San Vitale, Ravenna
San Vitale is one of the most important surviving examples of Byzantine architecture and mosaic work. It was begun in 526 or 527 under Ostrogothic rule. It was consecrated in 547 and completed soon after. Speakers: Dr. Beth Harris, Dr. Steven Zucker. Created by Beth Harris and Steven Zucker.
Ravenna, Italy: Church of San Vitale - Rick Steves’ Europe Travel Guide - Travel Bite
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Ravenna is on the tourist map for one reason: its 1,500-year-old churches, decorated with best-in-the-West Byzantine mosaics. Visit for more information about this destination and other destinations in Europe.
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La Basilica di San Vitale a Ravenna
La Basilica di San Vitale a Ravenna
Servizio di Simona Mulazzani
Basilica di San Vitale - Ravenna, Italy
Music: “The Crystal Pillar” from the album, PRAYERS OF ST. BRENDAN by Jeff Johnson
℗ 1998 Ark Records, Inc. /
© 1998 Sola Scriptura Songs
Basilica di San Vitale - 1 - Italiano
Ravenna, Basilica di San Vitale, Emilia-Romagna, Italy [HD] (videoturysta)
[EN] The Basilica of San Vitale is probably the most interesting event in Ravenna and a beautiful example of Byzantine art in Western Europe. Built in the sixth century, it doesn't look as spectacular from the outside as the mosaics inside. These Byzantine mosaics are preserved like they were installed just yesterday. You will be captured by their vivid colours, strong symbology and historic meaning.
*** more info:
[IT] La Basilica di San Vitale è probabilmente il luogo più interessante a Ravenna e un bellissimo esempio di arte bizantina in Europa occidentale. Costruita nel VI secolo, non sembra così spettacolare dall'esterno, come i mosaici all'interno. Questi mosaici bizantini sono conservati come se fossero installate proprio ieri. Sarete catturati dai loro colori vivaci, forte simbologia e significato storico.
*** ulteriori informazioni:
Early Christian Monuments of Ravenna (UNESCO/NHK)
Ravenna was the seat of the Roman Empire in the 5th century and then of Byzantine Italy until the 8th century. It has a unique collection of early Christian mosaics and monuments. All eight buildings -- the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, the Neonian Baptistery, the Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, the Arian Baptistery, the Archiepiscopal Chapel, the Mausoleum of Theodoric, the Church of San Vitale and the Basilica of Sant'Apollinare in ...
Source: UNESCO TV / © NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai
Basilica of San Vitale, Ravenna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy, Europe
The Basilica of San Vitale is a church in Ravenna, Italy, and one of the most important examples of early Christian Byzantine art and architecture in western Europe. The building is styled an ecclesiastical basilica in the Roman Catholic Church, though it is not of architectural basilica form. It is one of eight Ravenna structures inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The church was begun by Bishop Ecclesius in 526, when Ravenna was under the rule of the Ostrogoths and completed by the 27th Bishop of Ravenna, Maximian, in 547 preceding the Byzantine Exarchate of Ravenna. The architect of the church is unknown.
The construction of the church was sponsored by a Greek banker, Julius Argentarius, of whom very little is known, except that he also sponsored the construction of the Basilica of Sant' Apollinare in Classe at around the same time. (A donor portrait of the banker may appear among the courtiers on the Justinian mosaic.) The final cost amounted to 26,000 solidi (gold pieces). The church has an octagonal plan. The building combines Roman elements: the dome, shape of doorways, and stepped towers; with Byzantine elements: polygonal apse, capitals, and narrow bricks. The church is most famous for its wealth of Byzantine mosaics, the largest and best preserved outside of Constantinople. The church is of extreme importance in Byzantine art, as it is the only major church from the period of the Emperor Justinian I to survive virtually intact to the present day. Furthermore, it is thought to reflect the design of the Byzantine Imperial Palace Audience Chamber, of which nothing at all survives. The belltower has four bells, the tenor one dates to the 16th century. According to legend, the church was erected on the site of the martyrdom of Saint Vitalis. However, there is some confusion as to whether this is the Saint Vitalis of Milan, or the Saint Vitale whose body was discovered together with that of Saint Agricola, by Saint Ambrose in Bologna in 393. The central section is surrounded by two superposed ambulatories. The upper one, the matrimoneum, was reserved for married women. A series of mosaics in the lunettes above the triforia depict sacrifices from the Old Testament: the story of Abraham and Melchizedek, and the Sacrifice of Isaac; the story of Moses and the Burning Bush, Jeremiah and Isaiah, representatives of the twelve tribes of Israel, and the story of Abel and Cain. A pair of angels, holding a medallion with a cross, crowns each lunette. On the side walls the corners, next to the mullioned windows, have mosaics of the Four Evangelists, under their symbols (angel, lion, ox and eagle), and dressed in white. Especially the portrayal of the lion is remarkable in its ferocity. The cross-ribbed vault in the presbytery is richly ornamented with mosaic festoons of leaves, fruit and flowers, converging on a crown encircling the Lamb of God. The crown is supported by four angels, and every surface is covered with a profusion of flowers, stars, birds and animals, including many peacocks. Above the arch, on both sides, two angels hold a disc and beside them a representation of the cities of Jerusalem and Bethlehem. They symbolize the human race (Jerusalem representing the Jews, and Bethlehem the Gentiles).
All these mosaics are executed in the Hellenistic-Roman tradition: lively and imaginative, with rich colors and a certain perspective, and with a vivid depiction of the landscape, plants and birds. They were finished when Ravenna was still under Gothic rule. The apse is flanked by two chapels, the prothesis and the diaconicon, typical for Byzantine architecture. Inside, the intrados of the great triumphal arch is decorated with fifteen mosaic medallions, depicting Jesus Christ, the twelve Apostles and Saint Gervasius and Saint Protasius, the sons of Saint Vitale. The theophany was begun in 525 under bishop Ecclesius. It has a great gold fascia with twining flowers, birds, and horns of plenty. Jesus Christ appears, seated on a blue globe in the summit of the vault, robed in purple, with his right hand offering the martyr's crown to Saint Vitale. On the left, Bishop Ecclesius offers a model of the church. At the foot of the apse side walls are two famous mosaic panels, executed in 547. On the right is a mosaic depicting the East Roman Emperor Justinian I, clad in Tyrian purple with a golden halo, standing next to court officials, Bishop Maximian, palatinae guards and deacons. The halo around his head gives him the same aspect as Christ in the dome of the apse. Justinian himself stands in the middle, with soldiers on his right and clergy on his left, emphasizing that Justinian is the leader of both church and state of his empire. The gold background of the mosaic shows that Justinian and his entourage are inside the church.
Ravenna - Basilica di San Vitale
Basílica de San Vitale in Ravenna Italia
Otro ejemplo maravilloso de mosaicos. Los más importantes en San Vitale, pero no solo ahí, Hay otros ejemplos. A disfrutar......
이탈리아 여행-라벤나 [Italy Travel-Ravenna] 산 비탈레 성당, 리미니/Basilica San Vitale/Dante/Cinema Fulgor/Piadina
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나는 동쪽 끝 라벤나로 향했다. 라벤나는 5세기 서로마제국의 수도였던 곳으로 비잔틴 문화와 모자이크로 유명하다. 거리 표지판, 간판, 가정집 곳곳에서 모자이크 장식이 눈에 띈다. 나는 6세기 비잔틴 양식 건축물의 걸작인 산 비탈레 성당으로 갔다. 내부로 들어서니 웅장한 규모와 화려한 장식에 입이 벌어질 정도다. 제단 양쪽엔 유스티니아누스 황제와 황후를 묘사한 모자이크가 마주 보고 있다. 그 사이 예수를 그린 모자이크가 자리하고 있는데 너무나 섬세해 돌조각을 붙여 만든 모자이크라는 게 믿기지 않을 정도다. “제가 좋아하는 부분은 매우 특별하게 묘사한 예수의 이미지입니다. 젊고, 수염도 없고, 힘이 넘치는 예수의 이미지는 이 성당의 가장 큰 수수께끼 같습니다.” 5세기 중반에 지어진 이곳은 플라치디아 여왕의 묘당이다. 규모는 작지만 화려한 모자이크가 눈을 황홀하게 했다. 당시 사람들은 미적 감각이 남달랐던 것 같다. “5세기 모자이크 양식의 특징은 굉장히 작은 네모 대리석과 이렇게 아름다운 푸른색을 사용하는 것입니다. 저쪽 벽화에서 볼 있듯이 원근법과 사실주의 기법을 활용해서 예리한 초상화 같은 인물 묘사를 보여줍니다.” 화려한 색감과 정교한 모자이크를 보고 영감을 얻기 위해 각계 디자이너들이 많이 찾는다고 한다. 라벤나는 단테가 신곡을 쓰고, 생을 마감한 곳이다. 그의 무덤은 생각보다 작았다. 피렌체에서 태어나 최고위 관료를 지낸 단테는 정치적 반대파가 집권하면서 추방당해 망명길을 떠돌았다. “단테는 1318년에 마침내 이곳 라벤나에 정착하는데 자녀도 함께 데리고 옵니다. 바로 야코포, 피에트로 그리고 안토니아죠. 안타깝게도 단테는 베네치아에서 임무를 수행하다 1321년 말라리아로 사망합니다.” 단테는 고향을 그리다 숨을 거두었을 것이다. 피렌체는 속죄의 의미로 매년 단테 무덤을 밝히는 램프의 기름을 보내온다고 한다. 라벤나는 당시 말라리아가 창궐해 오랫동안 외세 침략이 거의 없었기 때문에 오늘날까지 문화유산이 잘 보존돼 있다고 한다. 나는 리미니로 향했다. 리미니는 아드리아해를 접하고 있는 휴양도시다. 이곳은 찾은 이유는 이탈리아 영화의 거장 페데리코 펠리니를 만나기 위해서다. 펠리니 벽화 마을이 있다고 해서 찾아 나섰다. 저 멀리 낯익은 얼굴이 보인다. 라 스트라다의 주인공 젤소미나다. 그 옆은 영화의 감독이자 남편인 페데리코 펠리니다. 펠리니 영화의 장면장면들이 떠올랐다. 어린 시절 펠리니가 영화를 보러 자주 찾았던 영화관이다. 그는 이곳에서 영화감독의 꿈을 키웠을 것이다. 한국에서 온 방문객에게 주인은 특별히 펠리니 영화를 상영해주었다. 리미니를 소재로 한 아마코드였다. “모든 사람이 그 영화 속에서, 등장인물 가운데서 자신의 삶을 보게 되는 것인데요, 바로 이것이 우리가 펠리니의 영화를 볼 때마다 경험하게 되는 기적이죠. 우리의 욕망이 담긴 세계이고, 우리의 약함과 두려움이 담긴 세계이기 때문입니다.“ 내년 펠리니 탄생 100주년을 앞두고 박물관 조성사업이 한창이었다. 리미니의 맛집을 빠트릴 수 없다. 에밀리아로마냐의 전통 빵 피아디나를 만드는 곳인데 식당주인은 시장 다음으로 유명인사라고 한다. 피아디나는 서민음식이다. 밀가루에 소금, 물, 라드를 넣고 반죽을 만든다. 반죽을 밀대로 얇게 펴 구워내면 준비가 끝나는데 어린 시절 어머니가 해주시던 모습이 떠올랐다. 여기에 프로슈토를 올리고 루콜라를 올리면 피아디나가 완성된다. “우리 아드리아 바다에서 난 정어리입니다.” 프로슈토 대신 정어리를 올리면 색다른 맛을 선사한다. “서민음식인 피아디나는 최근 다시 사람들의 관심을 받고 있어요. 이탈리아에서 피아디나를 모르는 사람은 없죠. 세계적으로도 알려진 음식이고요.“
■클립명: 유럽103-이탈리아21-05 산 비탈엔 성당과 리미니의 볼거리와 음식
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김종서 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2019년 8월August
종교시설,church,추모관련,tomb, cemetery,극장/공연장,theater,빵,bread,해산물,seafood,사람,man,건물,architecture,유럽Europe이탈리아Italyitalia이태리김종서20198월에밀리아로마냐 주Emilia-RomagnaEmilia-RomagnaAugust걸어서 세계속으로
Basilica di San Vitale Ravenna Italy
Excellent mosaics of the basilica. Very dark inside.
Italy Ravenna San Vitale Mosaics
Basilica of San Vitale is one of the most important examples of early Christian Byzantine mosaic art in western Europe.
Musical composition by S.Rachmaninov (Рахма́нинов).
San Vitale, RAVENNA, Italy
San Vitale, Mausoleo di Galla Placidia, Sant'Apollinare Nuovo and Battistero degli Ortodossi ...What more ? ... just few minor notes.
San VITALE RAVENNA, Italy 2019
San Vitale, Ravenna, Italy 2019 - Unesco World Heritage Site
Video from Reog :
Basilica di San Vitale - 3 - Italiano
La basilica di San Vitale (RAVENNA, Emilia Romagna, ITALY)
Iniziata al principio del 6° sec., compiuta nel 547, la basilica di S. Vitale rappresenta il momento di massimo sviluppo dell’arte ravennate; ha pianta ottagonale, con vano centrale e ambulacro da otto piloni con grandi arcate, che abbracciano esedre a due piani di trifore e sorreggono la cupola; tra i mosaici del presbiterio, notevoli i due riquadri con Giustiniano e Teodora e il loro seguito, che si distaccano dal complesso musivo di S. Vitale (abside, volta e lunette del presbiterio), di carattere nettamente ravennate, tradendo forse l’esecuzione di modelli costantinopolitani. Con S. Vitale e S. Apollinare in Classe (solenne interno a tre navate, nell’abside e nel presbiterio, mosaici del 6° e 7° sec.). si conclude la fioritura maggiore, anche se a R. continua l’attività costruttiva (l’edificio detto palazzo di Teodorico; cripte e campanili dei secoli 9°-10°).
Ravenna ; Italy. Oct. 2015. Basilica Di San Vitale
Places to see in ( Ravenna - Italy ) Basilica San Vitale
Places to see in ( Ravenna - Italy ) Basilica San Vitale
The Basilica of San Vitale is a church in Ravenna, Italy, and one of the most important examples of early Christian Byzantine art and architecture in Europe. The Roman Catholic Church has designated the building a basilica, the honorific title bestowed on church buildings of exceptional historic and ecclesial importance, although it is not of architectural basilica form. It is one of eight Ravenna structures inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
The church was begun by Bishop Ecclesius in 526, when Ravenna was under the rule of the Ostrogoths and completed by the 27th Bishop of Ravenna, Maximian, in 547 preceding the Byzantine Exarchate of Ravenna.
The construction of the church was sponsored by Julius Argentarius, a banker and architect, of whom very little is known, except that he also sponsored the construction of the Basilica of Sant'Apollinare in Classe at around the same time. (A donor portrait of Julius Argentarius may appear among the courtiers on the Justinian mosaic.) The final cost amounted to 26,000 solidi (gold pieces). It has been suggested that Julian originated in the eastern part of the Byzantine Empire, where there was a long-standing tradition of public benefactions.
The central vault used a western technique of hollow tubes inserted into each other, rather than bricks. This method was the first recorded structural use of terra-cotta forms, which later evolved into modern structural clay tile. The ambulatory and gallery were vaulted only later in the Middle Ages. The Baroque fresco on the dome was made between 1778 and 1782 by S. Barozzi, U. Gandolfi and E. Guarana.
( Ravenna - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Ravenna . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Ravenna - Italy
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San Vitale
Trinity Jackman, Classical Archaeologist, describes the mosaics and artistic achievements of the Byzantine Empire in the Church of San Vitale in Ravenna Italy. To learn more about the ancient empires of Rome, Nubia and Byzantium, visit the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto.