Timisoara part 4, The Banat village museum
Part for of the Timisoara trip, we visited the Banat village museum. This museum shows housing throughout Romania history and is still being lived in.
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Timisoara, Romania | Timișoara, România
Best of Timisoara, Romania - Timișoara, România
Visiting Romania but not getting round to visiting Timisoara means you miss out on an important part of the culture and the beauty of this country. With a history of over 1000 years, Timisoara is a city that has the perfect combination of traditional and modern culture.
Once a border city within what used to be known as the Banat region, acting as a base for Romans, Turks, Austro-Hungarians, and finally Romanians, Timisoara remains one of the country’s most multicultural cities with large Hungarian, German and Serbian communities. Timisoara is home to year-round musical and theatre performances, art galleries, museums and a buzzing nightlife. A progressive and cosmopolitan place, Timisoara was the first city in Europe and second in the world, after New York, to use electricity to illuminate its public streets.Timisoara is also called the city of Parks and Flowers. Besides the green retreats, Timisoara has a lot of public squares like Freedom Square, Victory Square and Union Square . These three, situated in the centre of the city, are the most popular places to go out for drinks, dancing, walk around and attend concerts or films and animation projections.
Victory Square, The union square,The Nikolaus Lenau School, Freedom Square, Cafes and bars...
The Banat Museum, Banat Museum, Ethnographic section, Memorial Museum of the Revolution from 1989, The Art Museum,
Banat Village Museum, The collection of the Serbian Bishop
Roses Park, The Botanic Park, Central Park in Timisoara
Iulius Mall Timișoara, Shopping City Timișoara
Cold Funk - Funkorama by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (
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Historical Banat, Romanian Serbian intercultural space
Historical Banat, Romanian Serbian intercultural space... one of the projects implemented under the second call for proposals of the Romania - Republic of Serbia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme.
Lead partner: Banat European Union from Romania Association - UEBR
Cross-border partners:
Republic of Serbia: Literary Commune Vršac; Grammar School Borislav Petrov Braca Vršac;
Romania: The Center of Culture and Arts of Timis County; Banat Village Museum of Timisoara
Investing in your future!
Romania-Republic of Serbia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme is financed by the European Union under the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) and co-financed by the partner states in the programme.
The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union.
In case of any complaints, contact: romania-serbia@mdrap.ro
MIS ETC code: 1352
EC Day 2015 movies
A Day In Timisoara | City Tour
Timisoara is one of the most beautiful cities in Romania. It has over 1000 years of history. If you're interested in the traditional and modern culture Timisoara is a perfect spot for you. Timisoara is home to year-round musical and theater performances, museums and art galleries.
City Highlights:
* Victory Square,
* The union square,
* Liberty Square,
* The Nikolaus Lenau School
-The Banat Museum,
-Memorial Museum of the Revolution from 1989,
-The Art Museum,
-Banat Village Museum
-Roses Park,
-The Botanic Park,
-Central Park in Timisoara
-Iulius Mall Timișoara,
-Shopping City Timișoara
Bible Museum Opens in Timisoara, Romania - AOTV report
The opening of the Bible Museum in Timisoara is an unprecedented event in Romania. Over 500 copies of the Holy Book, part of pastor Ionel Tutac's personal collection, are on public display in an art gallery inside the Theresia bastion.
The Bible Museum is a project realized by 'Family Revival' Association in Lugoj city, in partnership with the Timis County Council and with the support of the Metropolis of Banat.
My personal collection comprises over 800 copies. I couldn't bring all of them. I had to leave home a few remarkable copies. One of them is a New Testament written in Greek, in 1592, that's not in good condition. That's all I could bring. My plan is to keep enlarging my collection, until I'll have 1,000 copies, which is not impossible nowadays. Then I wish to take a step further and open a permanent museum in Timisoara.
At the opening, pastor Ionel Tutac said the initiative of organizing the Museum stemmed from his wish of promoting the Scripture and encouraging people to read and learn about the influence of the Bible.
This book became extraordinarily precious for me in my childhood. My parents, both believers, encouraged and advised me to read God's Word, telling me that's to my advantage.
Attending the event, His Eminence Ioan, Metropolitan of Banat, appreciated the initiative and highlighted the importance of the Bible in our lives.
The Bible reactivates a nation's moral values. It teaches you to respect your mother, to wish a good day to the elderly and to honor them, to honor your parents. We learn that through the Ten Commandments given by God to Moses, and through the words of love spoken by our Savior, Jesus Christ.
For its part, His Excellency Alexandru Mesian, Greek-Catholic bishop of Lugoj, gifted the museum an updated edition of the Blaj Bible.
One of these many Bibles was launched at the Jubilee 2000. It's the Bible called the Blaj Bible, written in 1795, in Cyrillic script. The present edition uses both Cyrillic and Latin scripts on facing pages.
People visiting the Bible Museum in Timisoara can take a look at manuscripts and old editions of the Holy Book, written in different languages. One of the smallest Bibles is also on display.
It's a microfilm of 1 by 1 inch, containing the entire Bible. Every dot corresponds to a page and can only be read using a microscope. It's more of a technical curiosity, but I want to tell you something important. A ''twin sister'' of this Bible was taken to the Moon in 1971, during Apollo 14 mission, by astronaut Edgar Mitchell.
The Bible Museum set up at the Theresia bastion remains open until April 25 and will host various events: interviews with celebrities, meetings with guests from Romania and abroad, documentary movie screenings, debates on the role and influence of the Bible, Bible-themed caricatures exposition, concerts and Bible contests.
More news and stories from Romania produced by Alfa Omega TV here:
Muzeul Satului Banatean - Timisoara - Romania
Looking for a night spot, on my way out of Romania, I stopped in front of the Village museum in Timisoara, taking advantage of this coincidence to pay a visit.
#Muzeulsatuluibanatean #Villagemuseum #Syncrovan
The National Museum of the Village timisoara - Romania
The National Museum of the Village timisoara
Open-air architecture museum documenting village life with traditional homes, a school & a church.
muzeul national al satului timisoara
10 Best Tourist Attractions you MUST SEE in Timisoara / Temesvar, Romania | 2019
Discover what's best in your city.
The rating information was taken from Google Maps and the list was last updated on 14th April, 2019:
1: Roses Park
2: Hotel Timisoara
3: Timișoara Zoo
4: Banat Village Museum
5: Autogara Normandia
6: Bere Timișoreana
7: Maria Theresia Bastion
8: SCART Place Lejer
9: La Pizza Napoletana
10: Parcul Civic
Click on a link below to see an up-to-date list and more:
Banat Romania
a video about timisoara and the countryside of Banat.
Museum Artifacts Under Orthodox Cathedral in Timisoara, Romania
On our private tour through the museum under the Cathedral.
Konkordia Vrsac - Home of Longevity for Cultural Treasury of Banat
Home of Longevity for Cultural Treasury of Banat - establishment of Regional Cultural Centre for Banat Heritage - Konkordia... one of the projects implemented under the first call for proposals of the Romania - Republic of Serbia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme.
Lead partner: Municipality of Vrsac, Republic of Serbia.
Cross-border partner: Tha Banat Museum Timisoara, Romania.
Investing in your future!
Romania-Republic of Serbia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme is financed by the European Union under the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) and co-financed by the partner states in the programme.
The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union.
In case of any complaints, contact: romania-serbia@mdrap.ro
MIS ETC code: 423
EC Day 2015 movies
Timisoara Europa first city with Electric Street lighting 12 Nov 1884(Romania)
Timișoara is a city in western Romania, known for Secessionist architecture. The central square, Piața Victoriei, is surrounded by baroque buildings and the Metropolitan Orthodox Cathedral, with its mosaic-patterned roof tiles and icon gallery. Nearby is the Habsburg-era square Piața Unirii and the Memorial Museum of the 1989 Revolution. The museum houses uniforms, documents and a film on the Ceaușescu dictatorship.
Charlottenburg, the only circular village in Banat, Romania
Charlottenburg, the only circular village in Banat, Romania
Timisoara Tour Guide - The Museum of the Communist Consumer in Timișoara. Feat.Timișoara Tour Guide
May, 2015. Opening of the Museum of the Communist Consumer in Timișoara, the first of its kind in Romania. Stories of communist Romania coming to life in the shape of over 10000 collectable consumer goods. A stroll down memory lane for some, an eye-opener for others. Definitely a charming addition to our city tours!
Check out the TTG website: timisoaratourguide.com for more.
Romanya Arad Şehrindeyiz | Geziyoruz | Bizimle bir kaç gün :)
Romanya'da bu seneki gezimizin ikinci durağı Arad şehri. Tarihi yapılarıyla dikkatimizi çeken şehirde, Kızıl kilise, Kültür binası, Devrim meydanı, kale, Mihai Eminescu parkı ve Aurel Vlaicu Üniversitesini ziyaret ettik.
Überlandstrassenbahn Ghioroc-Arad Rumänien / Tramvai Arad
DÜWAG Straßenbahnen (Meterspur) der Typen GT6 und GT8 (ehemalige Fahrzeuge der Rhein-Haardtbahn GmbH Ludwigshafen/Mannheim; Mühlheim a.d.Ruhr; Innsbruck) auf der Überlandstrassenbahnstrecke zwischen Ghioroc und Arad in Rumänien (Banat), Linien 9, 10, 11, 14 im Mai 2019
- Wendemanöver im Gleisdreieck Dorfmitte Ghioroc
- Überlandfahrt - Aufnahmen aus Vladimirescu, Cicir, Sâmbăteni
- Aufnahmen aus der Innenstadt von Arad (Făt Frumos, Piața U.T.A, Primaria)
Walking from N.Balcescu Square to Youth House, Timisoara-Romania
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Timisoara part one
Part one of the Timisoara trip.
The thumbnail image is not one of mine it was found on google image results.
Kikinda: de la artă la călătorie, de la lut la mamut (partea întâi)
Mulţi conaţionali de-ai noştri încercau în anii ’80 să ajungă aici, măcar cu permisul de mic trafic de frontieră. Iar Kikinda, ca întreaga Iugoslavie de atunci, reprezenta pentru noi Paradisul.
Dealtfel, aveam să aflu, Kikinda era, la vremea respectivă unul dintre cele mai importante şi mai dezvoltate oraşe iugoslave. Acum e, conform statisticilor, pe locul 30 în Serbia de astăzi. Un orăşel liniştit, lipsit de agitaţia tipic urbană, dar cu o viaţă culturală activă şi cu şanse considerabile de a se înscrie definitiv pe harta turistică a zonei.
Pentru că oamenii de aici au avut inspiraţia, poate îndrumaţi, poate din iniţiativă proprie, să transforme nişte lucruri ce erau sortite pieirii, în ceva funcţional pe termen lung şi, mai ales, fascinant. Centrul Terra pentru Arte Frumoase şi Aplicate.
Aleksandar Lipovan, ghidul nostru de astăzi, povesteşte cum a luat viaţă acest paradis al artiştilor plastici care modelează lutul, în vechea clădire dezafectată a fabricii de ţiglă.
Simpozionul anual care se desfăşoară aici din anii ’80 şi care adună elita artiştilor din întreaga Europă şi chiar de dincolo de graniţele ei, este completat de alte numeroase evenimente, cum e cel din cadrul proiectului transfrontalier “Inclusive Art”, realizat în parteneriat cu Institutul Intercultural din Timişoara. Astfel, copii din diverse categorii defavorizate au parte de workshop-uri cu artiştii şi de terapie prin artă.
Interiorul vechii fabrici este total opusul exteriorului. Dacă privită de afară, clădirea pare, într-o primă fază, părăsită, odată ce îi calci pragul te copleşeşte sentimentul că te afli într-un loc bun, pozitiv, care inspiră. Renovată acum câţiva ani, construcţia şi-a păstrat structura originală şi aspectul industrial, atât de căutat acum pentru spaţiile moderne în care ia viaţă arta.
Timp de o săptămână, vechea fabrică de ţiglă s-a umplut de spirit tânăr, graţie unui grup de studenţi de la Facultăţile de Arte din Novi-Sad şi Timişoara. Au fost şi îndrumători pentru micii viitori artişti care i-au vizitat, dar au avut răgazul să se concentreze şi asupra propriilor lucrări, inspiraţi de atmosfera specială pe care au găsit-o la Centrul Terra.
Muzeul Terra din Kikinda este şi el oprire obligatorie, odată ajuns în zonă, pentru orice iubitor de frumos. Impactul cu expoziţia e copleşitor când intri în imensa sală a muzeului, căci sunt aşezate acolo piese din terracotta de toate formele şi mărimile, mai vechi sau mai noi, forme concrete sau abstracte, care îţi pun mintea la contribuţie, ca să le pătrunzi tainele. O colecţie impresionantă, adunată cu grijă în timp şi oferită publicului larg într-un spaţiu muzeal minunat, inaugurat în decembrie 2017.
Kikinda însăşi e demnă de descoperit prin ochii călătorului, căci e un spaţiu care îndeamnă la momente de respiro şi de savurat, pur şi simplu, farmecul locului. Un orăşel de provincie cu biserici şi clădiri vechi, ce seamănă izbitor de mult cu atâtea alte orăşele de provincie din apropiere, fie din Ungaria, fie din România, căci întreaga zonă a fost, preţ de aproape un secol şi jumătate, parte din Imperiul Habsburgic. Nu lipsesc, ivite din iarbă ori postate în faţa unor clădiri importante, piese din terracotta, probabil tot parte din imensa colecţie pe care Kikinda o găzduieşte.
Kikinda mai are multe de povestit, dar e final de zi şi ne oprim aici. Mâine, cu poveştile sale, soseşte în curând. Aşa că ne vedem şi data viitoare pe Drumuri aproape, tot aici, la Kikinda!