Baluran National Park║Afrika Van Java║Bama║SITUBONDO║Pesona Wisata║Drone
Taman Nasional Baluran (Baluran National Park). Baluran adalah sebuah wisata alam yang memungkinkan setiap orang bermanja dalam hamparan keindahan alam yang nyata. Sebuah kawasan pelestarian alam di sudut timur utara Jawa yang disebut-sebut sebagai miniatur savana di Afrika.
Itulah mengapa TN. Baluran dijuluki sebagai Africa Van Java atau The Little Africa in Java. Baluran National Park Tempatnya sangat strategis sekali, yang mana terletak di perbatasan antara (Situbondo) dan (Banyuwangi), Jawa Timur.
Penjelajahan bisa jadi mendominasi aktivitas setiap wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Baluran. Terhitung kurang lebih 12 km dari pintu masuk untuk sampai di Padang Savana Bekol. Sejauh itu pula, apa yang tersaji akan memanjakan petualangan Anda.
Mulai dari teriknya hari di hutan yang kering hingga masuk kedalam sejuknya hutan evergreen. Dalam perjalanan itu, bersiaplah bertemu dengan keserbajenisan fauna yang berkeliaran bebas.
- Di Savana Van Java (Baluran National Park) sebenarnya dilarang keras menerbangkan Drone, Tapi dari pihak (PESONA WISATA) Sudah minta IZIN terlebih dahulu kepada pihak petugas BALURAN NATIONAL PARK menerbangkan Drone untuk memperkenalkan Wisata Alam TN. Baluran, akan tetapi hanya diperbolehkan SHOOT di luar savana aja, dikarnakan dalam Savana takut mengganggu Fauna yang berkeliaran. TERIMAKASIH
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MAU LIBURAN KE BALURAN? TONTON DULU VLOG INI! (Savana Bekol, Pantai Bama) | Explore Jawa Timur
LIBURAN KE BALURAN BARENG BULE KOREA (Savana Bekol, Pantai Bama) | Travel Vlog Explore Jawa Timur
Baluran, salah satu bucketlist yang akhirnya tercapai. Seru banget bisa keliling savana bekol yang mirip suasana afrika.
Uniknya lagi, kali ini aku traveling bareng Erika, bule Korea yang ga sengaja jadi travelmateku selama di Jawa Timur wkwk.
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Baluran, Jawa Timur, Indonesia, Travel, Travel vlog, Travel Blog, Liburan, Situbondo, Banyuwangi, Savana Bekol, Little Afrika, Pantai Bama, korea
Serunya Berpetualang ke Africa van Java di Taman Nasional Baluran
Berwisata alam bersama hewan-hewan liar menjadi tantangan yang berbeda. Adrenalin dan indahnya alam akan menjadi kenangan yang tidak akan terlupakan. Anda harus merasakan Africa Van Java, yang berada di jawa timur. Anchor CNN Indonesia, Azizah Hanum, akan menunjukan bagaimana indahnya Africa Van Java, Taman Nasional Baluran.
Ikuti berita terbaru di tahun 2018 dengan kemasan internasional berbahasa Indonesia, dan jangan ketinggalan breaking news 2018 dengan berita terakhir dan live report CNN Indonesia di dan channel CNN Indonesia di Transvision.
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Taman Nasional Baluran adalah salah satu Taman Nasional di Indonesia yang terletak di wilayah Banyuputih, Situbondo dan Wongsorejo, Banyuwangi (sebelah utara), Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Nama dari Taman Nasional ini diambil dari nama gunung yang berada di daerah ini, yaitu Gunung Baluran. Gerbang untuk masuk ke Taman Nasional Baluran berada di 7°55'17.76S dan 114°23'15.27E. Taman nasional ini terdiri dari tipe vegetasi sabana, hutan mangrove, hutan musim, hutan pantai, hutan pegunungan bawah, hutan rawa dan hutan yang selalu hijau sepanjang tahun. Tipe vegetasi sabana mendominasi kawasan Taman Nasional Baluran yakni sekitar 40 persen dari total luas lahan.
yuk, jalan-jalan !
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Baluran National Park - Situbondo - East Java - Indonesia
Baluran National Park is unique in many ways. It has a rich wildlife and maybe there are no other national parks that are so easy to visit and where it is so easy to see wild animals. You don't even have to walk, unless you want to.
Efforts to get legal protection for Baluran started already in 1928 and in 1937 the area finally got its first kind of protection. Before that the area had been a hunting ground. Finally in 1984 Baluran got its status as a National Park.
The park covers an area of 25.000 hectares including 40 km of attractive coastline. Forty percent of the park consists of savanna, teeming with wildlife. A part of the park is overgrown by Acacia trees that once were brought in as fire walls, but then spread out of control.
The coast line consists of mangroves, beaches and some coral reefs. The reefs are on a depth of 0,5m to 40m and nice for snorkeling and diving. Rosa's Ecolodge has snorkeling equipment available. The beaches are beautiful and family friendly and the only other visitors are occasional fishermen.
The slopes of Gunung (mountain) Baluran are covered by secondary monsoon forest, which is very rare on Java. It is inhabited by many mammals and birds. Even the very rare Javan leopard or Black Panther are supposed to still live here, but do not expect to see them. The Leopard (Panthera pardus) is also present. The 1.246m high non-active volcano dominates the scenery of the whole park.
The park is relatively small, but has ten types of ecosystems and hosts a wide variety and big numbers of animals and plants. At the last count 140 bird species were spotted.
The main attractions are the Javanese wild ox (Banteng), Rusa deer, Barking deer, Feral water buffalo, Asiatic wild dog, and other species.
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Baluran National Park, Situbondo East Java Indonesia | Taman Nasional Baluran, Situbondo Indonesia
Baluran National Park is located in the region Banyuputih, and Wongsorejo Situbondo, Banyuwangi (north), East Java, Indonesia. The north side of the park is bordered by the Madura Strait, while the east by the Strait of Bali. In the midst of this national park are Mount Baluran which is currently not an active volcano again. Besides the National Park is also flanked by Mount Semeru and Mount Ijen.
Baluran National Park is the largest savanna in Java with animal and plant species are diverse. This makes a visit to the location such as in Africa. That is why the National Park is often referred to as his African Indonesia.
Here will be treated to a view of a herd of deer running towards the pool of water to drink, the peacock spread its tail, hordes of buffaloes and elephants, dozens of eagles that fly to foraging until the monkey hanging in a tree. The scenery is exactly the same as in Africa.
In addition to the hordes of animals that are free to move in the wild will also be treated to a view of 444 native plant species typical as Widoro bukol (Ziziphus rotundifolia), and neem (Azadirachta indica). The third plant is a plant species that is able to adapt to very dry conditions. When other plants have started to dry, the third species is still green.
Taman Nasional Baluran terletak di di wilayah Banyuputih, Situbondo dan Wongsorejo, Banyuwangi (sebelah utara), Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Sebelah utara taman ini berbatasan dengan Selat Madura, sedangkan sebelah timur berbatasan dengan Selat Bali. Di tengah-tengah Taman Nasional ini terdapat Gunung Baluran yang saat ini sudah bukan merupakan gunung aktif lagi. Selain itu Taman Nasional ini juga diapit oleh Gunung Semeru dan Gunung Ijen.
Taman Nasional Baluran adalah padang savana terluas di Pulau Jawa dengan spesies hewan dan tumbuhan yang beragam. Berkunjung ke lokasi ini membuat seperti berada di Afrika. Itulah mengapa Taman Nasional ini sering disebut sebagai Afrikanya Indonesia.
Di sini akan disuguhi pemandangan kawanan rusa yang berlarian menuju genangan air untuk minum, para merak yang melebarkan ekornya, gerombolan kerbau dan gajah, belasan elang yang terbang untuk mencari makan sampai monyet yang bergelantungan di pohon. Pemandangan yang sama persis seperti di Afrika.
Selain gerombolan hewan yang bebas beraktivitas di alam bebas juga akan disuguhi pemandangan 444 spesies tumbuhan asli yang khas seperti widoro bukol (Ziziphus rotundifolia), dan mimba (Azadirachta indica). Ketiga tumbuhan ini adalah spesies tumbuhan yang mampu beradaptasi dalam kondisi sangat kering. Saat tumbuhan lain sudah mulai kering, ketiga spesies ini masih tetap hijau.
Reference / Referensi :
Keyword : taman nasional baluran, taman nasional baluran situbondo, indonesia wisata, objek wisata di indonesia, objek wisata indonesia, tempat wisata indonesia, wisata di indonesia, wisata alam di indonesia, gambar wisata jawa timur, objek wisata jawa timur, wisata jawa timur terbaru, tempat wisata jawa timur
Baluran, National Park - Situbondo - East Java
This park is a forest preservation area that extends about 25.000 ha on the north coast of East Java. The location is in Sumberwaru village, Banyuwangi district, Situbondo (on the east border of Java Island). You can enjoy the panorama of savannah and mount Baluran (inactive volcano) in the center of area that becomes habitat of many exotic animals such as wild pigs, deer, peacocks, wild chicken, some species of monkeys and also bulls as the protected animals in the area.
You can enjoy the amazing scenery of the forest and do the safari activities in the wild life and feel the magic of the forest. This park is so unique because 15 km from the main entrance, you can find a beautiful white beach called Bama Beach, here in the habiat of coral reef, fish and mangrove.
You also can observe hundreds species of birds such as hornbills, peacocks and bulbuls. If you like to observe the tropical forest vegetation, the park is a heaven for many species of trees, plants and flowers such as pecan nut trees, Maja, Gadung, Java tamarind trees and mount Widara.
There are several activities that you can do in this park such as: - Safari Forest - forest adventure - Diving and snorkeling - Mountain hiking and mount climbing - Hill walking - Beach adventure to watch the fishermen's daily activities and seed seekers - Canoeing, rowing or boating until you the Fresh Water Gulf, Sejile Gulf and Bilik Beach.
Conducting some scientific researching (with prior permission).
If you prefer to safari to Baluran National Park, there are some cottage designed in Madurese style and operated by Environmental Education Center. There is also a main lodge that will serve you European and Indonesia cuisine.
Villas and lodges, you can rent them with your group members (about 20 persons capacity) and the also provide a praying room and a canteen.
There are two guesthouses by the beach, but you should have prior reservation.
Baluran Information Centre and a small museum that has several preserved animals by the main entrance operated by The Forestry Conservation Region Office.
The visitor can do many activities, such as; Diving, Swimming, boating, snorkeling
A beautiful camping area that is located in Sumberwaru village (outside of the forest preservation area)
Watching Towers that are usually used by rangers to watch or to observe the animals' behaviors and the region surrounding (you can bring a pair of binoculars or telescope to have a better look at the beautiful panorama)
Try to consider the wide ranges of this area, you will be better visit Baluran by your car or rent a car from Denpasar or Surabaya. You can also rent a car at Pasir Putih tourist resort or Situbondo. There is also motorbike public transportation called ojek in the main entrance that will take you to Bama Beach (with Negotiated cost)
The Route
o If you take a car, it takes 5 hours from Surabaya and 4 hours from Denpasar, Bali.
o For tourists who stay in Pasir Putih, it takes 1.5 hours and only 1 hours from Situbondo.
Gua Jepang (Japan Cave)
In Baluran National Park, you can see a historical place called Gua Jepang (Japan Cave). Gua Jepang is one of historical witness that in this place (Baluran National Park) was happened battle between Indonesia army against Japanese army. Because unequal power, there are a lot of Indonesia army who died in that battle, so this place also called Batangan. Gua Jepang has wide about 12 km that contains in 2 chambers. The north chamber was used to save the weapon, while the south chamber was used as a fissure to see an enemy.
Bekol Savannah
Beside Gua Jepang, in the Baluran National Park, you also can see Bekol savannah. It's about 12 km from the entrance Baluran National park. You will see a flock of deer, bulls, etc, in the morning and in the afternoon (when the sun goes down) to do their activity. You also can see their activity and behavior of those animals from the height.
Bama Beach
Bama beach is located in the east of Baluran National Park. You can see the original beach and the fantastic panorama in here. Beside that you can see the mangrove forest, Bama source and Mantingan source. One of special moment here is that you can see monkey with the long tail (Macaca fascicularis) that fishing crabs with their long tail. If you like go on food, you can pass the truck and you can see the beautiful panorama of Bama Beach on the height. Just with 15,000 Rupiahs per person you can spend the night in Bama Beach to enjoy the beautiful panorama at night here.
Baluran National Park | Situbondo | Indonesia
Taman Nasional Baluran, Situbondo-Indonesia. Salah satu taman nasional yang terkenal dengan savana yang luas dengan latar belakang Gunung Baluran.
#Baluran #Situbondo #Indonesia #EastJawa #WonderfulIndonesia
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Taman Wisata Baluran
Merupakan perjalanan pertama kami ke Taman Nasional Baluran
silahkan ambil hal baik dari video ini, selain itu LUPAKAN!
Semesta Alam Liar Baluran
Taman Nasional Baluran ibarat rumah bagi satwa di Pulau Jawa. Di sinilah habitat bagi 511 flora dan 69 fauna yang dilindungi. Terletak antara Situbondo dan Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur, Baluran adalah surga alam liar yang lengkap.
Gunung Baluran dan Sabana Bekol menjadi lanskap alam menawan. Burung Enggang Cula atau Rangkong Badak, dan Burung Julang Emas, menjadi satwa yang paling sering bertengger di pohon pilang. Merak Hijau dan Banteng Jawa menjadi aset Baluran yang terus dijaga, sebab populasinya makin sedikit.
Baluran juga memiliki zona perlindungan bahari dengan pesona bawah laut yang memikat. Pantai Bama menjadi titik penyelaman bagi para pejalan untuk menikmati ikan-ikan, terumbu karang, dan padang lamun yang menyejukkan pandang.
Ikuti berita dengan kemasan internasional berbahasa Indonesia dan breaking news berita terakhir di dan channel CNN Indonesia di Transvision.
Baluran National Park - Situbondo - East Java
This park is a forest preservation area that extends about 25.000 ha on the north coast of East Java. The location is in Sumberwaru village, Banyuwangi district, Situbondo (on the east border of Java Island). You can enjoy the panorama of savannah and mount Baluran (inactive volcano) in the center of area that becomes habitat of many exotic animals such as wild pigs, deer, peacocks, wild chicken, some species of monkeys and also bulls as the protected animals in the area.
You can enjoy the amazing scenery of the forest and do the safari activities in the wild life and feel the magic of the forest. This park is so unique because 15 km from the main entrance, you can find a beautiful white beach called Bama Beach, here in the habiat of coral reef, fish and mangrove.
You also can observe hundreds species of birds such as hornbills, peacocks and bulbuls. If you like to observe the tropical forest vegetation, the park is a heaven for many species of trees, plants and flowers such as pecan nut trees, Maja, Gadung, Java tamarind trees and mount Widara.
There are several activities that you can do in this park such as: - Safari Forest - forest adventure - Diving and snorkeling - Mountain hiking and mount climbing - Hill walking - Beach adventure to watch the fishermen's daily activities and seed seekers - Canoeing, rowing or boating until you the Fresh Water Gulf, Sejile Gulf and Bilik Beach.
Conducting some scientific researching (with prior permission).
If you prefer to safari to Baluran National Park, there are some cottage designed in Madurese style and operated by Environmental Education Center. There is also a main lodge that will serve you European and Indonesia cuisine.
Villas and lodges, you can rent them with your group members (about 20 persons capacity) and the also provide a praying room and a canteen.
There are two guesthouses by the beach, but you should have prior reservation.
Baluran Information Centre and a small museum that has several preserved animals by the main entrance operated by The Forestry Conservation Region Office.
The visitor can do many activities, such as; Diving, Swimming, boating, snorkeling
A beautiful camping area that is located in Sumberwaru village (outside of the forest preservation area)
Watching Towers that are usually used by rangers to watch or to observe the animals' behaviors and the region surrounding (you can bring a pair of binoculars or telescope to have a better look at the beautiful panorama)
Try to consider the wide ranges of this area, you will be better visit Baluran by your car or rent a car from Denpasar or Surabaya. You can also rent a car at Pasir Putih tourist resort or Situbondo. There is also motorbike public transportation called ojek in the main entrance that will take you to Bama Beach (with Negotiated cost)
The Route
o If you take a car, it takes 5 hours from Surabaya and 4 hours from Denpasar, Bali.
o For tourists who stay in Pasir Putih, it takes 1.5 hours and only 1 hours from Situbondo.
Gua Jepang (Japan Cave)
In Baluran National Park, you can see a historical place called Gua Jepang (Japan Cave). Gua Jepang is one of historical witness that in this place (Baluran National Park) was happened battle between Indonesia army against Japanese army. Because unequal power, there are a lot of Indonesia army who died in that battle, so this place also called Batangan. Gua Jepang has wide about 12 km that contains in 2 chambers. The north chamber was used to save the weapon, while the south chamber was used as a fissure to see an enemy.
Bekol Savannah
Beside Gua Jepang, in the Baluran National Park, you also can see Bekol savannah. It's about 12 km from the entrance Baluran National park. You will see a flock of deer, bulls, etc, in the morning and in the afternoon (when the sun goes down) to do their activity. You also can see their activity and behavior of those animals from the height.
Bama Beach
Bama beach is located in the east of Baluran National Park. You can see the original beach and the fantastic panorama in here. Beside that you can see the mangrove forest, Bama source and Mantingan source. One of special moment here is that you can see monkey with the long tail (Macaca fascicularis) that fishing crabs with their long tail. If you like go on food, you can pass the truck and you can see the beautiful panorama of Bama Beach on the height. Just with 15,000 Rupiahs per person you can spend the night in Bama Beach to enjoy the beautiful panorama at night here.
Taman Nasional Baluran, Afrika kecil di Indonesia
Taman Nasional Baluran atau Baluran National Park adalah salah satu Taman Nasional di Indonesia yang terletak di wilayah Banyuputih, Situbondo dan Wongsorejo, Banyuwangi (sebelah utara), Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Nama dari Taman Nasional ini diambil dari nama gunung yang berada di daerah ini, yaitu Gunung Baluran.
Taman nasional ini terdiri dari tipe vegetasi sabana, hutan mangrove, hutan musim, hutan pantai, hutan pegunungan bawah, hutan rawa dan hutan yang selalu hijau sepanjang tahun. Tipe vegetasi sabana mendominasi kawasan Taman Nasional Baluran yakni sekitar 40 persen dari total luas lahan.
Taman Nasional Baluran atau yang juga disebut Little Africa in Java, terdapat beberapa destinasi alam yang bisa anda kunjungi. Dari luasnya padang Savana Bekol, sampai lebatnya hutan hijau Evergreen Forest, hingga keindahan bawah laut di Bama.
Taken with Canon 7D, Gopro Hero3 (DJI Phantom)
Aerial Filming by. Agoessam,
thxs for watching...
Wisata Alam Baluran Situbondo | Wonderful Indonesia | Baluran National Park | Africa Van Java
Taman Nasional Baluran Situbondo, Banyak sekali temat-tempat wisata di Situbondo salh satunya adalah Taman Nasional Baluran yang mempunyai padang Savana yang cukup luas dengan berbagai jenis hewan liar seperti Banteng, Kerbau Liar, Rusa, Merak, Ayam Hutan, dan berbagai macam jenis burung serta masih banyak sekali hewan liar lainnya yang tidak saya sebutkan satu demi satu.
Video ini saya ambil menggunakan DJI Phantom 3 Pro pada pertengahan bulan Desember 2017, tetapi sayang saat kami mengambil video tersebut dalam kondisi cuaca mendung.
Jika anda ingin ke tempat ini silahkan datang ke Kabupaten Situbondo, tepatnya di Desa Banyuputih Kab. Situbondo Jawa Timur.
Baluran, National Park Situbondo - East Java
This park is a forest preservation area that extends about 25.000 ha on the north coast of East Java. The location is in Sumberwaru village, Banyuwangi district, Situbondo (on the east border of Java Island). You can enjoy the panorama of savannah and mount Baluran (inactive volcano) in the center of area that becomes habitat of many exotic animals such as wild pigs, deer, peacocks, wild chicken, some species of monkeys and also bulls as the protected animals in the area. You can enjoy the amazing scenery of the forest and do the safari activities in the wild life and feel the magic of the forest. This park is so unique because 15 km from the main entrance, you can find a beautiful white beach called Bama Beach, here in the habiat of coral reef, fish and mangrove. You also can observe hundreds species of birds such as hornbills, peacocks and bulbuls. If you like to observe the tropical forest vegetation, the park is a heaven for many species of trees, plants and flowers such as pecan nut trees, Maja, Gadung, Java tamarind trees and mount Widara. There are several activities that you can do in this park such as: - Safari Forest - forest adventure - Diving and snorkeling - Mountain hiking and mount climbing - Hill walking - Beach adventure to watch the fishermen's daily activities and seed seekers - Canoeing, rowing or boating until you the Fresh Water Gulf, Sejile Gulf and Bilik Beach. * Conducting some scientific researching (with prior permission). Facillities * If you prefer to safari to Baluran National Park, there are some cottage designed in Madurese style and operated by Environmental Education Center. There is also a main lodge that will serve you European and Indonesia cuisine. * Villas and lodges, you can rent them with your group members (about 20 persons capacity) and the also provide a praying room and a canteen. * There are two guesthouses by the beach, but you should have prior reservation. * Baluran Information Centre and a small museum that has several preserved animals by the main entrance operated by The Forestry Conservation Region Office. * The visitor can do many activities, such as; Diving, Swimming, boating, snorkeling * Playground * A beautiful camping area that is located in Sumberwaru village (outside of the forest preservation area) * Watching Towers that are usually used by rangers to watch or to observe the animals' behaviors and the region surrounding (you can bring a pair of binoculars or telescope to have a better look at the beautiful panorama) Try to consider the wide ranges of this area, you will be better visit Baluran by your car or rent a car from Denpasar or Surabaya. You can also rent a car at Pasir Putih tourist resort or Situbondo. There is also motorbike public transportation called ojek in the main entrance that will take you to Bama Beach (with Negotiated cost) The Route o If you take a car, it takes 5 hours from Surabaya and 4 hours from Denpasar, Bali. o For tourists who stay in Pasir Putih, it takes 1.5 hours and only 1 hours from Situbondo. Gua Jepang (Japan Cave) In Baluran National Park, you can see a historical place called Gua Jepang (Japan Cave). Gua Jepang is one of historical witness that in this place (Baluran National Park) was happened battle between Indonesia army against Japanese army. Because unequal power, there are a lot of Indonesia army who died in that battle, so this place also called Batangan. Gua Jepang has wide about 12 km that contains in 2 chambers. The north chamber was used to save the weapon, while the south chamber was used as a fissure to see an enemy. Bekol Savannah Beside Gua Jepang, in the Baluran National Park, you also can see Bekol savannah. It's about 12 km from the entrance Baluran National park. You will see a flock of deer, bulls, etc, in the morning and in the afternoon (when the sun goes down) to do their activity. You also can see their activity and behavior of those animals from the height. Bama Beach Bama beach is located in the east of Baluran National Park. You can see the original beach and the fantastic panorama in here. Beside that you can see the mangrove forest, Bama source and Mantingan source. One of special moment here is that you can see monkey with the long tail (Macaca fascicularis) that fishing crabs with their long tail. If you like go on food, you can pass the truck and you can see the beautiful panorama of Bama Beach on the height. Just with 15,000 Rupiahs per person you can spend the night in Bama Beach to enjoy the beautiful panorama at night here.
PANTAI BAMA BALURAN wisata situbondo
pantai bama taman national baluran,pantai tersembunyi di alas baluran,pantai bama pantai yang terletak di dalam taman nasional baluran situbondo-banyuwangi,seseudah kita menikmati padang savana bekol taman baluran yang bisa dilihat di video saya sebelumnya,kita disuguhi pemandangan pantai bama di dalam alas baluran,fasilitas di pantai bama ini cukup lengkap gaaes,segera tentukan waktu liburan di pantai bama taman nasional baluran ini gaees,
Taman Nasional Baluran - Menyusuri Padang SAVANA dan Review suasana ASLI Africa Van Java
Taman Nasional Baluran adalah salah satu Taman Nasional di Indonesia yang terletak di antara wilayah Wongsorejo, Banyuwangi dan Banyuputih, Situbondo, Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Nama dari Taman Nasional ini diambil dari nama gunung yang berada di daerah ini, yaitu Gunung Baluran. Gerbang untuk masuk ke Taman Nasional Baluran berada di 7°55'17.76S dan 114°23'15.27E. Taman nasional ini terdiri dari tipe vegetasi sabana, hutan mangrove, hutan musim, hutan pantai, hutan pegunungan bawah, hutan rawa dan hutan yang selalu hijau sepanjang tahun. Tipe vegetasi sabana mendominasi kawasan Taman Nasional Baluran yakni sekitar 40 persen dari total luas lahan.
Alamat: Area Hutan/Kebun, Sumberwaru, Kec. Banyuputih, Kabupaten Situbondo, Jawa Timur
Kamera: GoPro Hero 7 Black + Mic Eksternal setingan 2,7K 60fps
#Baluran #TamanNasional #Situbondo
Touring ke Baluran National Park Situbondo Jawa Timur
Video kali ini kita Touring ke Baluran National Park Situbondo Jawa Timur. Dikenal dengan padang savana yang ada di Indonesia. Jangan lupa tonton videonya ya guys.
Pantai Bama adalah Spot selanjutnya setelah TN Baluran,
Jadi untuk mecapai ke Pantai ini harus melewati gerbang TN Nasional Baluran yang berjarak sekitar 12km. Sepanjnag perjalanan, pengunjung akan di sajikan keindahan Taman Nasional Baluran, yang Hijau di musim Hujan dan Gersang di musim kemarau.
Tiba di lokasi Pantai, kita akan di sambut oleh kawasan kera abu-abu ekor panjang. Pantai Bama selain di kenal sebagai Pantai dengan airnya yang jernih dan hamparan pasirnya yang putih, ternyata juga menjadi habitat bagi sekawanan hewan liar, seperti kera dan berbagai burung langka endemik Jawa Timur.
Keunikan lainnya Pantai Bama yang lain adalah lokasinya yang dikelilingi oleh tumbuhan mangrove.
Tonton Sampai Habis and... Jangan Lupa...
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Indahnya Pantai Bama & Padang Savana Bekol di Taman Nasional Baluran - Banyuwangi - Situbondo.
Indahnya Pantai Bama & Padang Savana Bekol di Taman Nasional Baluran di Perbatasan Banyuwangi - Situbondo.
Wonderful Indonesia | Baluran National Park | Jelajah Indonesia
Baluran National Park, East Java - Indonesia
Taken with Canon 7D, Gopro Hero3 (DJI Phantom)
Aerial Filming by. Agoessam,
Music by. Audiomachine - the legend of victory
thxs for watching...