Su Dongpo), came to Hangzhou to serve as its governor. At that time, the farmers suffered greatly drought again, due to overgrowth of the weeds at the bottom of the lake clogging the irrigation ducts. He ordered dredging of the lake and piled up all the mud into another causeway, in the style of Bai Causeway, but much wider and nearly three times as long: he also planted willow trees along its banks. This causeway was later named after him as the Su Causeway. There are six bridges along the 2.6 km Su Causeway (蘇堤), and they are called separately Yingbo(映波),Suolan(锁澜),Wangshan(望山),Yadi(压堤),Dongpu(东浦),Kuahong(跨虹) Bridge, which all symbolize the characteristics of the bridge itself and also expose the structural beauty and its colorful connotation. Dawn on the Su Causeway in Spring 蘇堤春曉 is one of the attractions.
A Ming dynasty dredging project extended the water surface from west of Su Causeway to Hongchun Bridge and Mao Jia Bu. The excavated silt was used to broaden Su Causeway, and also used to build a long causeway in western Inside Lake, called Yanggong Causeway (楊公堤).
2018 China: Hangzhou - West Lake
'Sunny water waves its glow,
Misty rain tricks the hill.
Plainly or gaily decked out like Xi Zi,
West Lake is always alluring.'
These are the words composed by the famous Song Dynasty poet Su Dongpo (960-1127). In this poem, he compared the West Lake to Xi Zi, one of the four beauties in ancient China. These poetic sentiments depict the charm of the lake which has always been a beautiful and romantic spot since ancient times.
Measuring 3.2 kilometers (2 miles) in length, 2.8 kilometers (1.7 miles) in width, and 2.3 meters (7.5 feet) in average depth, the lake spreads itself in an area totaling 6.5 square kilometers (2.5 square miles). Embraced by mountains on three sides, the West Lake knits itself into the North Inner Lake, the Yuehu Lake, the West Inner Lake, the South Lake and the West Outer Lake by the fabric of the Bai Causeway, the Su Causeway and the Yang Causeway. Between the North Inner Lake and the West Outer Lake lies the largest natural island called the Solitary Hill. In addition, three man-made islands stand in the West Outer Lake: the Lesser Paradise Island, the Mid-lake Pavilion, and the Ruangong Islet; and two famous pagodas by the lake: the Leifeng Pagoda to the south and the Baochu Pagoda to the north. Nowadays, West Lake is one of the top ten scenic areas in China, getting listed as a World Cultural Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2011.
Walking Hangzhou's West Lake Causeways / 西湖
West Lake / 西湖 is a freshwater lake in Hangzhou divided into five sections by three causeways. There are numerous temples, pagodas, gardens and artificial islands within the lake.
At the beginning of the Song dynasty's Yuanyou era (1086–1094), another great poet, Su Shi (also known as Su Dongpo), came to Hangzhou to serve as its governor. At that time, the farmers suffered greatly drought again, due to overgrowth of the weeds at the bottom of the lake clogging the irrigation ducts. He ordered dredging of the lake and piled up all the mud into another causeway, in the style of Bai Causeway, but much wider and nearly three times as long: he also planted willow trees along its banks. This causeway was later named after him as the Su Causeway. There are six bridges along the 2.6 km Su Causeway (蘇堤), and they are called separately Yingbo(映波),Suolan(锁澜),Wangshan(望山),Yadi(压堤),Dongpu(东浦),Kuahong(跨虹) Bridge, which all symbolize the characteristics of the bridge itself and also expose the structural beauty and its colorful connotation. Dawn on the Su Causeway in Spring 蘇堤春曉 is one of the attractions.
A Ming dynasty dredging project extended the water surface from west of Su Causeway to Hongchun Bridge and Mao Jia Bu. The excavated silt was used to broaden Su Causeway, and also used to build a long causeway in western Inside Lake, called Yanggong Causeway (楊公堤).
west lake --- Hangzhou --- China
Biking on the Hangzhou Su Causeway
Riding our free bicycles on the Hangzhou Su Causeway that goes all the way across West Lake. Beautiful.
Walking down Hangzhou Railway Station to the platform, Hangzhou
Hangzhou, P.R. China, 2011-04-18;
ハンジョウ(杭州)駅のホームに向かう, 中国・ハンジョウ(杭州)
West Lake, Hangzhou China
art vlog 朋友拜访,蘇堤杭州素描 friend visit, Su Causeway, hangzhou sketching
art vlog 朋友拜访,蘇堤杭州素描 friend visit, Su Causeway, hangzhou sketching
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Koala @ China - The West lake, Hangzhou
A visit to Shanghai + Hangzhou during the Tuen Ng Festival
The beautiful West Lake...
2014-08-05 West lake,HangZhou city, ZheJiang province,China
2014-08-05 西湖晨运, 杭州,浙江
Lets take a Bicycle Ride Around The West Lake
During one part of our trip around China, we got to take an enjoyable Bicycle ride around The West Lake in Hangzhou.
In this video i go and explore Leifeng Pagoda in Hangzhou, China. The pagoda gives a breath taking view of the entirety of hangzhou!
These videos follow my journey of being an Au Pair in Hangzhou, China, which i will be for the following 6 months. throughout these videos i hope to document my experience as an Au Pair and what i learn from living in a different country/culture for 6 months. I started out as an Au Pair in Hangzhou China where i stayed for 3 months, i am now continueing my journey in Shenzhen, China :). Follow a long for more au pair stories and adventures.
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Anttis instrumentals - Something Asia
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中国大陆旅游景点杭州西湖旅游之观光旅游车之五__画面模糊可以调节画质为720p_West Lake Tourism_china zhejiang hangzhou Tourism travel
西湖传说是浙江杭州地方民间传说之一,国家级非物质文化遗产名录。西湖丽山秀水,风花雪月,自古即是谈情说爱的胜场,与缠绵韵事相关联的桥可举出多处。 譬如断桥,我国四大古典传奇之的《白蛇传》中,许仙与白蛇娘娘相识在此,同舟回城;后又在这里邂逅重逢,言归于好,演绎成《断桥相会》这出许多剧种作为保留剧目的折子戏。 又如西泠桥,古称《苏小小结同心处》。相传南齐歌妓苏小小,富才华,颇自重,一次乘车出游,在白堤上遇到青年才子阮郁,两人一见倾心。苏小小口占一绝云:“妾乘油壁车,郎跨青骢马。何处结同心,西陵(即西泠)松柏下。”迫于时势身世,苏小小终难与阮郁谐秦晋之好,积忧成疾,病殁后葬于西泠桥畔,墓亭就叫“慕才亭”。
2008年6月7日,西湖传说经国务院批准列入第二批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。 [1] 2019年11月,《国家级非物质文化遗产代表性项目保护单位名单》公布,杭州图书馆获得西湖传说项目保护单位资格。 [2]
'Sunny water waves its glow,
Misty rain tricks the hill.
Plainly or gaily decked out like Xi Zi,
West Lake is always alluring.'
These are the words composed by the famous Song Dynasty poet Su Dongpo (960-1127). In this poem, he compared the West Lake to Xi Zi, one of the four beauties in ancient China. These poetic sentiments depict the charm of the lake which has always been a beautiful and romantic spot since ancient times.
Measuring 3.2 kilometers (2 miles) in length, 2.8 kilometers (1.7 miles) in width, and 2.3 meters (7.5 feet) in average depth, the lake spreads itself in an area totaling 6.5 square kilometers (2.5 square miles). Embraced by mountains on three sides, the West Lake knits itself into the North Inner Lake, the Yuehu Lake, the West Inner Lake, the South Lake and the West Outer Lake by the fabric of the Bai Causeway, the Su Causeway and the Yang Causeway. Between the North Inner Lake and the West Outer Lake lies the largest natural island called the Solitary Hill. In addition, three man-made islands stand in the West Outer Lake: the Lesser Paradise Island, the Mid-lake Pavilion, and the Ruangong Islet; and two famous pagodas by the lake: the Leifeng Pagoda to the south and the Baochu Pagoda to the north. Nowadays, West Lake is one of the top ten scenic areas in China, getting listed as a World Cultural Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2011. It is famous for the romantic legends and intoxicating scenery.
Hangzhou West Lake
Bike ride thru Hangzhou
China Pt 25 Hangzhou West lake
Our tour of China was booked through Stan at International Heritage Tours of Thornhill, Ontario, Canada. The tour was first class all the way and Nexus, the local company, took excellent care of us. West lake is a popular tourist attraction for the Chinese with many boats crossing from end to end. The park surrounding the lake is the home of the spring lotus blossom festival.
Westsee Hangzhou in der Provinz Zhejiang in China
Der Westsee (chinesisch 西湖 Xī Hú) bei der Stadt Hangzhou in Zhejiang ist einer der berühmtesten Touristenmagnete der Volksrepublik China.
Der See ist durch drei Dämme geteilt, die zum Teil nach berühmten Dichtern benannt sind, die als Beamte in Hangzhou gewirkt haben:
Sudi (蘇堤 / 苏堤) nach Su Dongpo Baidi (白堤) nach Bai Juyi
Wenn der chinesische Spruch „Oben ist der Himmel - unten sind Suzhou und Hangzhou (上有天堂,下有蘇杭。 / 上有天堂,下有苏杭。 Shang you tiantang - xia you Su-Hang) genannt wird, ist automatisch die Landschaft um den Westsee mit gemeint.
Der Westsee wurde in vielen chinesischen Städten kopiert. Insgesamt gibt es 36 Westseen in China und außerdem noch einige in Japan. Der See regt die Phantasie der Chinesen an und ist das Ziel vieler Hochzeitsreisen.
Impression des Westsees ist ein Abend Spektakel aus Musik, Licht und Tanz ganz inszeniert auf dem schönen Westsee in Hangzhou Stadt, mit natürlichen Gewässern und Bergen als Kulisse. Es ist eine der Kreationen des berühmten chinesischen Regisseurs Zhang Yimou, und die Musik der Aufführung wurde von Kitaro, einem Weltklasse-Musiker komponiert.
Die Show dauert etwa eine Stunde und besteht aus fünf Akten: Begegnung, Sich verlieben, Sich verabschieden, Erinnerungen und Impressionen. Diese schillernde Außenshow mischt die tausendjährige Geschichte und Legenden des Westsees mit den umliegenden wunderschönen natürlichen Szenen. Ein hoch modernes Kunst-Sound-System und ein besonders konstruiertes versenkbares Auditorium trägt zu einem angenehmen musikalischen Genuss bei.