INT-HERIT Voxpop - Alba Iulia Citadel
The city of Alba Iulia is one of the most important urban centers of Romania, a place of monumental historical significance with monumental gems, such as the Apulum Roman camp, the Transilvania Princely Palace, the Catholic Cathedral, the Orthodox Cathedral, the Batthyaneum Library, the Museikon, the National Union Museums and the Union Hall in which the Romania Nation was declared.
The INT-HERIT network organized a meeting in Alba Iulia with the partner cities involved in the URBACT III Project in order to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of a cultural heritage strategy.
In this video, we can listen to the experiences of Carmen Preja (National Centre for Information and Tourism Promotion), Ciprian Dobra (Principia Museum) and Liviu Stanciu (ULG Member, Communication and PR Manager), talking about the importance of restoration and a marketing plan in order to increase the number of tourists and cash-flow in the city.
Find out more information about our project:
VIDEO Alba24: Vizita Biblioteca Batthyaneum Alba Iulia
Biblioteca Batthyaneum -2014
Alba Iulia Martorii Uniri 2009.flv
The main historical area of Alba Iulia is the upper city, developed extensively by Charles VI of the Holy Roman Empire, in honour of whom the Habsburgs renamed the city Karlsburg. The upper city's fortress, with seven bastions in a stellar shape, was constructed between 1716 and 1735 by Giovanni Morando Visconti, using the Vauban system—the largest of this kind in south-eastern Europe.
Inside the fortress is the Roman Catholic Cathedral (the most representative building for the Medieval Gothic style in Transylvania), the Batthyaneum library, the Roman Catholic Bishop's palace, the Orthodox Cathedral, Babylon Building (National Museum of Unification), Union Hall, Apor Palace, the Princely Palace, and the University of Alba Iulia.
Built in the 13th century, the Roman Catholic Cathedral is considered to be an important monument of early Transylvanian medieval architecture. The tomb of John Hunyadi is located here, as is that of the Polish-born Isabella Jagiełło, Queen of Hungary.
The Bathyaneum library is a late church, built in Baroque style. In 1780, Ignác Batthyány, bishop of Transylvania, adapted the inside of the establishment for its present use as a library. It is famous all over the world for its ample series of manuscripts, incunabula and rare books, such as Codex Aureus (9th century), also known as the Lorsch Gospel, containing the Gospel of Mark and Matthew, David's Psalms, Codex Burgundus (15th century), Biblia Sacra (13th century), the Pentateuch from Orăştie (1850), Şerban Cantacuzino's Bible, and the New Testament from Balgrad (1648). The first astronomical observatory in Transylvania was founded here in 1792.
Verbele mele preferate: A primi și a da, sau invers | Doina Hendre Biro | TEDxParculTineretului
Prefer să trec drept franțuzoaică la Alba Iulia decât româncă la Paris! Doina Hendre Biro has a doctorate in history at the Sorbonne. She was awarded the title and medal of the Order of Arts and Letters in Knighthood (Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres) for her efforts to promote French language and culture.
The Chevalier de l'ordinre des Arts et des Lettres medal awarded by the French state was one of many honors awarded to Mrs. Hendre Biro besides One of the 100 Romanian faces in the context of the centennial year of the Great Union (Una dintre cele 100 de Chipuri românești în contextul anului centenar al Marii Uniri).
Currently, he works at the Batthyaneum Library, a branch of BNaR, a scientific and cultural counselor at the Alba Iulia City Hall and a collaborating lecturer at the National Institute for Vocational Training in Culture, MCIN. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
Alba Iulia Intrarea Lui Mihai Viteazul In Cetate !
The main historical area of Alba Iulia is the upper city, developed extensively by Charles VI of the Holy Roman Empire. The Habsburgs renamed the city Karlsburg in honor of Charles. The upper city's fortress with seven bastions, in a stelar shape, was constructed between 17161735 by Giovanni Morando Visconti, using the Vauban system—the largest of this kind in South-eastern Europe.
Inside the fortress is the Roman Catholic Cathedral (the most representative building for the Medieval Gothic style in Transylvania), the Batthyaneum library, the Roman Catholic Bishop's palace, the Orthodox Cathedral, Babylon Building (National Museum of Unification), Union Hall, Apor Palace, the Princely Palace, and the University Of Alba Iulia.
Built in the 13th century, the Roman Catholic Cathedral is considered to be an important monument of early Transylvanian medieval architecture. The tomb of John Hunyadi is located in here, as is that of the Polish-born Isabella Jagiełło, Queen of Hungary.
The Bathyaneum library is a late church, built in Baroque style. In 1780, Ignatiu Bathyany, bishop of Transylvania, transform the inside of the establishment to fit for the present use, that of a library. It is famous all over the world for its ample series of manuscripts, incunabula and rare books, such as Codex Aureus (9th century), also known as the Lorsch Gospel, containing the Gospel of Mark and Matthew, David's Psalms, Codex Burgundus (15th century), Biblia Sacra (13th century) the Pentateuch from Orăştie (1850), Şerban Cantacuzino's Bible, and the New Testament from Balgrad (1648). The first astronomical observatory in Transylvania was founded there in 1792.Das Gebiet des heutigen Alba Iulia gehörte bis 107 n. Chr. zu Dakien, als dieses für 160 Jahre zur römischen Provinz wurde. Die römische Verwaltung errichtete das 'Castrum Apulum'. Während der römischen Periode erhielt die Siedlung den Namen Apulum und entwickelte sich zur Verwaltungszentrale der römischen Provinz Dakien.
Im Jahr 953 ließ sich der ungarische Stammesführer Zsombor auf den Namen Gyula (Julius) taufen. Der ungarische Name Gyulafehérvár leitet sich von ihm ab. Die kirchliche Organisation Siebenbürgens wurde im Jahr 1009 vollendet, als der Bischof von Ostia vom Papst beauftragt wurde, die Grenzen des Erzbistums Weißenburg (Gyulafehérvár) festzulegen. Der erste Bischof von Weißenburg war Buldus (1009-1046), gefolgt von Franco.
Im 12. Jahrhundert bekam die Stadt Weißenburg Privilegien von der ungarischen Krone. 1241 wurde die Stadt durch einen Tatareneinfall verwüstet. Für den Wiederaufbau schenkte Ladislaus IV., König von Ungarn, dem Domkapitel von Weißenburg das Salzbergwerk von Thorda (Thorenburg)
Nach der Besetzung von Buda durch Süleyman I. war die Stadt von 1451 bis 1690 Hauptstadt des östlichen Teils des Königreichs Ungarn.
Im deutschen Sprachgerauch hieß Karlsburg bis zu dem Ausbau der Festung unter dem Habsburger Karl VI. (Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reiches Deutscher Nation) Weißenburg.
Der Anschluss Siebenbürgens an Rumänien wurde am 1. Dezember 1918 in Alba Iulia proklamiert und durch den Friedensvertrag von Trianon bestätigt.
Im Jahr 1922 wurden Ferdinand I. und Maria von Rumänien in Alba Iulia als König und Königin des neuen Großrumänien gekrönt. Die orthodoxe Kathedrale wurde zu diesem Anlass erbaut.
Mannequin Challenge sau Imitația manechinelor la Biblioteca „Alba Iulia”
Biblioteca „Alba Iulia”, filială a Bibliotecii Municipale „B.P. Hasdeu”, este un loc de informare, educare, promovare, comunicare, dezvoltare și susținere multilaterală. Acest video reflectă într-un mod neobișnuit și amuzant activitatea bibliotecii. Biblioteca „Alba Iulia” este locul cel mai potrivit pentru a te relaxa sau a citi o carte.
Saptamana Usilor Deschise la Biblioteca Alba Iulia
Alba Iulia Intrarea Lui Mihai Viteazul In Cetate !
Alba Iulia Intrarea Lui Mihai Viteazul In Cetate !
The main historical area of Alba Iulia is the upper city, developed extensively by Charles VI of the Holy Roman Empire. The Habsburgs renamed the city Karlsburg in honor of Charles. The upper city's fortress with seven bastions, in a stelar shape, was constructed between 17161735 by Giovanni Morando Visconti, using the Vauban system—the largest of this kind in South-eastern Europe.
Inside the fortress is the Roman Catholic Cathedral (the most representative building for the Medieval Gothic style in Transylvania), the Batthyaneum library, the Roman Catholic Bishop's palace, the Orthodox Cathedral, Babylon Building (National Museum of Unification), Union Hall, Apor Palace, the Princely Palace, and the University Of Alba Iulia.
Built in the 13th century, the Roman Catholic Cathedral is considered to be an important monument of early Transylvanian medieval architecture. The tomb of John Hunyadi is located in here, as is that of the Polish-born Isabella Jagiełło, Queen of Hungary.
The Bathyaneum library is a late church, built in Baroque style. In 1780, Ignatiu Bathyany, bishop of Transylvania, transform the inside of the establishment to fit for the present use, that of a library. It is famous all over the world for its ample series of manuscripts, incunabula and rare books, such as Codex Aureus (9th century), also known as the Lorsch Gospel, containing the Gospel of Mark and Matthew, David's Psalms, Codex Burgundus (15th century), Biblia Sacra (13th century) the Pentateuch from Orăştie (1850), Şerban Cantacuzino's Bible, and the New Testament from Balgrad (1648). The first astronomical observatory in Transylvania was founded there in 1792.Das Gebiet des heutigen Alba Iulia gehörte bis 107 n. Chr. zu Dakien, als dieses für 160 Jahre zur römischen Provinz wurde. Die römische Verwaltung errichtete das 'Castrum Apulum'. Während der römischen Periode erhielt die Siedlung den Namen Apulum und entwickelte sich zur Verwaltungszentrale der römischen Provinz Dakien.
Im Jahr 953 ließ sich der ungarische Stammesführer Zsombor auf den Namen Gyula (Julius) taufen. Der ungarische Name Gyulafehérvár leitet sich von ihm ab. Die kirchliche Organisation Siebenbürgens wurde im Jahr 1009 vollendet, als der Bischof von Ostia vom Papst beauftragt wurde, die Grenzen des Erzbistums Weißenburg (Gyulafehérvár) festzulegen. Der erste Bischof von Weißenburg war Buldus (1009-1046), gefolgt von Franco.
Im 12. Jahrhundert bekam die Stadt Weißenburg Privilegien von der ungarischen Krone. 1241 wurde die Stadt durch einen Tatareneinfall verwüstet. Für den Wiederaufbau schenkte Ladislaus IV., König von Ungarn, dem Domkapitel von Weißenburg das Salzbergwerk von Thorda (Thorenburg)
Nach der Besetzung von Buda durch Süleyman I. war die Stadt von 1451 bis 1690 Hauptstadt des östlichen Teils des Königreichs Ungarn.
Im deutschen Sprachgerauch hieß Karlsburg bis zu dem Ausbau der Festung unter dem Habsburger Karl VI. (Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reiches Deutscher Nation) Weißenburg.
Der Anschluss Siebenbürgens an Rumänien wurde am 1. Dezember 1918 in Alba Iulia proklamiert und durch den Friedensvertrag von Trianon bestätigt.
Im Jahr 1922 wurden Ferdinand I. und Maria von Rumänien in Alba Iulia als König und Königin des neuen Großrumänien gekrönt. Die orthodoxe Kathedrale wurde zu diesem Anlass erbaut.
Filmari in Cetatea Alba Carolina - echipa BBC Wild C arpathia - 13 iunie 2017
Biblioteca și publicul tânăr
Dialog cu Claudia Șerbănuță, managerul Bibliotecii Naționale a României, Anca Râpeanu, managerul Bibliotecii Metropolitane București, Elena Pintilei, directorul Bibliotecii Naționale a Republicii Moldova și Vera Osoianu, director-adjunct de specialitate al Bibliotecii Naționale a Republicii Moldova. Moderator: Bogdan Ghiurco, bibliotecar, Biblioteca Județeană „Gh. Asachi” Iași.
Dialogul a avut loc în cadrul Festivalului „Teodorenii”, în data de 26 noiembrie 2015. Detalii despre Festival:
Organizator: Biblioteca Județeană „Gh. Asachi” Iași:
Partener: Asociația Naționmală a Bibliotecarilor Publici din România - Filiala Iași:
Ziua Naţională de Sensibilizare privind Bibliotecile
Locul desfășurării:
Sala de lectură a Academiei de Administrare Publică
Biblioteca centrală universitară din Cluj-Napoca, cele mai vintage branduri ale literaturii europe
Dacă am defini biblioteca un mall plin de cărţi, pentru a atrage puţin privirile şi în direcţia asta, Biblioteca centrală universitară din Cluj-Napoca s-ar putea mândri cu cele mai vintage branduri ale literaturii europene, Stiri, Antena 1, 16-01-2014
Ziua 24 biblioteci judetene - Deschiderea Bibliotecii Nationale a Romaniei
Ziua dedicată bibliotecilor judetene la deschiderea Bibliotecii Nationale a Romaniei
stire 24 02 2017 Ziua Bibliotecii Universitare, la Spiru Haret
Cu ocazia Zilei Bibliotecii Universitare, Facultatea de Ştinţe Economice din cadrul Universităţii „Spiru Haret”, filiala Câmpulung, a organizat un amplu eveniment. Lansările de carte, prezentarea istoriei cărţii şi câteva cuvântări ale unor invitaţi speciali au fost doar câteva dintre activităţile care s-au desfăşurat la această manifestare.
Biblioteca Teleki - Tirgu Mures