【長野県上田市・別所温泉】信州の鎌倉といわれる別所温泉を散歩してみた件! 後編Japanese hot spring Bessho hot spring2/2
上田市の別府温泉さんぽの後半の動画になります。石湯からスタートし安楽寺~常楽寺を散歩しております。静寂な環境と威厳ある仏閣。 なにより森林浴も楽しめる素敵なスポットでしたね(´▽`) Japan's hot spring Bessho Onsen is located in Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture. It is a very historical hot spring. You can enjoy shopping and food and take a walk.
The construction of this five-storey pagoda was started in 936 and completed in 951! It is located at the Daigoji Temple area - or Daigoji Complex - in Kyoto, Japan.
Asakusa Tokyo, Japan Mikoshi festival May 19th, 2012
Asakusa Tokyo, Japan Mikoshi festival May 19th, 2012