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In Viaggio con Te - Novara di Sicilia
Novara di Sicilia è uno splendido borgo situato in provincia di Messina, a cavallo tra i Monti Nebrodi e i Monti Peloritani.
Sebbene il nome possa trarre in inganno, questo paese non ha niente da condividere con la Novara situata in Piemonte. Il nome, difatti, ha subito diverse modifiche nell'arco della Storia: da Noa a Noalia, da Noalia a Nocaria e infine Novara :) Fu poi aggiunto di Sicilia per differenziarla dalla Novara del Nord Italia.
Da questo gustoso borgo si può ammirare uno splendido panorama sulle Eolie e su Capo Tindari da un lato, dall'altro una scorcio davvero interessante sulla Rocca Salvatesta (1340 mt.), la seconda montagna più alta dei Peloritani dopo la Montagna Grande (1378 mt.)
Per l'incredibile scenario in cui tale paese si trova incastonato, le piccole viuzze che si intrecciano l'una sull'altra, per non parlare dell'impianto medievale che si è riuscito a mantenere nel corso dei secoli, Novara di Sicilia rientra nella lista dei Borghi più belli d'Italia :)
... A te
???????? Italy: The Mafia and the Migrants | People and Power
More than 600,000 migrants have arrived by boat in southern Italy over the past four years - seeking sanctuary from war, persecution and extreme poverty across the Mediterranean.
At first, most Italians were as tolerant and patient with the new arrivals as any other European might have been - or at least gave shrugging acceptance to their country's place in the front line of the refugee crisis.
But frustration at the continuing (if not declining) influx, the heavy burden it's believed to have placed on the country's struggling economy and anger at other European nations for not doing more to help, has seen public attitudes harden significantly.
Italy's most demagogic politicians have taken full advantage. After inconclusive general elections in March 2018, there's now a new government in Rome - a coalition of the far-right Lega party and the populist Five Star Movement - which has made plain its determination to start closing the door on the country's uninvited guests.
Yet not everyone will be so eager to see the welcome mat removed, particularly those for whom the migrant flow has proved to be a hugely profitable enterprise.
On landing, arrivals are funnelled straight into a network of over 7,000 mostly privately-run emergency reception centres - some housing just a dozen people, some giving sanctuary to hundreds.
Large or small, these shelters are jointly funded by Italy and the European Union and operate under contracts issued by prefectures, the regional offices of the Italian Ministry of Interior.
So far so good, but as this episode of People & Power reveals, the sheer numbers of arriving migrants in recent years, compounded by inadequate monitoring of the way the centres are run, have left the system wide open to corruption and exploitation.
In fact, it's grown into a hugely profitable business worth over 4 billion euros ($4.6bn) a year, in which every migrant is valued at roughly 35 euros (roughly $40) a day. Such sums are a magnet for ruthless entrepreneurs and organised crime.
It's no wonder, as one Italian politician told producers Emanuele Piano and Allessando Righi, that to the Mafia, migrants are now worth more than narcotics.
In this disturbing film, we investigate claims that Italy's migrant reception network is being widely abused by those who see the helpless as little more than commodities.
Aerial Italy By Drone | Lake Orta | San Giulio | Best Of Italy in 4K
Lakes of Italy | Lago d'Orta | Orta Lake | Cinematic aerial footage filmed with with DJI Inspire2, Zenmuse X5 and Zenmuse X7 35mm cameras. Featuring the Orta Lake in the north of Italy in Autumn and Winter. The lake is west of Lake Maggiore.
It has been so named since the 16th century, but was previously called the Lago di San Giulio, after Saint Julius (4th century), the patron saint of the region. Its southern end is about 35 kilometres (22 miles) by rail, to the northwest of Novara on the main Turin-Milan line, while its north end is about 6 kilometres (4 miles) by rail south of the Gravellona-Toce railway station, halfway between Ornavasso and Omegna. Its scenery is characteristically Italian, while the San Giulio island has some very picturesque buildings, and takes its name from the local saint, who lived in the 4th century.
Located around the lake are Orta San Giulio, built on a peninsula projecting from the east shore of the lake, Omegna at its northern extremity, Pettenasco to the east, and Pella to the west.
It is supposed that the lake is the remnant of a much larger sheet of water by which originally the waters of the Toce flowed south towards Novara. As the glaciers retreated the waters flowing from them sank, and were gradually diverted into Lake Maggiore.
Il Lago d'Orta è il più occidentale dei grandi laghi delle Prealpi italiane, posizionato tra il bacino del Lago Maggiore ad est (dal quale è separato dal massiccio del Mottarone) e le montagne ad ovest (quali il Monte Croce) che lo separano dalla Valsesia. Il lago si è originato dal fronte meridionale del ghiacciaio del Sempione.
Al centro del lago è presente l'isola di San Giulio.
La presenza umana sul lago d'Orta risale al Neolitico, come testimoniano alcuni scavi archeologici condotti sull'isola di San Giulio che hanno portato alla luce frammenti ceramici ascrivibili alla cultura dei vasi a bocca quadrata.
Con l'arrivo dei Longobardi attorno all'anno 570, le terre dell'alto novarese furono inquadrate nel ducato di San Giulio, a capo del quale fu posto nel 575 il duca Mimulfo con l'incarico di difendere la zona dell'Ossola dai Franchi. Quando i Franchi] varcarono il Passo del Sempione, il re dei Longobardi Agilulfo fece decapitare Mimulfo. Nel 957 il castello dell'isola, in cui si era asserragliato Berengario d'Ivrea, venne assediato da Litolfo, figlio dell'imperatore Ottone I di Sassonia. Alla morte di Litolfo, Berengario riprese le ostilità costringendo lo stesso imperatore a calare in Italia; mentre Berengario si fortificava a San Leo nel ducato di Spoleto, sua moglie Willa, radunati tutti i suoi tesori, si rifugiò sull'isola di San Giulio, essendo queste le uniche fortezze del regno a poter resistere a lungo. L'assedio all'isola del 962 durò due mesi, dopodiché la regina si arrese. Ottone si impossessò del tesoro ma, ammirato dal coraggio della regina, le permise di raggiungere il marito. Durante l'assedio nacque sull'isola Guglielmo da Volpiano, futuro abate di Digione.
A partire dal 1926 il lago fu gravemente inquinato dagli scarichi di rame e solfato d'ammonio dell'industria tessile Bemberg, che produceva rayon con il processo cupro-ammoniacale[5]; in pochi anni il lago diventò invivibile per la maggior parte degli organismi pelagici e bentonici[6] ivi presenti.
L'evento del 1926 non fu l'unico, e l'inquinamento continuò negli anni successivi a causa del continuo processo di industrializzazione delle coste. Negli anni '60 i metalli scaricati dalle attività elettrogalvaniche (quali i sali di rame, cromo, nichel e zinco) aggravarono le condizioni del lago accentuando ulteriormente l'acidificazione dell'intera massa lacustre provocata dai processi di ossidazione biochimica dell'ammonio a nitrato. Con la chiusura degli scarichi venefici, dagli anni '80 iniziò un graduale miglioramento anche a seguito di interventi massivi di liming effettuato dall'Istituto per lo studio degli ecosistemi di Pallanza, e alla costruzione dei collettori fognari delle zone urbane limitrofe.
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Places to see in ( Varese - Italy )
Places to see in ( Varese - Italy )
Varese is a city in northern Italy known for its art-nouveau villas. Campo dei Fiori Regional Park is home to the 17th-century Sacro Monte di Varese complex. It includes the Via Sacra, an uphill path that passes 14 frescoed chapels on the way to a sanctuary. The baroque Estense Palace features landscaped gardens. West is Varese Lake, with a cycle path and Isolino Virginia, a small island with an archaeological park.
Varese is a city in Lombardy. Varese is a pleasant hillside town located a few kilometers from the Swiss border, with a strong tourist vocation developped at the beginning of the twentieth century. Varese offers a cozy city centre, stunning views of the namesake lake and the Alps and plenty of opportunity for outdoor and indoor activities. Not far away from Milan, Como, lake Maggiore and the major swiss cities such as Lugano, Locarno and Bellinzona, Varese is a perfect base for visiting other centres and sites in Northern Italy and Switzerland.
The area around the lake of Varese is pretty characteristic. It has a kind of flair and sense of history that tends to impress its visitors in a sense deeper than only from a touristic point of view. It has been appreciated for its beauty and uniqueness for ages. In 1817 Stendhal wrote himself about the region as an « ensemble magnifique; au coucher du soleil, nous apercevions sept lacs. Croyez-moi, mon ami, on peut courir la France et l'Allemagne sans avoir de ces sensations-là ».
Varese is small enough to get around on foot, and many of the streets are pedestrian-only. Nevertheless if you want to reach and visit towns and villages spread over the area, such as Sacro Monte and S. Ambrogio Olona, we would advise you to use the public transport network, that comprises several lines. Some are mostly within city limits (Urbani) and some are Extraurbani (crossing city limits).
Varese is small enough to get around on foot, and many of the streets are pedestrian-only. Nevertheless if you want to reach and visit towns and villages spread over the area, such as Sacro Monte and S. Ambrogio Olona, we would advise you to use the public transport network, that comprises several lines. Some are mostly within city limits (Urbani) and some are Extraurbani (crossing city limits). Villa e Parco Mirabello Tudor style villa inside a vast park dominating Mirabello hill; today the seat of the Archeological Museum.
Ville Ponti e Villa Panza In Biumo Superiore, in the noblest of the ancient Castellanze, there are Ville Ponti, a complex of two villas, Castello di Masnago e Parco Mantegazza XV century castle. Its most ancient part is the medieval tower belonging to defensive fortifications. Surrounded by a magnificent park, Villa e Parco Baragiola Built at the end of the XIX century, Villa e Parco Toeplitz Formerly built as a country house for Polish aristocrats, Palace Grand Hotel One of the most important exemples of Art Nouveau in Varese, built in 1913 by architect Sommaruga.
The Sacro Monte di Varese (literally ‘Sacred Mount of Varese’) is one of the nine sacri monti in the Italian regions of Lombardy and Piedmont which were inscribed on the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites in 2003. The devotional complex is located in Parco del Campo dei Fiori, a natural reserve 6km north of Varese. It consists of fourteen chapels that were constructed between 1604 and 1623. The devotional path ends at the shrine of Santa Maria del Monte, a XVI century complex whose origins go back to the V-VI century AD, as attested by the archaeological excavations in the crypt recently opened to the public.
The Lido of Schiranna is one of the most pleasant places of the lake, a few minutes from the city centre of Varese. The area has been re-evaluated and the park that you can cross is a quiet little oasis of green, with benches and shady trees, where you can safely read or sunbathe. Not far away there is a dining area with a large swimming pool for adults and children, just opposite the lake! The park is a moment of leisure and it's a really quiet and reserved place that allows you to disconnect from daily monotony.
( Varese - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Varese . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Varese - Italy
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Graduation Day 2016 - uniupo
3rd edition of the Graduation Day in Uniupo!!
It's my turn this year!!
Thanks a lot for sharing my joy for this step gain in my professional life!
Music: Hall of Fame - the Script ft.
Place: Novara
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Il tocco di Angel Parrucchieri & BarberShop Novara
Questo video presenta al pubblico la nostra realtà di salone d'acconciatura.
Nati il 1° Settembre del 2009 dopo anni di esperienza in questo settore.
Grazie a continui corsi di aggiornamento e prodotti di altissima qualità (esclusivamente Italiani) portiamo ad un altro livello l'esperienza che si vive all'interno del nostro Salone.
Gentilezza Cordialità e Qualità, sono i nostri alleati per dare Benessere a chiunque voglia farci visita.
Vi Aspettiamo! :)
Siamo a Novara, Piemonte, Italia in via F. Petrarca 12/a
info line 0321432959
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Video Maker: Marcello Rotondella
300 kmh on the Freccerosa
Frecce Rosa - Trenitalia- What 300 kmh feels like
Places to see in ( Rome - Italy ) Via del Corso
Places to see in ( Rome - Italy ) Via del Corso
The Via del Corso, is a main street in the historical centre of Rome. It is remarkable for being absolutely straight in an area characterized by narrow meandering alleys and small piazzas. Considered a wide street in ancient times, today the Corso is approximately 10 metres wide, and it only has room for two lanes of traffic and two narrow sidewalks. The northern portion of the street is a pedestrian area. The length of the street is roughly 1.5 kilometres.
The Corso runs in a generally north-south direction. To the north, it links the northern entrance gate to the city, the Porta del Popolo and its piazza, the Piazza del Popolo, to the heart of the city at the Piazza Venezia, at the base of the Capitoline Hill. At the Piazza del Popolo, Via del Corso is framed by two Baroque churches, Santa Maria dei Miracoli and Santa Maria in Montesanto, and along the street are the church of San Carlo al Corso, the church of San Giacomo in Augusta, the church of Gesù e Maria, the Piazza Colonna with the ancient column of Marcus Aurelius, the Galleria Alberto Sordi, the church of Santa Maria in Via Lata, the Oratory of Santissimo Crocifisso, the church of San Marcello al Corso and the Palazzo Doria Pamphili.
From the fifteenth century, the road served as the racetrack during the Roman Carnival for an annual running of riderless horses called the corsa dei barberi, which is the source for the name Via del Corso. Today, the Corso is a popular place for the passeggiata, the evening stroll for the populace to be seen and to see others. It is also an important shopping street for tourists and locals alike.
The history of Via del Corso began in 220 BC when Gaius Flaminius censor built a new road to link Rome with the Adriatic Sea in the north. The starting point of the road was Porta Fontinalis, a gate in the Servian city walls near present-day Piazza Venezia. In its first miles Via Flaminia cut through the plain between the Tiber and the eastern hills in a straight line. The Field of Mars, as it was called, was at the time used as a training ground and pasture. Numerous tombs must have lined the road similarly to the Appian Way.
The most important ancient monuments along Via Lata were Aurelian's Temple of the Sun, the Ara Pacis, the Ustrinum Domus Augustae, the Ara Providentiae and the Column of Marcus Aurelius. A densely populated residential quarter from the Hadrianic era was discovered on the right side of the road between Via delle Muratte and Via delle Convertite. With the building of the Aurelian Walls (AD 271-75) the whole area was incorporated into the city of Rome, and a new city gate (Porta Flaminia) was erected at present-day Piazza del Popolo where the road left the urban territory.
From the fifteenth century, the Via del Corso became a fashionable street for new or renovated churches and new palaces for the nobility. However, by the mid seventeenth century, the street remained a mixture of different scales and architectural styles, some unfashionable, a number of churches lacked facades and some buildings were a combination of structures from different periods or were simply incomplete.
The Corso was also tied to Alexander’s intentions to impress significant dignitaries paying official visits to the city. The Porta del Popolo was reworked and the Piazza del Popolo cleared. The two Baroque churches facing onto the Piazza marked perpectivised vistas along the Via del Babuino to the left, the Via di Ripetta to the right and at the centre, the straightened and regularized Via del Corso leading to the Piazza Venezia. This complex of streets is known as Tridente.
( Rome - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Rome . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Rome - Italy
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Saphir-Blading in Russia / Intercharm 2016 Moskau
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Top Speed - Europe's fastest train goes BOOM BOOM!
Frecciarossa 1000 Executive hits top speed - 316km/hr and blasts past station.
The distance between Milan to Rome - 579km was smashed in 2h 55min.
About Frecciarossa:
Trenitalia's high-speed trains are called Alta Velocità (AV), and are broken down into three categories: Frecciarossa (“Red Arrow”), Frecciargento (“Silver Arrow”), and Frecciabianca (“White Arrow”). Frecciarossa trains are the fastest of these, reaching speeds of up to 190 MPH (300 km/h).
Frecciarossa high-speed trains, operated by Trenitalia, travel at speeds up to 200 mph (400km/h) and offer maximum comfort, making trips between Italian cities as smooth and short as possible.
Frecciarossa trains make more than 120 daily connections* throughout Italy, from Turin and Milan in the north, to Salerno and Bari in the south.
There are 28 non-stop Frecciarossa trains between Milan and Rome each day, making the journey in just under 3 hours. Frecciarossa trains that stop en route in Bologna and Florence still make the trip in just over 3.5 hours. During peak travel times (8am-10am and 4pm-8pm), there are 12 trains leaving Milan for Rome and 13 leaving Rome for Milan.
There are 36 daily Frecciarossa trains between Milan and Naples, and that trip takes only just over 4 hours.
There are 10 daily Frecciarossa trains between Turin and Rome, with stops in Milan, Bologna, and Florence along the way.
Frecciarossa trains make the trip from Bologna to Florence 70 times daily in roughly 37 minutes.
This number is for weekdays; weekend and holiday schedules offer fewer connections.
For more info, please visit:
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VLOG: Una giornata in Duomo - SHOPPING MakeUp e Shooting Fotografico
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300 km/h by plane and train in Italy
Landing at Milano Malpensa by Wizzair Airbus A-321at 280 km/h, and then we travel on to Firenze by train, the Frecciabianca at similar speed!
PURE Cookie: Willow Into Mesopotamian Combo
Notes for rehearsal from 19 May, 2008:
First Half: The Willow
-Lines crossing with L-Arms
(3 full times, forming single line on 4th)
-Prayer Hands grow, arms form branches
-Swaying in the breeze (8 counts each side)
-3/4 Flamenco Turn followed by Nile Hands from sky to ground
Second Half: Mesopotamian Combo
-Two reverse undulations, in place
-Persian Arms with level change (down)
-Slowly rise into Turkish backbend continuing Persian Arms
We haven't quite figured out the next transition, but going directly into the Flowers by the Sea bellynesian combo is a strong possibility.
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He can dance!