Russia: Belogorsky St. Nicholas Orthodox Missionary Monastery Cathedral
Russians are awesome - we love Russia:
Belogorsky St. Nicholas Orthodox Missionary Monastery Cathedral or Belaya Gora (White Mountain) Monastery is the biggest cathedral in the Urals, situated 120 km from Perm and 80 km from Kungur.
Father Igumen Varlaam was the builder and first Abbot of the Belogorsky St. Nicholas Orthodox Missionary Monastery Cathedral. It was constructed as a missionary church by the Russian Orthodox Church within an area where many Russian Orthodox Old-Rite Church congregations were located.
Construction of the monastery church began in 1902 and it was consecrated in June of 1917. Four hundred (400) monks lived at the monastery in 1917. Their daily schedule was prayers from 3 to 6 AM, then work. Lunch was 11:30 to noon, then 2 hours of rest. Return to work from 2 to 5. Last service was the day was from 6 to 10 PM.
In 1914 the Grand Duchess Elisabeth Phedorovna Romanova visited the monastery.
The monastery was captured during the Russian Revolution by the Red Army in October 1917. Fighting left some monks dead and others were deported. The Abbot of the monastery was tortured to death in 1918 and the monastery was converted into a mental hospital. The great bells of the monastery were broken into pieces with sledge hammers and the artwork of the monastery was largely destroyed.
The monastery was used as a hospital for shell shocked soldiers and civilians during and after the Second World War. A mental patient burnt off the roof of the monastery church in 1979 and the building was abandoned.
A dedicated group of eight monks rushed to stablize the building in 1993 and it has been undergoing restoration ever since that year.
North 57 degrees 23.542' and East 56 degrees 13.787' at an elevation of 465 meters. Especially in winter months, Belaya Gora looks unusually beautiful. From the elevation, one has a 360 degree view over the typical vast forest landscape of the Urals.
Монастырь Белая Гора, Пермский край. Monastery Belaya Gora Aerial
Воздушная сьемка мужского монастыря Белая гора, Пермский край. Снято на Фантом 3 Pro. Monastery Belaya Gora Perm Region, Russia. Shot on Phantom 3 Pro
Колокольный звон в Белогорье. Russian bell ringing. Belogorsky monastery. Perm region
This sound really pure vibration for christian people. And as for this sound has some magic qualities.
Колокольный звон на Белой горе в Белогорском монастыре. Симфония, которую можно слушать без ограничений
Mnogovershinnoye & Belaya Gora
Beautiful drone footage from two of our operating mines.
Gora Belaya 21 aprelya 2013
Belogorsky Monastery - Белогорский Монастырь Пермь
More Info:
Белогорский Свято-Николаевский миссионерский мужской монастырь
Daria Shcherbakova. Gora Belaya 2015
Holy Trinity Saint Seraphim Diveyevo Monastery and Sacred Springs
Serafimo-Diveevsky Monastery or Holy Trinity Saint Seraphim-Diveyevo Monastery is a monastery of nuns (convent) in Diveyevo settlement near Sarov (12 km), and near the city of Nizhny Novgorod (185 km), in the Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Russia.
The history of the Holy Trinity Saint Seraphim-Diveyevo Monastery began in 1760 when the Mother of God appeared to nun Alexandra in a dream at the village of Diveyevo and promised to base a great and unrivalled convent there. The Most Holy Mother of God has chosen Diveyevo to be Her favorite place, «the fouth and last dower on the Earth». She also promised to gather there the mercy and the grace of the Lord from all her previous dowers: Iberia (Georgia), Mount Athos (Greece), Holy Trinity Lavra of the Caves (Ukraine, Kiev).
Diveyevo is famous for its sacred springs. They are health-giving and cure people from different ailments.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Belogorsky St. Nicholas Orthodox-Missionary Monastery. Russia, Perm Territory, White Mountain. Time
Belogorsky St. Nicholas Orthodox-Missionary Monastery. Russia, Perm Territory, White Mountain. Time Lapse
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Gora Belaya, Sverdlovsk Oblast
Belaya Gora (05.2011).wmv
Recorded using iVidCam on my iPhone.
19 01 2014 Крещение Белая гора
Чудо Пермского края Белогорский монастырь
С Рождеством. Или как я ездил в Белогорский Монастырь
Всем привет)
В этом видео Я ездил в Белогорский Монастырь. Он находится на высокой горе (Белая гора) и там очень холодно, и очень, очень красиво.
Приятного просмотра)
Всех с Рождеством, не забывайте подписываться)
Пока Пока)
PS: Пермский край, Белая гора, Белогорский Свято-Николаевский миссионерский мужской монастырь.
Кунгур- Белая гора
Жемчужина Урала
Монастырь Белая гора . Колокольный звон. Полисеминар Осень 2014
Афон на Урале: 25 августа – память преподобномучеников Белогорских
Всего с августа 1918 года по январь 1919-го было расстреляно и замучено 34 насельника Белогорского монастыря. Никто из них не отрекся от веры, а весть об их подвиге только укрепила местных христиан. И сегодня, когда в Белогорской обители вновь возрождена монашеская жизнь, память ее новомучеников здесь хранится с особым благоговением.
«Отец Варлаам установил в монастыре уставное богослужение, которое совершалось здесь с искренностью и глубокой верой... Проповеди настоятеля были просты и доступны, и обитель в глазах народа сразу приобрела огромную ценность. За сотни верст ехали сюда со своими скорбями и несчастьями...»
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Доброе место: Белая гора
Монастырь на Белой горе под Кунгуром часто называют Уральским Афоном. Это одна из главных достопримечательностей Пермского края и Урала. Белой гору прозвали оттого, что здесь долго не тает снег, и церковь здесь решили строить белоснежную. Сведения об истории Белогорского монастыря и Крестовоздвиженского храма, а также уникальные кадры с высоты птичьего полета - в нашем видео.