Cartelería Digital Tudela promoviendo el comercio de TUDELA
“Quédate en TUDELA”
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Programa en Tudela Televisión
Más de doscientas personas han participado en el primer encuentro organizado por Navarracapital.es y Diario de Navarra y celebrado en la sede de la Mancomunidad de la Ribera donde se ha debatido sobre agroalimentación, turismo y formación como claves de desarrollo para esta importante comarca de la Comunidad foral.
Parents keep children at home in protest at education cuts
(18 Oct 2012)
1. Wide of unused space run by social groups as a playground during strike
2. Wide of strikers preparing banners for demonstration
3. Mid of banner calling for scholarships
4. Wide of children face painting
5. Close up of face painting
6. Wide of children skipping
7. Mid of sword fight in theatre for children
8. Mid of children watching theatre
9. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Jose Luis Pazos, President of Spanish Parents Association:
Why do some kids still not have text books - because public administrators have stopped scholarships. Why can't they have a decent meal if they do not have incomes to guarantee that and there is no more family support? Why are they losing their rights to have a superior university or college education if they cannot pay for it? Every day it becomes more and more difficult for us to explain to our children why they cannot have a proper education if their family cannot afford it, because someone has decided that it is important that this happens.
10. Mid of Juan Carlos Tudela studying with his son Carlos at home
11. Mid of Juan Carlos and Carlos studying
12. Close up of Carlos
13. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Juan Carlos Tudela, striking father:
What they are trying to establish is for people to have access only to the type of education they can afford, as well as the kind of health system they can afford. But if it becomes like this, what do we need a government for? Why do we need all these administrative structures if they only spend resources without investing them equally out among the people who need it most?
14. Close up of Carlos
15. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Juan Carlos Tudela, striking father:
I think behind all this there is the intention to end public education. In my kids' high school, when they got there five years ago, there were 116 teachers for 1200 students. This year, with the same amount of students, there are 83 teachers. That is a reduction of 33 teachers in just a few years.
16. Wide of Juan Carlos and his son, Carlos
On the third and final day of industrial action organised by the Spanish Student's Union, parents are now joining students of all ages in their protests against education cuts.
Following demonstrations on Wednesday by thousands of school and university students against goverment cuts in education spending, many parents kept their children from school on Thursday in a show of solidarity.
Parents and teachers will also join students in a demonstration in the capital later in the day.
At an empty building lot, social groups turned the unused space into a playground on Thursday to take care of children whose parents have to work.
The idea is to provide the children with activities that will create a social consciousness and to explain the reasons that led to the three-day strike.
The President of the Spanish Parents Association, Jose Luis Pazos said access to education was becoming more difficult for the poorer sectors of society.
Cuts in public education are a consequence of the government's austerity policies, reducing the education budget by (m) millions of Euros, which has mainly affected the number of teachers per school, the amount of students per classroom and the extra scholarship opportunities.
Jose Carlos Tudela took the decision to keep his two children away from school on Thursday in protest at the cuts in education.
Why do we need all these administrative structures if they only spend resources without investing them equally out among the people who need it most, he asked.
He sees that the future of public education is in danger, and is worried that only the rich will eventually be able to afford to give their children a decent education.
He says that at his son's school they have lost 33 teachers in 5 years.
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The value of life on the verge of events that are changing the world. What disaster is coming upon humanity? What will happen in the nearest years? What problems of survival will the overwhelming majority of people living today face?
No weapon of modern times (even the most promising one) can stop the climatic disaster which is coming upon humanity. What will happen next? One flare on the Sun — and all electronic savings will disappear in an instant. What is next?
How important the value of life becomes under the conditions of global drastic climate change on the planet. Climatic apartheid of consumer society: why is the property of the wealthy still being saved instead of saving the lives of children and other people? What do eyewitnesses of climatic events talk about, and what is hushed up by the world mass media? How do values of a person change under the conditions of drastic changes in the destiny of humanity, which put its existence on the verge of survival? Also:
Why are the worldview “pillars” of the material world collapsing?
Why is health disappearing, even among children?
What is happening to nature?
Why are people fighting for synonyms?
What verge is modern humanity rapidly approaching?
Were the prophets right about the present-day time, and what chance does humanity have to survive?
What does it mean to become Alive? Who is a real Human?
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“Life is Love. It is that Fire which is called Life. Because it’s woven of Love, it’s woven of happiness. While what do people call Life?”
Why exactly now is global unity of the world community and participation of everyone so important?
Programmes with participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:
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