Top 15 Things To Do In Udine, Italy
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Here are top 15 things to do in Udine, Italy
All photos belong to their rightful owners. Credit next to name.
1. Piazza Matteotti -
2. Udine Cathedral -
3. Museo del Duomo -
4. Udine Castle -
5. Museo Diocesano e Gallerie del Tiepolo -
6. Piazza Liberta -
7. Enjoy a delicious meal at the La Nicchia Restaurant -
8. Loggia del Lionello -
9. Parco del Cormor -
10. Giardin Grande -
11. Take a trip to the beach at Lignano Sabbiadoro -
12. Enjoy a cocktail or fine wine at the Liberty Bar -
13. Chiesa di San Giacomo -
14. Take a trip to Trieste -
15. Watch an event at the Friuli Stadium -
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Fagagna come si arriva in centro dalla statale Udine Spilimbergo
Strada che dalla statale Udine Spilimbergo porta a Fagagna Via Udine fino ad arrivare in centro
Line Dance Holy Moly, Choreo: David Villellas, Musik: Footloose
Line Dance Holy Moly, Choreographie: David Villellas
Aufgenommen auf dem VCF 2016
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Novità 2013 - Pensilina Mod. Classic
100% made in Italy, realizzata con speciali profili in alluminio estruso completi di guarnizioni in EPDM, un profilo ad F in alluminio estruso funge da collegamento con la parete da appoggio alla lastra di copertura.
I profili sono forniti verniciati a polveri termoindurenti colore Grigio o Silver e la copertura è realizzata in policarbonato compatto antigrandine protetto raggi U.V colore trasparente.
Dimensioni di ingombro : mm 920 x 1500
per ulteriori info visita il sito :
Riaperture PhotoFestival Ferrara 2019
Il mio piccolo modo di ringraziare Riaperture x averci aperto questa scatola magica e averla riempita di fotografia.
via Cisterna del Follo 10, Ferrara
Per due week end aperta grazie al RIAPERTURE PHOTOFESTIVAL FERRARA, ha ospitato mostre, progetti, creatività e tanta curiosità in chi ha potuto visitarla.
La caserma “pozzuolo del Friuli”, chiamata dai ferraresi semplicemente “la caserma”, venne costruita durante il secondo decennio del Novecento dall’ingegnere Carlo Luppis e dal costruttore Alessio Lanosi ed inaugurata ufficialmente il 1930. In origine, l’area era occupata dal Duecentesco convento agostiniano di San Vito che venne progressivamente demolito per adibirla ad uso militare, poi fu un giardino dove la famiglia degli Este usava trascorrere i pomeriggi in tranquillità per sottrarsi al turbinio del centro e successivamente, dopo la Devoluzione del 1598, un orto.
La Caserma chiuse definitivamente i battenti nel 1997, in seguito alla disposizione ministeriale che prevedeva la riorganizzazione dell’Esercito italiano comportando un progressivo abbandono e degrado degli immobili. L’ex caserma “pozzuolo del Friuli” venne dedicata al 4° gruppo del 121° reggimento d’artiglieria contraerea in onore dei valorosi militari caduti in Russia durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Il complesso si estende a sud est della città per un’area di circa 3 ettari e mezzo e si compone principalmente di tre edifici: un corpo centrale e due laterali af iancati più piccoli af iancati da una piazza d’armi, una Cavallerizza e altri edifici minori. Visitando il corpo centrale, che si trova su via Cisterna del Follo, è possibile notare la scritta Fide iter ad astra, motto del reggimento, traducibile in “Con la fede si arriva alla stelle”. In più, all’interno di una piccola nicchia è presente a l’immagine di Santa Barbara con in mano la palma del martirio, protettrice degli artiglieri. I due corpi laterali invece ospitavano i dormitori, uno per i militari appartenenti al 4°/121° artiglieria contraerea leggera e l’altra alla 7° Batteria Missili, un reparto speciale della NATO operativo in Veneto. Attualmente, le stanze che ospitavano i militari sono completamente spoglie e ciò che è rimasto è solo poco dell’arredamento della zona di svago come il bancone del bar e il tavolo di biliardo. La Cavallerizza è un immenso capannone costruito in stile liberty utilizzato come parcheggio a veicoli, salmerie e gruppi elettrogeni.
Nel 1999, la proprietà della totalità dell’area della Caserma passa nelle mani dell’Agenzia del Demanio e dopo il sisma che, nel 2012, ha colpito la Regione Emilia Romagna, la gestione del recupero dell’intera struttura è gestita dalla Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, società per azioni, controllata dal Ministero dell’economia e delle finanze e, in minor parte, da diverse fondazioni bancarie. Il compendio è sottoposto a vincolo da parte del Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali.
2017 10 Rendez vous Karate UpdateLogo HD
Publicité du site de rencontres karaté en HD.
7. Bar Bendek & Amir Hoshen (both injured) & Tomer Adar (Kova #1 - Summer 2017)
Freestyle Frisbee Kova (HAT) Tournament 2017 (Summer Edition)
23rd July 2017, South Beach, Herzeliya, Israel
7th place - Bar Bendek & Amir Hoshen (both injured) & Tomer Adar
Camera: Yuval Rei Koren
Coppia di poltroncine francesi in mogano, poltrone antiche
Una coppia di particolari poltrone antiche, della metà dell'ottocento francese, in mogano con decorazione sullo schienale in legno intagliato a motivo di fogliame. Perfette da accostare ad un divano in pelle bianca oppure in una camera da letto moderna. 51 x 49 h 95 cm.
La 'casa chiusa' per gli italiani a 3 km dal confine
Siamo in Friuli Venezia Giulia e l’ultima località prima del confine con l’Austria è Tarvisio, comune di 4000 abitanti. Qui tutti conoscono la spa con le escort che sta pochi km più in là, in Austria. Ristoratori e commercianti sono contenti perché grazie al Wellcum, così si chiama, qui il via vai di uomini provenienti da tutta Italia è aumentato molto negli ultimi anni. Così decidiamo di andarci. Cristiano Fabris, direttore delle vendite ci viene a prendere. Da Tarvisio in 5 minuti siamo già in Austria, al di là del confine. Ad arrivare ci si mette un attimo anche grazie al fatto che dal 1995 i controlli alla frontiera non ci sono più grazie alla convenzione di Schengen che permette la libera circolazione di merci e persone all’interno dei Paesi europei che ne fanno parte. Nel tragitto proviamo a capire di più su come funzioni la struttura. Fabris ci spiega che in Austria la prostituzione è legale, che le ragazze sono tutte libere professioniste e quindi, pagano le
Pair Bronze Lions Gatekeepers Cats
Pair Bronze Lions Gatekeepers Cats
Historic villa hotel 40 minutes to the sea, Italy (Friuli-Venezia Giulia)
This ancient and noble residence dating back to the 16th century has been transformed into a small, elegant hotel with restaurant, immersed in the relaxing setting of a lush park (12.800 sq.m.) with ponds and a swimming pools.
Number of rooms/apartments : 25
The restaurant area consists of 2 dining halls with an overall seating capacity of 50.
There is also a bar accommodating approx.20 people.
Without changing the original structure and its unique 16th century characteristics,
a part of the Villa was transformed into a small hotel with a restaurant.
In this informal and pleasant atmosphere guests relax, immersed in the noble country
life of the past.
The original buildings such as the ancient tower, the greenhouse, the granaries and the noble apartments have been converted into 22 rooms, combining the Villa's innate grace with all modern comforts.
The park is perfect for a morning or evening stroll and provides the ideal setting for an outdoor meal or a party. Furthermore it is often used for hosting open-air family or corporate events and private parties, allowing the contemporary presence of up to 260 guests.
Preliminary feasibility studies have been carried out for the creation of an underground wellness area.
Distances :
nearest beaches -- Grado (35km)
Lignano Sabbiadoro (57km)
nearest ski slopes - Sella Nevea (98km)
Tarvisio (112km)
Trieste airport -- 29km
Trieste downtown -- 62km
Venice airport -- 110km
Venice downtown -- 122km
Ljubljana airport (SLO) -- 144km
For further info please contact :
Cortili aperti 2019 a Milano
CORTILI APERTI MILANO - Giornata Nazionale A.D.S.I.
L’Associazione Dimore Storiche Italiane promuove la Giornata Nazionale ADSI, in occasione delle quali il Gruppo Giovani della Sezione ADSI Lombardia presenta a Milano domenica 19 maggio 2019 la XXVI edizione dell’iniziativa Cortili Aperti, ormai divenuta una consuetudine cittadina dal 1994.
ITALIAN PUNK HARDCORE 1980-1989 | Il Film | The Movie [COMPLETE]
Click the CC icon on the lower right of the player for English Subtitles!
00:01:46 Le origini/The Beginning
00:10:05 Le città e i centri nevralgici/The Cities and the Hot Spots
00:21:55 Le band/Bands
00:41:48 L'autoproduzione e le etichette indipendenti/The D.I.Y. and Indipendent Labels
00:53:35 Le fanzine e il passaparola antagonista/The Fanzines and the Antagonist Word of Mouth
01:05:00 Il rapporto conflittuale tra punk e stampa/Controversy with the Press
01:09:28 I concerti/Gigs
01:40:40 Le droghe/Drugs
01:47:36 L'apice e il declino/Climax and Decline
(ENGLISH BELOW) Un film di Angelo Bitonto, Giorgio S. Senesi, Roberto Sivilia
Produzione esecutiva: OZFILM (Bari)
Le origini dell'hardcore punk in Italia. Le città e i centri nevralgici. L'autogestione, i posti occupati, la politica. L'autoproduzione, le cassette a nastro e i dischi in vinile. Le etichette indipendenti. Le fanzine e il passaparola antagonista. I concerti, i raduni, le manifestazioni. Gli scontri, la violenza, gli eccessi, le droghe. Il rapporto conflittuale tra punk e stampa, i quotidiani e le riviste di costume. L'inizio, l'apice e il declino delle grandi band degli anni 80. Interviste a Raw Power, Wretched, Negazione, CCM, Indigesti, Kina, Peggio Punx, Impact, Upset Noise e molti altri.
In uscita il 7 settembre 2015
13 euro + spese postali
Preordini dal 25 agosto 2015, qui:, e
Prodotto da
Iscriviti al canale F.O.A.D. Records per essere sempre aggiornato sulle nostre novità Thrash, Death, Hardcore, Punk e Grind:
Segui F.O.A.D. Records qui:
A film by Angelo Bitonto, Giorgio S. Senesi, Roberto Sivilia
Executive production: OZFILM (Bari, Italy)
The birth of Italian hardcore punk. The cities and the hotbeds of punk. Self-management, squats, politics. D.I.Y., tapes and vinyl. Independent labels. Fanzines and counter-culture word-of-mouth. Concerts, rallies, demonstrations. The battles, the violence, the excesses and the drugs. The antagonistic relationship between the punk movement and the press, daily papers and magazines. The beginnings, rise and fall of the big bands of the '80s. Interviews and rare live footage from Raw Power, Wretched, Negazione, CCM, Indigesti, Kina, Peggio Punx, Impact, Upset Noise and many others.
Official relase date: September 7th 2015
Retail price: 13 eur + postage
Preorders will start: August 25th 2015 via, and
Produced by
Subscribe to F.O.A.D. Records for the latest in Thrash, Death, Hardcore and Grind:
Follow F.O.A.D. Records here:
Roman Catholic analysts and advocates comment on Pope's reported 'gay lobby' remarks
Vatican City
1. Various of Pope Francis in the pope mobile waving to crowds
2. Various of pope walking towards altar
3. Pope greeting faithful from Pope mobile
4. Pope blessing child
5. Tilt up of website of Latin American and Caribbean Confederation of Religious (CLAR)
6. Pan of CLAR letter apologising for having quoted the Pope without permission, reading (Spanish) It's clear that based on this one cannot attribute with certainty to the Holy Father singular expressions in the text, but just the general sense. The presidency of CLAR deeply apologies for what happened and the confusion that it generated.
7. SOUNDBITE: (English) Austen Ivereigh, Director of Catholic Voices (Catholic media portal):
Sexual orientation is not a bar to being a priest or to working in the Vatican. The problem comes when they are not obeying their vows of celibacy, they have sexual relations. And that is obviously something which they shouldn't be doing and there is obviously an effort of the part of some to cover it up. That's what I assume is meant by the term gay lobby.
8. Bishop with newly married couple
9. Saint Peter's dome
10. SOUNDBITE: (English) Marco Politi, Vatican analyst, author:
In this sense there doesn't exist in the Vatican a gay lobby. In the Vatican there is a lot of people, we can't say the percent, who have relationship with males or hidden relationships with women and there are single gay people who are part of cliques, they can be right wing, left wing, centre, they can be pro-secretary of state (Tarcisio) Bertone or against secretary of state Bertone. What is clear is that Pope Francis in this conversation had to admit that there are resistances for reforming the Roman curia.
Vatican City
11. Bishop posing for photos with tourists
12. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Massimo Ponti, Vox Pop:
I don't believe that there are gay lobbies in the Vatican, this is my opinion.
13. SOUNDBITE (Italian) No name given, Vox Pop:
If there is something dirty it has to be cleaned up.
14. Wide of Saint Peter basilica
In private remarks to the leadership of a key Latin American church group, Pope Francis lamented that a gay lobby was at work at the Vatican.
It was an apparent reference to allegations in the Italian media that blackmail was taking place within the Vatican against high-ranking prelates who are gay.
The Latin American and Caribbean Confederation of Religious - the regional organisation for priests and nuns of religious orders - confirmed on Tuesday that its leaders had written a synthesis of Francis' remarks after their June 6 audience.
The group, known by its Spanish acronym CLAR, said it was greatly distressed that the document had been published and apologised to the pope.
In the document, Francis is quoted as saying that while there were many holy people in the Vatican, there was also a current of corruption.
The Vatican spokesman, the Reverend Federico Lombardi, said on Tuesday that the audience was private and that as a result he had nothing to say.
In the days leading up to Pope Benedict XVI's February 28 resignation, Italian media were rife with reports of a gay lobby influencing papal decision-making and Vatican policy through blackmail, and suggestions that the scandal had led in part to Benedict's decision to resign.
The unsourced reports, in the Rome daily La Repubblica and the news magazine Panorama, said details of the scandal were laid out in the secret dossier prepared for Benedict by three trusted cardinals who investigated the leaks of papal documents last year.
Benedict left the dossier for Francis.
At the time, the Vatican denounced the reporting as defamatory, unverified, unverifiable or completely false.
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Verdi and the Ricordi Archive: An Evening with Pierluigi Ledda and Gabriele Dotto
The Archivio Storico Ricordi is considered one of the world’s most important private musical archives; it preserves the original handwritten scores and letters by composers such as Giuseppe Verdi and Giacomo Puccini as well as a rich iconographic collection that includes set and costume designs, photographs, and promotional documents. In this conversation, Pierluigi Ledda, Managing Director of the Ricordi Archive, and Gabriele Dotto, Ricordi Archive Scientific Director and exhibition curator, discuss the history and resources of the Archive in general, and specifically the creation of Verdi’s operas Otello and Falstaff.
Held Wednesday, October 2, 2019.
NOREMORSE@Escape Metal Up Your Ass Fest MMXVI Circus Club 2016#wearenoremorse #noremorseitaly
NOREMORSE was formed in 1999 in Florence Italy , from a fusion of two bands one Hard Rock and the other Heavy Metal both appreciated in the musical ambient of Tuscany . The need for an evolution of rhythm and solo rhythms is the meeting point of these two bands which combined gives voice to a new Band, hard, healing and able to conquer from the start the approval of critics and the fans.
NOREMORSE are: Maurizio Muratori (voice), Franco Birelli (bass), Massimiliano Becagli (drums), Sandro Paoli (guitar), Aldo Tesi (guitar).
The live exhibition is traduced into a thriving concert of “Heavy Metal”, an explosive mix of distorted and cutting notes. From the impetuous solo of guitarist Aldo Tesi we add the high and flowing rhythm of Sandro Paoli. The body and the maximum energy of the bass Franco Birelli together with the frantic energy filled instancabile motor of the band, the Drummer Massimiliano Becagli, give energy to the aggressive, scratching and wild voice of the front man, Maurizio Muratori.NOREMORSE have played in the most important clubs and pubs in Italy.At each concert the fans participate with great enthusiasm which contributes to the great publicity of the band.Various live recording is the origin of the Demo Live, a valid calling card for the metal scene in Italy.
April 2003: NOREMORSE went into the studio to cut there first disc completely self produced.
September 2004: after one year if intense work the album “NOREMORSE” was released, made of six tracks with duration of 25 minutes. The album was registered at the “Tristudio” Florence(IT)of Mr.Tristano Pancani, sound engineer of celebrated drummer Mr.Stewart Copeland from The Police.
In may 2008: NOREMORSE has been recording in studio a new album full lengh version entitledSons of Rockwith 12 tracks.This album has been recorded atParaphenalia studioin Prato(IT)engineered and mixed by Mr.Alessio Aliah Vitali and Mr.Matteo Zola Niccolai.
In july 2009: NOREMORSE has signed the contract for 2 years with the indy labelMy Grave Yard Productionsby Montichiari,Brescia(IT).This album has been mastered and produced Mr.Giuliano Mazzardi owner and prodecer ofM.G.P.label;Cover designer: Mr.Gabriele Di caro,Photos Ms. Alessandra Cinquemani.
Sons of Rock album will be released in 26th February 2010, distributed byMasterpiece.
In may 2013: NOREMORSE they played at Virgin radio contest.A Florence(IT)semi final then go to Milan (IT) at the final contest to open up the concert with DEEP PURPLE at the stadium in Udine(IT)
In October 2014: the NOREMORSE released the new single Wolves on youtube waiting for the new CD.
The NOREMORSE's band with the orchestra MUSIC SCHOOL OF CAMPI B.ZIO composed of 30 musicians and directed by Mr.Massimo Barsotti realize the show ROCK THE OPERA.
The show was staged at the Teatro Dante Carlo Monni Campi Bisenzio (FI) .The concert was a great success with more than 450 ticket sales. (Sold Out)
All the proceeds go to charity association CURE 2 CHILDREN by Mr.Leonardo Pieraccioni (Actor, Director)
Special Partner: Radio Geronimo Web
In April 2015: NOREMORSE played with Legends of N.W.O.B.H.M. TANK (with members of Blind Guardian, Sodom & Dragonforce) at Cycle Club in Florence (IT)
Running order of the show:
In March 2016:
WOLVES's new album NOREMORSE fully recorded in the band's check room by Mr. Mike Good Giant Iacovelli and mixed at Paraphernalia Studio of Prato by Mr. Matteo Zola Niccolai.
Photo by Mr.SimoneTinaTinacci
Cover : Mr. Sandro Paoli
Produced by Mr. Sandro Paoli
Wolves consists of 5 tracks and has a duration of 30 minutes.
See you next time guys ....
Volcano Club 1994
Guitar Center guitar contest at the volcano club in San Diego, CA 1994.
Todd Pyke winner.
My good buddy Bruce Fitzsimmons was kind enough to bring his video camera down and film me playing in this contest. Unfortunately right at 1:07 into my performance some drunken idiot bumped into the camera so there's a small black spot and a jump of about 3 or 4 seconds. Other than that I was fairly happy with this composition and performance, though I don't think I will ever be satisfied. LOL. I was about 25.
Thanks for viewing and rating. Blessings, Todd.
Limone to Riva del Garda - Part 1
Limone to Riva del Garda on Bike Suzuki Bandit 1250 SA filmed with GoPro HD Hero 2 - Part 1