Prüm | Basilika | Geschichte | Rhein-Eifel.TV
- Geschichte der ehemaligen Abtei und der Basilika in Prüm. Die heutige Prümer Kirche ist der Nachfolgebau, der von den Trierer Erzbischöfen abgerissenen wegen ihrer prunkvollen Ausstattung sogenannten Goldenen Kirche. Die Abtei in Prüm war einst eine der wohlhabensten in ganz Deutschland.
Prüm | Stadt | Basilika | Rhein-Eifel.TV
- Das Stadtbild von Prüm in der Eifel wird von der großen Basilika Sankt Salvator und den ehemaligen Klostergebäuden dominiert. Rund um den Europaplatz herrscht reges Leben in der nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg zweimal wiederaufgebauten Stadt.
Der Karolingerweg, Hauptwanderweg (15) des Eifelvereins,
Der Karolingerweg, Hauptwanderweg (15) des Eifelvereins, verbindet die Mosel von Cochem aus durch das wildromantische Enderttal mit der zentralen Vulkaneifel, geht über Ulmen nach Daun zum Nerother Kopf, überquert in Mürlenbach das Kylltal und führt durch prächtige Wälder zu der berühmten Abteistadt Prüm. Benannt ist er nach dem Geschlecht der Karolinger, das durch Grundbesitz enge Beziehungen zur Südeifel hatte und dessen Familienkloster in Prüm lag. Das Grab Kaiser Lothars I. befindet sich in der Prümer Basilika St. Salvator, die Bertradaburg in Mürlenbach im Kylltal gilt nach örtlicher Überlieferung als Geburtsort Karls des Großen.
Die Gesamtstrecke von 85 km (Aufstieg 1809 m) ist in 4 Etappen aufgeteilt:
1. Etappe: Cochem - Ulmen (20,5 km)
2. Etappe: Ulmen-Daun (17,2 km)
3. Etappe: Daun-Mürlenbach (27 km)
4. Etappe: Mürlenbach-Prüm (18,5 km)
Umfangreiche Informationen zu den 4 Etappen einschließlich der GPS-Tracks findet man im EifelPfadFinder
Der Weg ist durchgehend mit einem „Schwarzen Winkel auf weißem Spiegel markiert.
Prüm 1988 Basilika Rundflug,
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Places to see in ( Duisburg - Germany ) Salvatorkirche
Places to see in ( Duisburg - Germany ) Salvatorkirche
The Salvatorkirche is the old city church in Duisburg and belongs to the Protestant church Alt-Duisburg. It was built in place of an older Pfalzkirche since the 14th century on the Duisburg Burgplatz . Together with the Willibrordi Cathedral in Wesel , the church is one of the most important late Gothic churches on the right bank of the Lower Rhine .
The foundation stone of the current church was probably built in 1316. The builder was the Teutonic Order , which emerges from some city accounts and from the notes of later chroniclers. The Coming Welheim of the Order had since 1254 the patronage rights over the church. Probably the construction of the church tower was started, financed mainly by the city's citizens. He also served as a watchtower for the city after its completion . After the installation of the choir and the Nebenchore take only in the second half of the 14th century the nave and the aislesShape. The completion of the church is dated to the year 1415.
The first Gothic tower was completed in 1367. The tower of the church was renewed four times. With its second eight-sided, pointed helmet and worn feet, which towered 106 meters high into the sky, the church was the tallest church in northwestern Germany . In 1467 the tower burnt down completely and was restored, slightly lower than before, from 1479 to 1513 under the direction of Johannes Haller. The spire burned down again in 1613 after the impact of lightning . In 1692 a baroque tower dome was erected by master Grevenbroek.
The Salvatorkirche goes back to a chapel made of wood of the royal court of Duisburg , first mentioned in 893. During excavations in the interior of the Salvator church, the wooden structure was archaeologically detected. Already at the beginning of the 9th century, Emperor Karl is said to have granted patronage to the monastery of St. Salvator in Herrieden an der Altmühl. A connection with the election of the patron saint of the Salvator church is then probable. But soon after, the patronage rights came into the possession of the Abbey Prüm in the Eifel.
In the 11th century, the chapel was replaced by a stone Pfalzkirche , this building was also archaeologically proven. But a hundred years later, this church had to be replaced by a new building. The result was a three-nave Romanesque basilica with a west tower. Foundations of this Romanesque building of the Staufer period could also be occupied by excavations, it was in the floor plan almost congruent with the Romanesque predecessor of the former collegiate and present Propsteikirche St. Gangolf in Heinsberg, In the 13th century settled in Duisburg the Teutonic Order. He acquired from the Abbey Prüm Duisburg Pfalzgebaude together with the basilica and established a branch there. The Order retained the patronage rights until 1533.
The Salvatorkirche is a Gothic basilica with a three-nave , five-bay nave . At the square Vierung join einjochige transepts . The two-chord choir has a polygonal 5/8 ending . The conclusion of the southern side chapel corresponds in its late Gothic form of the main choir. The tracery shows rich fish bubble jewelry . The masonry is made of light gray tufa . The church roof is covered with dark slate. The Strebewerk am Langhaus is a decoration of historicizing design at the beginning of the 20th century; it would not be necessary statically. Likewise, the brick gables of the transepts date from this period.
The tower had in the 14th and 15th centuries temporarily a height of 112 meters. It was first completed in 1367 and rests on four mighty pillars in the western part of the church. The west wall of the tower lower floor presents a considerable window to the Old Market. The current completion of the tower is an octogonal bell tower from 1903. The associated neo-Gothic spire was destroyed during World War II.
( Duisburg - Germany ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Duisburg. Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Duisburg - Germany
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Malschule Pruem Houba
vom sehen lernen
Portrait der Malschule Atelier in Prüm
Atelier für Alle
Vater unser in Himmelreich, BWV 737, J.S. Bach
Prüm, Sankt Salvatorbasilika, Klais-orgel (1973), III/p/43
Liebfrauen Kirche Duisburg und Salvatorkirche
Aufnahmen von der Liebfrauenkirche Direkt nach dem Krieg und heute! Sowie die Salvatorkirche auch! Dann noch Bilder vom Quirinus Münster in Neuss und dem Kölner Dom
Kölner Dom - Josefsglocke Turmaufnahme
Aufnahme: Salvator Glocke
Der Ton ist leider etwas unsychron.
Glocke 6
Schlagton: d`
Gießer: Hans A. Mark & Cornelia Mark-Maas
Gussjahr: 1998
Durchmesser: 146,8 cm
Gewicht: 2.110kg
Ein kleiner Beitrag zu meinem Besuch:
(Klöpellos- Kölner Dom)
Glocken der Altstädter Kirche
Hofgeismar, 21. 12. 2011: Glockenläuten der Altstädter Kirche - Die Glocken erklingen zu Weihnachten nicht öfter als sonst - auch wenn es so manchem so vorkommt.
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