THE BAUHAUS UNIVERSITY VLOG | week in the life of a architecture freshman
I really haven't vlogged in a pretty long time so here is a look into the life of a first semester architecture student at the Bauhaus University in Weimar.
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Canon 7D with the Sigma 17-70 or Canon 50mm 1,8 STM lens, sometimes iPhone. I edit on a Mac using Final Cut Pro X.
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Studying at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Meet Anastasiia who participated at the Bauhaus Summer School and afterwards decided to study at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
We warmly thank Versilia for the music they contributed to this video.
Bauhaus Universität Weimar
Sie verkörpert die Zusammenführung von Kunst und Handwerk. Eine Idee, die mit der Bauhausbewegung entstand und bis heute in Weimar weiterlebt und sich ständig weiterentwickelt.
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar 360 Grad Rundgang
Der Name Bauhaus steht heute für Experimentierfreude, Offenheit, Kreativität, Nähe zur industriellen Praxis und Internationalität. Projektorientiertes Arbeiten in kleinen Gruppen mit engem Kontakt zu den Lehrkräften lässt Raum, Neues zu schaffen und sich selbst zu erproben. Entdecken Sie gemeinsam mit Jessica den Campus der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar auf einem 360°-Rundgang unter
Weimar for Bauhaus fans | DW English
2019 marks the 100th birthday of the Bauhaus in Weimar. Lukas Stege views the new Bauhaus museum's building site and traces its legacy in the city: where its architects studied, what they built and where they partied.
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Republic of Spirits - Bauhaus Fest of the Weimar Universities
The University of Music FRANZ LISZT and the Bauhaus University Weimar celebrate »100 Years of Bauhaus«!
The Bauhaus Festival on 12 April, 2019 was a symbiosis of art, architecture, media and music, stage and performance – all done in the spirit of the Bauhaus Festivals celebrated by students and Bauhaus masters in the 1920s.
The celebration included multimedia presentations by students, teachers, and members of both universities.
Production: Marius Böttcher
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#DailyDrone: Bauhaus University in Weimar
Our drone shows you the Bauhaus University in Weimar, Thuringia.
#DailyDrone is our daily bird's-eye view of Germany. Every day a different exciting location in the viewfinder of our drone camera.
Famous sights in Berlin, Cologne, Hamburg or Munich, castles and fortresses from across the country, loading containers in a major port, bringing in the harvest, a day at the regatta. #DailyDrone takes you on unique journeys to destinations all over Germany, in all weathers and seasons, 365 days a year.
EiABC / Bauhaus Universitat Weimar Project Collaborations - ECL
Update on the Collaboration:
IN3/TOT (Integrated Infrastructures & Terms of Towns) is an international research project implemented by EiABC Addis Ababa in collaboration with Bauhaus University Weimar. The duration of the project is 2017-2020 concentrating on the concept of Rural-Urban transformation for emerging new towns in Ethiopia. It is composed of teaching and research components, with a target to develop planning tools for resilient and sustainable towns in Ethiopia.
For further information please go to the following link, where we will constantly be uploading our developments:
Places to see in ( Weimar - Germany ) Bauhaus Universitat
Places to see in ( Weimar - Germany ) Bauhaus Universitat
The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is a university located in Weimar, Germany and specializes in the artistic and technical fields. Established in 1860 as the Great Ducal Saxon Art School, it gained collegiate status on 3 June 1910. In 1919 the school was renamed Bauhaus by its new director Walter Gropius and it received its present name in 1996. Approximately 4,000 students are enrolled at the university today. In 2010 the Bauhaus-Universität commemorated its 150th anniversary as an art school and college in Weimar.
In 2019 the university will be celebrating the centenary of the founding of the Bauhaus, together with partners all over the world. Weimar boasts a long tradition of art education and instruction in the areas of fine art, handicrafts, music and architecture. In 1776 the Weimar Princely Free Zeichenschule was established, but gradually lost significance after the Grand Ducal Saxon Art School was founded in 1860. The Free Zeichenschule was discontinued in 1930. In 1829 the architect Clemens Wenzeslaus Coudray established the Free School of Trades (which later became the Grand Ducal Saxon Architectural Trade School, or State School of Architecture), which operated in the evenings and Sundays and supplemented the courses at the Free Zeichenschule. In 1926, the school was incorporated into the Gotha School of Architecture.
The history of the Bauhaus-Universität goes back to 1860 when Grand Duke Carl Alexander (Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach) founded the Grand Ducal Saxon Art School. Although it became a public institution in 1902, its ties with the ducal house remained strong for years. Students were instructed in a variety of artistic subjects, including landscape, historical, portrait and animal painting, and sculpting. In 1905 the Art School merged with the Weimar Sculpture School, which, although integrated into the educational system in a “cooperative relationship between high and applied art”, was independently managed. The school was raised to college status in 1910 and was renamed the Grand Ducal Saxon College of Fine Arts. The development of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar was also strongly influenced by the Grand Ducal Saxon School of Arts and Crafts which trained artisans in the handicrafts between 1907 and 1915. Both schools issued certificates of participation and conferred diplomas.
( Weimar - Germany ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Weimar . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Weimar - Germany
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✨studying abroad✨ bauhaus uni 德国留学 germany
Hello friends, long time no see!
This is a video of my first week in Weimar, getting settled into the town before German classes begin and later the school semester. (In case you missed the last few videos, I'm on an exchange/studying abroad!) I fell in love with this adorable town the moment I arrived so I had to share it with you all as well!
Hope you enjoy♡
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Bauhaus-Universität Weimar - Graduierungsfeier 2016
Im Juli 2016 wurden die Absolventinnen und Absolventen der Fakultät Medien im Audimax der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar mit einer festlichen Graduierungsfeier verabschiedet. Auf die Begrüßung durch Dekan Prof. Dr. Volker Rodehorst folgten Laudatio und Zeugnisübergabe für die jeweiligen Studiengänge durch Dr. Andreas Jakoby, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Schabacher, Prof. Dr. Matthias Maier und Honorarprofessor Micky Remann, dessen Rede mit besonderem Applaus bedacht wurde.
The nhre interaction before Christmas
This is for interaction between 1st semester to 3rd semester nhre student in mensa
#DailyDrone: Bauhaus-Universität
Fliegen Sie mit unserer Drohne zur Bauhaus-Universität im thüringischen Weimar.
#DailyDrone ist der tägliche Blick auf Deutschland aus der Vogelperspektive. DW-Reise stellt jeden Tag einen anderen Ort in den Fokus.
Bekannte Sehenswürdigkeiten in Berlin, Köln und München, Schlösser und Burgen, aber auch die Verladung der Container im Hamburger Hafen, den Braunkohletagebau in der Lausitz oder die Regatta auf der Mecklenburgischen Seenplatte. #DailyDrone führt Euch quer durchs Land, jeden Tag, zu jeder Jahreszeit, 365 Mal im Jahr.
Campus Führung an der Bauhaus-Uni Weimar
Was kann ich eigentlich alles an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar studieren? Die 12. Klasse der Voltaire Schule Potsdam nahm an der Campus-Führung der Bauhaus-Universität teil und lernte die verschiedenen Fakultäten kennen.
Interdisziplinär Studieren... // Ästhetik der heilsamen Orte // Bauhaus-Universität Weimar 2019
28. September 2019: Ein großes Fest bildete den Abschluss des interdisziplinären Forschungsprojektes »Ästhetik der heilsamen Orte« unter der Leitung von Gabriel Dörner. 18 Monate lang hat einem Team aus Wissenschaftlern und Studierenden an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar den Zustand Thüringer Krankenhäuser analysiert. Gemeinsam wurden daraus Positionen zur ganzheitlichen Gestaltung von Gesundheitsarchitektur entwickelt, die im Rahmen einer 382-seitigen Buchpublikation präsentiert wurden.
Anlässlich der Buchveröffentlichung waren die Thüringer Gesundheitsministerin, Heike Werner (LINKE), Prof. Dr. Jutta Emes, Vizepräsidentin für Internationalisierung und Digitalisierung an der Bauhaus-Universität und weitere Ehrengäste anwesend. Nach Gesprächsrunde und Sektempfang wurde mit Livemusik und DJs über den Dächern der Stadt bis in die Nacht gefeiert.
Das Buch »Ästhetik der heilsamen Orte« kann beim Lucia-Verlag bestellt werden:
Projektleitung: Gabriel Dörner, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, 2019.
Video und Produktion:
Friedrich Gerlach
Musik: N.N.
Sprachenzentrum Bauhaus Weimar-Foto
Die Bauhaus-Universität Weimar,
Sprachenzentrum A1.1-A2.2
Lehrer:Hans-Jörg Röhrich
Lehrerin:Annekatrin Weiß
What is it like to study with us?
Mengqi from China talks about the intercultural and relaxed atmosphere at the Bauhaus Summer School and much, much more… Find out what inspired her and what it means to study at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar!
We warmly thank Versilia for the music they contributed to this video.
Sprachenzentrum Bauhaus Weimar-Wunsch
Die Bauhaus-Universität Weimar,
Sprachenzentrum A1.1-A2.2
Lehrer:Hans-Jörg Röhrich
Lehrerin:Annekatrin Weiß
Orientation Day: Official Welcome Ceremony & Welcome Party
Bauhaus Summer School - A Lifetime Experience
Get to know why participants decide to join the Bauhaus Summer School in Weimar, what they like most and why they will never forget this experience.
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