Bhima Devi historical Temple, Pinjore
Bheema Devi temple, Pinjore
Pandav kund in pinjore||bhima devi temple||
This vlog is about BHIMA DEVI TEMPLE, SITE MUSEUM situated in PINJORE 28km (Approx) from Chandigarh. In this vlog I explored the BHIMA DEVI TEMPLE, SITE MUSEUM. Its famous for Khajurao of North India erotic, comprises the restored ruins of an Ancient Hindu Temple.
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Song: Daloka - In My Head (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music.
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अपने अंदर प्राचीन इतिहास समेटे है पिंजौर का भीमा देवी मंदिर Bhima Devi Mandir -
भीमा देवी मंदिर एक हिन्दू मंदिर है। यह मंदिर भारत के हरियाणा राज्य के पंचकुला जिले के पिंजोर शहर में स्थित है। यह मंदिर 8वीं और 11वीं शताब्दी के बीच का बनाया गया एक प्राचीन हिन्दू मंदिर है तथा मंदिर परिसर में मंदिर के खंडहर शामिल हैं। जो 1974 में ‘पंजाब प्राचीन और ऐतिहासिक स्मारकों और पुरातत्व स्थलों और अवशेष अधिनियम 1964‘ के तहत एक संरक्षित स्मारक के रूप में घोषित किया गया था।
भीम देवी मंदिर को गुर्जर प्रतिहार के शासनकाल के दौरान मूर्तिकला बनाया गया था। अधिकांश मूर्तियां और वास्तुकला, जो औरंगजेब के तहत मुगल काल के दौरान बर्बाद हो गए थे, गुर्जर प्रतिहार के समय हैं।
भीमा देवी मंदिर को उत्तर भारत का खजुराहों का उपनाम दिया गया है। 1974 पुरातत्व विभाग द्वारा कि गई खुदाई में इस मंदिर का पता चला जिसके बाद इस मंदिर को संरक्षित स्मारक में शामिल किया गया था। इस मंदिर में लगभग 100 प्राचीन मूर्तियों को खोज गया था तथा मंदिर का नक्शा पांच मंदिरों को दर्शाता है, जिसमें मुख्य केंद्रीय मंदिर भी शामिल है। जो पंचायत वास्तुशिल्प शैली का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है। इस मंदिर की वास्तु शैली, समकालीन खजुराहो और भुवनेश्वर मंदिरों में दिखाई देने वाली शैली के समान है। खजुराहो मंदिरों के समान भीमा देवी मंदिर की कामुक छवियों ने इसे उत्तरी भारत के खजुराहो का एक उपनाम अर्जित किया है।
भीमा देवी मंदिर की खुदाई के दौरान सभी देवी देवताओं के मूर्ति पाई गई थी जैसे शिव, पार्वती, विष्णु, गणेश और कार्तिकेय आदि। इनमें से ज्यादातर मूर्तियों को संग्रहालय में रख गया है। पुरातत्व विभाग ने अनुमान लगाया है कि मंदिर में मुख्य देवता भगवान शिव के हो सकते है। पुरातत्वविदों ने मूर्तियों को चार श्रेणियों के तहत वर्गीकृत किया है,
हिंदू देवताओं और देवी की मूर्तियां,
अप्सरा, सहायक, गंधर्व और आकाशीय संगीतकारों की मूर्तियां
पशु की आकृति
समकालीन समय के कामुक चित्र.
मंदिर परिसर में पिंजौर गार्डन है, जो कि औरंगजेब के पालक भाई द्वारा बनाए गए मुगल बागों के रूप में भी जाना जाता है, 13 वीं शताब्दी से लेकर 17 वीं सदी तक मुस्लिम आक्रमणकारियों द्वारा नष्ट हुए हिंदू मंदिरों के बहुत खंडहरों का इस्तेमाल करते थे।
पिंजौर शहर जहां मंदिर परिसर स्थित है, पांडवों के लिए पौराणिक संबंध है, जो महाभारत महाकाव्य के नायक थे। ऐसा माना जाता है कि पांडवों ने अपने 13 साल के वनवास में यहां रहे थे।यह भी कहा जाता है कि पांडव ने यहां देवी महाकाली की पूजा की और यज्ञ किया था।
देवी महात्म्य में यह कहा गया है कि हिमाचल प्रदेश के पश्चिमी हिमालय में भीमदेवी ने भीमरूपा (भीमा के रूप) में प्रकट हुई थी और ऋषियों को सुरक्षा प्रदान की थी।
Pinjore Shivlotriya Temple - Shivlotian lord shiva temple pinjore - Travel Guides
दोस्तों हम चलते है शिवलोती शिव के मंदिर में पिंजौर | यहां होती है सभी की मनो कामना पूरी |
Pinjore Shivlotriya Temple - Shivlotian lord shiva temple pinjore
Travel Guides
[Wikipedia] Bhima Devi Temple Complex
The Bhima Devi Temple Complex, nicknamed Khajuraho of North India for its erotic sculptures, comprises the restored ruins of an ancient Hindu temple dating from between 8th and 11th century AD, together with the adjacent 17th-century Pinjore gardens (a variant of Mughal gardens), located in Pinjore town in Panchkula district of the state of Haryana, India.
The Bhima Devi temple was sculptured during the reign of Gurjar Pratihars. Most of the comprising sculptures and architectural, which were ruined during Mughal period under Aurangzeb, are of the times of the Gurjar Pratihars.
Archaeological excavations done in 1974 revealed the temple, which was subsequently dated to 8th century to 11th century AD and declared as a protected monument under the ‘Punjab Ancient and Historical Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act-1964’. The unearthed findings cover over 100 antiquarian sculptures, apart from a layout plan indicating a five temples complex, including the main central shrine representing the Panchayatana architectural style, similar to the styles seen in the contemporaneous Khajuraho and Bhubaneshwar temples. The temple complex adjoins the Pinjore Gardens, also known as Mughal gardens built by Aurangzeb’s foster brother using much of the ruins of the Hindu temples destroyed by the Muslim invaders from the 13th century onwards till the 17th century.
Muslim invasions of Pinjore town started with Nasir-u-Din Mahmood (Iltumish’s son) in 1254 AD, continued with other invaders like Timurlane and lasted till Governor of Sirhind Fidai Khan’s (foster brother of Emperor Aurangzeb) onslaught in 1666. These invasions were responsible for the wanton destruction of this ancient temple complex. The Pinjore gardens (now renamed as Yadvendra Gardens after Yadavindra Singh Maharaja of the former princely state of Patiala) developed in the 17th century, by Fidai Khan (was also the architect), was reportedly constructed partly with ruins of destroyed temple. This garden is considered as a lovely Mughal garden, one of the oldest in northern India.
An open-air museum with the Bhima Devi temple ruins (85 % of the ancient sculptures have been aesthetically installed at different places of the open-air museum). Integrated with the Yadavindra Gardens, it has been developed with attractive modern illumination arrangements.
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Pinjore Garden Chandigarh | Yadvindra Gardens Pinjore
Pinjore Garden Chandigarh, Yadvindra Gardens Pinjore Near Chandigarh. I shot this Video using my Redmi Note 5 Pro
Pinjore Garden Ticket Price : Rs. 25/-
Redmi Note 5 Pro Buying Link:
Yadavindra Gardens, formerly Pinjore Gardens, is a historic 17th century garden located in Pinjore city of Panchkula district in the Indian state of Haryana. It is an example of the Mughal Gardens architectural style, which was renovated by the Patiala Dynasty Jat Sikh Rulers. The garden in the city of Pinjore on the Ambala-Shimla road, near the ancient 8th century open-air archaeological museum site of Bhima Devi Temple Complex, is 22 kilometres (14 mi) from Chandigarh, 5 kilometres (3.1 mi) from UNESCO World Heritage Kalka–Shimla Railway and 255 kilometres (158 mi) from Delhi. It is approachable by road, rail and air from all parts of the country. #pinjoregarden #yadvindragardens #chandigarh
Music Credtis:
Celtic Impulse Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
ಲಂಬಾಣಿ ಜಾತ್ರಾ Bheemi Sathi Thirtaraja Temple
One of the famous temple in India.
Located at Doddayannegere, Handanakere hobli, Tumkur District, Karnataka-572119
पिंजौर गार्डन के खान बाबा ⚫A Tribute To Khan Baba⚫Kewal Krishan Sharma⚫Yadvindra Gardens Pinjore
कभी एक फकीर रहते थे मेरे शहर में
एक महिला स्पेन से 1980 में भारत घूमने आती है और इस देश की कितनी ही यादगार चीजें अपने कैमरे में संजो कर ले जाती है और जब लौटाती है तो वो सब चीजें बेशकीमती और अनमोल हो चुकी होती हैं. पिंजौर के गार्डन में करीब तीस साल खान बाबा को हजारों लाखों लोगों ने उनकी बांसुरी और गजलों के साथ सुना देखा होगा, मगर यहां किसी ने उनकी यादगार को बचाने की कोशिश की हो लगता नहीं है.
एक इंसान जो चला गया उसका संगीत उसकी आवाज़ उन्ही दृश्यों के साथ जहां की फिजा में उसने अपनी तन्हाई का एक लंबा वक्त बिताया दुनिया की भीड़ के बीच.
A Tribute To...
Khan Baba / Kewal Krishan Sharma
Yadvindra Gardens Pinjore
इस विडियो में उन द्वारा पढ़ी गई रचनाएं
इस लिंक पर उपलब्ध हैं..
Some called him a 'Moody Minstrel' others called him a voice of 'Gloom and Courage.' But for some of us he was our dear 'Khan Baba' - An old guy who spent 30 years in Pinjore Gardens singing his poetry on Flute.
Radeshvari Singh give tribute to khan baba with nostalgic music and poetry.
Divana Sahib ji of Pinjore Gardens.
⚫Radheshwari Singh
Divana Sahib Ji within the Pinjore Yadavindra Gardens India.In a carefree magical mystical mood speaks plays his flute and talks in poetic words of Love, Life & God !!
It is some of the fabulous personality that is shown here of the Divana Sahib ji of Pinjore, at the Yadavindra Gardens where he always sang, played the Bansuri, recited Urdu poetry and inspired all who saw him !
With me Sant Gulab Singh ji Maharaj would sometimes also come. These paintings of Sufis are from his very old Persian book of Divan-e Hafiz. Baba Sripadji is also shown here. In the last photo standing with me is the beautiful Divana Sahibji.
May you all enjoy this song recorded here at the Gardens in the company of Santji Maharaj in the Mahal itself in 1980.
Those who don't know, Pinjore garden (Mughal Garden) is very near to Chandigarh. The place we used to visit frequent in childhood. There was a baba (Khan baba) who once got cheated in love, chooses to stay rest of his life in the garden and played flute and entertain peoples with his own Songs and Shayari & beautiful voice. Good that someone captured his voice and made this video.
This song is sung by baba khan
His actual name was...
He was known baba khan
because in one play he acted as khooni khan and thus got the name
A tourist from Poland recorded his voice and shared on net. This is the my friends might have seen playing flute at pinjor garden
He died in the year of 2000 because of throat cancer.
Khuda Hafiz..!!!
About Me...
Born in Los Angeles, California one was always spiritually inclined for the Love of God. Out of this love one began the search for a teacher, a perfect master. As soon as I was on my own, graduated from Los Angeles College of Medical and Dental Assistants and having worked two years I had saved enough to leave USA, go to Europe and live on a small quiet Spanish Island in the Meditareanian called Forementera for one year. The main purpose was to meditate there in a small peasant hut by the Sea. That year I realized I needed to find my own Saint and teacher, I needed to find a realized Soul! So, From there began the journey by Landrover to India in Oct.1969. It is here I have lived meeting and learning by loving the saints in India. And this is my story.
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The main mission of this channel is to preserve & promote positive aspects of Haryanvi Culture & to provide positive and wholesome entertainment & education in the form of Music, films and other programs to all Haryanvi culture lovers world wide.
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Hope you all enjoy this :)
Pandvas dharamandal in pinjore, kalka
Dharamandal, has its own story. For the past many centuries, a fair is being organized every year to celebrate the festival of Baisakhi.
There lies an interesting story behind the creation of Draupadi Kund. According to the Hindu mythology, the place is associated with Mahabharataas the five Pandavas are believed to have stayed here during their exile for one year, i.e., their 13th year in order to hide from Duryodhan.
Pinjore Shivlotriya Temple
Pinjore Shivlotriya Temple darshan
Shivlotri temple!!! Pinjore Ghtaiwala....Shivlotri temple Lord shiva Sanju vlogs
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Hello friends aaj main saamne lord shiva j ki video lekr aaya
Hun jo humare pinjore ghtiwala main hai iss temple shivlotri mandir se jana jata hai toh i hope aapko yeh video pasand aayegi
Toh friends aap yeh video jaroor last tk dekhe..........
Thanks for watching.......Sanju vlogs
भीमा काली शक्तिपीठ मंदिर- सराहन | Bhima Kali Shaktipith- Sarahan
श्री भीमा काली मंदिर जो 51 शक्तिपीठों में से एक है। हिमाचल प्रदेश की राजधानी शिमला से 180 किमी दूर सराहन में स्थित है। देखने में भले ही यह एक छोटा कस्बा है लेकिन किन्नौर का द्वार कहे जाने वाले इस स्थान का प्राकृतिक, ऐतिहासिक तथा सांस्कृतिक रूप से यह बहुत ही बड़ा महत्व है।
Shri Bhima Kali Temple is a very famous temple at Sarahan in Himachal Pradesh, dedicated to the mother goddess Bhimakali. This temple is situated about 180 km from Shimla and is one of 51 Shakti Peethass. The town Sarahan is known as the gate way of Kinnaur.
Yadavindra garden - The Mughal garden at Pinjore, India
Visitors at the Pinjore garden near Chandigarh. One cans see the Mughal architecture. The PInjore garden is alos known as the Yadavindra garden. It is an example of the Mughal garden style, the garden has been laid on seven terraces with the main gate of the garden opening into the highest first terrace which has a palace built in Rajasthani - Mughal style.
The Mughal Gardens at Pinjore lie 22 km from Chandigarh on the Ambala-Shimla highway. Pinjore is a village. It bears links to ancient Aryan times. Ruins of Bhima Devi temple and ancient baths can be seen here. Mughal Gardens were built by Fidai Khan in 17th century A.D. Rang Mahal, Shish Mahal and Jal Mahal - are palaces built in the Gardens.
Source :
This footage is part of the professionally-shot broadcast stock footage archive of Wilderness Films India Ltd., the largest collection of HD imagery from South Asia. The Wilderness Films India collection comprises of 50, 000+ hours of high quality broadcast imagery, mostly shot on HDCAM / SR 1080i High Definition, Alexa, SR, XDCAM and 4K. Write to us for licensing this footage on a broadcast format, for use in your production! We are happy to be commissioned to film for you or else provide you with broadcast crewing and production solutions across South Asia. We pride ourselves in bringing the best of India and South Asia to the world...
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Mata jayanti devi temple [shivalik mountains} { near chandigarh
Mata jayanti devi temple is located 15 km from chandigarh in ropar district of Punjab on a hillock in the shivalik ranges .at the foothill lies the village jayanti majri that owes its existence and name to the temple ,on left bank of seasonal stream jayanti rao .
Thanks for watching visit again .
Fb :
Pinjor Garden Chandigarh travling. very beautiful place.
Enjoy the Mughal style architecture designed by Nawab Fidal Khan at the Pinjore Garden. Within the garden, we have places of historical concern, beautiful fountains, Japanese garden, nursery and a number of picnic spots.. This is just 20 kms away from Chandigarh. This garden is famous for its number of fruit trees; and you could pluck fruits of your choice to make you own chaat! Where: 20 kms away from Chandigarh on the Chandigarh-Shimla road.
Pinjore Gardens (also known as Pinjor Gardens or Yadavindra Gardens) is located in Pinjore, Panchkula district in the Indian state of Haryana. It is an example of the Mughal Gardens style, and was built by Patiala Dynasty Rulers.
The garden is in the village of Pinjore lie 22 km from Chandigarh on the Ambala-Shimla road. It was created in the 17th century by architect Nawab Fidai Khan during the early reign of his foster brother Aurangzeb (r. 1658-1707).. In recent times, it has been renamed as 'Yadavindra Garden' in the memory of Maharaja Yadavindra Singh of the former princely state of Patiala.[7] After it was initially built by Fidai Khan, the garden was refurbished by Yadevendra Singh and restored to its former spledour, since it had grown into a wild jungle after initially built due to long years of neglect.[12] The garden has been laid in seven terraces with the main gate of the garden opening into the highest first terrace which has a palace built in Rajasthani--Mughal style. It is called the Shish Mahal (palace of glass), which is adjoined by a romantic Hawa Mahal (airy Palace). The second terrace with arched doorways has the Rang Mahal (painted palace). The third terrace has cypress trees and flowerbeds leading to dense groves of fruit trees. The next terrace has the Jal Mahal (palace of water) with a square fountain bed and a platform to relax. Fountains and tree groves are provided in the next terrace. The lowermost terrace has an open-air theatre,which is designed as a disc-like structure. A zoo adjoins the gardens.[7] The garden and the temple complex laid in an open air museum are integrated through well laid out and well drained (to remove any water logging) pathways and the whole complex has been beautifully illuminated. A heritage train has been introduced to visit all the monuments and the gardens in the complex.[5][10] Special festivals such as the Baisakhi (spring) festival in April and the Mango festival in June and July are major attractions at the gardens.
C.M. Villiers-Stuart, who resided in the gardens for a time, included a description in her book on Gardens of the Great Mughals (1913). She wrote:
The gardens at night
A quaint story still survives, how, when at length the work was finished, and Fadai came in state to spend his first summer there, his enjoyment of the garden and its beauties was short-lived; for the Rajas quickly frightened him away. In the districts round Pinjor, and in fact all along the foot of the Himalayas, occasional cases of goitre are to be seen; so from far and wide these poor people were collected by the wily Brahmins, and produced as the ordinary inhabitants of the place. The gardeners all suffered from goitre; every coolie had this dreadful complaint; even the countrywomen carrying up the big flat baskets of fruits and flowers to the zenana terraces were equally disfigured.
The ladies of the harem naturally were horrified; it was bad enough to be brought into these wild outlandish jungles, without this new and added terror. For the poor coolie women, well instructed beforehand, had told how the air and water of Pinjor caused this disease, which no one who lived there long ever escaped. A panic reigned in the zenana; its inmates implored to be removed at once from such a danger; and finally, Fadai Khan had to give way, and take his ladies to some other place less threatening to their beauty.
Mughal Gardens in Pinjore in Haryana
Had it been the terrible Emperor himself instead of his foster-brother, the cunning Rajas would have met their match. But Fadai Khan, thoroughly deceived, rarely came back to visit his lovely gardens, and the Rajas and their fields were left in peace for a time.
Pinjore, where the Bhimadevi temple complex is located, is approachable by road, rail and air from all parts of the country. It is well connected with Chandigargh, which is the capital region of both Haryana and Punjab states, at a road distance of 20 kilometres (12 mi). Chandigarh is a Union Territory administered by the Government of India. It is 5 kilometres (3.1 mi) from Kalka, on the road to Shimla.
Source: Wikipedia
Shivlotian Shiv Mandir at Pinjore, Distt. Panchkula, Haryana
Important Temples of haryana for HSSC | Haryana Police | Canel Patwari | all haryana exams.
This video contain all important temples of haryana which is asked in many HSSC exams.
sthaneshwar mahadev temple thanesar haryana
bhima devi temple pinjore, haryana
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rameshwar dass baba ji ka mandir narnaul haryana
famous temples in haryana in hindi
birla gita mandir