Bali Equestrian Centre
FILMED & EDITED by Francesco Thilo Sili
Conveniently located in the tourist district of Canggu, 10 minutes from Seminyak and 3 minutes from our famous surf beaches, surrounded by lush rice fields and local villages; B.E.C. creates an idyllic environment for all your equestrian needs. Facilities will include a 25m x 65m covered arena, a 20m x 20m covered children's arena, a 30m x 70m outdoor arena which can be used for competitions, lessons and dressage.
Experienced and accredited instructors from around the world will take you from your first ride to competition level dressage and show jumping. Our instructors will assess your riding level and then custom design lessons to suit your ability and achieve your goals. There is also the option for group lessons for all levels of riding. Our horses are well trained and safe, both locally bred as well as imported.
B.E.C offers sunset group rides and scenic village tours. Children can enjoy pony club, pony rides, group or private lessons, birthday parties and cultural performances. During school holidays, riding camps and other activities are also available.
Join us!
Naik Kuda Pony di Canggu Bali - Bali Equestrian Centre
Naik Kuda Pony di Canggu Bali memang seru dan menyenangkan banget teman-teman.
Kali ini Naura naik kuda Pony nya sendirian, Naura bayangin pasti akan lebih seru dan menyenangkan kalau rame-rame bareng teman-teman semuanya.
Tonton video Naura di tempat wisata anak anak di Bali yang lainnya yang bisa menjadi rekomendasi untuk teman teman wisata ke Bali:
Terima kasih sudah menonton channel Naura ya.
Jangan lupa untuk like dan subscribe ya teman-teman!
Follow instagram Naura juga di @naurakania.rr
Beach riding in Bali - Vlogmas Day 4
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Bali Horse Riding - Saba Beach Stable
Bali Horse Riding is home to 23 horses including a number of foals bred and born at our stables. Established since 2000 it is a part of True Bali Experience, a specialising in adventure, natural, conservation and agro tourism. True Bali Experience also includes Ayung River Rafting, Bali Elephant Camp, village and mountain cycling and Pod Chocolate factory tour. Bali Horse Riding is located in Saba Beach on Bali's east coast, while True Bali Experience's other activities are located mostly in Carang Sari Village on the Ayung River.
Our horses are accompanied by experienced grooms who love to take you places around the scenic area of Saba. Our horse riding will give you a fun and memorable experience while maintaining safety srandards as a top priority.
Our Website :
Facebook : balihorseriding
Instagram : balihorseriding
Head Office
Jl. Diponegoro 150 B-12 Denpasar, 80114 Bali, Indonesia
Phone : +62 361 239 440 | Fax : +62 361 265 688 |
Bali Horse Riding Kids Lesson & Riding Horse
We'll provide your child with the best introduction to horse care and riding at our Saba Beach stables and will adapt our lessons based on the experience of your child. Horse are chosen for the best temperament based on your child's experience.
Our Website :
Facebook : balihorseriding
Instagram : balihorseriding
Head Office
Jl. Diponegoro 150 B-12 Denpasar, 80114 Bali, Indonesia
Phone : +62 361 239 440 | Fax : +62 361 265 688 |
Bali Equestrian centre Night Ride
Visiting a fancy equestrian centre - Vlogmas Day 8 & 9
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Horse riding bali canggu
Riding Scooters In Bali
Welcome to my first travel vlog series!
Travelling to Indonesia, getting first impressions and Riding Scooters in Bali
New Episode tomorrow! Subscribe now!
It's 4am on day 2. In can't sleep. I got to sleep at about 9pm local time after a huge day of travel.
I haven't even had a look around the villa (Which is really nice!). I really just need to write down my
first impressions before making more.
The weather is quite nice very humid about 32C through the day and 25C at night. I can definitely
live with that!
Whilst it doesn't smell pleasant I can't say that it has bothered me at all.
We were quick to put on some repellent and I haven't been bitten.
While the people are all very polite and helpful. It's impossible to walk along a street without
being pestered to shop or transport etc. This is something that I was expecting. And I thought it
wouldn't bother me too much. It does! Hopefully it's something I can adjust to.
I came with only underwear and the clothes on my back. So I was hoping to buy some clothes to
wear here. After a bit of bartering I bought some sunglasses and thongs for rp300000 (around
$30). Not that cheap for some knock offs.
I tried to buy some board shorts and singlets. But they wouldn't accept my offer of rp200000
When we first got here we went to the beach and found a restaurant/pool/bar.
The service was outstanding but the price for the food and drinks were almost what you'd pay in
Everyone raves on about how cheap everything is in Bali, but so far we haven't found this to be
the case.
Even the supermarket prices are more expensive than back home.
Our villa is in Seminyak and I think we've only seen the tourist areas. At this point I'm
overwhelmed by the busy streets and constant nagging.
I'm excited to see some beautiful landscapes in the coming days. And quads or jet-skis or both
would be pretty cool.
Today we are going to hire some scooters and check out Kuta. I have mixed feelings about the
scooters. It looks so fun zipping through the streets but the previous times I've ridden bikes
without gears I've felt like I don't have full control. Coupled with the crazy traffic and pedestrians
walking out, I think I'm going to struggle. And with Emma on the back I'll be even more cautious.
At the very least we'll be making memories.
Day 2
I'm sitting at the Y-bar sports bar at the midget boxing. Round 3 is about to start and I haven't
seen any of the first 2 rounds. I'm having a great night all the same (midget boxing just doesn't
interest me). The bar’s filled with over a hundred Aussies. And the prices are still pretty steep
compared to my expectations. But I'm adjusting to the holiday lifestyle.
It's a very humid night (early April) and a few of us have just dipped our singlets in the ice bucket
that was filled with Bali Hai Premium beers.
Today we spent 6 hours travelling around looking for a place that would rent us 6 scooters with
insurance. In the end we paid About AU$56 for 3 days (with AU$135 deposit) hire on what
turned out to be some pretty good (Honda) scooters.
I was the only one with my passport on me so I hired a scooter and rode back to the villa with
Zoe on the back. We were both shaking with fear in the busy streets of Kuta on a ”foreign”
About half way back to the Bikago I started to enjoy it.
We went to some place on the beach for lunch and I spent AU$55 on a delicious steak, chips,
double Johnny Walker Black Label and a chocolate brownie.
While the meal, the service and the view were great. We were pestered by people trying to sell us
various goods the whole time.
After a quick stop by the villa we cruised around on the scooters to find the best exchange rate.
We found a place offering rp10350 per AU$1
And we each did what we needed to do.
We headed straight from there to the Y-bar and I proceeded to re count the money I'd
At this point I realised I'd been robbed of AU$100
(Exchanging AU$400).
I checked with a friend.. He confirmed that he was also short rp1,000,000.
We checked the maths - it checked out.
We counted the money at the counter and everything. And 3 of us thought we were keeping a
close eye on it.
After a short period of anger we realised it was a life lesson we couldn't do anything about.
Right now I'm holding a hand over a beer that was pre-maturely opened. My mother has been
to Bali a bunch of times. 2 bits of advice that are echoing in my head are; ”Watch them at the
exchange stations and keep an eye on your drinks.”
I'm not sure what round it is now but having my thoughts written down will help me sleep
I wanted a trip that brought out some emotion. And here I am, 2 days in having gone through
stress, happiness, annoyance, fear anger and enjoyment.
As long as my drone and camera gear are still there when I get home, I'm not defeated.
Jalur Neraka Makin Rusak Parah, Shortcut Canggu Jadi Sorotan Wisatawan Asing
Tak terhitung berapa jumlah kendaraan yang terperosok ke tengah sawah ketika melintas di jalan ini.
Hal itulah yang membuat para wistawan banyak melintas di jalan berpaving ini menjuluki shortcut Canggu sebagai jalur neraka.
Lebih ironis lagi, kini kondisi shortcut yang menghubungkan antara Desa Canggu dan Desa Tibubeneng, Kabupaten Badung, ini semakin memprihatinkan.
Polemik shortcut Canggu saat ini bukan cuma soal kemacetan, dan ancaman kendaraan nyemplung ke sawah.
Tapi kondisi paving yang digunakan di jalan ini juga sudah hancur, dan bergelombang.
Di depan Kantor Balai Karantina Pertanian yang ada di pinggir shortcut ini misalnya, paving sudah hampir semuanya terangkat dan membentuk lubang berisi air.
Di salah satu sudut shortcut ini, terlihat pinggiran jalan sudah longsor, sehingga berpotensi membahayakan pengendara ketika melintas.
Baca berita selengkapnya di
Bali Horseback Riding
Video: Go Pro Hero 3+
bali equestrian centre.
Olahraga Berkuda Punya Banyak Manfaat untuk Si Kecil
Jakarta - Olahraga berkuda atau Equestrian terbilang belum cukup populer di Indonesia, jika dibandingkan dengan sepakbola atau bulu tangkis. Hal tersebut karena berkuda sering dipandang sebagai olahraga mahal oleh beberapa kalangan. Padahal menurut Rahmat Nasir, salah satu atlet Equestrian yang saat ini mempunyai sekolah berkuda JN Stud, olahraga ini sebenarnya tidak terlalu mahal.
Berkuda itu tidak mahal, 1 jam latihan berkuda menghabiskan dana Rp 200 ribu. Bandingkan ketika Anda mengajak anak bermain di mall, pasti lebih banyak uang yang dikeluarkan untuk kegiatan tersebut, ujar Rahmat saat ditemui di sekolah berkudanya di kawasan Gunung Geulis, Bogor, Kamis (01/12/2011).
Selain itu, Rahmat menuturkan bahwa berkuda memiliki banyak manfaat bagi perkembangan dan kesehatan fisik maupun mental anak. Olahraga ini bisa melatih keseimbangan pada anak Anda, karena ketika menunggang kuda, posisi duduk yang seimbang harus dimiliki oleh setiap anak agar tidak terjatuh dari kuda tersebut. Selanjutnya, posisi duduk yang benar saat menunggang kuda akan membantu membentuk postur tubuh yang sempurna pada anak. Berkuda juga bisa menjadi salah satu alternatif untuk menurunkan berat badan, karena selama 1 jam berkuda dapat membakar sekitar 100-200 kalori.
Berkuda membuat anak Anda bergerak, sehingga menjauhkan mereka dari kegemukan dan tentu saja membuat mereka tumbuh menjadi anak yang sehat. Selain itu, karena ini adalah olahraga outdoor, anak Anda bisa menghirup udara segar sambil berinteraksi sosial baik dengan sesama siswa dan instruktur, maupun berinteraksi dengan alam dan kuda itu sendiri, tambah Rahmat.
Hal tersebut diakui oleh Rosad, anak berusia 13 tahun yang menjadi salah satu murid sekolah berkuda di JN Stud. Ia mengungkapkan bahwa setelah 1,5 tahun berlatih di sekolah tersebut, dirinya merasa lebih percaya diri, berani, mandiri, bertanggungjawab dan disiplin. Setelah latihan disini, saya jadi lebih berani. Padahal dulunya takut sama kuda, takut digigit sama ditendang, ujar Rosad.
Kapan seorang anak bisa memulai latihan berkuda? Anak usia enam tahun, sudah bisa mengikuti latihan lunging atau menunggang kuda. Tahap awal latihan ini adalah mengenalkan kuda kepada anak tersebut. Setelah itu, anak-anak akan diajarkan untuk menunggang kuda dengan posisi yang benar. Perlahan-lahan, instruktur akan mengajari mereka mengendalikan kuda seperti menyuruh kuda jalan, belok ke kiri, belok ke kanan dan mengerem, sampai mereka bisa melakukan walk-trot atau gerakan naik-turun saat menunggang kuda.
Sedangkan untuk balita, Rahmat menyarankan untuk mengajak mereka pony riding, yaitu menunggang kuda dengan didampingi instruktur dan untuk tujuan rekreasi karena anak usia tersebut masih belum bisa fokus menerima instruksi dari pelatih. Agar anak Anda bisa menunggang kuda dengan benar, waktu yang diperlukan relatif berbeda, tergantung dari daya tangkap anak tersebut.
Ada yang 3 kali pertemuan sudah bisa, ada yang 7 kali pertemuan sudah bisa, tapi ada juga yang sampai 1 bulan ikut latihan baru bisa. Tergantung dari anaknya, kata Rahmat, yang sudah menjadi instruktur berkuda sejak 1996.
Bali Horseback Riding
Horse Riding with True Bali Experience
Naik kuda di sepanjang Pantai Saba, Bali bareng True Bali Experience.
Kuda yang aku ajak namanya Deco, umurnya 7 tahun.
Yang mau liburan menyenangkan di Bali sambil naik kuda boleh check di
Le centre equestre de Canggu, Bali, Indonésie - Balisolo
Balade à cheval sur la plage de Canggu le 26 decembre 2012 au petit matin, Bali, Indonésie - Plus d'infos : - Plus d'infos sur le centre :
Bali Islands Horse
Bali Islands Horse in Yehgangga Village Tabanan Regency Provincy Bali. Rent a horse for one hour charged $ 30 for one person, around the beach from yehgangga, kelating, pasut batu tampih and lengudu, westside of Tanah Lot Temple. complete with guide joukey horse.