Bethlen castle - Criș-Keresd, Romania
Bethlen castle is a renaissance building in Biertan, Romania
Cris - The Bethlen Castle, Mures, Romania
Criş (former Crişd; German Saxon: Kraeš; German: Kreisch; Hungarian: Keresd) is a village in Daneş commune, near Sighişoara, Mureş County, Romania. Before 1300, one of the members of the Bethlen family received here a domain, for his bravery during the crusades. Since then goes back also the legend of the family coat of arms, depicting a serpent with an apple in his mouth. The legend said that the place was haunted by a monster, a giant snake associated with the numerous disappearances among locals. The crusader, seeing the snake, have thrown it an apple, which he would have drowned. Historians have a different interpretation, seeing the apple as a symbol of a Papal document, and added during the time the family converted from Catholicism to the Reformed religion. The Bethlen Castle construction began before 1300 and lasted over 400 years (between 14th-17th centuries). Initially, the castle had an irregular quadrilateral shape, with wedge-type rhomboidal bastions on corners. Built in several stages, it was originally designed in Gothic style, and over the years were added the Transylvanian Renaissance elements, being now the most beautiful Renaissance castle in Transylvania. Now, the castle has a fortified square shape, with circular bastions at the corners and square entrance tower, a structure typical for the late medieval military architecture. The residence has two floors, an imposing circular tower (Archers' Tower) and a loggia with semicircular arched openings on short cylindrical pillars. The fortification system was completed with a semi-enclosure with bastions. The buildings of the castle, along with the walls of the fortress, enclose an almost rectangular square. The oldest building is the leveled medieval old tower, its highest level facade being decorated by painted high-relief figures showing warriors carrying halberds or shields in their right hands, their left hands resting on their waists. The 5th level of the tower comprising of eight arched windows is known to be used as a look-out. The secret turret case has been inserted into the thick tower walls. The old tower was provided with Renaissance doorway and window frames during the 16th and the 17th centuries. In 1559, chancellor Georgius Bethlen and his wife Clara of Nagykároly completed the old tower with a vaulted building and a loggia. Their son, Miklos Bethlen, continued to bring further improvements to the castle, with new buildings in Renaissance style. Between 1675 1691, Count Alexius Bethlen consolidated the corners of the fortress with bastions. The rear facade of the old tower faces a small yard, as well as the western walls of the fortress. The leveled building on the eastern side, along with the southern and western walls of the fortress enclose sculptured window and door frames. On the ground-floor is the chapel of the fortress -- one of the most beautiful spaces of the building complex, with both Gothic and Renaissance decorating elements. The wing connecting the eastern side corner bastions hosts a range of inter-connected rooms, with a total length of 50 m. The interior of the castle never failed to preserve its authenticity. The splendor of the salons was enhanced by the exquisitely painted and polished pieces of furniture, as well as by the inbuilt chests of drawers, carpets and rugs. Portraits of family members were lined up along the walls. The library and the family archives were on the first floor of the old tower. In the courtyard of the tower there used to be a flower garden, the castle being surrounded by a vast English park. There was also a pentagonal summer pavilion, with walls decorated with paintings.
When Bethlen family left the country in 1948, the castle was nationalized and used as a pioneer camp and then as vegetables and grain warehouse of the village's farms. Many valuable objects, collections of art, weapons and hunting trophies, furniture, were taken to Sighişoara and some at the Bruckenthal Museum in Sibiu. The rest was stolen. In 1974 the castle was taken over by the Department of Historical Monuments, that began a sustained work of the consolidation and restoration, an activity that lasted until 1977. In that period have been strengthened the chapel, the octagonal tower, the dungeon tower and floor the ground-floor of the manor.
The castle has been partially restored in the '90, but the restoration stopped because the inheritors claimed the castle. After many years of legal suits, the Transylvanian branch of the family received the castle and the park.
Bethlen Castle in Ilia, Transylvania, Romania
The Red Bastion, part of a former citadel built in 16th century. In this building, the legend says that Gabriel Bethlen , Prince of Transylvania between 1613-1629, was born
Keresd/Bethlen Castle Ruins, Mures, Transylvania, Romania
Regarded as the most beautiful piece of Transylvanian renaissance dwelling and defence castle architecture, the castle in Criş is a monument providing an outstanding value to the Romanian architectural heritage.
The Bethlen nobles entered into the possession of these lands when a member of the family was rewarded for faith and bravery in the last crusade. Some even say the family name comes from the city of Bethleem.
The Bethlen Castle
The Bethlen Family Castle is located near Sighisoara, in Cris village, Danes Commune of Mures County, in the middle of a park with secular trees.
There are circulating many legends about this noble palace of ghosts that haunt the rooms, of unshared love and even of a snake devouring the locals, until one day when a crusader killed him. The story is also found on the Bethlen Family coat of arms.
The Bethlen nobles entered into the possession of these lands when a member of the family was rewarded for faith and bravery in the last crusade. Some even say the family name comes from the city of Bethleem.
From these domains, the family left a mark on the history and culture of Transylvania. We can mention Gabriel Bethlen, who was Prince of Transylvania between: 1613-1629, succeeded only for a short period of time by his older brother Stefan Bethlen.
Regarding the history of the Danes Castle, in the beginning only a wooden structure was raised having the role of defence against Tartar incursions. For 400 years, in the XIV-XVIII centuries, the construction has developed from a wooden structure to a stone building with irregular shape, with bastions added later on and presently it welcomes us with a Renaissance structure, the reason why many say it is perhaps the most beautiful castle of its kind in Transylvania.
The Bethlen Castle was at some point one of the most important libraries in Europe, when they began to print books here.
After nationalization by the communists in 1948, the Bethlen Castle was used as a pioneer’s camp, and later on as a warehouse for the products of the State Agricultural Enterprise in the area. Hundreds of rare books were burned by the negligence of the authorities.
In 1974, the Department of Historical Monuments took over the castle and began to restore it. In 1977, the Department was abolished, all works ceased and the building remained abandoned.
Nowadays the Castle is under the Bethlen Family possession again. Although it is marked as private property, it can be visited informally by courtesy of the guard, and with this occasion you will be able to admire the remains of a sumptuous decor on the walls and ceilings, the large rooms where once lived Lords and Ladies, the renovated chapel and even the sauna.
Castelul Bethlen din Criș,județul Mureș
Castelul Criș din comuna Daneș județul Mureș se ascunde in capătul unei văi înpădurite nu departe de Sighișoara. Castelul Bethlen din Criș a fost construită înainte de 1300 este cel mai frumos castel renascentist din Transilvania. Donjonul cilindric încă păstrează imaginea soldaților secui și blazonul familiei a rezistat în mod miraculos.
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CASTELUL BETHLEN - Din inima Transilvaniei, povestea nestiuta a unui castel de legenda...
2017 The Bethlen Castle
2017 The Bethlen Castle ,Cris, Mures, Romania
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IULIE 2016 Cum se protejeaza un parc inscris in Patrimoniul national.
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Un material realizat de Alecsandra Costin si Cristi Sanda (Antena 3)
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Castelul Bethlen
castele transilvane, mures
CRIS Castel Bethlen 191115
CASTELUL BETHLEN-CRIS Atelier modelare in lut
Prezentarea satului Cris si a castelului Bethlen-Cris din judetul Mures
Prezentarea satului Cris si a castelului Bethlen-Cris din judetul Mures
Castelul Jidvei - Bethlen de Iktár - Judetul Alba
Cetatea Jidvei
Cetatea Jidvei de astazi a fost conceputa si construita de la inceput ca o fortificatie; a fost ridicata la sfarsitul secolului XVI – prima jumatate a secolului XVII, necunoscandu-se exact anul inceperii constructiei, ci doar pe cel al incheierii: 1624. Castelul este fara curte interioara si are cinci turnuri acoperite (patru dintre ele fiind circulare). Acelasi stil renascentist in care a fost construit castelul de la Cetatea de Balta este intalnit si la alte resedinte nobiliare din zona, cum sunt cele de la Gilau, Mediesul Aurit si Iernut. Spre deosebire insa de acesta, toate celelalte au curte interioara.
Gábor Bethlen de Iktár a cumparat in 1758 toate mosiile de la Cetatea de Balta si Iernut, cu aproape 470.000 de forinti; mosia de la Cetatea de Balta i-a vandut-o in toamna fratelui sau (cu 70.000 de forinti), cu o singura conditie: sa i-o lase mostenire primului sau fiu, iar la prima fata nascuta, mosia sa fie rascumparata de membrii familiei lui. Astfel, Bethlen Ioszef (fiul lui Miklós, fratele lui Gábor) a ajuns mosier in 1778. Familia Bethlen a detinut Castelul si mosia de la Cetatea de Balta pana in a doua jumatate a secolului XIX, cand a fost cumparata de groful Haller Jenö senior, de la Bethlen Markus (lasandu-i-o mostenire lui Haller Jenö junior).
De-a lungul a catorva secole, castelul a cunoscut perioade de glorie, dar si de decadere. A fost mostenit, donat, pierdut la carti, rascumparat si renovat. In vremea comunismului, castelul a apartinut IAS, care l-a transformat intr-o unitate de sampanizare. Din pacate, tot atunci au disparut si foarte multe dovezi ale trecutului sau nobiliar: mobila, argintarie, matasuri. Dupa 1989, familia grofului Haller a revendicat castelul, iar ultimul sau descendent l-a vandut familiei Necsulescu, care a inceput sa-l renoveze (2003) si sa-i redea aerul medieval de odinioara. Asa a fost redescoperita vechea poarta a castelului, care fusese tencuita si zidita, si blazonul familiei Bethlen – gasit pe marginea raului Tarnava Mica. Scara de lemn, in forma de evantai, care urca la etajul al doilea, este autentica, iar langa ea poate fi admirata colectia de ceasuri a familiei Necsulescu.
Astazi, Castelul de la Cetatea de Balta este imaginea Jidvei, unul dintre marii productori de vinuri ai Romaniei. O parte din simbolurile zonei au fost preluate pe etichetele sticlelor de vin marca Jidvei: imaginea castelului a devenit sigla, iar pe eticheta gamei Jidvei Tezaur apare un detaliu grafic (un dragon cu cap de femeie, care are struguri la urechi si coada din carcei de vita-de-vie) preluat de pe clopotul bisericii sasesti din Balcaciu.
In prezent, Castelul Jidvei se afla in renovare, dar infloreste si se insufleteste in timpul degustarilor de vinuri organizate in incinta sa cu diverse ocazii speciale, sau cu ocazia Festivalului “Strugurele de Aur”, care da startul culesului in regiune.
Castelul Bethlen din satul Cris, comuna Danes, judetul Mures (partea 1)
Castelul Bethlen din satul Cris, comuna Danes, judetul Mures (partea 1)
Gabriel Bethlen
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Gabriel Bethlen was a Protestant uncrowned King of Hungary , Prince of Transylvania and Duke of Opole who led an insurrection against the House of Habsburg in Royal Hungary.
About the author(s): not credited
License: Public domain
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