Batwa Trail in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park (Gorilla Highlands)
For more please see the Gorilla Highlands Video Map (
The Batwa of Mgahinga
To celebrate the building of the Gahinga Batwa Village, a film entitled The Batwa of Mgahinga has been launched. Video by Black Bean Productions
The Batwa Trail, Mgahinga, Uganda
The dense forests at the foot of the Virunga Volcanoes were home to the Batwa people: hunter-gatherers and fierce warriors who depended on the forest for shelter, food and medicine thanks to ancient knowledge passed down for generations. When Mgahinga Gorilla National Park was established, the Batwa were suddenly evicted from the forest and forced to abandon their low-impact, nomadic lifestyle. Now landless, they work when they can for local farmers, and the only time they are permitted to re-enter their cherished forest is as tour guides on the Batwa Trail, where they invite visitors to discover the magic of their old home.
During this moving tour, the Batwa demonstrate hunting techniques; gather honey; point out medicinal plants and demonstrate bamboo cups. Guests are finally invited to the sacred Ngarama Cave, once home to the Batwa King, where the women of the community perform a sorrowful song which echoes eerily around the depths of the dark cave, and leaves guests with a striking and moving sense of the richness of this fading culture.
Participatory 3D Modelling - Bwindi Impenetrable and Mgahinga Gorilla National Parks, Uganda
Uganda's first Participatory Three-Dimensional Modelling Project was organised in 2011 in Kisoro by the Batwa, former hunter-gatherers who were evicted from two national parks 20 years ago.
The project was prepared by the United Organisation for Batwa Development in Uganda, helped by ERMIS Africa and supported by the Arcus Foundation, Wood Tiger Fund, Forest Peoples Programme and Institute of Tropical Forest Conservation.
Exploring Kisoro's Batwa trail
The Batwa Trail in Mgahinga National Park in Kisoro District has proved to be one of the outstanding tourism products for Uganda expected to boost the volume of tourists destined in the country.
NTV reporter Ivan Kimuli Kigozi had a 4 hour excursion into the lives of the Batwa.
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Abenteuer: Gorilla Tracking im Mgahinga National Park (Uganda)
Der Mgahinga Gorilla Nationalpark im Südwesten von Uganda ist mit nur wenig mehr als 30 qkm auf einer Höhe zwischen 2 600 und 4 100 m der kleinste Nationalpark im Land.
Zur Zeit leben ungefähr 380 Exemplare im Nationalpark. Das Aufspüren und Beobachten dieser seltenen Lebewesen ist die Hauptattraktion des Parks. Man muss allerdings auch damit rechnen, dass die Gorillas den Park zeitweise verlassen und in den Kongo und nach Rwanda begeben. Diese kaum vorhersehbaren Wanderbewegungen machen es sehr schwer bis unmöglich, eine Vorhersage über die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Gorillasichtung abzugeben.
TIPP: Wer die Gorillas im Nationalpark besuchen möchte, sollte sich schon mehrere Monate im Vorhinein bei der Uganda Wildlife Authority in Kampala anmelden, denn die Anzahl von gleichzeitigen Besuchern im Park ist auf sechs Personen pro Tag begrenzt.
Zum Teil besteht der Nationalpark aus Bergwald, zum Teil herrscht Grasland vor. Verschiedene seltene Tierarten wie Goldene Meerkatzen, Waldelefanten, Büffel und Ducker kommen dort vor. Die spektakuläre Umgebung am Fuße der Vulkane, von denen der höchste 4 507 m erreicht, gehört zu den faszinierendsten ostafrikanischen Erlebnissen.
Abhängig von der Sicherheitslage im Land begleitet Sie ein Soldat der ugandischen Armee. Die im Mgahinga Gorilla Nationalpark habituierte Gorillagruppe wechselt ihren Standort häufig nach Ruanda und in die Demokratische Republik Kongo, sodass das Gorilla-Tracking hier bislang unkalkulierbar war.
Weiter Informationen gibt es hier:
Batwa Today in Echuya Forest (Gorilla Highlands)
For more please see the Gorilla Highlands Video Map (
Gorilla Tracking in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park (Gorilla Highlands)
For more please see the Gorilla Highlands Video Map (
The Batwa culture Trail, Mgahinga on www newuganda com
The Batwa culture Trail, Mgahinga national park
Uganda: Mgahinga National Park
Gorilla trekking in Mgahinga NP - Uganda - 27.10.16
Mgahinga National Park-Uganda
A short clip from my 3 day visit in Dec 2009.
Mgahinga Gorilla National Park (Gorilla Highlands)
For more please see the Gorilla Highlands Video Map (
The Batwa People Of Bwindi Impenetrable national Park commonly call LAND LORD of Bwindi NP
Bwindi Impenetrable National park is not only know for #Gorrila but forest men and Kjong Safaris introduces you to the Batwa community
The Batwa Trail Mgahinga June 7, 2011.mp4
The Batwa Trail was officially launched by the Uganda Wildlife Authority, Kisoro local government, and the United Organisation for Batwa Development in Uganda on June 7th, 2011. This is a little taste of that day's activities. The Batwa Trail is a complete cultural experience.
The Batwa Trail Mgahinga June 7, 2011.mp4
The Batwa Trail was officially launched by the Uganda Wildlife Authority, Kisoro local government, and the United Organisation for Batwa Development in Uganda on June 7th, 2011. This is a little taste of that day's trek.
Making Fire With the Batwa Pygmies in Uganda
The Batwa making fire with traditional ways in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park in Uganda. When they got the fire going, it started to pouring rain - you can hear it, too! BLOG POST:
Mgahinga Park Ranger, Uganda - YoG Interview
Filmed by Ian Redmond for Year of the Gorilla 2009.
The Batwa Trail in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park in Uganda is an 8 km trail that offers tourists a chance to experience the forest through the eyes of the First People, the Batwa of Uganda. And it allows the Batwa a chance to benefit from the forest that used to be their home, and pass cultural traditions from one generation to the next.
Batwa Experience in Uganda
The Batwa are one of the last groups of short-statured people also known as ‘pygmy’ people, and until Bwindi Rainforest was gazetted as a National Park they lived a hunter gather lifestyle in the forest. They are now some of the poorest people in the world with a high infant mortality rate and low life expectancy.
As the original dwellers of this ancient jungle, the Batwa were known as “The Keepers of the Forest.” The history of these small-statured people is long and rich. The Batwa survived by hunting small game using arrows or nets and gathering plants and fruit in the rain forest. They lived in huts constructed of leaves and branches, moving frequently in search of fresh supplies of food. The Batwa lived in harmony with the forest and its creatures, including the mountain gorillas, for millennia. Some anthropologists estimate that pygmy tribes such as the Batwa have existed in the equatorial forests of Africa for 60,000 years or more. The Batwa are found in Bwindi Impenetrable and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park.
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Mount Gahinga Lodge | Mgahinga National Park | Uganda