Exploring Novi Sad (Petrovaradin Fortress) And Fruska Gora National Park, Serbia Winter Vlog
Nacionalni park Fruška Gora pored prelepe prirode ima i najbolju domaću hranu u Srbiji. Brojni etno restorani raspoređeni po idiličnim sremskim mestima će vam dati priliku da isprobate lokalne specijalitete posle planinarenja i istraživanja prirode. Mi smo se odlučili za restoran Fruškogorski jelen gde smo probali vešto sremljen gulaš i pikantne sremske kobasice.
Roadtrip Balkan part 1: Subotica en Novi Sad | The Girl with the Backpack
Onze Roadtrip door de Balkan is twee weken geleden van start gegaan! We begonnen de echte roadtrip in Servië, na een korte stopover in Wenen. Kijk mee met onze reis door dit mooie land. We beginnen met Subotica en Novi Sad.
The drive...trough west Serbia! Amazing scenery!
amazing scenery...
Jezero Bruje Fruska Gora
Jezero Bruje je jedno od dva veštačka jezera u blizini sremskog sela Erdevik. Selo Erdevik je najveće selo u opštini Šid, a geografski se nalazi na obroncima Fruške gore. Okolina sela je poznata po vinogradima, a samo selo je najpoznatije po gastronomskoj manifestaciji Sremska Kulenijada. Erdevičko veštačko jezero Bruje, je dugačko oko 1 km, a ima prosečnu dubinu od oko 3-5 m. Voda u jezeru je čista, i prigodna za plivanje u letnjem periodu. U vodu se može ulaziti sa travnate obale ili sa brane. Obale jezera su uređene, i pristupačne za posetioce. Postoji veći broj drvenih klupa i stolova za piknik, kako oko samog jezera, tako i u obližnjim šumarcima. Do jezera se može doći pešice, ali i automobilom. Oko celog jezera, kruži asfaltni put, tako da pristup obali nije problematičan. Duž jezera Bruje, postoji niz pogodnih mesta za roštiljanje i kampovanje. Što se tiče ribolova, jezero je nekad bilo bogato šaranskom ribom, međutim za današnje vrijeme to ne možemo sa sigurnošću da tvrdimo. O jezeru se brine Nacionalni park Fruška gora. Bitno je pomenuti da se u blizini, tačnije odmah iza jezera, nalazi čuvena 'Rimska banja' ili 'Rimsko kupatilo'. Ovaj arheološki lokalitet je pronađen 1979. godine, a samo kupatilo je duboko oko 1 m i ispunjava se vodom iz okolnih izvora. Iako je ovo termalno kupatilo, pre više od 1700 godina služilo je rimskim legijama za odmor, lečenje i razonodu. Nalazi se u srcu fruškogorske prirode.
Bruje Lake is one of two artificial lakes near the village Erdevik. Erdevik village is the largest village in the municipality of Sid, geographically situated on the slopes of Fruska Gora. Surrounding the village is known for its vineyards and the village itself is famous for its gastronomic event Sremska Kulenijada. Artificial lake Bruje, is about 1 km long and has an average depth of about 3-5 m. Water in the lake is clean, and it is possible to swim in the summertime. Lakeshore is accessible to visitors. There are a number of wooden benches and picnic tables, as around the lake and in nearby forests. The lake can be reached on foot and by car. Around the entire lake, there is circling paved path, so that access to land is not a problem. Along the lake, there are a number of suitable places for barbecue and campfire. As for fishing, the lake was once rich with carp fish. The lake is taken care of national park. It is important to note that behind the lake, is the famous 'Roman bath'. This archaeological site was found in 1979, and it is about 1 m deep filled with water from nearby sources. While this is a thermal bath, 1700 years age have served the Roman legions to rest, treatment and entertainment. It's located in the heart of nature of Fruska Gora
Fruska Gora snowboarding 2017
Ko kaze da nema kvalitetnog snowboardinga na Fruskoj?!
Glavica 2017
Christmas in Niš, Serbia 2019
Spending Christmas in Niš! This is actually a pretty typical day-in-my-life here in Serbia. Felt like making a proper vlog to look back on in the future. Enjoy!
Sarajevski cevap u Novom Sadu sa 2tocka i F#
Motor: DucatiMonster
Lokacija: Novi Sad
Kamera: GoPro Hero4
Fu.King Riders
#sarajevskicevap #novisad #motovlog
Is it even possible to hitchhike in eastern Serbia?! ????????
In this episode I begin my journey with a nice breakfast in my hotel in Surdulica in Eastern Serbia. Probably the nicest thing for the day, as soon I get outside only to find that it’s raining, cold, and it turns out to be nearly impossible the thumb a ride. Will I be able to continue my journey?
Thanks to Bald and bankrupt for the true inspiration!
Driving Through Kragujevac City Serbia part 15
Driving Through Kragujevac City Serbia part 15
Bałkany 2017: Nowy Sad
[PL] Zapraszamy Was na pieszą i rowerową wycieczkę do Nowego Sadu oraz jego okolic. To piękne, serbskie miasto jest równocześnie stolicą Wojwodiny. Bez wątpienia warto je odwiedzić, bo jest niesamowicie przyjazne turystom, w szczególności tym na rowerach :)
[ENG] We are inviting You for the bike and waking trip to Novi Sad. This beautiful serbian city is also the capital of Vojvodina. And it's very tourist friendly, especielly for those on bike!
Social inclusion of older persons (65+) in Serbia
“Social inclusion of older persons (65+) in Serbia“, the research study was done within the framework of the three-year regional project “Taking Action on Social Inclusion of Older People”. The project is coordinated by the Red Cross of Serbia and supported by European Union, Austrian Development Agency and Austrian Red Cross, implemented through the cooperation of civil society networks of five Western Balkans countries (Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania). The objective of the project is strengthening the capacities of civil society organisations and motivating older people for greater inclusion in all activities of the society.
The research on social inclusion of older people was based on statistical data from public sources as well as other available data, looking at financial means, access to resources and services, social participation and social networks, leisure, lifestyles, culture and communication, quality of life and subjective perception of satisfaction. The research activities were performed by SeCons Group for Development Initiatives. The available data shows that the Serbian population is among the eldest in the world, with the trend of intensive population ageing continuing due to low natality and fertility rates and migration of younger population. Looking at the way older women and men live in Serbia, it can be said that their general status is unfavourable in comparison with the status of older persons in the European Union.
Kad si gladan nisi svoj! Rostilj je keva BAJO MOJ ! '2015. Indjija
Natalija majstor rostilja!
Bukovac - Fruška gora ( Snowboard )
Serbia Entrance Belgrade, Gopro / Serbie Entrée dans Belgrade, Gopro
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The majority of journalists around the world have chosen to develop their subject on controversial and sensational themes: violence, war, crime. But all these facts represent only 1% of our world and its inhabitants, forgetting the remaining 99% of which we never speak.
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Autumn colors on the river Danube banks.
Welcome to Beograd
Vlog: Sarajevo
Email: fuzo.ceky@gmail.com
Lajkuj, Komentuj, DAJ ODBER a zdieľaj túto radostnú správu
Welcome to Belehrad
Že vraj Belehrad = najlepší nočný život v Európe????????♂️
Vyskúšame a zhodnotíme????
Sobota 13:00 vchádzame do hlavného mesta v Srbsku - Belehradu. V Belehrade nás čakal kamarát s ktorým sme sa poznali ešte z futbalových čias v Spišškej Novej Vsi. Pero nám odporučil, aby sme karavan zaparkovali pod Kelemegdánsku pevnosť⚔️ kúsok od centra Belehradu ( parking bol bezplatný a na bezpečnom mieste ). V krajínách mimo Európskej Únie mamé značný problém s internetom????????♂️ našli sme si kaviaren na sútoku riek Dunaj a Sáva a spojili sa s Perom. Pero bol pri nás behom hodinky???? nasadli sme do auto???? a vybrali sa ochutnáť najlepší nočný život v Európe. Práve tento výkend sa v Belehrade konal pivný festival???? bol to najväčší pivný festival vo východnej Európe. Prišli sme na pivný festival okolo 23:00 bolo tam ,, milión “ ľudí, hrali najlepšie domáce kapeli. Pivečko do ruky a vychutnávačka???? po asi hodinke sme sa vybrali do najobľúbenejších letných klubov v Belehrade???? ktoré sa nachádzajú pozdĺž rieky Sáva. Su to plávajúce kluby na člnoch???? ktoré su otvorené od mája až do októbra. Fuchhhhhhh???? tých klubov je asi cca 15 hneď vedľa seba???? My sme si povedali, že sa skúsime pozrieť do každého. Pero to v prvom klube vzdal???? ale nie srandujeme nevzdal. Musel ísť domov za manželkou????????????♂️ každú chvíľku im pribudne do rodiny nový člen???? Pero ďakujeme veľmi pekne , že si si na nás našiel čas???? bolo fajn ťa po takom dlhom čase znovu vidieť. Tak a túr ala diskotréky v Belehrade sa môže začať ( Vlog - Fuzo a Čeky - Welcome to Belehrad ) Vstupné do klubov je poväčšine zadarmo, ale vo väčšine prípadov musíš mať rezerváciu????????♂️ ináč ti ostanú iba oči pre plač???? Nie všade nás chceli pustili, ale vo väčšine klubov sme sa nejak ocitli????????♂️???? Hodnotenie? Bolo dobre???? ale nebol to pre nás najlepší nočný život v Európe, ale bolo dobre to je základ???????? Na druhý deň sme si boli pozrieť pevnosť Kelemegdan, sochu Pobednika - simbol Belehradu a zakončili sme to s fantou v ruke v centre Belehradu. Belehrad je zaujímavé mesto a zaslúžilo by si viac času???? Vrátime sa❤️ Čau čau Belehrad najbližší cieľ Čierna Hora.
Svet - Európe - Srbsko - Belehrad - Welcome to Belehrad - Fuzo a Čeky - GoPro 7Black - Karavan - Vanlife - #cestujemeňešpekulujeme
Rostilj na Kamenjaru 2o12
Kako sam pripremio fini roštilj od piletine na Kamenjaru u Novome Sadu
Serbia, crisol de culturas
Muestra de ocio y turismo en Serbia