Die Reportage - Auf Spurensuche im Bamberger Dom
So habt Ihr den Bamberger Dom noch nie gesehen. Wir durften Orte entdecken die normalerweise der Bevölkerung nicht zugänglich sind und spannende Geschichten erfahren. Begebt Euch mit uns auf Spurensuche im Bamberger Dom. Vom Kaisergrab bis hoch auf 43 Meter. Für uns selbst eine der schönsten Reportagen die wir drehen durften. Jetzt bei TV1.
Places to see in ( Bamberg - Germany ) Bamberger Dom
Places to see in ( Bamberg - Germany ) Bamberger Dom
The Bamberg Cathedral is a church in Bamberg, Germany, completed in the 13th century. The cathedral is under the administration of the Roman Catholic Church and is the seat of the Archbishop of Bamberg. Since 1993, the cathedral has been part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Town of Bamberg.
It was founded in 1002 by King (and later Emperor) Heinrich II (Henry II) and consecrated in 1012. After the first two cathedrals burned down in the 11th and 12th centuries, the current structure, a late Romanesque building with four large towers, was built in the 13th century.
The cathedral is about 94 m long, 28 m broad, 26 m high, and the four towers are each about 81 m high. It contains many works of art, including the marble tomb of the founder and his wife, the Empress Kunigunde, considered a masterpiece of the sculptor Tilman Riemenschneider, and carved between 1499 and 1513.
Another well-known treasure of the cathedral is an equestrian statue known as the Bamberg Horseman (German: Der Bamberger Reiter). This statue, possibly depicting the Hungarian king Stephen I, most likely dates to the period from 1225 to 1237.
The cathedral is about 94 m long, 28 m broad, 26 m high, and the four towers are each about 81 m high. The cathedral has a choir at each end. The eastern choir is the oldest part of the cathedral, still in pure Romanesque style. The western choir is early Gothic and its vault was built from 1232. The northern transept holds a late Gothic (c. 1500) altar dedicated to Mary (Mühlhausener Altar). It was previously located in the Protestant parish church of Mühlhausen. In 1781, it was replaced and then sold off in 1891. Given to Archbishop Joseph von Schork (de), he gifted it in 1904 to the cathedral.
The cathedral square is also fronted by the Renaissance buildings of the Alte Hofhaltung (de) and the Baroque Neue Residenz (de), the palaces of the bishops from the 15th century to 1602 and from 1602 to 1803, respectively. Originally known as Hofplatz or Burgplatz, after secularization the square was renamed Karolinenplatz in honour of the then Queen of Bavaria, Karoline. Only in 1949, did Domplatz become the official name for the area. Previously, this had been limited to just the immediate surroundings of the cathedral.
( Bamberg - Germany ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Bamberg . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Bamberg - Germany
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1000 Jahre Bamberger Dom Serie Papstgrab
Dieses Mal wird auf das Papstgrab Clemens II. näher eingegangen.
Fastentuch im Bamberger Dom
Im Bamberger Dom gibt es derzeit etwas ganz Besonderes zu sehen. Ein fast 100 Quadratmeter großes Fastentuch hängt im Westchor. Wir haben es für Euch genauer unter die Lupe genommen ;)
Kinderführung durch den Bamberger Dom mit Erzbischof Schick
Während des Heinrichsfests wurde eine ganz besondere Führung durch den Bamberger Dom angeboten: Erzbischof Ludwig Schick zeigte Kindern, welche Schätze es in den alten Gemäuern zu finden gibt.
Bamberg, Bavaria, Germany
Bamberg is an outstanding historical city, its old town is a UNESCO recognised protected zone and it has a great deal to offer the visitor. Like Rome, with which you will see and feel the similarities on visiting, it is built on seven hills - Cathedral Hill, Michaelsberg, Kaulberg/Obere Pfarre, Stefansberg, Jakobsberg, Altenburg and Abtsberg. Once run by Prince Bishops, each hill is crowned with a church.
It seems as though the river is an important part of the life blood of the city. The Regnitz is not a long river but it splits into two thus appearing to be everywhere and it flows into the Main near Bamberg. The Rhine – Main – Danube canal also passes near the city. I left my motorhome at a camp site to the south of the city and cycled in following the river and also using my bicycle to explore the area between the branches of the river and the canal. I was fortunate to visit in June which I suspect could be the best time of the year to visit!
Bamberg was first mentioned in 902CE and its name comes from the Babenberg family. The Holy Roman Emperor Henry II ordered the building of a cathedral, which was consecrated 6 May 1012. The church was enriched with gifts from the pope, and Henry had it dedicated in honor of him. In 1017 Henry also founded Michaelsberg Abbey on the Michaelsberg (another Mount St. Michael like those in Normandy and Cornwall), for the training of the clergy. When Pope While he was here he placed the diocese in direct dependence on the Holy See and personally consecrated some of Bamberg's churches. It would be fair to say that at this time, Bamberg was the centre of the Holy Roman Empire. Both Emperor Henry and his wife Kunigunde were buried in the cathedral.
From the middle of the 13th century onward the bishops ruled the Holy Roman Empire. This benefited Bamberg and left us with some of the magnificent buildings we see today, particularly around the area of the Cathedral.
We also see in Bamberg some of the excesses of the Church. The city is noted for the witch trials of the 17th century which claimed about one thousand victims in Bamberg, reaching a climax between 1626 and 1631, under the rule of Prince-Bishop Johann Georg II Fuchs von Dornheim.
In 1803 the Holy Roman Empire was wound up by Napoleon and Bamberg became part of Bavaria. It had a population then in excess of 200,000.
Bamberg was first connected to the German rail system in 1844, which has been an important part of its infrastructure ever since.
After a communist uprising took control over Bavaria in the years following World War I, the state government fled to Bamberg from Munich The first republican constitution of Bavaria was passed in Bamberg.
In February 1926 Bamberg served as the venue for the Bamberg Conference, convened by Adolf Hitler in his attempt to foster unity and to stifle dissent within the Nazi party. Bamberg was chosen for its location in Upper Franconia, reasonably close to the residences of the members of the dissident northern Nazi faction but still within Bavaria.
Bamberg escaped significant damage during WW2 but it could have been here where German resistance leader Claus von Stauffenberg had the idea to use the Valykire Plan as a means of overthrowing the Nazis. In the film Valkyrie, we see Stauffenberg at home in with his wife taking shelter as bombers pass over head whilst the children play at being Valkyries and Wagner’s music is playing on the record player. Stauffenberg’s home was at Schützenstraße 20 in Bamberg and his widow lived there after the war.
There are also underground tunnels beneath the town. These were originally constructed as mines which supplied sandstone which could be used for construction or as an abrasive cleaner. Mining came to an end in 1920 but a 12km tunnel network remained. The tunnels were used as an air raid shelter during World War II. A part of the network can be visited on a guided tour
The most curious building in Bamberg must be the Obere Brücke which was completed in 1455. Halfway across this, on an island, is the Rathaus or town hall which in its current state largely dates to 1756. The lyceum, formerly a Jesuit college, contains a natural history museum. The old palace (Alte Hofhaltung) was built in 1591 on the site of an old residence of the counts of Babenberg. Monuments include the Maximilian fountain (1880), with statues of King Maximilian I of Bavaria, the emperor Henry II and his wife, Conrad III and Saint Otto, bishop of Bamberg.[2]
Bamberg is known for its beer and is home to nine breweries. And I should mention its lively atmosphere!
Music by Kevin McLeod :
Driving by the old Warner Barracks in Bamberg W. Germany/Bavaria !
Oct. 2018. Sorry for the shakiness in the video. But the road was a bit bumpy driving through there.
Bamberg - Dom St. Peter und St. Georg
Der romanische Bamberger Dom St. Peter und St. Georg gehört zu den deutschen Kaiserdomen und ist mit seinen vier Türmen das beherrschende Bauwerk der Bamberger Altstadt. Er steht auf der markanten Erhebung des Dombergs, der noch weitere historische Gebäude aufweist. Im Inneren befinden sich neben dem Bamberger Reiter das Grab des einzigen heiliggesprochenen Kaiserpaars des Heiligen Römischen Reichs sowie das einzige Papstgrab in Deutschland und nördlich der Alpen (Wikipedia).
Präsenzdienst im Bamberger Dom
Seit über zehn Jahren gibt es den Präsenzdienst im Bamberger Dom. Die ehrenamtlichen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter stehen als Ansprechpartner an der Eingangspforte der Kathedrale und schaffen so eine Willkommenskultur.
【K】Germany Travel-Bamberg[독일 여행-밤베르크]구시가, 밤베르크 돔 대성당/Bamberger Dom Cathedral/UNESCO
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[한국어 정보]
독일 남부에 있는 밤베르크는 중세가 남아있는 도시다. 구도시 전체가 유네스코 문화유적으로 지정될 정도로 중세 유적이 많다. 밤베르크 구시가의 고풍스러운 무게감은 마치 수백 년을 견뎌온 명문 종가를 방문한 것 같은 느낌을 준다. 밤베르크 돔 성당이다. 돔은 주교가 주관하는 성당에만 붙인다. 밤베르크가 중요한 도시였음을 알 수 있다. 당시 성당의 권위를 알 수 있는 장식들이 눈에 띈다. 그런데 성당 곳곳에 현대 예술작품이 보인다. 알고 보니 성당 건립 천 년을 기념해 현대 예술작품 전시를 하는 중이란다.
[English: Google Translator]
Bamberg is a town in southern Germany, left the Middle Ages. The whole Old Town there are many medieval ruins enough to be designated as a UNESCO cultural heritage. Old-fashioned weight of Bamberg's old town gives the same feeling as if gyeondyeoon visited the prestigious closing hundreds of years. The Dome Cathedral in Bamberg. Tags only cathedral dome organized by the bishops. The major cities of Bamberg can be seen yeoteum. Decorations can be seen at the time the authority of the cathedral that stands out. But this seems a contemporary art around the cathedral. I know you're just a contemporary art exhibition to commemorate the cathedral erected a thousand years.
[German: Google Translator]
Bamberg ist eine Stadt im südlichen Deutschland, hat das Mittelalter. Die ganze Altstadt gibt es viele mittelalterliche Ruinen genug, um als UNESCO Weltkulturerbe benannt werden. Old-fashioned Gewicht von der Altstadt von Bamberg gibt die gleiche Gefühl, als ob gyeondyeoon besuchte die renommierte Schließen Hunderten von Jahren. Der Dom in Bamberg. Tags nur Domkuppel von den Bischöfen organisiert. Die großen Städte Bamberg können yeoteum sehen. Dekorationen können zu der Zeit, die Autorität der Kathedrale, das sich sehen. Aber das scheint eine zeitgenössische Kunst rund um die Kathedrale. Ich weiß, du bist nur ein Ausstellung zeitgenössischer Kunst, die Kathedrale errichtet tausend Jahren zu gedenken.
■클립명: 유럽080-독일07-01 고풍스런 구시가, 밤베르크 돔 대성당/Bamberger Dom Cathedral/Unesco World Heritage
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 안흥수 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2012년 9월 September
유럽,Europe,유럽,독일,Germany,Deutschland,,안흥수,2012,9월 September,바이에른,Bavaria,Bayern,
Neue Residenz Bamberg - Walking Tour, Bavaria, Germany
Neue Residenz Bamberg - Walking Tour, Bavaria, Germany
The four-winged complex of the New Residence was built in two stages. Firstly, the backwards two-winged section, which flanks the Obere Karolinenstrasse, was built from 1602 on in the Renaissance style under Prince Bishop von Gebsattel. Then, under Prince Bishop Lothar von Schönborn, the Baroque wings facing the Cathedral were built between 1697 and 1703 as a residence for the Prince Bishop by Leonhard Dientzenhofer.
The magnificent building complex has over 40 state rooms featuring stucco-work ceilings, furniture and tapestries from the 17th and 18th centuries. Painted on the walls of the Imperial Hall are 16 larger than life-sized portraits of emperors, the work of Melchior Steidl.
The Elector's Rooms, the Prince-Bishop's Apartments and the gallery with Old German and Baroque paintings (Branch of the Bavarian State Galleries) are of particular interest and there is a fine view from the Rose Garden in the Residence courtyard. Prince Bishop Friedrich Karl von Schönborn had this regularly symmetrical garden laid out by Balthasar Neumann. It is bordered with clipped lime trees and a dainty garden pavilion (completed in 1757) and with around 4,500 roses in over 70 beds it is filled in summer with fragrance and colour. Every year, the rosen garden serenades take place there.
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Bamberger Dom
Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung:
Bamberger Dom
Der romanische Bamberger Dom St.Peter und St.Georg gehört zu den deutschen Kaiserdomen und ist mit seinen vier Türmen das beherrschende Bauwerk des Weltkulturerbes Bamberger Altstadt.Er steht auf der markanten Erhebung des Dombergs, der noch weitere historische Gebäude aufweist.
Urheber Info: Berthold Werner
Lizenz: Public domain
Berthold Werner (//commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Berthold_Werner)
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Bamberger Dom 2019
Christmas tree in Bamberg Cathedral 2019
Bamberger Dom 1
Cathedral of Bamberg part 1 by P.Sunny John O.Carm.
Bamberger Dom.avi
Ausflug nach Bamberg
Eine Winterabend in Bamberg mit viel Schnee
Ein weihnachtlicher Spaziergang durch das verschneite Bamberg.
Video und Schnitt: Ronald Rinklef
Bamberger Dom.flv
From bamberger-dom.de - the original does not play on an iPad.