Rescued lions taken to bear farm in Hungary
Nine lions that were confiscated by Hungarian authorities from an illegal zoo near Budapest have been moved to a bear farm in Veresegyhaz.
The lions include two cubs, six-week-old Nara and Nolen, who were born at the illegal zoo.
Their parents were circus lions, travelling through Europe with a Romanian circus.
While they were performing in Hungary, the law on circus animals changed in Romania.
It meant the circus wasn't able to bring the lions home, so they were handed over to an illegal zoo in Hungary called Noel Farm.
The owner of Noel Farm, Attila Kolonits, insists no money changed hands.
He claims to be a campaigner for animal rights, and says he housed the lions in good conditions, but due to the lack of permits, they were confiscated by the Hungarian authorities.
After being turned down by twelve Hungarian zoos because of a lack of space, the lions finally found a permanent home in a legal bear farm in Veresegyhaz.
Kolonits oftens visits the farm to help take care of the cubs, feeding them milk and quality dog food.
He still expects a huge fine from Hungarian authorities for operating an illegal zoo, but he says he does not care too much.
I saved them and I feel relieved, he says.
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Bear Farm Medveotthon Veresegyház
Wolfs Führung
Wolves in the Hungarian Bear farm (Farkasok a Veresegyházi Medveparkban)
Medve@Veresegyház Medvefarm, Bear@Veresegyház Bear Farm (GCPD1)
Medve@Veresegyház Medvefarm, Bear@Veresegyház Bear Farm
Medveotthon / Bear Farm
Чудове місце для відпочинку з дитиною та всієї сімї. Контакт з дикими тваринами подарує масу позитивних емоцій, а також є де поїсти, придбати сувеніри і дитячий майданчик.
#Medveotthon, #bearfarm, #cutestbabies
Wolves at Medve Otthon
Medve Otthon started as a refuge for bears in Veresegyhaz, Hungary in 1998. By 2000, wolves were added and more varieties of animals have been added since. This enormous park allows the animals plenty of room to roam.
My related blog post is here:
My still photos are here:
Rescued lions taken to bear farm in Hungary
(29 Jul 2019) Nine lions that were confiscated by Hungarian authorities from an illegal zoo near Budapest have been moved to a bear farm in Veresegyhaz.
The lions include two cubs, six-week-old Nara and Nolen, who were born at the illegal zoo.
Their parents were circus lions, travelling through Europe with a Romanian circus.
While they were performing in Hungary, the law on circus animals changed in Romania.
It meant the circus wasn't able to bring the lions home, so they were handed over to an illegal zoo in Hungary called Noel Farm.
The owner of Noel Farm, Attila Kolonits, insists no money changed hands.
He claims to be a campaigner for animal rights, and says he housed the lions in good conditions, but due to the lack of permits, they were confiscated by the Hungarian authorities.
After being turned down by twelve Hungarian zoos because of a lack of space, the lions finally found a permanent home in a legal bear farm in Veresegyhaz.
Kolonits oftens visits the farm to help take care of the cubs, feeding them milk and quality dog food.
He still expects a huge fine from Hungarian authorities for operating an illegal zoo, but he says he does not care too much.
I saved them and I feel relieved, he says.
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VVTV - 2013. 04. 25.
Medvepark / Veresegyház, bear Park /
Medvepark / Veresegyház, bear Park /
Medve zuhany Veresegyház
Veresegyházi medveparkban a medvebocsok slaggal való zuhanyozása.
Veresegyház, Medve Otthon, 2017
Veresegyház, Medve Otthon és Élménypark, 2017
Hungarian Traveller - Bear refuge
The series introducing Hungary ( already Hungarian Traveller on a name ) I present the bear home near Veresegyház on some uptakes in his newest part.
Veresegyházi medveotthon
Mindez kicsit hoszabban ,Lilu a kölyökmedve etetése és játéka kutya pótmamájával, Igorral.Láthadod hogyan játszik a neki kiépített kalandpályán,és a film végén kiderül hogyan végződött a medve és a nyuszi története a valóságban. :) Az alábbi linken:
Veresegyházon 1998. november 24-én nyílt meg Közép-Európa egyetlen medvemenhelye. 3,5 hektárnyi egybefüggő kifutójában kedvére játszhat a több tucat medve. A parkban farkasok is vannak.
Két mesterséges tó van kialakítva a medvéknek, melyet rendszeresen utántöltenek. Ez biztosítja az ivóvizüket, és a tavakban telepített kárászok is élnek. Ezeket ugyan megfogni nem tudják a medvék, de jó időtöltés számukra a kergetőzés.
A természetes élőhely minél tökéletesebb reprodukálása érdekében 1,5 hektáros fenyves erdő biztosítja az elrejtőzést, és a fára mászás lehetőségét. A területen 8 darab szűk bejáratú, ámde öblös mesterséges barlang van elhelyezve. Egy-egy barlangban két-három medve is pihen.
A büfében az állatoknak csemegét (répát, mézet) is lehet vásárolni, a mézhez hosszú nyelű fakanalat biztosítanak ingyen (hozott mézhez is). A macik elképesztő ügyességgel nyalogatják le a finom mézet a hosszú fakanalakról.
Veresegyház - farkaskölykök
Veresegyház - Medvefarm - 2010. május, farkaskölykök
Close to brown bears - Bear center in Hungary (Behind the fence) Medveotthon
The Bear Park (Medveotthon) near Budapest, in Veresegyház, is a small kind of zoo, which mostly is about bears, but also hosts wolves and other animals.
What is the good about this Bear Park is the fact that the bears are not locked into a tiny area just for being watched like in the zoo, but it is a wide area with hills, trees, water and much more that they live in. For your entertainment and also to get the bears to the fence of their area, so that you can see them from close you can buy honey and get a wooden spoon with it which you can give the bears to lick. Of course this is a very popular scenery for an image.
The main attraction, the bear park itself, is like an island where you can walk around and see the other animals as well, it is guaranteed that you will see a bear because you can oversee the entire area.
VVTV Híradó - Mézes reggeli a veresi piacon
Sokan, sokféle mézet árulnak a veresegyházi piacon is, szerdánként és szombatonként.
Novemberben az 'Európai Mézes Reggeli' programhoz csatlakozva több termelő tartott standjánál kóstoltatást.
Veresegyház Medve park
Veresegyház Medve park
Traveller: Őrbottyán - Veresegyház
Őrbottyán nagyközség Pest megyében a Veresegyházi kistérségben. (Őrbottyán is a village in Pest county, Budapest metropolitan area, Hungary. It has a population of 6,494 (2007).)
Veresegyház város Pest megyében, a Veresegyházi kistérségben. (Veresegyház is a town in Pest county, Hungary.)