Fleur - Beit Grand Jewish Cultural Center, Odessa, Ukraine 31-03-2012.ts
Cardiowave (Ukraine)
Last Show In The Spring Tour 2012
Clowns at Odessa Jewish Center
Clowns performing at a JFS back-to-school event in Beit Grand, the JCC in Odessa, Ukraine
Funky Hanuka 2012 Video Report
Annual 5 an International Street Dance Festival
Funky Hanuka
Ukraine Odessa
Video editors: Strazov Production
Special thanks for support: Untoppabullz Crew Israel / Ruffneck Attack / South Front / Fast Bodies / Super Ed / HBTC / Senzala de Capoeira / Rockin chicks / Soul power /
/ Dj Kirumba / Dj Blush / Super Ed /
Organizers: Beit Grand Jewish Culture Centre Odessa / Life Style Public Organization / Quick Spins Crew.
Partners: Adidas / ProDJ / Red Bull
Purim. JEWISH MAFIA. Odessa, Ukraine
Jewish Community of Zaporozhye-City, Ukraine
False TV reports the Kremlin Russian Media Invents Odessa Jewish threats to the Jewish community
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news today Donetsk Ukraine Lugansk Mariupol Slovyansk weeks lead south east junta Russia 1
Jews at the train station in Kiev,Ukraine 2011 June. Евреи на вокзале Киева.
Jews at the train station in Kiev, Ukraine. Later that night they were on a train bound for Nikoleav, Ukraine.
That morning they booked rooms at the Nikoleav Hotel in the center in Nikoleav, Ukraine.
Beit Grand vs Bang Bang Sistaz part 3
Metro Date Jewish Dating and Singles
- A free review of Metro Date Jewish dating and singles section and a look inside the member's area
(Musopis) - Odessa La Yiddish
(Музопис) Odessa La Yiddish - A Film By Vincent Moon
with Iosif Jerebker/ Иосиф ЖЕРЕБКЕР
Taisiya Zborovskaya/ Таисия ЗБОРОВСКАЯ
Anna Rozen/ Анна РОЗЕН (piano)
1. Mne mama pela pesnyu
2. Pust' pridet osvobozhdeniye
3. Yosl-Ber
4. Mi budem pet'
5. Sygray mne pesenku na idish
6. Sha-sha ! Uchitel' idet !
1. My mother sang a song to me
2. Let the liberation come
3. Yosel Ber
4. We will sing
5. Play a song in Yiddish
6. Shah! The teacher is coming!
أوكرانيا تترقب الوجهة التي سيأتي منها الفرج المالي
بعد انهيار حُكم الرئيس فيكتور يانوكوفيتش، الأوكرانيون يترقبون الوجهة التي ستأتي منها المساعدات المالية لإخراج بلادهم من أزمتها المالية الخانقة والتي قال وزير المالية في السلطة الانتقالية الجديدة إن هذه المساعدات لا يجب أن تقل عن خمسة وثلاثين مليار دولار من الآن حتى العام المقبل.
روسيا التي وعدت يانوكوفيتش بخمسة عشر مليار دولار لم تسلِّمْ منها حتى الأن سوى ثلاثة مليارات، ويبقى مصير البقية مجهولا في ظل طعن موسكو في شرعية السلطة الانتقالية التي تدير أوكرانيا منذ بضعة أيام.
وزير الاقتصاد والتنمية ...
المزيد من القراءة
يورونيوز : القناة الأكثر مشاهدة في أوربا
يورونيوز متوفرة بأربع عشرة لغة
Одесса Клезмер Бэнд - В Одессе все свои 2017.09.01
Одесса 2017.09.01 горсад.
Одесса Клезмер Бэнд.
Мультикультурный проект В Одессе все свои
Искусство и культура объединяют людей разных национальностей.
Главной идеей - является демонстрация мультикультурности нашего края, популяризация этно и фолк музыки, замиксованной с современными ритмами.
В Одессе все свои люди, много знакомых друг с другом, это большое сообщество умных, талантливых, весёлых людей.
Одесса является многонациональным городом, в котором переплетены разные религии, культуры и конечно стили танцев, в которых слились воедино восточные, цыганские, испанские, индийские, этнические и современные мотивы.
Мы наполняем содержанием мероприятие.
Яркие костюмы, и море позитива.
В программе приняли участие армянская, грузинская, болгарская, греческая, еврейская общины, центр украинской культуры, крымско-татарская группа, официальные представители Адриано Челентано из Италии, коллективы: молодежный фольклорный ансамбль «Зорецвіт», танцевальный коллектив «Лудо-младо», фолк-группа «ФА-диез», танцевальный коллектив «Български сърца», группа «Jam Band» и ....
Odessa 2017.09.01 City garden.
Odessa Klezmer Band.
Multicultural project In Odessa, all our
Art and culture unite people of different nationalities.
The main idea is to demonstrate the multiculturalism of our region, popularize ethno and folk music, mixed with modern rhythms.
In Odessa, all their people, many are acquainted with each other, this is a large community of smart, talented, cheerful people.
Odessa is a multinational city, in which different religions, cultures and, of course, dance styles are interwoven, in which Oriental, Gypsy, Spanish, Indian, ethnic and modern motifs have merged.
We fill the content of the event.
Bright costumes, and a sea of positive.
The program involved Armenian, Georgian, Bulgarian, Greek, Jewish communities, the center of Ukrainian culture, the Crimean-Tatar group, the official representatives of Adriano Celentano from Italy.
Collectives: youth folklore ensemble Zoretsvit, dance group Ludo-mlado, folk-group FA-sharp, dance group Български сърца, group Jam Band and ....
Shavuot 5774 | Pastor Olen Griffin
| Click this link to learn more about the Messianic Jewish Bible Institute international schools and our English speaking e-learning school.
MISSION | Our mission is to train leaders for Messianic Jewish Congregations that are culturally relevant to Jewish people. Our secondary purpose is to help educate the Church on God's heart for the Jewish people and understanding of what God is doing among Messianic Jews.
HISTORY | In the early 1990's, when unprecedented numbers of Jewish people in the former Soviet Union were coming to the knowledge of Yeshua as the Messiah through large outreach festivals conducted by Hear O Israel Ministries, the Messianic Jewish Bible Institute (MJBI) was birthed. In 1994 the school began in St. Petersburg, Russia, and moved to Odessa, Ukraine, in 1996.
Since this time, additional schools have begun in various languages and locations all across the globe. Messianic truths are currently taught in Amharic, Hebrew, Korean, Russian, Portuguese, Hungarian, and Spanish. With the launch of the School of Messianic Theology (SMT), the MJBI's exceptional Online Program is available to English speaking students at their convenience.
Reform Judaism | Wikipedia audio article
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Reform Judaism
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Reform Judaism (also known as Liberal Judaism or Progressive Judaism) is a major Jewish denomination that emphasizes the evolving nature of the faith, the superiority of its ethical aspects to the ceremonial ones, and a belief in a continuous revelation not centered on the theophany at Mount Sinai. A liberal strand of Judaism, it is characterized by a lesser stress on ritual and personal observance, regarding Jewish Law as non-binding and the individual Jew as autonomous, and openness to external influences and progressive values. The origins of Reform Judaism lay in 19th-century Germany, where its early principles were formulated by Rabbi Abraham Geiger and his associates; since the 1970s, the movement adopted a policy of inclusiveness and acceptance, inviting as many as possible to partake in its communities, rather than theoretical clarity. Its greatest center today is in North America.
The various regional branches sharing these beliefs, including the American Union for Reform Judaism (URJ), the Movement for Reform Judaism (MRJ) and Liberal Judaism in Britain, and the Israel Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism, are all united within the international World Union for Progressive Judaism. Founded in 1926, the WUPJ estimates it represents at least 1.8 million people in 50 countries: close to a million registered adult congregants as well as numerous unaffiliated individuals who identify with it.