mamma a Castel San Giovanni
Castelsangiovanni perde abitanti
festa del borgo a castel san giovanni
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14 Castel San Giovanni
Die seit 1602 spanische Besetzung von Finale führte zu einer radikalen Veränderung in der Landschaft mit dem Bau von großen und modernen Festungen, deren Zweck war, das alte Marquisat in eine mächtige Festung zu verwandeln, zwischen den Domänen der Republik Genua eingefügt.
Am Becchignolo Hügel, der Finalborgo emporragt, wurde Castel San Giovanni errichtet, dem die Kontrolle des Dorfes und die Straßenverbindungen mit den Tälern von Bormida und der Langhe zugeschrieben wurde.
Innerhalb des Stadtmauerrings, ein Teil dessen die westliche Anhöhe hinauf führte, wurde die Porta Mezzalama geöffnet, wodurch die im Jahre 1666 von dem Ingenieur Gaspare Beretta gebaute Straße, Finale mit dem Herzogtum Mailand verband.
Die Arbeiten der neuen Befestigung wurden zwischen 1640 und 1644 von Ferdinand Glazar, gebürtig aus Kärnten und in Dienst der Spanier in Finale geleitet. Sie verleibte sich mit dem bereits bestehenden mittelalterlichen Anschlussturm ein, der sich zwischen den Stadtmauern befand; er war durch seinen achteckigen zentralen Bau erkennbar und von Kurtinen umgeben.
Die Festung, die zwischen 1674 und 1678 mehrmals von Beretta umgebaut wurde, passte mit seinem irregulären Umfang und unter sich verbundenen Bastionen zu dem Umriss der Anhöhe.
Die Südfront, mit Blick auf das Dorf und weit auf das Meer hinaus, ruht auf zwei mächtigen zangenförmigen Schutzwallen mit tiefen und weiten schuhformähnlichen Verstärkungen, auf deren oberen Ecken Wachtürme zu sehen sind.
Der Eingang befindet sich auf der Seite, wo die Straße nach Perti führt, und ist durch ein System von Ravelins (Wallschieldern) beschützt, die niedriger sind als die Kurtinen der Festung . Erhalten geblieben sind das ursprüngliche Verteidigungssystem mit Mauervorsprüngen und Elemente der Zugbrücke über einen schmalen Graben, die den direkten Eingang in den Baukörper mit quadratischen Grundriss erlaubte.
Nach 1713 reduzierte die Republik Genua die Festung, indem sie die nördlichen Strukturen abriss.
Im Jahr 1822 wurde diese Festung in ein Gefängnis umgewandelt, und nachdem sie eine lange Zeit vernachlässigt wurde, wurde sie zwischen 1985 und 1991 gründlich neu restauriert.
Omicidio Castelsangiovanni: La figlia ha agito da sola
Prostituzione in pieno giorno, quartiere in rivolta
Nel quartiere Eur la prostituzione in pieno giorno è la norma da diversi anni, tanto che nel novembre 2014 i cittadini avevano marciato in corteo. Dal 2015 l’allora presidente del Municipio Andrea Santoro propose un progetto per istituire una zona “a luci rosse” dove concentrare la prostituzione. Il progetto, all’epoca della giunta Marino, fu discusso con l’assessore alle politiche sociali, ma poi bloccato dalla prefettura.
fasanella fuori al bar la signoria
fasanella briaco fracido
swing jazz medley Castello Tor Crescenza
Bapsy Music aperitivo Jazz
i Fantomatici guerrieri della strada ( canale - film trash di ale raimond )
Questo film psicologico e documentato, narra le avventure strepitose di BoloBronxCity d'italia e d'america...dove esiste un Burattinaio, il suo nome è Marsincus...esiste un Duca ed un braccio destro di nome Geremia vi dice qualcosa?
...i fratelli Supplenza gestivano tutto dal controllo supremo alle informazioni private spionistiche soprannaturali del mondo occulto.
Una notte viene ucciso uno tra i piu buoni ragazzi del rione, il suo nome è Jimmy Sottino che lascia la sua banda per il suo bene futuro, l' unico suo sbaglio è che ingaggia degli haker per sbarazzarsi dell'ombra del Burattinaio, e quindi scomodo per i piani del Boss supremo del mondo....
Tutte le bande furono fondate da Lepoldo Supplenza alias LeoPlay che negli anni tra l' 80 e il 90 terrorizza le strade...o per lo meno suo fratello gemello Geremia!!!
Esiste una banda del Sud gli Slockers, militanti di destra come i Raid Wu' e i Viko Violent, contro i mastini di sinistra SempreFidelis Left Mastyn's...poi ci sono i Bomber Trelit che sono piccoliNomadi amici di Geremia..... i Roncy sono Terroristi clown e lavorano per il Burattinaio Marsincus.
Gli Slockers la banda del sud nascono a Little Itlay ( Bronx U.S.A. ) coun base nativa ad Aquisgrana da tempo emigrati in quel Rione, dove tengono milizie contro gli stranieri dei Bolognina Harlem uomini di colore che stressano e infestano il rione di Little Italy.....
i Trip Strap sono mafiosetti come i Night Brown.
ergo le bande di quartiere si fanno la guerra e Leo play è scatenato da una furia d' ira impetuosa che lo accomoda verso una pazzia sfrenata che lo coinvolge in un bagno di sangue, che le bande ignare di questo dovranno sorbire con gravi danni.
Leopoldo Supplenza alias Leo Play ha delle visioni paranormali che coinvolgono il fratello Geremia Supplenza, nasce cosi una lotta fra loro, cosa succederà...dovrete solo interpretare quello che veramente sta per accadere...buon divertimento e se non riuscite a dormire per colpa di LeoGeremia accendete la tv e riguardatevi il film.
L'appartamento è ubicato nei pressi di una caratteristica piazzetta del centro storico di Isernia limitrofa alla conosciutissima piazza della fontana Fraterna, luogo di ritrovo principale della citta' , pub, pizzerie, ristoranti sono presenti in questa zona piu' intensamente, e i loro locali caratteristici fanno da cornice alla vita sociale dei giovani di Isernia.
L'abitazione si svolge su piu' livelli:
- Al piano terra portone ingresso appartamento dal vicoletto, e comodo fondaco con ingresso indipendente dal piano strada, accessorio dell'appartamento.
- Al Secondo piano ingresso dell'appartamento in una suggestiva zona giorno con caminetto illuminata da un balconcimo panoramico e scala accesso al piano superiore
- Al terzo piano un'ampia cucina con adiacente terrazzino molto bello panoramico munito di Barbecue, e ripostiglio per posto lavatrice e dispensa, al lato opposto al terrazzino un piccolo disimpegno per l' accesso alle due belle camere da letto molto luminose.
I proprietari sono indirizzati all'affitto agli studenti con contratto annuale rinnovabile in questo caso per un massimo di 3 persone il prezzo è di €. 400 arredato,
nel caso di famiglie residenti ad Isernia, essendo il contratto come per legge di 4+4 rinnovabile il prezzo potra' essere di €. 350, si accettano solo affittuatari referenziati.
Nel caso interessa senza arredamento il prezzo e' da concordare.
Scuola Cappuccini classe 5B Aula informatica
Progetto Tecnologia che passione.
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Potranno partecipare ragazze e ragazzi di eta' compresa dai 15 ai 28 anni . Lo scopo della serata e' di creare una serata ricca di spontaneita' e divertimento . I concorsi di bellezza rappresentano uno dei piu' importanti trampolini di lancio , per tutte quelle ragazze e ragazzi che desiderano intrarprendere una carriera nel mondo della moda , della pubblicita' o del cinema ...Si partecipa con la speranza di essere notati da qualche importante addetto dei lavori ed avere dunque la possibilita' di cominciare a muovere i primi passi nel mondo dello spettacolo. Precisiamo che in questa circostanza la priorita' e' quella di non creare false illusioni ma incoraggiare alla partecipazione per fare esperienza aggregante e ricreativa , mettendo in circolo freschezza e genuinita' . La giuria sara' composta da professionisti nel settore locale in ambito di moda teatro e cinema . Le critiche che ruotano intorno ai concorsi di bellezza generalmente puntualizzano il fatto che questi tipi di eventi rinforzano l'idea che le donne vengano valutate principalmente in base alla loro avvenenza, ponendo sulla società la pressione che le donne devono essere bellissime, facendo quindi arricchire l'industria della moda, della cosmetica e della chirurgia estetica. Inoltre il modello femminile dei concorsi di bellezza incoraggia le donne a sottoporsi a rischiose diete che possono persino danneggiarle.Noi proporremo una modalita' di concorso che punta sulle qualita' individuali dei ragazzi e sulle loro aspirazioni , infatti ogni ragazzo/a scegliera' il proprio brano musicale su cui sfilare e i propri abiti per meglio esprimere le loro personalita'. Saranno messi in palio dei premi per gratificare la messa in gioco dei concorrenti e auspichiamo la partecipazione attiva del nostro paese .
Italy | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Italy (Italian: Italia [iˈtaːlja] (listen)), officially the Italian Republic (Italian: Repubblica Italiana [reˈpubblika itaˈljaːna]), is a country in Europe. Located in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, Italy shares open land borders with France, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, San Marino, and Vatican City. Italy covers an area of 301,340 km2 (116,350 sq mi) and has a largely temperate seasonal and Mediterranean climate. With around 61 million inhabitants, it is the fourth-most populous EU member state and the most populous country in southern Europe.
Due to its central geographic location in Europe and the Mediterranean, Italy has historically been home to a myriad of peoples and cultures. In addition to the various ancient Italian tribes and Italic peoples dispersed throughout the Italian Peninsula and insular Italy, beginning from the classical era, Phoenicians, Carthaginians and Greeks established settlements in the south of Italy, with Etruscans and Celts inhabiting the centre and the north of Italy respectively. The Italic tribe known as the Latins formed the Roman Kingdom in the 8th century BC, which eventually became a republic that conquered and assimilated its neighbours. In the first century BC, the Roman Empire emerged as the dominant power in the Mediterranean Basin and became the leading cultural, political and religious centre of Western civilisation. The legacy of the Roman Empire is widespread and can be observed in the global distribution of civilian law, republican governments, Christianity and the Latin script.
During the Early Middle Ages, Italy endured sociopolitical collapse and barbarian invasions, but by the 11th century, numerous rival city-states and maritime republics, mainly in the northern and central regions of Italy, rose to great prosperity through shipping, commerce and banking, laying the groundwork for modern capitalism. These mostly independent statelets served as Europe's main trading hubs with Asia and the Near East, often enjoying a greater degree of democracy than the larger feudal monarchies that were consolidating throughout Europe; however, part of central Italy was under the control of the theocratic Papal States, while Southern Italy remained largely feudal until the 19th century, partially as a result of a succession of Byzantine, Arab, Norman, Angevin and Spanish conquests of the region.The Renaissance began in Italy and spread to the rest of Europe, bringing a renewed interest in humanism, science, exploration and art. Italian culture flourished, producing famous scholars, artists and polymaths such as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Galileo and Machiavelli. During the Middle Ages, Italian explorers such as Marco Polo, Christopher Columbus, Amerigo Vespucci, John Cabot and Giovanni da Verrazzano discovered new routes to the Far East and the New World, helping to usher in the European Age of Discovery. Nevertheless, Italy's commercial and political power significantly waned with the opening of trade routes that bypassed the Mediterranean. Centuries of infighting between the Italian city-states, such the Italian Wars of the 15th and 16th centuries, left the region fragmented, and it was subsequently conquered by European powers such as France, Spain and Austria.
By the mid-19th century, rising Italian nationalism and calls for independence from foreign control led to a period of revolutionary political upheaval. After centuries of foreign domination and political division, Italy was almost entirely unified in 1871, establishing the Kingdom of Italy as a great power. From the late 19th century to the early 20th century, Italy rapidly industrialised, namely in the north, and acquired a colonial empire, while the south remained largely impoverished and excluded from industrialisation, fuelling a large and influential diaspora. Despite being one of the main victors in World War I, Italy entered a period of economic ...
Italy | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:05:29 1 Etymology
00:07:32 2 History
00:07:41 2.1 Prehistory and antiquity
00:10:01 2.2 Ancient Rome
00:12:39 2.3 Middle Ages
00:16:23 2.4 Early Modern
00:22:12 2.5 Italian unification
00:25:24 2.6 Monarchical period
00:28:54 2.7 Fascist regime
00:33:04 2.8 Republican Italy
00:38:12 3 Geography
00:41:35 3.1 Waters
00:43:03 3.2 Volcanology
00:44:50 3.3 Environment
00:47:15 3.4 Biodiversity
00:49:29 3.5 Climate
00:51:07 4 Politics
00:51:54 4.1 Government
00:54:33 4.2 Law and criminal justice
00:56:05 4.2.1 Law enforcement
00:57:06 4.3 Foreign relations
00:59:22 4.4 Military
01:01:48 4.5 Administrative divisions
01:02:22 5 Economy
01:06:56 5.1 Agriculture
01:08:49 5.2 Infrastructure
01:11:15 5.3 Science and technology
01:15:27 5.4 Tourism
01:17:01 6 Demographics
01:19:22 6.1 Metropolitan cities and larger urban zone
01:19:34 6.2 Immigration
01:21:58 6.3 Languages
01:24:28 6.4 Religion
01:27:01 6.5 Education
01:29:07 6.6 Health
01:30:44 7 Culture
01:32:10 7.1 Architecture
01:33:47 7.2 Visual art
01:37:33 7.3 Literature
01:43:21 7.4 Theatre
01:45:41 7.5 Music
01:50:13 7.6 Cinema
01:53:33 7.7 Sport
01:57:08 7.8 Fashion and design
01:58:54 7.9 Cuisine
02:01:04 7.10 Public holidays and festivals
02:03:08 8 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.
- Socrates
Italy (Italian: Italia [iˈtaːlja] (listen)), officially the Italian Republic (Italian: Repubblica Italiana [reˈpubblika itaˈljaːna]), is a country in Europe. Located in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, Italy shares open land borders with France, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, San Marino, and Vatican City. Italy covers an area of 301,340 km2 (116,350 sq mi) and has a largely temperate seasonal and Mediterranean climate. With around 61 million inhabitants, it is the fourth-most populous EU member state and the most populous country in Southern Europe.
Due to its central geographic location in Europe and the Mediterranean, Italy has historically been home to a myriad of peoples and cultures. In addition to the various ancient Italian tribes and Italic peoples dispersed throughout the Italian Peninsula and insular Italy, beginning from the classical era, Phoenicians, Carthaginians and Greeks established settlements in the south of Italy, with Etruscans and Celts inhabiting the centre and the north of Italy respectively. The Italic tribe known as the Latins formed the Roman Kingdom in the 8th century BC, which eventually became a republic that conquered and assimilated its neighbours. In the first century BC, the Roman Empire emerged as the dominant power in the Mediterranean Basin and became the leading cultural, political and religious centre of Western civilisation. The legacy of the Roman Empire is widespread and can be observed in the global distribution of civilian law, republican governments, Christianity and the Latin script.
During the Early Middle Ages, Italy endured sociopolitical collapse and barbarian invasions, but by the 11th century, numerous rival city-states and maritime republics, mainly in the northern and central regions of Italy, rose to great prosperity through shipping, commerce and banking, laying the groundwork for modern capitalism. These mostly independent statelets served as Europe's main trading hubs with Asia and the Near East, often enjoying a greater degree of democracy than the larger feudal monarchies that were consolidating throughout Europe; however, part of central Italy was under the control of the theocratic Papal States, while Southern Italy remained largely feudal until the 19th century, partially as a result of a succession of Byzantine, Arab, Norman, Angevin and Spanish conquests of the region.The Renaissance began in Italy and spread to the rest of Europe, bringing a renewed interest in humanism, science, exploration and art. Italian culture flourished, producing famous scholars, artist ...
Italy | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:05:43 1 Etymology
00:07:52 2 History
00:08:01 2.1 Prehistory and antiquity
00:10:26 2.2 Ancient Rome
00:13:10 2.3 Middle Ages
00:17:04 2.4 Early Modern
00:23:06 2.5 Italian unification
00:26:26 2.6 Monarchical period
00:30:05 2.7 Fascist regime
00:34:27 2.8 Republican Italy
00:39:49 3 Geography
00:43:19 3.1 Waters
00:44:50 3.2 Volcanology
00:46:41 3.3 Environment
00:49:12 3.4 Biodiversity
00:51:31 3.5 Climate
00:53:15 4 Politics
00:54:04 4.1 Government
00:56:51 4.2 Law and criminal justice
00:58:27 4.2.1 Law enforcement
00:59:30 4.3 Foreign relations
01:01:52 4.4 Military
01:04:24 4.5 Administrative divisions
01:04:59 5 Economy
01:09:44 5.1 Agriculture
01:11:43 5.2 Infrastructure
01:14:12 5.3 Science and technology
01:18:34 5.4 Tourism
01:20:11 6 Demographics
01:22:39 6.1 Metropolitan cities and larger urban zone
01:22:51 6.2 Immigration
01:25:21 6.3 Languages
01:27:57 6.4 Religion
01:30:37 6.5 Education
01:32:48 6.6 Health
01:34:30 7 Culture
01:36:01 7.1 Architecture
01:37:41 7.2 Visual art
01:41:37 7.3 Literature
01:47:39 7.4 Theatre
01:50:05 7.5 Music
01:54:48 7.6 Cinema
01:58:15 7.7 Sport
02:02:02 7.8 Fashion and design
02:03:51 7.9 Cuisine
02:06:06 7.10 Public holidays and festivals
02:08:19 8 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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Speaking Rate: 0.943880845879493
Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-F
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Italy (Italian: Italia [iˈtaːlja] (listen)), officially the Italian Republic (Italian: Repubblica Italiana [reˈpubblika itaˈljaːna]), is a country in Europe. Located in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, Italy shares open land borders with France, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, San Marino, and Vatican City. Italy covers an area of 301,340 km2 (116,350 sq mi) and has a largely temperate seasonal and Mediterranean climate. With around 61 million inhabitants, it is the fourth-most populous EU member state and the most populous country in Southern Europe.
Due to its central geographic location in Europe and the Mediterranean, Italy has historically been home to a myriad of peoples and cultures. In addition to the various ancient Italian tribes and Italic peoples dispersed throughout the Italian Peninsula and insular Italy, beginning from the classical era, Phoenicians, Carthaginians and Greeks established settlements in the south of Italy, with Etruscans and Celts inhabiting the centre and the north of Italy respectively. The Italic tribe known as the Latins formed the Roman Kingdom in the 8th century BC, which eventually became a republic that conquered and assimilated its neighbours. In the first century BC, the Roman Empire emerged as the dominant power in the Mediterranean Basin and became the leading cultural, political and religious centre of Western civilisation. The legacy of the Roman Empire is widespread and can be observed in the global distribution of civilian law, republican governments, Christianity and the Latin script.
During the Early Middle Ages, Italy endured sociopolitical collapse and barbarian invasions, but by the 11th century, numerous rival city-states and maritime republics, mainly in the northern and central regions of Italy, rose to great prosperity through shipping, commerce and banking, laying the groundwork for modern capitalism. These mostly independent statelets served as Europe's main trading hubs with Asia and the Near East, often enjoying a greater degree of democracy than the larger feudal monarchies that were consolidating throughout Europe; however, part of central Italy was under the control of the theocratic Papal States, while Southern Italy remained largely feudal until the 19th century, partially as a result of a succession of Byzantine, Arab, Norman, Angevin and Spanish conquests of the region.The Renaissance began in Italy and spread to the rest of Europe, bringing a renewed interest in humanism, science, exploration and art. I ...
Italy | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written
language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through
audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio
while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using
a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
You can find other Wikipedia audio articles too at:
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This video uses Google TTS en-US-Standard-D voice.
Italy (Italian: Italia [iˈtaːlja] ( listen)), officially the Italian Republic (Italian: Repubblica Italiana [reˈpubblika itaˈljaːna]), is a country in Europe. Located in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, Italy shares open land borders with France, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, San Marino, and Vatican City. Italy covers an area of 301,340 km2 (116,350 sq mi) and has a largely temperate seasonal and Mediterranean climate. With around 61 million inhabitants, it is the fourth-most populous EU member state and the most populous country in southern Europe.
Due to its central geographic location in Europe and the Mediterranean, Italy has historically been home to a myriad of peoples and cultures. In addition to the various ancient Italian tribes and Italic peoples dispersed throughout the Italian Peninsula and insular Italy, beginning from the classical era, Phoenicians, Carthaginians and Greeks established settlements in the south of Italy, with Etruscans and Celts inhabiting the centre and the north of Italy respectively. The Italic tribe known as the Latins formed the Roman Kingdom in the 8th century BC, which eventually became a republic that conquered and assimilated its neighbours. In the first century BC, the Roman Empire emerged as the dominant power in the Mediterranean Basin and became the leading cultural, political and religious centre of Western civilisation. The legacy of the Roman Empire is widespread and can be observed in the global distribution of civilian law, republican governments, Christianity and the Latin script.
During the Early Middle Ages, Italy endured sociopolitical collapse and barbarian invasions, but by the 11th century, numerous rival city-states and maritime republics, mainly in the northern and central regions of Italy, rose to great prosperity through shipping, commerce and banking, laying the groundwork for modern capitalism. These mostly independent statelets served as Europe's main trading hubs with Asia and the Near East, often enjoying a greater degree of democracy than the larger feudal monarchies that were consolidating throughout Europe; however, part of central Italy was under the control of the theocratic Papal States, while Southern Italy remained largely feudal until the 19th century, partially as a result of a succession of Byzantine, Arab, Norman, Angevin and Spanish conquests of the region.The Renaissance began in Italy and spread to the rest of Europe, bringing a renewed interest in humanism, science, exploration and art. Italian culture flourished, producing famous scholars, artists and polymaths such as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Galileo and Machiavelli. During the Middle Ages, Italian explorers such as Marco Polo, Christopher Columbus, Amerigo Vespucci, John Cabot and Giovanni da Verrazzano discovered new routes to the Far East and the New World, helping to usher in the European Age of Discovery. Nevertheless, Italy's commercial and political power significantly waned with the opening of trade routes that bypassed the Mediterranean. Centuries of infighting between the Italian city-states, such the Italian Wars of the 15th and 16th centuries, left the region fragmented, and it was subsequently conquered by European powers such as France, Spain and Austria.
By the mid-19th century, rising Italian nationalism and calls for independence from foreign control led to a period of revolutionary political upheaval. After centuries of foreign domination and political division, Italy was almost entirely unified in 1871, establishing the Kingdom of Italy as a great power. From the late 19th century to the early 20th century, Italy rapidly industrialised, namely in the north, and acquired a colonial empire, while the south remained largely impoverished and excluded from industrialisation, fuelling a large and influential diaspora. Despite being one of the main victors in World War I, Italy entered a period of economic crisis and social turmoil, leading to the ...
Administrative divisions of Italy | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Administrative divisions of Italy
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
You can find other Wikipedia audio articles too at:
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Italy (Italian: Italia [iˈtaːlja] (listen)), officially the Italian Republic (Italian: Repubblica Italiana [reˈpubblika itaˈljaːna]), is a country in Europe. Located in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, Italy shares open land borders with France, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, San Marino, and Vatican City. Italy covers an area of 301,340 km2 (116,350 sq mi) and has a largely temperate seasonal and Mediterranean climate. With around 61 million inhabitants, it is the fourth-most populous EU member state and the most populous country in southern Europe.
Due to its central geographic location in Europe and the Mediterranean, Italy has historically been home to a myriad of peoples and cultures. In addition to the various ancient Italian tribes and Italic peoples dispersed throughout the Italian Peninsula and insular Italy, beginning from the classical era, Phoenicians, Carthaginians and Greeks established settlements in the south of Italy, with Etruscans and Celts inhabiting the centre and the north of Italy respectively. The Italic tribe known as the Latins formed the Roman Kingdom in the 8th century BC, which eventually became a republic that conquered and assimilated its neighbours. In the first century BC, the Roman Empire emerged as the dominant power in the Mediterranean Basin and became the leading cultural, political and religious centre of Western civilisation. The legacy of the Roman Empire is widespread and can be observed in the global distribution of civilian law, republican governments, Christianity and the Latin script.
During the Early Middle Ages, Italy endured sociopolitical collapse and barbarian invasions, but by the 11th century, numerous rival city-states and maritime republics, mainly in the northern and central regions of Italy, rose to great prosperity through shipping, commerce and banking, laying the groundwork for modern capitalism. These mostly independent statelets served as Europe's main trading hubs with Asia and the Near East, often enjoying a greater degree of democracy than the larger feudal monarchies that were consolidating throughout Europe; however, part of central Italy was under the control of the theocratic Papal States, while Southern Italy remained largely feudal until the 19th century, partially as a result of a succession of Byzantine, Arab, Norman, Angevin and Spanish conquests of the region.The Renaissance began in Italy and spread to the rest of Europe, bringing a renewed interest in humanism, science, exploration and art. Italian culture flourished, producing famous scholars, artists and polymaths such as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Galileo and Machiavelli. During the Middle Ages, Italian explorers such as Marco Polo, Christopher Columbus, Amerigo Vespucci, John Cabot and Giovanni da Verrazzano discovered new routes to the Far East and the New World, helping to usher in the European Age of Discovery. Nevertheless, Italy's commercial and political power significantly waned with the opening of trade routes that bypassed the Mediterranean. Centuries of infighting between the Italian city-states, such the Italian Wars of the 15th and 16th centuries, left the region fragmented, and it was subsequently conquered by European powers such as France, Spain and Austria.
By the mid-19th century, rising Italian nationalism and calls for independence from foreign control led to a period of revolutionary political upheaval. After centuries of foreign domination and political division, Italy was almost entirely unified in 1871, establishing the Kingdom of Italy as a great power. From the late 19th century to the early 20th century, Italy rapidly industrialised, namely in the north, and acquired a colonial empire, while the south remained largely impoverished and excluded from industrialisation, fuelling a large and influential diaspora. Despite being one of the main victors in World War I, Italy ...
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Genoa ( JEN-oh-ə; Italian: Genova [ˈdʒɛːnova] (listen); Ligurian: Zêna Ligurian pronunciation: [ˈzeːna]; English, historically, and Latin: Genua) is the capital of the Italian region of Liguria and the sixth-largest city in Italy. In 2015, 594,733 people lived within the city's administrative limits. As of the 2011 Italian census, the Province of Genoa, which in 2015 became the Metropolitan City of Genoa, counted 855,834 resident persons. Over 1.5 million people live in the wider metropolitan area stretching along the Italian Riviera.Located on the Gulf of Genoa in the Ligurian Sea, Genoa has historically been one of the most important ports on the Mediterranean: it is currently the busiest in Italy and in the Mediterranean Sea and twelfth-busiest in the European Union. Genoa has been nicknamed la Superba (the proud one) due to its glorious past and impressive landmarks. Part of the old town of Genoa was inscribed on the World Heritage List (UNESCO) in 2006 as Genoa: Le Strade Nuove and the system of the Palazzi dei Rolli. The city's rich cultural history in art, music and cuisine allowed it to become the 2004 European Capital of Culture. It is the birthplace of Christopher Columbus, Andrea Doria, Niccolò Paganini, Giuseppe Mazzini, Renzo Piano and Grimaldo Canella, founder of the House of Grimaldi, among others.
Genoa, which forms the southern corner of the Milan-Turin-Genoa industrial triangle of Northwest Italy, is one of the country's major economic centers. The city has hosted massive shipyards and steelworks since the 19th century, and its solid financial sector dates back to the Middle Ages. The Bank of Saint George, founded in 1407, is among the oldest in the world and has played an important role in the city's prosperity since the middle of the 15th century. Today a number of leading Italian companies are based in the city, including Fincantieri, Selex ES, Ansaldo Energia, Ansaldo STS, Edoardo Raffinerie Garrone, Piaggio Aerospace, Mediterranean Shipping Company and Costa Cruises.