Miri-Arab Madrassah, Mosque, architectual school monuments, Bukhara, Uzbekistan 09
It is one of the best Bukhara architectual school monuments of 16 century. Architecture and décor of Miri-Arab distinguish by highest culture and taste. At present in this monument, which underwent catastrophical destruction, portal and whole northern wing of main fasadewere restored up, cupola and yard-arcades construction were strengthen.
Near Miri-Arab Madrassah is Amir-Alimkhan Madrassah. It was built in the end of 19 beginning of 20 centuries, with using of unusual shape in look of common living and economic yards in one together. From 1924, the monument served as urban library, what is quite in order: «Noble Bukhara», as it was called in the East, always was one of the scientific and the knowledge center and had large book-depository.
Uzbekistan /Tashkent.(Capital of Uzbekistan) Part 5
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Tashkent - The Capital of Uzbekistan
The main city of Uzbekistan is a huge metropolis with a population of over 3 million people. The city is lined with a grid of straight and wide streets and avenues, decorated with emerald green parks, gardens, fountains imbued with crystal strands...
This wonderful city is a real embodiment of the modern elegance that is inherent in many world capitals. At the same time it remains to be an oriental city. Tashkent has its own unique flavor. It combines medieval buildings as if descended from the pages of old oriental tales, elegant European architecture from the period of the Turkestan governor-generalship, standard concrete boxes of the Soviet era and, finally, glittering skyscrapers of glass and concrete (modern business centers and banks).
Tashkent, Uzbekistan -Tashkent Restaurants and Cafes
Tashkent cafes and restaurants present delicious national Uzbek as well as European, Middle Eastern and Russian cuisines.
Old part of the city is the center of traditional local cuisine in Tashkent. Between Kukeldash Madrassah and Chorsu bazaar you may find a great number of chaykhanas (café terrace with ayvans), cafes and eating houses, where you can snack a kebab, shaurma, Uzbek somsa and etc. Also you can try national dishes in family-run Uzbek houses. Close to the Yunus-Obod tennis court there is the huge Pilaf center (Osh Markazi), where you may taste delicious wedding Tashkent pilaf.
Tashkent restaurants amaze with European service level and food quality. You will be surprised with wide range of restaurants with Chinese, Italian, English, Japanese, Spanish and other cuisine. Whatever restaurant you choose for any lunch, dinner or meeting, you will enjoy not only tasty dishes but also the stylish interior, food presentation and perfect service.
Tashkent, Uzbekistan - Sights of Interest
Amir Temur Museum
Anbar-bibi mausoleum
Archeological monuments
Barak-khan madrassah
Botanical Garden
Chorsu Bazaar
Juma Mosque
Kaffal-Shashi mausoleum
Kukeldash Madrasah
Romanov's Residence Shayhantaur
Tashkent Metro
Tashkent theatres
Museum of Railway Technics
Tashkent Zoo
Tashkent Airport
Tashkent Railway Station
Tillya Sheikh Mosque
TV Tower
Yunus-khan Mausoleum
Zangiota mausoleum
Old City, Mosques and Earthquake Memorial in Tashkent - Uzbekistan 4K Travel Channel
Before visiting the Hazrati Imam Mosque we want to take a look around the old town of Tashkent. Only some of the historical structure which so clearly represents the Orient remained after the earthquake of 1966. We enter the neighborhood via Tarix Street, which is traversed by a small canal. High clay walls form narrow street canyons in the side lanes and prevent a view into the courtyards.
Thanks to our guide Nargiz, we have the opportunity to take a look at some inner courtyards. They have a different designs but give insight into the individual needs of the residents.
In the first courtyard, we meet a lady who proves a happy hand with her plants. But the animals also seem to be close to her heart. Besides to a dog and chickens, we can even discover a goat in a shed. In the next courtyard is a bed, where they can sleep in the open air during the warm season.
Here turtles enrich life. Also in the next courtyard, we see a bed and a fruit-tree provides shade. Everyone creates himself a little paradise.
We continue our walk to the mausoleum, built by the 926 AD deceased Imam Abu Bakr Kaffal Shashi. It was erected in 1542 AD for him and some of his disciples. Believing Muslims still come here today to ask for help in emergencies.
Now we arrive at the Muslim center of Central Asia, the Khazrati Imam complex. On the one hand, it consists of the Barak-khan Madrasa, which was originally built as a mausoleum. Barak-khan (Nauruz-Akhmed), a great-grandson of Ulugh Beg, the Timurid prince of Sarmakand, who has made his name as an astronomer, converted the building into a madrasa. In the Soviet era, all the madrasas were closed. Today, only ten state madrasas are allowed again.
The Imam Al Bukhari Islamic institutes set up next-door is a kind of university for Islamic sciences. It should be noted that the radical Islam is heavily combated in Uzbekistan. The country pursues a secularized line. Due to the Soviet history, there are many residents without religion. The Barak-khan Madrasa is now a retail space for local craftsmen.
In the middle of the complex is the library building of the Muyi Muborak Madrasah. It contains the most valuable part of the complex, the oldest Koran, dating from the 7th century.
please read more:
Vor dem Besuch der Hazrati Imam Moschee wollen wir uns noch ein wenig in der Altstadt von Taschkent umsehen. Nur wenig ist von der historischen Bausubstanz die den Orient so anschaulich wiedergibt nach dem Erdbeben von 1966 übrig geblieben.
Wir betreten das Viertel über die Tarix Straße, die von einem kleinen Kanal durchzogen wird. Hohe Lehmwände bilden schmale Häuserschluchten in den Nebengassen und verhindern einen Blick in die Innenhöfe.
Dank unserer Fremdenführerin Nargiz haben wir die Gelegenheit einen Blick in manche Innenhöfe zu werfen, die sehr unterschiedlich gestaltet sind, aber gut über die individuellen Bedürfnisse der Bewohner Auskunft geben.
Im Ersten treffen wir auf eine Dame, die eine glücklichen Hand bei ihren Pflanzen beweist. Doch auch die Tiere scheinen ihr am Herzen zu liegen. Neben einem Hund und Hühnern können wir in einem Verschlag sogar eine Ziege entdecken. Im nächsten Innenhof steht ein Bett, so dass man während der warmen Jahreszeit im Freien schlafen kann.
Hier bereichern Schildkröten das Leben. Auch im nächsten Innenhof steht ein Bett im Innenhof, dazu sorgt ein Obstbaum für Schatten. Jeder schafft sich hier ein kleines eigenes Paradies.
Bald erreichen wir das Mausoleum, dass vom 926 n. Chr. verstorbenen Imam Abu Bakr Kaffal Schaschi gebaut wurde. Es wurde 1542 n. Chr. für ihn und einige seiner Schüler errichtet. Gläubige Moslems kommen noch heute hierher um in Notsituationen Hilfe zu erbitten.
Nun kommen wir zum moslemischen Zentrum Zentralasiens, dem Khazrati Imam Komplex. Der besteht zum einen aus der Barak-khan Medrese , die ursprünglich auch als Mausoleum erbaut wurde. Barak-khan (Nauruz-Akhmed), ein Urenkel von Ulugh Beg, dem Timuriden Fürst aus Sarmakand, der sich als Astronom einen Namen gemacht hat, baute das Gebäude in eine Medrese um. In der Sowjet Zeit wurden sämtliche Medressen (Koranschulen) geschlossen. Heute sind nur zehn staatliche wieder erlaubt.
Das nebenan errichtete Imam Al Bukhari Islamic Institute ist eine Art Hochschule für Islamische Wissenschaften. Dazu ist zu bemerken, dass der radikale Islam in Usbekistan schwer bekämpft wird. Das Land verfolgt eine säkularisierte Linie. Aufgrund der sowjetischen Geschichte sind viele Bewohner ohne Religion. Die Barak-khan Medresse wurde als Verkaufsfläche für heimische Handwerker umgestaltet.
In der Mitte des Komplexes befindet sich das Bibliotheksgebäude der Muyi Muborak Medresse. In ihr befindet sich das wertvollste Stück der Anlage, die älteste Niederschrift des Korans aus dem 7. Jahrhundert.
weitere Infos im Reisevideoblog:
Kukeldash madrassah
Kukeldash madrassah is a real pearl of medieval architecture of Tashkent and one of the brightest places of interest. Some hundreds years ago this madrassah looked over cob constructions symbolizing greatness and power of its author. This picturesque construction was built in 1568-1569 on a mount close to city walls. The manager of construction works of madrassah was Dervish-Khan, a vizir of Tashkent ruler Barak-Khan, who was nicknamed as Kukeldash meaning foster-brother of khan. In line of authority, derived from Genghis-Khan, one of the most important places of court was called with kukeldash word.
OUZBÉKISTAN - Medersa Barak Khan à Tachkent
United Moskee Islam in Tashkent
Khast Imam Square Here is the famous Barak-Khan Madrasah. founded in the 16th century by a descendant of Timur Lenk
The main portal of the complex is decorated with unique mosaics and paintings. Barak-Khan Madrasah includes, two embedded mausoleas. But the mausoleums were built before the construction of the madrasah. A mausoleum is located in the eastern part of the architectural complex; the second mausoleum with two domes was built on the site of the burial of one of Ulugbek's descendant Taškent governors.
In a museum built in 2007 on the site of the former Mui-Mubarak Madrasah, there is a renowned Muslim relic - the Quran of Caliph Osman or the Ottoman Qur'an written in the 7th century and considered the primary source of the Holy Book. According to a legend, Caliph Osman was killed while reading this book and the book had blood drops, the Book was considered holy and kept in the caliph's court. The Qur'an of Osman was in the treasures of the caliphs of Medina, Damascus, and Baghdad and arrived in Central Asia during the reign of the Timur dynasty. There is a theory according to which the Quran of Osman was brought by Amir Timur. It is known that in the fifteenth century it was in the court of Ulugbek of Samarkand. When the territory of Central Asia was conquered by the Russian Empire, the Qur'an of Osman was taken to St. Petersburg. In 1924, the relic was returned to Uzbekistan and long lived in Uzbekistan's People's History Museum, and then at the end of the 20th century On the initiative of the President of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov, the spiritual administration of Muslims in Uzbekistan was handed over.
Piața Khast Imam Aici este celebrul Barak-Khan Madrasah. fondata in sec XVI de un descendent a lui Timur Lenk
Portalul principal al complexului este decorat cu mozaicuri și picturi unice. Barak-Khan Madrasah include, , două mausolee încorporate. Dar, mausoleele au fost construite înainte de construcția madrasahului. Un mausoleu este situat în partea de est a complexului arhitectural; al doilea mausoleu- cu două cupole a fost construit pe locul înmormântării unuia dintre guvernatorii din Tașkent descendent al lui Ulugbek.
într-un muzeu construit în 2007 pe locul fostei Mui-Mubarak Madrasah, se află relicva celebră musulmană – Coranul Califului Osman sau Coranul otoman scrise în secolul al VII-lea și considerat sursa primară a Cartii sfinte. Potrivit unei legende, Caliph Osman a fost ucis în timp ce citea această carte și cartea are picături de sânge, Cartea era considerată sfântă și a fost păstrată la curtea califilor. Coranul lui Osman se afla în comorile califilor din Medina, Damasc și Bagdad și a ajuns în Asia Centrală în timpul domniei dinastiei timurice. Există o teorie conform căreia Coranul lui Osman a fost adus de Amir Timur Se știe că în secolul al XV-lea era la curtea lui Ulugbek din Samarkand. Când teritoriul Asiei Centrale a fost cucerit de Imperiul Rus, Coranul lui Osman a fost dus la Sankt Petersburg În 1924, relicva a fost returnată în Uzbekistan și a locuit mult timp în Muzeul de Istorie al popoarelor din Uzbekistan, iar apoi la sfârșitul secolului al XX-lea, la inițiativa președintelui Uzbekistanului, Islam Karimov, a fost înmânat inadministrația spirituală a musulmanilor din Uzbekistan.
Picture and Direction mcostiniuc
Sony AX 53
Abul Kashem Madrassa Tashkent
Platz Hast Imam und Medrese Barak Khan in Taschkent
Platz Hast Imam und Medrese Barak Khan in Taschkent
Welcome to Tashkent!
The School of nomads #5
Tashkent of the 21st century grows and expands, but at the same time it preserves the ancient architecture. This is the madrassah of Barak Khan. It was built by the son of Suyunshi Khan Barak Khan.
Find out more:
#Tashkent #tourism
Ташкент Комплекс Хазрати Имама
В Ташкенте, по сравнению с Бухарой или Самаркандом
не так много исторических достопримечательностей.
Тем значительнее предстаёт комплекс Хазрати Имама - богослова и поэта десятого века, который похоронен здесь и которого почитают как святого.
Ансамбль великолепен и грандиозен и состоит из зданий, сооруженных от шестнадцатого века до наших дней, все очень красиво.
Огромное спасибо Галине Иванюженко за гостеприимство!
Uzbekistan - Tashkent , Samarkand & Bukhara | The Golden Triangle Tour Package
Uzbekistan - Tashkent , Samarkand & Bukhara | The Golden Triangle Tour Package
All Inclusive:
✓Airfare✈️ ✓Visa???? ✓Hotel???? ✓Meals????️ ✓Sightseeing????️ ✓Transfers????
Enquire On WhatsApp:-
Call Us: 1800-2121-225 (Toll-Free No.)
* Return Airfare
* Return Bullet Train Ticket
* Welcome drink upon arrival
* English/Hindi Speaking Guide
* Samarkand Full Day City Tour
* Khiva Full Day City Tour
* Bukhara Full Day City Tour
* Tashkent Full Day City tours
* Visit Beautiful Charvak Lake
* Visit Great Chimgan Mountain
* Cable Car ride
???? Tashkent Sights ????️
* Khazrat Imam Mosque
* Kaffal Shoshiy Mausoleum
* Barak Khan Madrassah
* Tillya Sheikh Madrassah
* Muyi Muborak Madrasah
* Kukeldash Madrassah
* Kokcha Mosque
* Abul Kasim Madrassah
* Museum of Applied Arts
* Museum Of History of Uzbekistan
* Museum Of Fine Arts
* Amir Temur Museum
* The mansion of Romanov
* Independence Square
* Grand Opera and Ballet Theatre
* Chorsu Bazaar
* Tashkent Metro
* Monument of Courage
* Memorial of Repressions
* Monument of Courage &
* Tashkent TV Tower
With Travels Mantra, when you book a flight, you instantly unlock savings on select hotels. So you can find that perfect hotel for your trip, at a perfect price.
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Uzbekistan - Tashkent , Samarkand & Bukhara | The Golden Triangle Tour Package #TravelsMantra #TashkentTourPackages #TourPackages
Tashkent-Uzbekistán-Ruta de la Seda-
Uzbekistan nos lleva hasta la época de Ciro el Persa, en el S. VI a.C.Sus pueblos nómadas fundan ciudades como Samarkanda, Bujará y Khiva,todas incluidas en la Ruta de la Seda.Su capital es Taskent, siendo un punto de paso en dicha Ruta.A pesar de no tener el valor histórico de las otras ciudades, es el principal centro económico del país.Se publican periódicos en uzbeco,ruso e inglés.En el 751, la tomaron los árabes. En los siglos IX Y X pasó a poder de los Samánidas. En 1220 Gengis Kan la conquistó.En el siglo XIX formó parte del Imperio de Tamerlán.En 1865 es tomada por las tropas zaristas.El 26 de Abril sufrió un gran terremoto que destruyó la ciudad.En 1991 se declaró la independencia del País,y es conocido como República de Uzbekistán.Los monumentos más representativos de Tashkent son:Mausoleo de Kaffl Shashi, la Madrasa Kukeldash,Bazar Choorsu, Museo de Artes Aplicadas,la Madrasa de Barak Khan...Es moderna para los niveles de la región.Tiene teatros,metro,tranvía ,trolebuses,bibliotecas,escuelas superiores...Sus habitantes son muy cultos.Visita 2010-
Uzbekistan takes us to the time of Cyrus the Persian, in S. VI ACSUS nomads founded cities like Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva, all included in the Road Seda.Su capital Tashkent, being a crossing in this Ruta.A despite having no historical value of the other cities, is the main economic center of país.Se newspapers published in Uzbek, Russian and inglés.En 751, the Arabs took. In the ninth and tenth centuries passed into the possession of the Samanids. In 1220 Genghis Khan's conquistó.En nineteenth century was part of the Empire of Tamerlán.En 1865 is taken by the troops zaristas.El April 26 suffered a major earthquake that destroyed the ciudad.En 1991 declared the country's independence, and is known as Republic of Uzbekistan. most representative monuments of Tashkent are Kaffl Shashi Mausoleum, the Madrasa Kukeldash, Choorsu Bazaar, Museum of Applied Arts, the Madrasa of Barak Khan ... is modern regional levels . has theaters, metro, tram, trolleybus, libraries, colleges ... The people are very cultos.Visita 2010 -
Uzbekistan Tashkent City Tour | Top Places | Sightseeing
Uzbekistan Tashkent City Tour
All Inclusive:
✓Airfare✈️ ✓Visa???? ✓Hotel???? ✓Meals????️ ✓Sightseeing????️ ✓Transfers????
Travels Mantra:-
Call Us: 1800-2121-225 (Toll-Free No.)
Tashkent Sights ????️
* Khazrat Imam Mosque
* Kaffal Shoshiy Mausoleum
* Barak Khan Madrassah
* Tillya Sheikh Madrassah
* Muyi Muborak Madrasah
* Kukeldash Madrassah
* Kokcha Mosque
* Abul Kasim Madrassah
* Museum of Applied Arts
* Museum Of History of Uzbekistan
* Museum Of Fine Arts
* Amir Temur Museum
* The mansion of Romanov
* Independence Square
* Grand Opera and Ballet Theatre
* Chorsu Bazaar
* Tashkent Metro
* Monument of Courage
* Memorial of Repressions
* Monument of Courage &
* Tashkent TV Tower
With Travels Mantra, when you book a flight, you instantly unlock savings on select hotels. So you can find that perfect hotel for your trip, at a perfect price.
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Uzbekistan Tashkent City Tour #TashkentTourPackages #TourPackages #TravelsMantra
GNS in Uzbekistan. Day 2. Tashkent City Tour - Part 2.
On Day 2, our GNS guests had a great city tour around Tashkent. They were exposed to Hast Imam Square (Hazrati Imam), a religious center of Tashkent located in the old town. On the territory of the Hast-Imam, there are few arhitectural monuments, including the madrasah of Barak-Khan, Tilla Sheikh Mosque, mausoleum of the Saint Abu Bakr Kaffal Shashi and the Islamic Institute of Imam al-Bukhari. The visit to Hast Imam square was followed by a visit of the famous Chorsu Bazaar, the center of public life. On counters of this oriental Bazaar our guests found fresh fruits, amber-colored dried fruits, toasted bread and many other attractive things that one can’t stand to pass by them. The city tour around Tashkent was concluded with a gala-dinner at Raddison Blu hotel with a special cultural program.
Kaffal Shashi Mausoleum
Imam Kaffal Shashi Mausoleum is an architectural monument of late Middle Ages which is of big historical value. Abu Bakr Muhammad Kaffal Shashi was one of the most important imams in X century. He was born in 903 and grew up in Binkent (the ancient name of Tashkent). In his youth he was a craftsman -- was making locks and for this he was nicknamed as kaffal (locksmith).
Taşkent Şehir Rehberi | Özbekistan
Orta Asya seyahati bir sonraki durağım Özbekistan başkenti Taşkent idi. Taşkent şehri harika mimarisi göz dolduruyor. Taşkent gezilecek yerler listesinde dünyanın en eski ikinci Kuran'ı Kerim'i bulunuyor. Aynı zamanda, Chorsu Pazarı, Barak Han Medresesi ve Kükeldaş Medresesi de muhakkak görülmesi gereken yerler arasında.
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Merhaba, ben Anıl Erdemir.
Haziran 2017'de yolda olmak güzel diyerek yola çıkan, az para ve çok otostopla seyahat eden bir gencim. Bu kanalda otostop, kamp ve ekonomik tavsiyelerle birlikte genel olarak gezdiğim yerleri anlatıyor, başımdan geçenleri aktarmaya çalışıyorum.
İzlediğiniz için teşekkürler!
Single active mosque in Tashkent
Reizen naar Kirgizië
Reizen naar Kirgizië
Oezbekistan en Kirgizië
BESTEMMING: Oezbekistan en Kirgizië
STEDEN: Tashkent - Urgench - Khiva - Bukhara - Samarkand - Tashkent - Ferganadal - Osh - Bishkek - Ysykk - Bishkek
DUUR: 12 dagen / 11 nachten
DAG 1: XXX - Tashkent (vlucht, bus)
Ochtend. Aankomst Tashkent.
Transfer naar het hotel en vooraf afgesproken check-in. Rusten na de vlucht. Ontbijt in het hotel.
Rondleiding door de stad langs het oude gedeelte van Tashkent: State Museum of Applied Arts, bezoek aan Khazrati Imam Complex bestaande uit Barak Khan Madrasah, Kaffal Shashi Mausoleum (XV c.), Muyi-Mubarak moskee - opslagplaats van het goed (XVI c.) bekende Koran van Khalif Osman en gouden haren van de Profeet Mohammed; Djuma moskee van Khodja Akhrar Vali, Kukeldash Madrassa (XVI c.).
Vrije tijd om aankopen in Chorsu bazaar en souvenirwinkels.
Theeceremonie met iets zoets en gebak op nationaal huis van Akbar en Alisher Rakhimov - beroemde familie van keramisten in Oezbekistan. . U krijgt de gelegenheid om een lezing over de geschiedenis van de keramiek hebben en zie de unieke collectie van hun exclusieve werken hebben
showprogramma - Avond bezoek aan een archeologische complex Ming Urik voor etno. Ruïnes van het complex zal worden gesierd door 170 kaarsen. Theatervoorstelling zal u de geschiedenis en nationale epos tonen.
Diner in een lokaal restaurant. Transfer naar het hotel en overnachting.
DAG 2: TASHKENT - Urgench - KHIVA (vlucht, bus)
Ontbijt in het hotel.
Transfer naar Tasjkent Domestic Airport. Ochtend vlucht naar Urgench (volgens het schema).
Bij aankomst, bijeen op de luchthaven en rijden naar Khiva (30 km).
Excursie langs de historische complex Ichan-Kala (XII-XIX cc.) Die is opgenomen in de UNESCO World Heritage List: Citadel Kunya-Ark (XVI-XVI cc.), Mohammed Amin Khan Madrassa, Kazi Kalon Madrassa, Mohammed Rakhimkhan II Madrasah , Ismail Khodja Mausoleum, Sayid Allauddin Mausoleum, Kalta Minor Toren, Tash-Khovli Palace (XIX c.), Palvan Darvaza (Warriors Gate), Djuma Mosque (X c.), Allakulikhan Madrassa, Ota Darvaza (Vader Gate), Kutlug Murad Inaq Madrasah. vergadering zonsopgang op de muur.Transfer naar het hotel, check-in en overnachting.
DAG 3: Khiva - GAYBU VILLAGE - Khiva (coach, 100 km)
Ontbijt in het hotel.
Transfer naar het dorp Gaybu (100 km). Een bezoek aan de boomgaard tuin. Hier groeit appel en abrikoos bomen, wijngaarden en etc. Als het seizoen de tijd het toelaat, kunt u de gelegenheid te halen wat vers fruit uit de bomen te hebben. Er is een kas nn het grondgebied van de tuin, waar de behandeling van planten.
Visiting Turken oude vesting Ulli Khovli.
Lunch in de yurt. Koken masterclass: Puff lepeshka (nationale Khorezm brood) in tandyr.
Terug naar Khiva.
. Diner in Toza Bog met folkloreshow - program.Overnight in het hotel DAG 4: KHIVA - BUKHARA (coach, 550 km)
Ontbijt in het hotel.
In de oude dagen, route van Khiva naar Bukhara duurde meer dan een maand. Duurt het vandaag 6-7 uur met de auto, via mysterieuze rode woestijn Kyzyl-Kum, het grondgebied van Khorezm, die werd genoemd in het verleden als een Staat van Duizend en Honderd Steden. Ondertussen wordt u uitgenodigd om de exotische landschappen van de woestijn te bekijken met roaming-kamelen, nomadische yurts en Amudarya (Oxus) Rivier.
Aankomst Bukhara en transfer naar het hotel. Diner. Check-in en overnachting.
National food of Uzbekistan
Tashkent – Urgench - Khiva – Bukhara – Samarkand – Tashkent
8 days / 7 nights
Day 1, Tashkent
00:15 Fly from Istanbul by TK368
06:50 Arrival at Tashkent Airport. You will be met and transferred to hotel. Hotel check-in. Breakfast. Resting time.
P.M. Sightseeing in Tashkent:
Sightseeing tour of Tashkent to the old and new parts of the city: Amir Timur Square, Theatre Square with the Opera House, Applied Art Museum, Earthquake Memorial, Abdul Kasim Madrassah and Alisher Navoi National Park, Independence Square, Khast Imam Square – a religious center of the city consisting of the Barakkhan madrasah, Kaffal Shashi Mausoleum and the library of Islamic Literature with the Holy Koran Book of the VII century.
Day 2, Tashkent – Urgench-Khiva
Early breakfast.
Transfer to domestic flights terminal.
07:00 Fly to Urgench by Uzbekistan Airways flight HY1051
08:40 Arrival at Urgench Airport. Transfer to Khiva (30 км). Hotel check-in.
Start sightseeing in the old part of Khiva – Ichan Kala known as “Inner town”. Ichan Kala which is the biggest open air museum in Central Asia consists of the following architectural monuments: Ata Darbaza (West Gate), Kunya Ark, Muhammad Rakhim-Khan Madrassa, Muhammad Aminkhan Madrassa, Kalta Minor Minaret, Jome Mosque and Minaret, Islam Khodja Madrassa and Minaret, Said Alauddin Mausoleum, Pahlavan Mahmud Mausoleum, the last Khiva Khan Allakulikhan’s Madrassa and Tosh Hovli Palace where was the harem with 40 concubines, Caravanserai and Tim Allakulikhan.
Day 3, Khiva – Bukhara
Breakfast in the hotel. Today you will have a long drive from Khiva to Bukhara via the Kizilkum desert (475 км). Stop en route near the Amudarya River. Upon arrival in Bukhara check–in at the hotel. Free time.
Day 4, Bukhara
Breakfast in the hotel.
City tour along the old part of Bukhara including visits to the Mausoleum of Samanids, Bolo Hauz Mosque and the Ark Fortress – the oldest citadel dating back to I century BC, Poi Kalon Square with Kalon Minaret and Mosque, Mir Arab Madrassa. There are three trading domes or so called covered bazaars preserved from the XVI century and these bazaars were the centers for trade of silk, jewelry and even for money exchange. Today as well, one can enjoy and purchase different souvenirs of a wide range, from small souvenir magnets to the famous Bukhara carpets. Ulughbek and Abdulazizkhan Madrassas, Abdullakhan’s Tim and a visit to the Caravanserai Sayfuddin which is the Center of Handicraft Development of Bukhara. Magoki Attari Mosque. Lyabi Hauz is the center of old Bukhara and it is an architectural complex of the XVII century that includes Nadir Divanbegi Madrassa and Khanaqa, Kukeldash Madrassa and the monument of the famous historical comedian figure Khodja Nasreddin is also based in this square.
Night in the hotel.
Day 5, Bukhara –Samarkand
Breakfast in the hotel.
A.M. Free time.
P.M. Transfer to Samarkand. On the way, near town Gijduvan, you may visit to famous Uzbek pottery master Abdulla’s workshop. There you may see process of making ceramics and buy some of them. Arrival to Samarkand. Check in at the hotel. Resting time;
Day 6, Samarkand
Start sightseeing in Samarkand with a visit to the famous Registan Square – heart of Samarkand and real masterpiece of Central Asian medieval architecture, consists of three grandiose buildings: Ulughbek Madrassa, Madrassa Sherdor and Madrassa Tilla Kori. After Registan you will visit Gur Emir Mausoleum – a burial vault of Timurids dynasty; Bibi Khanim Mosque – the biggest medieval building in the city; Shahi Zinda Necropolis – unique complex of Mausoleums; Ulugbek’s Observatory – one of the most important astronomical centers;
Samarkand local bazaar - Siyab
Khast-Imam, Tashkent
On our first day in Tashkent we went to Khast-Imam, one of the must see places in that city.