Italy, Pompeii Basilica
Photographer:Samuel Magal (
The Basilica, with its extension of 1,500 square metres, was the most sumptuous building of the Forum, and its space was used to carry out for business and for the administration of justice. It is accessed from the Forum through five entrances separated by tuff pillars; inside it is divided into three naves with two rows of brick columns with Ionic capitals. A richly decorated suggestum*, where judges sat while judicial affairs were managed, is located at the centre of the short western side.
Eucharistic procession inside the Basilica of the Holy Rosary, Pompeii, Italy
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【K】Italy Travel-Pompeii[이탈리아 여행-폼페이]대재앙의 흔적, 바실리카와 미라/Basilica/Mirra/Volcanic Eruption/Vesuvius
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고대 로마시대 집회장인 폼페이의 바실리카는 건물의 일부와 부러진 기둥이 남아 당시의 위엄을 전하고 있다. 대재앙 속에서도 온전히 형태를 보전한 항아리와 그릇들. 거의 2천 년 전의 물건이라니, 그 세월의 무게가 실감이 안 갈 정도다. 로마제국 귀족들이 이용한 위락시설의 정수를 보여주는 2천 년 전의 궁중목욕탕은 그 내부도 매우 화려하다. 화산폭발 당시 대 재앙의 공포를 전해주는 건 한 남자의 미라다. 잠을 자다가 화산재에 덮인 것 같은 자세를 취하고 있다. 전시용으로 만들어 놓은 것이 아닌가 했는데, 발가락 부분에 노출된 뼈를 보니, 이렇게 바라보는 것조차 미안한 생각이 들었다.
[English: Google Translator]
The ancient Roman basilica of Pompeii jiphoejang is the time to convey the majesty of some of the remains of buildings and broken pillars. Despite a jar full catastrophe and preserve the shape of the bowl. Almost 2000 years ago disgrace things, the weight of those years are not going to feel about this. Royal Bath 2000 years ago, showing the essence of the Roman Empire nobles entertainment with its interior is also very gorgeous. Volcanic eruptions The mummy of a man that gun before the time for fear of a disaster. It has awakened the sleeping poised like covered in ash. Whether I had made it to the exhibition, I saw the exposed bone to the toes, looking at so sorry I have not even heard.
[Italian: Google Translator]
L'antica basilica romana di Pompei jiphoejang è il momento di trasmettere la maestosità di alcuni resti di edifici e pilastri spezzati. Nonostante un vaso catastrofe completa e preservare la forma della coppa. Quasi 2000 anni fa le cose disgrazia, il peso di quegli anni non stanno andando a sentire su questo. Royal Bath 2000 anni fa, che mostra l'essenza dell'impero romano nobili di intrattenimento con il suo interno è anche molto stupendo. Le eruzioni vulcaniche la mummia di un uomo che pistola prima del tempo, per paura di un disastro. Ha risvegliato il sonno in bilico come coperto di cenere. Sia che io avevo fatto alla mostra, ha visto l'osso esposto alle dita, guardando spiace non ho nemmeno sentito.
■클립명: 유럽103-이탈리아04-14 대재앙의 흔적, 바실리카와 미라/Basilica/Mirra/Volcanic Eruption/Napoli
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 노홍석 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2007년 8월 August
도시,downtown,도심, 시가지, urban, city, metropolitan,화산지형,volcano,volcanic, crater, caldera, mountain,유적지,historic site,monument, ruins, archaeological site, history,기타장소,place,place,건물,architecture,building,유럽,Europe,유럽,이탈리아,Italy,italia,이태리,노홍석,2007,8월 August,캄파니아,Campania,Campania,캄파니아
POMPEII: Basilica (English Version)
The solomn Basilica of ancient Pompeii (English Version).
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Directed by Gigi Oliviero
Lenght: 1'10
GoPro experience - Pompeii basilica - Italy
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Vaticano 192 - 2015-22-03 - The Shrine of Pompeii
On this week’s VATICANO:
The Korean Bishops are on an Ad-Limina visit with Francis and will celebrate a festive Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica.
Pope Francis celebrated a penitential moment of prayer and calls for an extraordinary Jubilee Year.
The Shrine of Our Lady of Pompei gets ready to receive Pope Francis for a visit and in the UN a meeting of specialists discusses the death penalty.
All this plus: a new book on the Armenian Genocide was released and a fresco right by the Vatican radiates its restored beauty.
Pompeii Basilica
The basilica ruins in Pompeii, Italy.
√ Basilica of Pompeii and Herculaneum | Ancient History | iitutor
#iitutor #AntientHistory #BasilicaOfPompeiiAndHerculaneum
The basilica was the law courts of Pompeii but other activities also took place there. It was located next to the forum. It was the most elaborate building in the forum. It was built between 120 B.C. and 78 B.C. It measured 24 metres by 55 metres. The main entrance to the basilica was from the forum and a (chalcidicum) unroofed Vestibule with five doorways. The building had three naves and it is now generally accepted that the basilica was covered by a large, double pitched tiled roof. Tiles have been found with the name Numerius Popidius, a tile manufacturer in Samnite Pompeii. The entrance had five doors with wooden shutters. The large hall inside was surrounded by twenty-eight fluted Ionic columns, 11 metres in height. An elegant two story structure known as the “tribunal” was built on the west side. The lower floor was probably used for archives. The upper floor which was used as a platform for the judges, opened onto the centre of the Basilica. It was built in the Hellenistic style with two levels of Corinthian and Ionic columns. A statue of Augustus was placed in front of the Tribunal. The imitation marble panels on the side walls of the Basilica were decorated in the first style of art. Graffiti was found everywhere in Pompeii including in the Basilica.
The Virgin of Pompeii
All of Italy is dotted with Marian shrines. And one of the most beloved is certainly that of the Blessed Virgin of the Rosary in Pompeii.The start of shrine’s construction dates back to May 1876, in the wake of the arrival of the icon of the Virgin of the Rosary that the lawyer Bartolo Longo, who had had a strong spiritual experience walking in the countryside nearby, had sent to Pompeii.The inspiration was strong. A voice suggested to him: "If you want salvation, spread the Rosary to all around you. It is the promise of Mary, whoever propagates the Rosary shall be saved!"In 1901, seeing the great crowds of pilgrims, Pope Leo XIII consecrated the shrine as "the Parish of the World."The construction was begun, as willed by Bartolo Longo who was proclaimed Blessed by Pope John Paul II on October 26th, 1980, and was made possible by donations and gifts from around the world. Particularly significant was that of "a penny a month" from all the inhabitants of the Pompeii Valley.Bartolo Longo, a promoter of devotion to the Virgin of the Rosary of Pompeii, wrote numerous texts and prayers, some of which are considered true "best sellers" of Marian literature world-wide.The wish he expressed on the day of the inauguration of the shrine’s façade was to see the Pope bless the crowds of faithful and invoke peace for the world from the Shrine’s balcony, and it would ultimately be fulfilled: On October 21st, 1979 John Paul II went as pilgrim to the shrine of Pompeii.John Paul II visited yet again on October 7th 2003, to close the Year of the Rosary that he himself had called for.Benedict XVI also visited the Shrine on October 19th, 2008, bestowing the “Golden Rose” to the Blessed Virgin, an honorary gift of recognition that popes formerly granted to sovereigns.Other renowned shrines have also received this Golden Rose: Fatima in Portugal, Aparecida in Brazil, Lujan in Argentina and Guadalupe in Mexico.“Glorious Queen of the Holy Rosary, who chose the Pompeii Valley as the new throne of your power, Daughter of God the Father, Mother of God the Son, and Spouse of God the Holy Spirit, I beg you, by your joys, your sufferings and glories, by the Mystery of the Incarnation, in honor of which I have approached the Holy Altar, deign to grant me this grace.”
OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY AT POMPEII, by Elisabetta Valgiusti for EWTN
The programme explains the development of the devotion to the Blessed Virgin of the Rosary from Middle Age to our days.
The history of the Rosary is bound to a very special event that takes us back to the victory of the Christians in the naval battle of Lepanto against the muslims on October 7th 1571 . Pope st. Pius V attributed the victory to the intercession of the Virgin Mary invoked through the prayer of the Rosary.
The following year, in 1572, Pius V commemorated with the title of Blessed Virgin of the Victory the memory of the presence of the Virgin Mary at the side of the Christians, estabilishing the feast on October the 7 th .
Video extract from 1 hour programme
Il pontificio santuario maggiore cattedrale della Beata Vergine del Santo Rosario è il principale luogo di culto cattolico di Pompei, nella città metropolitana di Napoli. È tra i più importanti e visitati santuari mariani del mondo cattolico; numerosi personaggi e santi vi hanno fatto visita, tra questi san Ludovico da Casoria, san Luigi Guanella, san Giuseppe Moscati, san Leonardo Murialdo e santa Francesca Saverio Cabrini; tra i papi che hanno visitato il santuario vi sono san Giovanni Paolo II, Benedetto XVI e Francesco.Il santuario ha la dignità di basilica pontificia.È cattedrale della prelatura territoriale ed è sede della delegazione pontificia. La storia del santuario è legata a quella del beato Bartolo Longo, suo fondatore, e della contessa Marianna de Fusco (moglie del conte Albenzio de Fusco), con la quale condivise una vita al servizio dei più bisognosi. Il santuario è stato eretto con le offerte spontanee dei fedeli di ogni parte del mondo. La sua costruzione ebbe inizio l'8 maggio 1876, con la raccolta dell'offerta di un soldo al mese. Primo a seguirne i lavori fu Antonio Cua, docente dell'Università di Napoli, che diresse gratuitamente la costruzione della parte rustica. Giovanni Rispoli in seguito si occupò della decorazione e della monumentale facciata inaugurata nel 1901. Il santuario fu eretto in basilica pontificia maggiore da papa Leone XIII il 4 maggio 1901. A croce latina, inizialmente aveva una sola navata, con abside, cupola, quattro cappelle laterali e due cappelle nella crociera. Ai due lati del santuario vi erano altre due cappelle con ingressi distinti, ma intercomunicanti con la navata centrale: a sinistra, la cappella di Santa Caterina da Siena, ove fu esposto inizialmente il quadro della Madonna durante la costruzione del santuario; a destra, la cappella del SS. Salvatore, così chiamata perché fu sede dell'omonima parrocchia fino al 1898, quando fu costruita la nuova parrocchia a poche decine di metri di distanza. Nel 1925 fu ultimata la costruzione del campanile alto ben 88 metri. Con il passare del tempo e il sensibile aumento delle folle di fedeli fu necessario ampliare il santuario. Tale ampliamento fu eseguito dal 1934 al 1938, su progetto del Chiappetta. Il santuario ebbe così tre navate (quella centrale non fu modificata), abside e cupola di maggiori dimensioni. L'esterno fu rivestito in armonia con la monumentale facciata, facendole acquistare l'aspetto di una grande Basilica romana. Negli anni successivi il santuario sopravvisse a prove molto impegnative quali l'eruzione del Vesuvio del 1944 e l'arrivo delle truppe naziste che arrivarono a minacciarne la distruzione. È stato meta di pellegrinaggi da parte di papa Giovanni Paolo II il 21 ottobre 1979 e il 7 ottobre 2003; di papa Benedetto XVI il 19 ottobre 2008 e di papa Francesco il 21 marzo 2015. L'11 novembre 1962 nella piazza antistante il santuario fu collocato il monumento a Bartolo Longo, opera dello scultore ravegnano Domenico Ponzi. Alla solenne cerimonia inaugurale intervenne l'allora presidente della repubblica, Antonio Segni.Il santuario è oggi meta di pellegrinaggi religiosi, ma anche di molti turisti affascinati dalla sua maestosità. Ogni anno oltre quattro milioni di persone si recano in visita al santuario che risulta pertanto tra i più visitati d'Italia. In particolare, l'8 maggio e la prima domenica di ottobre, decine di migliaia di pellegrini affollano la città di Pompei, per assistere alla pratica devozionale della Supplica alla madonna di Pompei (l'ora del Mondo) scritta dal Beato Bartolo Longo che viene trasmessa tramite la televisione e la radio in tutto il mondo.
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The Forum of Pompeii
This video shows and describes the main buildings surrounding the forum of Pompeii and what their function was within the city.
(incl. Temples of Jupiter, Apollo, Lares/Emperor, the basilica, the municipal offices, the polling station, and the covered market)
Pompeii - La basilica
La Basilica dell'antica Pompei fu costruita nella seconda metà del II sec. a.C., nell'ambito del progetto di monumentalizzazione della città. Presenta pianta rettangolare, a 3 navate, con copertura a doppio spiovente retta dalle colonne centrali e dalle semicolonne della parte superiore delle pareti, dove restano decorazioni in 'primo stile': sul fondo è il tribunale, dove sedevano i magistrati, raggiungibile con scale di legno. L'edificio era infatti adibito all'amministrazione della giustizia e alle contrattazioni economiche.
The Basilica of Pompeii was constructed in the second half of the 2nd century BC, as part of a plan to monumentalise the city. It was built to a rectangular plan, with 3 naves, a double sloping roof supported by central columns and by pilasters on the upper parts of the walls, where pictorial decorations of the First Style are still preserved. At the far end of the building is the tribunal, where the magistrates sat, reachable by wooden stairs. The building was indeed utilised for the administration of justice and business negotiations.
Ancient Ruins Basilica in Pompeii
Pompeii, Italy 2012
Italy, Pompeii -The Macellum (Market)
Photographer:Samuel Magal (
The Macellum of Pompeii is located outside the northeast corner of the forum. As the city continued to grow, it was necessary to relieve pressure on the forum. When the Macellum was first discovered, because of the twelve column bases in the center, the excavators at first believed it was a kind of pantheon, a temple dedicated to many gods. However, when subsequent excavation turned up the remains of cereals and fruits in the north side of the building and fish scales and bones in the middle of the courtyard, the archeologists realized that this was a market
Pompeii Italy
Pompeii was destroyed by Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD
Pompeii Walking Tour in 4K Part 2
Part 2 - In this walk you see more of the Forum including the granary where many artifacts are stored. You will also see the oldest public building in Pompeii, the Basilica. Next you will walk through one of the most popular attractions at Pompeii, the brothel Lupanar, where you will see erotic paintings and the original beds. Finally you will walk back to the Forum and end at the Temple of Jupiter (The Capitol).
00:25 - The Forum
00:36 - Public Bathrooms
01:02 - The Granary Building filled with artifacts and bodies
03:18 - The famous dog plaster cast
04:45 - the Mensa Poneraria
05:54 - The Basilica
07:52 - The Municipal Buildings
09:31 - Via dell'Abbondanza
12:35 - Vico del Lupanare
13:31 - The Lupanar (Brothel)
19:47 - Via dell'Abbondanza
21:07 - The Forum
21:47 - Temple of Jupiter (The Capitol)
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3. Roland CS-10EM In-ear Monitors:
4. Zoom H1 Microphone:
5. Quick Pod Selfie Extreme Stick:
6. SanDisk Extreme 128GB microSDXC UHS-3 card:
7. Ailuki Rechargeable Gopro Batteries:
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struggling through VATICAN, ROME, + POMPEII | Italy travel vlog 3
Andre & Emily navigate through the Vatican City, Rome, and Pompeii, despite countless transit difficulties. Featuring: original music, American nonsense, hitchhiking, and more!
Pompeii Virtual Walk in 4K Part 4
This virtual walk begins on the Via di Mercurio. You'll soon arrive at the House of the Small Fountain(Casa dell Fontana Piccola) where you will see the recently restored garden fountain and bronze statue of a fisherman. You'll then continue to the largest and most famous house in all Pompeii, the House of the Faun (Casa del Fauno). A dancing faun was found inside the house when it was first excavated back in 1831. Inside you will see beautiful floor mosaics, two indoor gardens called peristyles, and the famous dancing faun. Moments later you will be inside another luxurious residence called the House of the Vettii, named for its owners, Aulus Vettius Conviva and Aulus Vettius Restitutus. Inside you will see several beautifully painted frescoes, an ancient safe and a unique fountain statue of Priapus, the god of fertility, marked by his over sized permanent erection. Finally you will walk down Vico dei Vettii to the Castellum Aquae, the ancient cistern that supplied Pompeii with its fresh water. The walk ends after going through the Vesuvius gate and walking around the necropolis.
00:00 Via di Mercurio
01:32 - House of the Small Fountain
07:08 - House of the Faun
11:55 - House of the Vettii
19:20 - Castellum Aquae
19:33 - Vesuvius Gate
19:50 - Necropolis
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1. Gopro Hero 6:
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3. Roland CS-10EM In-ear Monitors:
4. Zoom H1 Microphone:
5. Quick Pod Selfie Extreme Stick:
6. SanDisk Extreme 128GB microSDXC UHS-3 card:
7. Ailuki Rechargeable Gopro Batteries:
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16. Roman Architecture. The Capitolium and Basilica of Pompeii
Roman Architecture. The Capitolium and Basilica of Pompeii