Beget - Girona - Catalonia - Spain
4k video shot by a walktuber with a cell phone on a DJI OSMO MOBILE 2 stabilizer. Buy it from AMAZON and get that cinematic effect on your videos.
Beget in Girona Catalunya is a mountain town and a medieval town. One of the most beautiful towns in Gerona Catalonia. One of the most beautiful city walks you can take there. We'll take a walking tour 4k.
On this vacation in Spain 2019 ( España 2019 ) I recorded several 4k walks. Beget was a great 4k walking destination. This travel channel features several walking tours. They are 4k documentary videos ( documental ), that are reality tv and of course, slow tv.
Watch this virtual tour, let's virtual walk together in Beget. Watch Spain 4k ( España 4k ).
Beget es uno de los pueblos más lindos de Cataluña España
Beget se trouve à Catalogne, Espagne.
Like me on Facebook: @4Kwalk
Instagram: @4kwalk
#beget #cataluña #spain #españa #catalunya #catalonia #catalogne #espagne #4kwalk #walktuber #slowtv #walk #travel #realitytv #walkingtour
Beget - Catalunya - Ripollès - Pirineus - Pyrénées - Patrimoni Romànic- Romanesque Art
Imatges de la vila de Beget. (Girona) En aquesta població hi destaca la presència de l'esglèsia de Sant Cristòfol d'estil romànic.
Beget village images (Catalonia). You will find Sant Cristòfol churc, an example of Romanic style.
When you grab the motorbike, and you are on the road, it's time to enjoy; it's time to travel and discover beautiful places and hidden gems in the corners of Catalonia.
That's what happened in this daily vlog, traveling some kilometers deep inside Spain, I found a lovely village called Beget where we can enjoy fresh views and autumn time.
Music by DJ Quads:
Do you want to learn more about Catalonia? Check these other videos:
Banyoles, a guided Tour through the Old Town, Catalonia - Spain 4K Travel Channel
Banyoles is always worth a visit. The reason for this is not only the lake, but also because of the wonderful old town from the 14th century and the surroundings. The Catalan city of Banyoles is the capital of the district of Pla de l'Estany in the province of Girona. From here you can reach Girona or the beaches of the Costa Brava in just 25 minutes. Up to the mountains you only need 50 minutes. East of Banyoles is the Nature Park Volcanic Zone of Garrotxa (Parc Natural de la Zona volcanica de la Garrotxa).
Banyoles is the ideal location for holidaymakers who are looking for diversity.
In 711, the Moors conquered the area from the Visigoths and many of the residents were forced to flee. 25 years later the country was reconquered and divided into several counties under the rule of the King of the Franks. The counties became increasingly more powerful and independent, especially Barcelona. In 812, the King of the Franks, Louis the Pious, gave the area, where today's city of Banyoles was founded, to the Benedictines under Abbot Bonitus (Bonito) and granted immunity. In 822, after the experience with the Moors, the Sant Esteve Monastery was built as a fort.
The residents who have fled came back and settled around the monastery. They had to pay taxes and in return they received protection from the nobles and spiritual support by the clergy. In the 9th century they built a church, which was destroyed by an earthquake.
Over the centuries, Banyoles was repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt, and so today we find a mixture of styles, the products of the different construction periods.
Already the 9th century, the Benedictine monks of the cloister started with the construction of channels to the water supply. Today, the network of channels has a total length of 33 kilometers. A large part has been laid underground in the 20th century.
Banyoles experiences a new boom with the 1992 Olympics. According to a study of the University of Oviedo from 2011, Banyoles is the best city to live in Catalonia. In overall Spain, Banyoles ranks place seven. In this study, aspects such as cost of living, social services, housing, transport, environment, employment, health, culture, leisure, education and security were taken into account.
please read more:
Banyoles ist nicht nur wegen des Sees, sondern auch wegen der wunderbaren Altstadt aus dem 14. Jahrhundert einen Besuch wert.
Die katalanische Stadt Banyoles ist die Hauptstadt des Kreises Pla de l’Estany in der Provinz Girona. In nur 25 Minuten erreicht man von hier aus in Girona oder die Strände der Costa Brava. Bis zu den Bergen sind es nur 50 Minuten. Östlich von Banyoles liegt der Naturschutzpark Vulkane der Garrotxa (Parc Natural de la Zona Volcànica de la Garrotxa).
Banyoles ist der ideale Ausgangspunkt für Urlauber, die die Vielfalt suchen.
Im Jahre 711 eroberten die Mauren das Gebiet von den Westgoten und viele der Bewohner mussten fliehen. 25 Jahre später wurde das Land zurückerobert und in mehrere Grafschaften aufgeteilt, die dem Frankenkönig unterstanden. Diese wurden zunehmend mächtiger und unabhängiger, vor allem Barcelona. Im Jahre 812 überschrieb der Frankenkönig Ludwig der Fromme den Benediktinern unter Abt Bonitus (Bonito) das Gebiet auf dem die heutige Stadt Banyoles steht und gewährte ihnen gleichzeitig Immunität. Nach der Erfahrung mit den Mauren wurde im Jahre 822 das Kloster Sant Esteve de Banyoles wie ein Fort gebaut.
Die geflüchteten Bewohner kamen zurück und siedelten sich um das Kloster an. Sie mussten Steuern zahlen und erhielten im Gegenzug von den Adeligen Schutz und vom Klerus geistlichen Beistand. Im 9ten Jahrhundert erbaute man eine Kirche, die aber durch ein Erdbeben zerstört wurde.
Im Laufe der Jahrhunderte wurde Banyoles mehrfach zerstört und wieder aufgebaut und so findet man heute eine Mischung aus verschiedenen Stilen, die Produkte der verschiedenen Bauzeiten.
Im 9ten Jahrhundert begannen die Benediktinermönche des Klosters bereits mit dem Bau von Kanälen zur Wasserversorgung. Heute ist das Netzwerk von Kanälen 33 Kilometer lang und wurde im 20ten Jahrhundert größtenteils in den Untergrund verlegt.
Seit der Olympiade 1992 erlebt Banyoles eine neue Blüte. Laut einer Studie der Universität von Oviedo aus dem Jahr 2011 ist Banyoles die Stadt in Katalonien, wo man am besten leben kann. Spanien weit rangiert Banyoles an siebenter Stelle. In dieser Studie wurden Aspekte wie Lebenshaltungskosten, soziale Dienste, Wohnen, Verkehr, Umwelt, Arbeitsmarkt, Gesundheit, Kultur, Freizeit, Bildung und Sicherheit berücksichtigt.
Weitere Infos im Reisevideoblock:
Medieval Villages in Eastern Spain 2017
Description: Travel to the medieval villages of Beget, Loare Castle, birthplace of Francisco Goyo, Fuendetodos, Besalu, and mountainous village of Alquesar.
Castellfollit De La Roca - The Hanging Town
Castellfollit de la Roca is one of the most picturesque villages in the autonomous community of Catalonia, in Spain. The village is situated on a narrow strip of basalt rock, barely two houses wide at places, that rises to a height of 50 meters and stretches for a kilometer. This small urban area is bordered by the confluence of the Fluvià and Toronell rivers, between which the town's spectacular basalt cliff rises. With an area of less than 1 square km, Castellfollit de la Roca is one of the smallest villages in Spain. The sight of the church and the houses high on the edge of the basalt precipice has become one of the most photographed and the most popular image of this region.
【4K】WALK PIRINEOS: CAMPRODON Cataluña SPAIN walking tour 4k
4k video shot by a walktuber with a cell phone on a DJI OSMO MOBILE 2 stabilizer. Buy it from AMAZON and get that cinematic effect on your videos.
【4K】WALK PIRINEOS: CAMPRODON Catalonia Spain walking tour 4k
A walk in a medieval town and mountain town in the Pyrenees. In the province of Girona Catalonia ( Catalunya Espanya or Catalogne Espagne ). Girona Spain and this particular town are ideal for vacation. This is Spain 4k. It is the last 4k walk in the series of Spain 2019. You can watch all other 4k walks on this travel channel. Recording 4k walking of city walks is slow tv and reality tv. These are 4k documentary videos of my walking tours. You can virtual walk with me watching this virtual tour. Enjoy Girona Catalunya, Girona España !!
Esto es España 2019, España 4k.
Like me on Facebook: @4Kwalk
Instagram: @4kwalk
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Places to see in ( Girona - Spain ) Village Medieval de Pals
Places to see in ( Girona - Spain ) Village Medieval de Pals
Pals is a medieval town in Catalonia, northern Spain a few kilometres from the sea in the heart of the Bay of Emporda on the Costa Brava. It lies on the C31 Palafrugell-L'Estartit road.
Pals has a historic centre on a hill surrounded by plains with a medieval Romanesque tower built between the 11th and 13th centuries, known as the Torre de les Hores (Tower of the Hours). A clock tower, it is 15 metres (49 ft) high.
The Gothic Quarter of the town has been substantially restored and there are cobbled streets interrupted by semicircular arches, façades with pointed arched windows and stone balconies. The town wall contains four square towers which date from the 4th century. The Josep Pla viewpoint (from which can be seen the fields of Empordà and the Medes Islands), the Plaça Major, the tombs in the Carrer Major and the Romanesque church of Sant Pere are other features of the town. There is an archaeology museum.
On the edge of the main town is Masos de Pals, which has a thriving urban centre and is popular as a location for holiday homes. Platja de Pals (Pals' Beach) is also a popular holiday location.
( Girona - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Girona . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Girona - Spain
Join us for more
BEGET Alta Garrotxa Pirineos
Subtiltles in English and Français.
Beget es un pueblecito de la Alta Garrotxa, muy cerca de Camprodón, en la provincia de Gerona en Cataluña, España. La distancia de Camprodón a Beget es de 19 Kilómetros, unos 20 minutos de carretera de curvas. Estamos hablando de uno de los pueblos más bonitos de España y podemos decir de uno de los más bonitos del mundo entero. Considerado de Bien de Interés Cultural y Patrimonio Historico de España.
más información en la Web:
El antiguo pueblo medieval de Beget está documentado desde el año 959. Ubicado en la cabecera del Río Llierca, entre la confluencia de las aguas cristalinas de Rocabruna y els Trulls. El pueblo desde la antigüedad va haciéndose grande por ser nucleo de las masías dispersas en la zona pero lo que hace famoso a Beget es la Iglesia de San Cristóbal documentada desde 979 y de orden Benedictina, por su torre del Reloj de cuatro pisos 22 Metros, sus puentes medievales del Siglo XIV, sus aguas cristalinas, sus calles empedradas y como no el Cristo Majestad presidiendo el retablo de la Iglesia Románica de San Cristobal de Beget, con una increíble historia que podeis conocer en la web.
Más info de la Iglesia de Beget:
Muy cerca de Beget está el pueblo de Camprodón podeis ver el video en:
y tambien teneis información en la web
0:01 Intro Beget Alta Garrotxa Pirineos
0:35 Presentación Beget
0:56 Puentes medievales
1:20 Casas del pueblo
1:40 Callecitas
1:50 Vistas al pueblo
2:01 Alrededores
2:11 Iglesia Románica de San Cristobal de Beget
2:31 Vistas sobre el río y paisaje
2:48 Calles empedradas
2:56 Creditos finales Beget Alta Garrotxa Pirineos
Música.- Viichita Cuerdas en Sol m
Compositor.- Javier Cubedo
Самые красивые города Каталонии / The most beautiful cities in Catalonia
Pueblos con encanto de Catalunya
Lugares y pueblos bellos de Catalunya.
La selección de los lugares y pueblos más pintorescos de Catalunya se está realizando en función de su legado artístico y monumental, típicas calles, lugar pintoresco, y su relación con los paisajes naturales.
Visite :
Pueblos bellos, bonitos, Típicos, pintorescos y con encanto:
Barcelona: Tavertet, Sitges, Cardona, Rupit
Castellar de N´hug.
Girona: Begur, Beget, Besalu, Tossa de Mar, Peratallada, Camprodón, Calella de Palafrugel. Monells, Pals, Castellfollit de la roca. Santa pau, Empuriabrava, Bagá, Hostales d´en bas
LLeida: Guimera, Tahüll, Boi, Vielha ,Arties.
Tarragona: Montblanc, Miravet, Siurana, Balaguer,
Horta de Sant Joan.
Pueblos bonitos y con encanto de Barcelona y Gerona lerida tarragona (España)
Beautiful villages of Catalonia (Spain)
Les plus villages d´Catalogne (Espagne)
Schöne Dörfer von Katalonien (spanien)
Belas aldeias da Catalunha, (Espanha)
Bei villaggi di Catalogna, barcellona (Spagna)
【4K】WALK BESALU Girona Cataluña Spain WALKING TOUR slow tv
4k video shot by a walktuber with a cell phone on a DJI OSMO MOBILE 2 stabilizer. Buy it from AMAZON and get that cinematic effect on your videos.
【4K】WALK BESALU Girona Cataluña Spain WALKING TOUR slow tv
Besalú is a beautiful city in Catalonia Spain. It is in the province of Girona Spain or Girona Catalunya. Besalu Spain in Gerona is perfect for 4k walking. It was one of my favorite 4k walks ( city walks ) in Girona España this year. It is my trip to Spain 2019 ( España 2019 ).
This travel channel features several walking tours that are 4k documentary videos ( documental ). They are slow tv. So let's go hiking, take this virtual tour with me as I virtual walk in Besalu Cataluña. 4k walk Spain with my channel. Spain 4k, España 4k is waiting.
Besalu c'est Catalogne, Espagne.
Like me on Facebook: @4Kwalk
Instagram: @4kwalk
#besalu #girona #cataluña #gerona #catalonia #catalunya #spain #españa #espagne #catalogne #4kwalk #walktuber #slowtv #travel #walk
צפון ספרד - North Spain
North Spain
צפון ספרד והפירנאים נופים מהממים חובה לראות
Olot - Gerona - Cataluña
Olot ciudad de volcanes durmientes. Cataluña - España. Música : Eric Estudio Chinchan . Fotos : Carlos Acosta
Lago di Banyoles Girona
Lago de Banyoles Girona Catalunya
Moli del Caso, Baga, Catalonia, Spain - Unravel Travel TV
Moli del Caso is an ancient mill that has been converted into a modern rural house. The 19th century building has been transformed into a 21st century accommodation. Natural materials with a minimum environmental impact have been used for the renovation. Hot water and heating are provided by solar energy and electricity is produced by a mini hydro electrical system. The herbarium and a kitchen garden are cultivated using compost.
Gastronomic workshops are organised on demand. The serve fresh products from the garden, aromatic herbs and eatable flowers as well as olive oil and local cheese tasting.
Barrio Terradellas 10, 08696 Baga, Catalonia, Spain
Tel +34 938 244074
Moli del Caso
Live broadcast Unravel Travel TV
Unravel Travel TV Twitter
Unravel Travel TV on You Tube
Unravel Travel TV
Camprodon - Girona - Catalonia - Spain
Peratallada Girona Cataluña España - mayo 2016 HD
Peratallada, es una localidad española de la provincia de Gerona en la comunidad autónoma de Cataluña perteneciente al municipio de Forallac, Bajo Ampurdán. Fue declarado Conjunto Histórico-Artístico por ser uno de los núcleos de arquitectura medieval más importantes y mejor conservados de Cataluña.
Visita guiada a Beget
La visita guiada a Beget, ens descobrirà un dels pobles més emblemàtics de la Vall de Camprodon. Declarat bé cultural d'interès nacional, guarda dins la seva església, la Majestat de Beget, considerada una de les obres cabdals de l'escultura romànica catalana i conserva els seus carrers històrics, els quals ens expliquen la vida del poble des de fa 800 anys.
Més informació i reserves a: o als telèfons 607 786 330 i 628 434 643.
Agraïments: Quim Argemí
【4K】WALK BANYOLES Girona Catalunya SPAIN 2019 walking tour
4k video shot by a walktuber with a cell phone on a DJI OSMO MOBILE 2 stabilizer. Buy it from AMAZON and get that cinematic effect on your videos.
【4K】WALK BANYOLES Girona Catalunya SPAIN 2019 walking tour
Banyoles (Bañolas in Spanish), is a city on a lake in the province of Gerona, Cataluña. I visited Girona Spain on vacation and I recorded several 4k walks to share with you on this travel channel. This is a lake perfect for hiking, and you can take a virtual tour with me.
Esto es España 2019, España 4k documental para disfrutar! Voilà Catalogne, Espagne !!
If you enjoy 4k walking videos, this is your channel. This is slow tv and reality tv. You will find several city walks and some nature walks. Virtual walk with me! Watch Girona España! Let's 4k walk Spain!
This is a 4k documentary taken in Europe 2019.
Like me on Facebook: @4Kwalk
Instagram: @4kwalk
#banyoles #bañolas #girona #gerona #spain #españa # espagne #catalonia #catalunya #cataluña #4kwalk #walktuber #slowtv #travel #travelchannel