Venezia - Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari (con le tombe del Canova, Tiziano e Monteverdi)
La Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, comunemente detta solo i Frari, è la più grande delle Chiese di Venezia e ha ricevuto nel 1926 da papa Pio XI il titolo di basilica minore. È situata nell'omonimo Campo dei Frari, nel sestiere di San Polo, ed è dedicata all'Assunzione di Maria.
La pianta è a croce latina, e lo stile è gotico veneziano in cotto e pietra d'Istria. Possiede tre navate con archi ogivali che poggiano su sei colonne per lato tra loro collegate da catene rivestite da casse lignee. Misura 102 metri di lunghezza, 48 metri nel transetto ed è alta 28 metri. Oggi ha 17 altari monumentali e al suo interno sono custodite molte opere d'arte, tra cui due dipinti del Tiziano. Ospita, inoltre, le tombe di numerose personalità legate a Venezia, tra cui Claudio Monteverdi e lo stesso Tiziano.
Fra i molti capolavori qui conservati, spicca la suggestiva pala dell'Assunta (1516-1518), il lavoro forse pù noto della maturità di Tiziano: dipinta appositamente per l'altar maggiore, raccoglie e dilata il punto di fuga visibile dalla navata centrale. Sempre del Tiziano è la famosa Madonna di Ca' Pesaro (1526).
In sacrestia il Trittico della Vergine e Santi di Giovanni Bellini (1488) della Cappella Pesaro, considerato quale uno fra i capolavori della pittura veneziana del '400, si accompagna idealmente al Trittico di San Marco (1474) di Bartolomeo Vivarini dell'elegante Cappella Corner.
Lo splendido Coro ligneo e i numerosi monumenti sepolcrali di personaggi illustri della storia cittadina, rendono inoltre la Basilica dei Frari una straordinaria collezione di sculture veneziane, vantando capolavori assoluti come i monumenti Foscari e Tron del presbiterio e il bel San Girolamo di Alessandro Vittoria dell'altare Zane.
Nella Cappella dei Fiorentini, inotre, si conserva l'unica opera veneziana di Donatello, ovvero la statua lignea di S. Giovanni Battista.
Basilica of Santa Maria Gloriosa Dei Frari Tour, Venice - Italy
Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari is a stunning Gothic church by the Franciscans. The basilica is one of the largest churches in Venice and it is famous for remarkable art works of Bellini, Donatello and Titian.
Italy, Venice - Basilica Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari
Photographer:Samuel Magal (
In 1231, under Doge Jacopo Tiepolo, the city donated land at this site to establish a monastery and church belonging to the Franciscan Order of Friars Minor. This edifice proved too small and a three nave church was begun in 1250, and not completed until 1338. Work almost immediately began on its much larger replacement, the current church, which took over a century to build. The new church inverted the original orientation, thus placing the facade facing the plaza and small canal.
Stepping into Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Venice, Italy
While visiting Italy, on March 22, 2016 (the day of another odious terrorist attack), around 9 pm, I entered Frari church in Venice, a few minutes from the hotel. What a contrast from the bad news...
VENEZIA - Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari
VENEZIA - Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari filmata con Sony a65 in 1080p.
360 video: Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Venice, Italy
This absolutely splendid Basilica is a must-see when in Venice. It's one of the oldest and largest churches of this municipality, and contains priceless artworks from world-known artists.
It took over a hundred years to build this extraordinary church; the works were finished around the year 1440. Although the gothic exterior is rather plain, the interior makes up for it.
The only still-in-place rood screen in Venice found its place here. The church is also known for the artworks that can be viewed here: Donatello's first documented work in the city - figure of St. John the Baptist, Alessandro Vittoria's The Risen Christ and St. Jerome, works of Titian and much more.
The basilica is currently under reconstruction, so some of the art pieces (for example Titian's Pesaro Madonna) are not visible to public. It's about a 10-minute walk away from Stazione di Venezia (railway station), but you can also get here by waterbuses 1 and 2, station S. Toma' DX.
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Venice: Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari: Exploratory Tour in 4k
Travel videos show exterior and interior of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari including detailed photos of monuments and pictorial works: World Heritage sites.
More videos of Venice, Vienna, Verona, Vicenza, and Romania are at
Video was taken in June 2018 with Sony A7Rmk3 with 24-105f4G.
Music: Scarlatti Sonatas in F Minor, K 183, 5:23, in F Minor, K. 368, 2:46, in F Sharp, K 318, 3:12
Santa Maria Zobenigo
Shorter version at
360 video: Church of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Venice, Italy
This absolutely splendid Basilica is a must-see when in Venice. It's one of the oldest and largest churches of this municipality, and contains priceless artworks from world-known artists.
It took over a hundred years to build this extraordinary church; the works were finished around the year 1440. Although the gothic exterior is rather plain, the interior makes up for it.
The only still-in-place rood screen in Venice found its place here. The church is also known for the artworks that can be viewed here: Donatello's first documented work in the city - figure of St. John the Baptist, Alessandro Vittoria's The Risen Christ and St. Jerome, works of Titian and much more.
The basilica is currently under reconstruction, so some of the art pieces (for example Titian's Pesaro Madonna) are not visible to public. It's about a 10-minute walk away from Stazione di Venezia (railway station), but you can also get here by waterbuses 1 and 2, station S. Toma' DX.
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360 video: Inside Church of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Venice, Italy
This absolutely splendid Basilica is a must-see when in Venice. It's one of the oldest and largest churches of this municipality, and contains priceless artworks from world-known artists.
It took over a hundred years to build this extraordinary church; the works were finished around the year 1440. Although the gothic exterior is rather plain, the interior makes up for it.
The only still-in-place rood screen in Venice found its place here. The church is also known for the artworks that can be viewed here: Donatello's first documented work in the city - figure of St. John the Baptist, Alessandro Vittoria's The Risen Christ and St. Jerome, works of Titian and much more.
The basilica is currently under reconstruction, so some of the art pieces (for example Titian's Pesaro Madonna) are not visible to public. It's about a 10-minute walk away from Stazione di Venezia (railway station), but you can also get here by waterbuses 1 and 2, station S. Toma' DX.
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Basilica Dei Frari – Assunta – Tiziano – Venezia – Audioguida – MyWoWo Travel App
La prima cosa che avrai notato al tuo ingresso nella chiesa dei Frari è sicuramente l’enorme quadro dell’Assunta sull’altare maggiore: alta più di sette metri, questa “pala”, com’è chiamato ogni dipinto destinato a dominare l’altare, fu iniziata da Tiziano nel 1516 e posta sull’altare il 18 maggio 1518, davvero un giorno memorabile. Non puoi sottrarti al fascino di questo capolavoro, che con i suoi colori rossi sembra accendere tutta la basilica.
Pensa che quando ottenne questo incarico, Tiziano aveva soltanto 26 anni! L’opera è un’esplosione di colore e di azione. Molti illustri personaggi che hanno visitato i Frari nel corso dei secoli si sono entusiasmati per questo dipinto. Lo scrittore tedesco Hermann Hesse lo ha addirittura definito “il quadro dei quadri”. Eppure, forse non ci crederai, gli stessi frati Francescani, sbalorditi dalla portata rivoluzionaria di quest’opera, stavano quasi per rifiutarla!
Anche se Tiziano crea un effetto dinamico che somiglia a un vortice, puoi facilmente notare che la scena è suddivisa in tre parti distinte: quella umana in basso, quella di intermediazione al centro e quella divina in alto. Nella parte inferiore ci sono gli Apostoli, che, invece di assistere composti, gesticolano animatamente, levando le braccia al cielo; al centro si trova la Vergine, che fa da tramite fra l’umano e il divino e sale al paradiso ruotando su sé stessa, sostenuta da una nuvola e circondata da uno stuolo di angioletti...
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Basilica Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari - Venice
The Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, usually just called the Frari, is a church located in the Campo dei Frari at the heart of the San Polo district of Venice, Italy. One of the most prominent churches in the city, it has the status of a minor basilica. The church is dedicated to the Assumption of Mary.
The imposing edifice is built of brick, and is one of the city's three notable churches still mostly retaining their Venetian Gothic appearance. In common with many Franciscan churches, the exterior is rather plain, even on the front facade. The interior is notable for a large number of very grand wall monuments to distinguished Venetians buried in the church, including a number of Doges and the painter Titian. Many of these are important works in the history of Venetian sculpture, and the many paintings include two large and important altarpieces by Titian, the Assumption of the Virgin on the high altar and the Pesaro Madonna. It also contains the only rood screen still in place in Venice.
In 1231, under Doge Jacopo Tiepolo, the city donated land at this site to establish a monastery and church belonging to the Franciscan Order of Friars Minor. This edifice proved too small and a three nave church was begun in 1250, and not completed until 1338. Work almost immediately began on its much larger replacement, the current church, which took over a century to build. The new church inverted the original orientation, thus placing the facade facing the plaza and small canal. The work was started under Jacopo Celega, but completed by his son Pier Paolo. The campanile, the second tallest in the city after that of San Marco, was completed in 1396. Under the patronage of Giovanni Corner, the Chapel of San Marco was added in 1420. In 1432-1434 the bishop Vicenza Pietro Miani built the chapel of San Pietro next to the bell-tower. The facade was not completed until 1440, with the cornice is surmounted by three statues (1516) by Lorenzo Bregno The main altar was consecrated in 1469. In 1478, the Pesaro family commissioned a chapel in the apse. On 27 May 1492, the church was consecrated with the name of Santa Maria Gloriosa.
Works of art:
- Assumption of the Virgin by Titian
- Titian, Pesaro Madonna on the north wall of the nave
- Antonio and Paolo Bregno, tomb of Doge Francesco Foscari in the chancel (attributed; may actually be by Niccolò di Giovanni Fiorentino)
- Lorenzo Bregno, tomb of Benedetto Pésaro above the sacristy door
- Girolamo Campagna, statuettes of St. Anthony of Padua and St. Agnes on the water stoups in the nave
- Marco Cozzi, choir stalls in ritual choir
- Donatello, figure of St. John the Baptist in the first south choir chapel, Donatello's first documented work in Venice
- Tullio Lombardo, tomb of Pietro Bernardo on the west wall (attributed; may actually be by Giovanni Buora)
- Antonio Rizzo, tomb of Doge Niccolò Tron in the chancel
- Jacopo Sansovino, damaged figure of St. John the Baptist on the font in the Corner Chapel
- Palma il Giovane, Martyrdom of St. Catherine from Alexandria / Martirio di santa Caterina d’Alessandria (1590-1595)
- Paolo Veneziano, Doge Francesco Dandolo and His Wife Presented to the Virgin by Ss. Francis and Elizabeth in the sacristy
- Alessandro Vittoria
- Giambattista Pittoni, Hagar in the desert, Oil on Canvas, sacristy
- Bartolomeo Bon's workshop, figures of the Virgin and St. Francis
- Alvise Vivarini, St. Ambrose and other Saints in the north transept chapel, his last work
- Bartolomeo Vivarini
St. Mark Enthroned in the Capella Corner in the north transept
Madonna and Child with Saints, altarpiece in the third south choir chapel
Salve Regina – Claudio Monteverdi - Horticus Musicus-Tallinn
Muslim in roman catholic Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari Venice, Italy
Tuesday, November 18th, 2014 @ 12 : 18
Soon, voices, which will promote paganism, will be heard in Houses, which honour Me, and they will desecrate My Altars. Voices, which come from the spirit of evil, will be seen as exciting interpretations of people’s aspirations who seek fulfilment in their lives. They will shout, praise false gods, destroy the souls of the vulnerable and blaspheme against Me. These are the souls who anger Me the most, because they are very convincing and cause great confusion. They will be like magnets as they draw many Christians away from Me.
Wtorek, 18 listopada 2014 godz. 12 : 18
Niedługo głosy propagujące pogaństwo zostaną usłyszane w Domach, które Mnie czczą, i zbezczeszczą one Moje Ołtarze. Głosy, które pochodzą od złego ducha, będą postrzegane jako ekscytujące interpretacje ludzkich tęsknot, które człowiek w swoim życiu usiłuje zrealizować. Będą oni wznosić głośne okrzyki, wielbić fałszywych bogów, niszczyć wrażliwe dusze i bluźnić przeciwko Mnie. To są dusze, które najbardziej Mnie gniewają, bo one są bardzo przekonywające i powodują wielkie zamieszanie. Będą one jak magnes, gdyż odciągną wielu chrześcijan z dala ode Mnie.
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Venice - Basílica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari
(where you can find all information, vídeos, pics, ...)
Veneza - Itália: 21 a 24 Outubro 2009
Basílica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari
Música: Instrumental
Toda a informação em
Venice Italy: 21 to 24 October 2009
Basílica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari
Music: Instrumental
For more information
Venice is considered the city of art, romance and prestige. The extraordinary architecture was built on an archipelago of small islands separated by a network of canals crossed by approximately 400 bridges, once wooden and then replaced by stone.
The Grand Canal is the main city artery. It is crossed by three bridges and has the shape of an upside down S dividing the city in two parts and in their turn divided into six sestieri (districts): Cannaregio, San Marco and Castello on the left side; Santa Croce, San Polo and Dorsoduro on the right side of the canal. Water transport undoubtedly prevails over land travel, with gondolas, ships, ferries, and yachts serving as taxis to transport people and goods. There are few main roads and several small calli (narrow streets) developed along canals, campi (squares adjacent to churches), bell towers and fondamenta (streets along the canals) where motor vehicles are not allowed. Refugees from Spina Adria and Aquileia after the invasion of the Huns in the 5th century AD founded Venice.
The Doge under the protection of the Byzantine Empire governed it by maritime tribunes and later. In the 9th century the city became a very important commercial port, connecting the eastern and western markets through the Adriatic Sea. Its commercial power soon resulted in military power. Within a few years, Venice dominated all the east Adriatic coast, reaching the East, colonising the territories and conquering important markets, competing with Genoa and with the other Maritime Republics to assert its power.
The Turks chased the Venetians from many eastern colonies. The repercussions of the French Revolution affected this perfect aristocratic government where commerce and military power supported each other. In 1797 Venice was weak and after the Campoformio treaty, it was subject to Austria and subsequently annexed by Italy. The Grand Canal, offers a quick view of the most beautiful palaces in Venice: the Academia, the Cà d'Oro, the Casino, the palace of the Biennial, the University, the Chiesa della Salute and the popular Rialto bridge, up to Piazza San Marco where the canal opens into a wide area.
The square is the heart of Venice and its symbol. It is an architectural jewel and one of the most beautiful squares in Italy; a miracle built in trachyte and Istrian stone. In the past, religious and civil ceremonies took place in this square and also the famous Carnival. At its end there is the Basilica and the Clock Tower. The coffee bars and restaurants surrounding it are pleasant meeting places. Glass blowing is particularly interesting and takes place in the Island of Murano with several workshops expert in blown glass and artistic crystal manufacture. The manufacture of the so-called murrine is particularly difficult and beautiful.
These are art decorations where coloured glass is blown and cut inside glass globes with expertise and extraordinary precision. The manufacture of lace is also extraordinary. Several workshops continue to manufacture Venetian mirrors, made with ancient techniques, with silver plates on glass, enriched by glass frames with elegant shapes.
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Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari - Venice (Italy)
The Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, usually called simply the Frari, is one of the largest churches in Venice and has the status of a minor basilica. It is in Campo dei Frari, in the heart of the San Polo district. The city is dedicated to the Assumption of Mary (Assunzione della Beata Virgine).
The Franciscans obtained land to erect a church in 1250, but the building was only completed in 1338. Almost immediately, work was undertaken to replace it with a larger one, the present church, which took almost a century to build and was completed in the middle of the 15th century. The steeple (finished in 1396) is 83 m high and is the second highest in the city after St. Mark's Basilica.
The imposing church was built in Italian Gothic style tile. As in many Venetian churches, the exterior is quite simple. The interior contains the only choir grid that continues in the original location in Venice; dates from 1475 and is carved. The choir dates from 1468 and features three levels of seats, carved with low-reliefs.
The Frari is a parish church of the Vicariate of San Polo-Santa Croce-Dorsoduro. The other churches of the parish are St. Barnaba, St. Ludovico Vescovo, Santa Maria del Soccorso and Santa Margherita.
Storia della Basilica dei Frari di Venezia a cura di Marisa Sottovia 24.02.2017
Places to see in ( Venice - Italy ) Basilica Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari
Places to see in ( Venice - Italy ) Basilica Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari
The Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, usually just called the Frari, is a church in Venice, northern Italy. One of the greatest churches in the city, it has the status of a minor basilica. It stands on the Campo dei Frari at the heart of the San Polo district. The church is dedicated to the Assumption (Italian: Assunzione della Beata Vergine).
The Franciscans were granted land to build a church in 1250, but the building was not completed until 1338. Work almost immediately began on its much larger replacement, the current church, which took over a century to build. The campanile, the second tallest in the city after that of San Marco, was completed in 1396.
The imposing edifice is built of brick, and is one of the city's three notable churches built in the Italian Gothic style. As with many Venetian churches, the exterior is rather plain. The interior contains the only rood screen still in place in Venice.
The Frari is a parish church of the Vicariate of San Polo-Santa Croce-Dorsoduro. The other churches of the parish are San Barnaba, San Ludovico Vescovo, Santa Maria del Soccorso and Santa Margherita. Titian, the most important member of the 16th-century Venetian school of painting, is interred in the Frari.
( Venice - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Venice . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Venice - Italy
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Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari
Venice 2014 | Part 6/6 | Packing, Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Private Gondola & Flight Home
Part 6 of our Venice trip. On our last day, we pack our suitcases and head off for one last look at Venice. We head into Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari which was a massive, but beautiful church. We then negotiated with a Gondolier to have a private Gondola ride to spend our last few Euro's.
Basilica Dei Frari – Interno – Venezia – Audioguida – MyWoWo Travel App
La basilica dei Frari è stata la prima chiesa di Venezia a prevedere un biglietto d’ingresso, e per questo è probabile che tu sia entrato dal fianco sinistro. In ogni caso, portati subito all’inizio della navata centrale, per farti un’idea d’insieme della struttura generale della chiesa.
La prima impressione che ne avrai è quella di una chiesa luminosa ma piuttosto severa. Le tre navate sono scandite da dodici colonne cilindriche alte e possenti, che sono un chiaro riferimento simbolico al numero degli Apostoli. I bordi delle arcate sono in cotto, e puoi apprezzare il piacevole contrasto con l’intonaco chiaro che dà una tonalità calda alla vastità dell’ambiente. Lo slancio verticale dell’architettura gotica è attenuato dalle travi di legno che collegano le arcate.
In fondo alla navata centrale avrai già notato l’elemento inconfondibile: il grande coro dei frati, cioè l’insieme dei sedili intagliati, inclusi nel grandioso recinto di pietra decorato da bassorilievi. Dall’apertura al centro, sopra l’altare maggiore, puoi ammirare la splendida pala dell’Assunta di Tiziano...
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Venezia Basilica Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari. Summer 2019