Barsana Romania Complete Monastery Walk Through, UNESCO
This monastery is among the UNESCO designated World Heritage Buildings of Maramures, Romania.
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Music: Tobu - Candyland
Released by NCS
Music from Stavropoleos Monastery
Orthodox Services at Beautiful, Wooden Barsana Monastery, Romania
A stop along the road at Barsana Monastery, a convent with 16 nuns that belongs to the Romanian Orthodox Bishopric. FYI: In Romania, a Monastery can contain either monks or nuns. The large wooden church of Barsana Monastery, the highlight, was shrouded in scaffolding on the day we visited and couldn't enter but is included in UNESCO world patrimony.
It was a Sunday morning and Mass was taking place out in the open, while a light rain fell on the participants. There were many other buildings scattered around the monastery: nun's living quarters; house for workers; and a few more (all in the video). If it wasn't for the spiritual Mass out in the open, Barsana Monastery could have been a fast look-see, in my opinion.
Succinctly put, don't go out of the way...
Barsana Monastery/ Maramures- Romania
Μαραμούρες, μια περιοχή στην Βόρεια Ρουμανία πολύ κοντά στα σύνορα με την Ουκρανία . Είναι ιδιαίτερα γνωστή για τις 100 περίπου ξύλινες ορθόδοξες εκκλησίες, αληθινά αριστουργήματα. Το γυναικείο μοναστήρι Barsama, κυριολεκτικά χωμένο στο πράσινο, συγκεντρώνει κτίσματα διαφόρων τεχνοτροπιών της περιοχής. Όλα είναι φτιαγμένα από ντόπιους μαστόρους - καλλιτέχνες με κύριο υλικό το ξύλο και χωρίς καρφιά ή μεταλλικούς συνδέσμους. Εκτός από την εκκλησία των 12 αποστόλων ύψους 57 μέτρων, υπάρχει το παρεκκλήσι, το σπίτι των δασκάλων, το σπίτι των καλλιτεχνών, το μουσείο της μονής οι χώροι διαμονής και άλλοι βοηθητικοί χώροι. Ήσυχο και καθαρό περιβάλλον με πολύ πράσινο και λουλούδια, ένας επίγειος παράδεισος.
Το βίντεο είναι του 2010 και ξεκινάει μια νέα πορεία για τους λόγους που εξήγησα στο προηγούμενο βίντεο ( πνευματικά δικαιώματα )
Music: ES_The Rose And The Thorn - Johannes Bornlöf
Manastirea Barsana / Barsana Monastery - Romania
A short visit to one of the most famous wooden churches Barsana Monastery. A very beautifull and peaceful place located in Barsana, Romania.
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Mănăstirea BÂRSANA Monastery (Maramures, Romania)
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Mănăstirea Bârsana este o bijuterie în lemn, important obiectiv turistic și religios ortodox, situată pe Valea Izei, în Maramureșul istoric. Deși este relativ nouă, piatra de temelie fiind pusă în 1993, Mănăstirea Bârsana reprezintă renașterea unei vechi așezământ monahal voievodal dispărut la sfârșitul secolului al XVIII-lea în vâltoarea evenimentelor legate de impunerea Uniației (convertirea la cultul greco-catolic a unei părți a românilor ortodocși din Transilvania). Greu de cuprins în cuvinte frumusețea acestui loc, mănăstirea este un ansamblu unitar format din mai multe clădiri în lemn și piatră care moștenesc arhitectura unică a vechilor așezăminte monahale maramureșene. Videoclipul prezintă principalele construcții ale mănăstirii (turnul-clopotniță de la intrare, Biserica ”Soborul Sfinților 12 Apostoli”, Altarul de vară, Aghiasmatarul, Casa Episcopului, Casa Duhovnicului, Stăreția, ”chiliile”, Casa Veche, Prăznicarul cu trapeza, Casa de oaspeți, Centrul Cultural și Muzeul) pe fondul slujbei și a cântărilor măicuțelor care au loc în momentul filmării în Altarul de vară din curtea mănăstirii.
Barsana Monastery is a wooden jewel, an important tourist and Orthodox religious objective, located on Iza Valley, in the historical Maramures. Although it is relatively new, the foundation stone being built in 1993, the Bârsana Monastery represents the rebirth of an old monastic voivodal settlement disappeared at the end of the 18th century in the wake of the events related to the imposition of the Uniation (the conversion to the Greek Catholic cult of a part of the Orthodox Romanians from Transylvania). The beauty of this place is difficult to present in words. The monastery is a unitary ensemble of several buildings in wood and stone that inherit the unique architecture of the old monastic establishments in Maramures. The video presents the main buildings of the monastery (the bell tower at entrance, the Church “Synaxis of the 12 Holy Apostles”, the Summer Altar, the ”Aghiasmatar” (holy water basin), the Bishop's House, The Father Confessor House, the Priory, the nun cells, the Old House, the ”Praznicar” (Feast House ?) with the refectory, the Guest House, The Cultural Center and the Museum) on the background of the church service and singing of the nuns that take place in the Summer Altar in the monastery courtyard.
The small commune of Barsana, located in Maramures County, is a Romanian tourist destination not only as a place of remarkable beauty and purity of nature but in addition it is the home of one of the eight Wooden Churches of Maramures included in the UNESCO World Heritage. This church, whose patron saint is the Virgin Mary, was built to honor the Virgin’s Presentation in the Temple and is but one of the many pillars of the orthodox faith that prevails is a beautiful synthesis of Eastern and Western European architecture, with Gothic and Byzantine elements.
The legend says that the monastery originally stood across the river Iza, in the Slatina Valley, and that it was moved later to the right of the river, on Podurile Manastirii (The Monastery Bridges).
It was manually carved by some of the most talented artisans from Maramures and no nails were used to put this majestic constructions together.
Manastirea Barsana este unul din obiectivele de referință din Maramureș. Motivul, este atât frumoasa biserică din interiorul ansamblului cât și restul clădirilor de lemn realizate de meșteri populari din Maramureș.
Biserica manastirii Barsana este una din cele mai înalte biserici de lemn din România, având 57m înălțime. Tot la Barsana se gaseste o a doua biserica care face parte din patrimoniul mondial UNESCO.
Apartinand de Episcopia Ortodoxa Romana a Maramuresului si Satmarului, Manastirea Soborul Sfintilor Apostoli din Barsana este situata la 22 de km sud-est de municipiul Sighetul Marmatiei, la iesirea din Barsana, spre podul Slatioarei, unde spatiile dumbravilor largi ale Izei se stramteaza, spre localitatea Stramtura, fiind cel mai stramt vad al Izei. De la kilometrul 17 al Drumului Judetean 186, trecand pe sub o frumoasa poarta maramureseana, se rasuceste in sus aleea care duce lin spre manastire.
Mănăstirea Bârsana - Monastery The Sobor of the Saints 12 Apostles Barsana - Maramures, July 2017
This holy monastery, full of the mystery of the Cross and the resurrection of Christ in his church, the synthesis between godliness and art, where beautiful prayer-building prayer unites with artistic work, building the light made of stone and wood, Barsana - is an icon of The Christian Marxurean Christian soul at the millennial crossroads, a hope for a blessed future, is a holy place where nature unites with the Church in cosmic Liturgy.
The holy place of the Barsana Monastery draws once more the Iza Valley of God. A nunnery is the beginning of the rethinking of what was once, a hearth of orthodoxy in an authentic, foot of heaven, on a mouth of heaven. Here, as in other miraculous places in the country, we better understand the place of the Romanian nation, between God and the earth.
Apart from the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of Maramures and Satmar, the Soborul Sfinţilor 12 Apostoli Monastery in Barsana is located 22 km southeast of the city of Sighetul Marmaţiei, at the exit from Barsana, towards Slatioarei bridge, where the slopes of Izei's broad groves , Towards Stramtura, being the most narrow view of Izei.
The Barsana Monastery is God's gift and blessing not only to the righteous people of Maramures with ancient churches and hierarchs who have preserved the unity of the people and of their apostolic beliefs; But it is a gift and a blessing of God for the entire Romanian nation and for the Orthodox martyr Church through the testimony given to Christ throughout the ages in its troubled history.
In Barsana, you now the lord, you pass through the unique experience of inspiration in grace. Happy is the one who can confess.
Muzeul Mănăstirii Bârsana - Museum of the Barsana Monastery (Maramures, Romania)
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În anul 2005, la numai 10 ani de la reluarea vieții monahale la Bârsana, într-una din superbele construcții ale mănăstirii, a fost înființat un muzeu care să povestească despre istoria și tradițiile maramureșene. Este clădire superbă, care prin arhitectură și ornamentații se înacadrează perfect în stilul maramuresean tradițional în care a fost construită întreaga mănăstire. Muzeul are parter și două etaje. Chiar la intrare este un stand de unde pot fi cumpărate obiecte bisericești și suveniruri, dar în restul parterului sunt expuse icoane vechi și cărți vechi bisericești adunate din zonă. La primul etaj este o frumoasă expoziție etnografică maramureșeană, iar la ultimul etaj, singurul construit numai din lemn, o expoziție cu vânzare în care se găsesc icoane pe sticlă și alte obiecte realizate de măicuțe. Spațiul central al muzeului este larg, liber, deschisă pe toată înălțimea clădirii și creează o impresie puternică. Spre curtea interioară, dar și spre exterior (satul Bârsana) sunt amenajate superbe foișoare în stil tradițional.
In 2005, only 10 years after the revival of the monastic life in Barsana, in one of the magnificent buildings of the monastery, a museum was set up to tell about the history and traditions of Maramures. It is a superb building, which through architecture and ornamentation perfectly fits in the traditional Maramures style in which the whole monastery was built. The museum has ground floor and two floors. Even at the entrance there is a stand from where church objects and souvenirs can be bought, but in the rest of the ground floor there are exposed old icons and old church books gathered in the area. On the first floor is a beautiful Maramures ethnographic exhibition, and on the top floor, the only one built only of wood, a sale exhibition where there are glass icons and other objects made by nuns. The central space of the museum is wide, emty, open to the high of the whole building and creates a strong impression. To the inner courtyard, but also to the outdoors (Barsana village), there are magnificent traditional-style balconyes.
Monastery Barsana - Romania
Monastero di Barsana (Romania 20/7/2017)
Manastire Barsana / Barsana Monastery Maramures
Manastire Barsana / Barsana Monastery
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Barsana Monastery(Manastirea Barsana)_Maramures-Romania 2017
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Romania (#09): Barsana Wooden Churches
1) The wooden church of Barsana, known as the Holy Mother's Entrance has a unique story. According to legend, the church was built in 1720 and moved in 1806 to Ibar Hill next to a graveyard containing victims of the Black Plague. The Plague hit with such ferocity that people were hastily buried without religious services. Local villagers were determined that the victims be honored and thus insisted that the church be located on the hill, so they arranged to move it from Podurile Manastirii (Bridges of the Monastery) where it was first constructed. Even after almost 200 years, many locals still swear that the buried followed the church when it was moved, so that they forever sleep in the shadow of the church's steeple.
2) Barsana Monastery ... one of the loveliest faces of faith and wood can be found also in Barsana. The 57 m. high church of Barsana monastery ranks first among the wooden construction of Romania. The foundation work was started in 1993 and by now the church is one of the most beautiful structures made by peasants in the country.
The monastic compound is made of wood, according to local tradition, built by Barsana masters; it consists of the Maramures gate, the belfry, the church (57 meters high), the summer shrine, the house with cells and chapel, the house of the masters, the house of the artists and a more recently arranged museum.
The community is led by a Prioress and counts eleven nuns and three sisters.
Barsana Monastery
Haunting singing at Barsana Monastery, Maramures County, Romania
Land of Maramures | Petrova-Stramtura-Barsana Monastery BikeTour
Location: Northwest Romania
(bordering the Ukraine to the north and Satu Mare county to the west)
Area: 6,662 sq miles
Population: Approx 530,000
Main cities: Baia Mare and Sighetu Marmatiei
Climate: Temperate continental with rich precipitation in the summertime and abundant snow in the wintertime.
Bike Tour: 4: 30 AM From Valea Viseului - Petrova - Barsana and back (about 45 to 50km km).
Inhabited from immemorial times, the Maramures region in northern Romania is a place of rich culture, pure nature, and customs passed from generation to generation with much consideration. Mountainous landscapes and valleys rich of vegetation , small villages and more; Maramures is regarded as one of the most beautiful and distinctive regions in Europe. The man made and natural attractions of Maramures are only surpassed by the innate kindness and hospitality of the people dwelling in its valleys.
Geography: Maramures County`s main feature is: The Maramures Depression and the wild mountains that surround it, with many peaks reaching over 2000 meters.
The region of Maramures is home to many villages where century-old traditions are still part of daily life. The inhabitants of this area have preserved, to an amazing extent, the rural culture and crafts of their Dacian ancestors.
Most villages are distinguished by their unique wooden churches with tall spires and shingled roofs.. recognized for their beauty and unique architectural features, with some being inducted in the patrimony of UNESCO’s World Heritage. Some of the best examples of traditional architecture of Maramures include the wooden churches in Rogoz, Ieud, Surdesti, Plopis, Budesti, Desesti, Barsana, and Poienile Izei.
The Monastery of Barsana
Nestled in the verdant green hills of Maramures is the Barsana Monastery. This beautiful Romanian monastery complex is quite new, having all been built since 1990. The famous skill in woodworking of the craftsmen of Maramures is very evident in the wooden buildings of Barsana. These photos were taken on a cloudy September 11th during our second Romania trip in 2007.
Romania (#16): Easter Resurrection Mass, Barsana
Barsana Monastery ... one of the loveliest faces of faith and wood can be found also in Barsana. The 57 m. high church of Barsana monastery ranks first among the wooden construction of Romania. The foundation work was started in 1993 and by now the church is one of the most beautiful structures made by peasants in the country.
The monastic compound is made of wood, according to local tradition, built by Barsana masters; it consists of the Maramures gate, the belfry, the church (57 meters high), the summer shrine, the house with cells and chapel, the house of the masters, the house of the artists and a more recently arranged museum.
BARSANA monastery Maramures
April 2016
Wooden Churches Barsana Maramures Transylvania Romania
Wooden Churches including Barsana Monastery - Maramures Transylvania Romania
Music Maria Tanase Maramures Song Sighet and musical background D. Farcas
I included subtitle for the guide presentation
Maramures, Monastero Barsana (Romania)