Skyscraper 21 in Zlin, Czech Republic
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Elevator of the Bata skyscraper in Zlin
Paternoster continuous elevator of the Bata skyscraper in Zlin, Moravia, Czech Republic
quick ride in paternoster and in elevator Vytahy Ostrava@Tomas Bata Skycraper, Zlin, Czech republic
this paternoster serves 15 (!!!) floors - but we rode only 4 :( Ritchie dont liked it so we better ride elevators then...
(if no one filmed these paternosters - i gonna take some rides next year for sure)
(in some next video is large ride to the almost top (15th floor) - to the top (16th floor) goes only one -another- lift (theres restaurant and great view area)
in this building is also famous work place of Tomas Bata which is situated in elevator - unlikely i dont filmed it (its a part of museum and was closed)
more infos here
here is also video of that famous elevator
Life in Zlin, Czech Republic Europe
Zlin, Czech republic Europe
1.May 1934 Zlin Czech republic,BATA
1.May 1934 Zlin Czech republic,BATA
21 Zlín
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Zlin, Czech Rep Paternoster Elevator - Tomas Bata
Paternoster Elevator in the Bata Shoes HQ Museum. These used to be a fixture in the US but only a few remain in Europe. Similar to a Manlift. You just step in and go to the next floor. The building is restored and all floors are open to tourists. Amazing business and industry history found here
Pneu Baťa - reklama F.A.B. Zlín
Ilustrační snímek produkce ateliérů Baťa (F.A.B.) na Kudlově.
Baťův mrakodrap - 21. Budova | Zlín
Baťova budova číslo 21 byla dokončená roku 1938 dle projektu architekta V. Karfíka. Byla jednou z prvních výškových staveb v Evropě. Raritou, kterou jinde v Česku nespatříte, je výtah a zároveň kancelář šéfa firmy Baťa o rozměrech 6 x 6 m s umývadlem a klimatizací.
Skelet budovy postavilo 40 dělníků za 160 dnů. Budova, která má 17 pater je vysoká 77,5 metrů. Každé podlaží bylo velkoprostorovou kanceláří pro 200 lidí; obslužné prostory (výtahy, schodiště, WC, klimatizace) byly vyčleněny mimo hlavní prostor. Již v době postavení byla plně klimatizována a měla páternoster. Samozřejmostí byla potrubní pošta či podlahové zásuvky elektrického proudu. Po rekonstrukci zde nyní sídlí Krajský úřad a Finanční úřad.
Na střeše je kavárna a volně přístupná terasa s venkovním posezením, odkud je exkluzivní výhled na baťovské centrum města i továrnu.
Vzhledem k výšce stavby se jednalo o druhou nejvyšší budovu Evropy. Vyšší v té době byl již jen palác Všeobecné bankovní jednoty v Antverpách známý jako Boerentoren,[3] mající výšku 87 m. Nejvyšší budovou světa tehdy byla Empire State Building v New Yorku o výšce 381 m.
Celkové náklady na výstavbu tehdy činily 8 810 410,- Kč.
Celková zastavěná plocha budovou činí 1850 m2. Vlastní budova má délku 80 m a šířku 20 m. Podlaží mají celkovou plochu 30 000 m2, avšak vlastní užitná plocha činí 24 000 m2 Během výstavby objektu bylo použito:
• 5 000 t cementu
• 10 000 m3 štěrku
• 1 200 t oceli
• 28 000 m2 skla
• 15 000 000 l vody
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Walking Around Zlín -Promotional Video of Zlín-
This video try to show a beauty and interactive walk through Zlín.
All the sites visited in this video:
- TOMAS BATA MEMORIAL: nám. T. G. Masaryka 2570, 760 01 Zlín
- TOMAS BATA UNIVERSITY: nám. T. G. Masaryka 5555, 760 01 Zlín
- OLD TOMAS BATA FACTORY: nám. Práce 2523, 760 01 Zlín
- BATA SKYSCRAPER: tř. Tomáše Bati 21, 760 01 Zlín
- ZLÍN PARK: tř. Tomáše Bati 204, 760 01 Zlín
- SQUARE ( CHRISTMAS MARKET): nám. Míru 12, 760 01 Zlín
- GOLDEN APPLE: nám. Míru 174, 760 01 Zlín
???????? Czech Republic travel guide - Guía de República Checa
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The last stop of my trip to Czech Republic leads me to Zlin, a city that is worth visiting for its interesting history. In the early 20th century the city had only 3,000 inhabitants, but suffered a total transformation thanks to intervention of the industry businessman Tomas Bata. Bata did not limit himself to only set up his factories in Zlin, but he also created the whole city according to the needs of his industry. To do this, he designed all city buildings: factories, homes, leisure centres, offices, public buildings... all with the same red bricks, and under the same functionalist pattern, with the aim of providing an environment for their workers to integrate family life, work and leisure. Tomas Bata was a great philanthropist, and besides giving their employees excellent working conditions, also projected in the city wide avenues and gardens.
Undoubtedly, the most emblematic building of Zlin is the Bata skyscraper, a huge tower that hosted the headquarters of this industrial city, where is one of the amazing places I've ever seen: the office of Mr Bata. With its desk, its phone, and even a sink... shocking truth! This office is one of the most spectacular and interesting sites I've ever come across in my travelling life. Apparently, it is a normal office, but it also is an elevator that rises to the 10th floor. From here the boss organized all the activities of the company. That's right, in addition of a spacious office, it is an elevator that goes through all floors of the building, so that Mr Bata had access to all facilities without leaving its office: an office that reaches the top of the building and from where we have the best views of the city.
By the way... I have not said yet what were the industries of Mr. Bata about, right? Well, the answer lies in that building, number 14. I am convinced that very few of you will have heard of the city of Zlin, but if I tell you that I'm sure that all of you at some point in your life have worn something of this city on your feet, you are to agree with me!
That's right, here in Zlin shoes are produced. From this city is the famous Bata shoe brand, which today is sold in all countries of the world. That is! Thanks to a common and everyday object like a shoe they made an entire industrial and caused a social revolution in the region of Moravia. It is not surprising, therefore, to find here one of the most important museums of footwear in the world, with more than 4,000 pieces dating back from the 16th century to the present. You'll also find a fabulous collection of objects related with the manufacture of shoes throughout history. But my favourite part is devoted to the shoes from the world. To know how were the Eskimo boots or elegant pointe-toe shoes of the Persian region. And what about those impossible shoes of Japanese geishas!
Hammetschwand Lift runter / Hammetschwand elevator down
The Hammetschwand Lift is a exterior elevator. Its the highest exterior elevator of Europe. It is located in Switzerland.
From here you have a beautiful look of the Lake Lucerne.
SONY HC9 - Zlin
sony hc9 zlin
Trakční výtahy BV Brumovice @ Věžový dům ve Vyškově
Nové výtahy.Rychlé,pohodlné,spolehlivé.Toto jsou klasické výtahy.
Baťa's mobile office
The Mobile Office of Jan Antonin Baťa in the 21st administrative building - Baťa's Skyscraper in the moravian town, Zlín, Czech Republic.
Pojazdná kancelária J. A. Baťu v 21. správnej budove - Baťovom mrakodrape vo východomoravskom meste Zlín, Česko
13. budova svit / baťa, zlín _2
high ride to the top in Kone Polaris elevators@az tower, brno, czech republic
highest tower in czech republic. 28 floors + 2 more floors (without elevator)
big thanks to management for permission to ride here
Mobility in Zlin, Czech Republic
This is the first mobility called MAKING NEW OUT OF OLD within the Erasmus+ project Save the future not only today. The coutries involved are: Czech Republic, Turkey, Romania, Latvia and Bulgaria.
Baťa museum Zlín - CZ
Nově otevřené Baťovo museum ve Zlíně ukazuje návštěvníkům celou řadu zajímavostí.
Rozhodně stojí za zhlédnutí. The new Bata in Zlin museum shows visitors a variety of attractions . Definitely worth a visit.
hala cge! mag ala DEVI LOVOTO kang bata ka!