Bibi Khanum Mosque, Samarqand, Uzbekistan
Bibi Khanym Mosque and Siyob Bazaar - Uzbekistan 4K Travel Channel
Amir Timur shaped the cityscape of Samarkand like no other, so it is not surprising that he had the Bibi-Khanym Mosque built. With the order for the construction of the mosque in 1399, Timur wanted to award a sign of his power in Samarkand. During the following years, Timur was mostly away on campaigns. Probably his main wife Sara-Molk Khanym supervised the construction works during his absence. At the same time, she had a madrasah built opposite the mosque, of which only a dome has survived today. This is called the mausoleum of the Bibi-Khanym.
The name Bibi is an expression for an adorable woman in the Persian language. In this case for an elderly woman, who Sara-Molk Khanym was at that time already. The legend made a young woman in love out of it, who made the mosque a gift to her husband.
From the forecourt of the mosque one also has a good view of the Hazrat Khizr Mosque, with the President's Tomb in front. Hazrat Khizr was a down-to-earth Muslim prophet.
When Timur saw the mosque for the first time in 1404 shortly before its completion, he was disappointed by it and had many changes made. These changes affected the statics of the building. In spite of the numerous improvements made to the statics, the first bricks fell out of the dome after only a few years.
In the course of the centuries, the mosque dilapidated more and more. The population used it as a storage for building material.
Beginning of the 20th century, the Russians started with first securing measures. But the Uzbek government had restored the building only at the end of the century.
Today, Bibi-Khanym Mosque almost shines again in its old splendor. It impresses by the skills of the architects and craftsmen, as well as by its incredible dimensions. Both the entrance gate and the domed structure of the mosque are over 40 m high.
An old picture inside the mosque shows the ruins in their deplorable state before the restoration.
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Timur Lenk prägte das Stadtbild von Samarkand wie kein zweiter, also ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass er die Bibi-Chanum-Moschee erbauen ließ. Mit dem Befehl zum Bau der Moschee im Jahre 1399, wollte Timur damit in Samarkand ein Zeichen seiner Macht Ausdruck verleihen.
Während der Folgejahre war Timur meist auf Feldzügen unterwegs. Vermutlich hatte seine Hauptfrau Sara-Molk Chanum während seiner Abwesenheit die Bauaufsicht. Sie ließ gegenüber der Moschee zur gleichen Zeit eine Madrasa erbauen, von der heute nur ein Kuppelbau erhalten ist. Dieser wird als das Mausoleum der Bibi Chanum bezeichnet. Die Bezeichnung Bibi steht im Persischen eher als Bezeichnung für eine verehrungswürdige Frau, also eher für eine bereits ältere Frau, die Sara-Molk Chanum zu dem Zeitpunkt bereits war. Die Legende machte daraus eine junge verliebte Frau, die Ihrem Mann die Moschee zum Geschenk machte.
Vom Vorplatz der Mosche hat man auch einen guten Blick auf die Hazrat Khizr Moschee, vor der sich das Grab des Präsidenten (President's Tomb) befindet. Hazrat Khizr war ein volksnaher moslemischer Heiliger.
Als Timur die Moschee 1404 kurz vor ihrer Fertigstellung das erste mal sah war er von ihr enttäuscht und ließ zahlreiche Veränderungen vornehmen. Diese Veränderungen beeinträchtigten die Statik des Bauwerks. Trotz reichlicher Nachbesserungen zugunsten der Statik fielen bereits nach wenigen Jahren erste Ziegel aus der Kuppel.
Im Laufe der Jahrhunderte verfiel die Moschee immer mehr und wurde als Depot für Baumaterial von der einheimischen Bevölkerung verwendet.
Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts begannen die Russen mit ersten Sicherungsmaßnahmen, aber erst Ende des Jahrhunderts ließ die Usbekische Regierung das Bauwerk umfänglich restaurieren.
Heute erstrahlt es fast wieder in altem Glanz und beeindruckt durch die Kunstfertigkeit der Architekten und Handwerker, aber auch durch ihre unglaublichen Dimensionen. Sowohl das Eingangstor als auch der Kuppelbau der Moschee sind über 40 m hoch.
In der Moschee ist ein altes Bild ausgestellt, das die Ruinen in ihrem erbärmlichen Zustand vor der Restaurierung zeigt.
weitere Infos im Reisevideoblog:
Bibi Khanum mosque Samarkand
Bibi-Khanum Mosque
In 1399, after his campaign in India, Timur Lenk ordered the construction of a large mosque in Samarkand. The name of Bibi-Khanum comes from the name of Timur's favored wife.
The Bibi-Khanum Mosque is the largest mosque in Samarkand and one of the largest in Uzbekistan. It is designed in iwan type, specific to Iranian architecture. The court measures approximately 167 meters in length and 109 meters in width. The dome is painted with the Qur'an calligraphy and blue and brown shades, 40 feet tall. The main portal at the entrance of the mosque is 35 meters tall, being considered the largest in Central Asia. The four minarets are in the four corners of the courtyard.
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【K】Uzbekistan Travel-Samarkand[우즈베키스탄 여행-사마르칸트]비비하늠 모스크/Bibi Khanym Mosque/Queen/Tomb/Timur
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[한국어 정보]
고대 호레즘 제국, 몽골 제국, 티무르 제국을 거치며 영광과 파멸을 반복한 고도, 사마르칸트. 사마르칸트에서 처음 만난 비비하늠은 티무르가 여덟 명의 왕비 가운데 가장 사랑한 비비하늠 왕비를 위해 세운 모스크다. 하지만 비비하늠이 자신을 사모하던 젊은 건축가에게 키스를 허락한 사실을 알게 된 티무르는 왕비와 건축가를 모두 사형에 처하고 만다. 저주가 내린 모스크로 소문이 나면서 비비하늠 모스크는 점점 버려지고 황폐해졌다. 괴로워하던 티무르는 비비하늠 모스크가 마주 보이는 곳에 왕비를 위한 작은 묘를 만들어 주었다.
[English: Google Translator]
Horejeum Ancient Empire, the Mongol Empire, the Timurid dynasty undergo repeated destruction and glory, Heights, Samarkand. Haneum first I met Bibi mosque in Samarkand is built for Queen Bebe haneum Timur most loved among eight queens. But Bibi haneum learned that a young architect who is allowed to kiss their private Timur Manda and destination are both an architect and a queen on the death penalty. The rumors of the curse that tore down the mosque mosque Bibi haneum increasingly abandoned and became dilapidated. Timur sufferer who has helped make the place look a little tomb for Queen facing the mosque Bibi haneum.
[Uzbek: Google Translator]
Horejeum Qadimgi Empire, mo'g'ul imperiyasi, Temuriylar sulolasi takroriy vayron va ulug'vorligini, Heights, Samarqand o'tishi. Haneum birinchi men Samarqandda Bibi masjid Queen Bebe haneum Timur eng sakkiz Queens orasida sevib uchun qurilgan uchrashdi. Lekin Bibi haneum ularning shaxsiy Timur bormidi o'pishga ruxsat va borar bir yosh arxitektor bir me'moriy va o'lim jazosiga a queen ham o'rgandim. Tobora tark masjid masjid Bibi haneum yular va eskirgan bo'ldi la'nat mish. Joy masjid Bibi haneum qaragan malikasi uchun bir oz qabr qarash yordam berdi Timur zahmatkash.
■클립명: 아시아033-우즈베키스탄02-15 왕비를 위해 세운 비비하늠 모스크/Bibi Khanym Mosque/Queen/Tomb/Timur
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 이용준 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2012년 7월 July
,아시아,Asia,,우즈베키스탄,Uzbekistan,Ozbekiston,우즈베키스탄 공화국,이용준,2012,7월 July,,,,
The mosques and mausoleums of Uzbekistan.
The mosques and mausoleums of Khiva, Bukhara and Samarkand, Uzbekistan.
Including: Abdul Aziz Kahn Madressa,
Hazrat-Hizr Mosque,
Tilla-Kari Medressa,
Bukhara Art Juma Mosque,
Bibi-Khanym Mausoleum,
Bibi-Khanym Mosque,
Pahlavon Mahmud Mausoleum,
and Gur-e-Amir.
Shot in September 2018.
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【K】Uzbekistan Travel-Samarkand[우즈베키스탄 여행-사마르칸트]비비하늠 사원/Bibi Khanym Mosque/Queen/Timur/Koran
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
그리고 건너편 중앙아시아의 타지마할이라는 비비하눔이 있다. 비비하눔은 티무르의 왕비였다. 사원의 건축가는 그녀를 연모했고 그녀는 건축가에게 단 한 번 키스를 허락했는데, 이로 인해 죽음을 맞이했단 비극적 전설이 내려온다. “비비하눔은 아미르티무르의 왕비로 매우 슬기로운 사람이었고 그래서 그 현명함을 본받으라고 사원이름을 비비하눔으로 지은 것으로 운명의 키스 전설과 역사적 사실과 거리가 있죠.” 비비하눔 사원의 한가운데, 커다란 석조물. 과거엔 세상에서 가장 오래된 이슬람경전, 우스만 코란이 놓여있었다고 한다. 그런데 사람들이 그 주위를 돈다. 이 코란 독서대를 세 번 돌면 소원이 이뤄진단다. “어떤 소원을 비셨는지요?” “평화롭고 행복하게 사는 것이요.” “부자로 사는 것보단 건강하게 해달라고 빌었습니다.” “우리 자녀들이 잘되고 잘살기를, 또 부모, 형제, 친구들의 안녕을 빌었습니다.” 나도 사람들을 따라 그 영험한 돌 주위를 돌아본다. 사마르칸트는 티무르제국 이전부터 실크로드의 중심이었다.
[English: Google Translator]
And Bibi Hanum, the Taj Mahal in central Asia. Bibi Hanum was the Queen of Timur. The architect of the temple wore her up and she allowed the architect to kiss once, bringing down the tragic legend of her death. Bibi Khanum was a very wise man as Amir Timur's queen, and so he built a temple named Bibi Hanum to imitate his wisdom. There is a kiss legend and fictitious facts of destiny. In the middle of Bibi Khanum Temple, a large stone. In the past, the oldest Islamic scripture, the Usman Koran, was found in the world. But people turn around. Three wishes of this Koran Reading Book are made. What kind of wish did you make? I live peacefully and happily. I asked you to be healthier than to live rich. I prayed for our children to live well and live well, and for the good of parents, brothers and friends. I also follow people around the stunning stone. Samarkand was the center of the Silk Road before the empire of Timur.
[Uzbekistan: Google Translator]
Bibi Hanim, Markaziy Osiyodagi Toj Mahal. Bibi xonim Timur malikasi edi. Ma'bad me'mori u pastga, bu fojiali afsona haetdan vafot bo'lib, faqat bitta bo'sa arxitektorlar keladi ruxsat berildi, uni uzib edi. Bibixonim Amir Temur, donolik malika sifatida juda dono odam edi, deb, shuning uchun masofa va bo'sa afsonasi va ma'badning taqdiri Bibixonim nomi bilan qurilgan, deb tarixiy haqiqat taqlid itjyo Bibi-Khanym masjidi, katta tosh o'rta. Qadimda, eng qadimgi islom oyatlarni edi, dunyoda Usmon Qur'on yotadi. Ammo odamlar qaytib kelishadi. Ushbu Qur'onni o'qish kitobining uchta so'zi yaratilgan. Biz yaxshi farzand ,. Boy yashashga ortiq i dont sog'lom bo'lishi tiladi . Baxtli jonli tinchlik ropgo beraymi nima? Seni qildim xohish , va yashash uchun ota-onalar, aka-uka, xayr do'stlar tiladi. Men ham ajoyib tosh atrofidagi odamlarga ergashaman. Samarqand Temur imperiyasidan oldin Buyuk Ipak yo'lining markazi edi.
■클립명: 아시아033-우즈베키스탄-03-13 중앙아시아의 타지마할 비비하늠 사원
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 신주호 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2019년 2월February
종교시설,church,사람,man,아시아Asia우즈베키스탄UzbekistanOzbekiston우즈베키스탄 공화국신주호20192월사마르칸트SamarqandSamarqand viloyatiFebruary걸어서 세계속으로
Market Below Bibi Khanum Mosque
After visiting Bibi Khanum Mosque we went to the small yet colorful market just outside the Mosque. It was a good place to visit and it was on the way to the Mausoleum we were visiting next.
Samarkand Bibi Khanum mosque.3gp
Samarkand Bibi Khanum mosque Samarkand Uzbekistan
20180727 Bibi Khanym Mosque, Samarkand, Uzbekistan Part 2
Queenie Introduces Bibi Khanum Mosque in Samarkand
Queenie gives a great intorduction to this Mosque in Chinese. She mostly talks about the earthquake damage and then also talks about how well dressed everyone is.
20180727 Bibi Khanym Mosque, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Samarkand Registan Royal tombs and Bibi Mosque
Views of what was the capital of the Tamerlane empire in Uzbekistan. Music by Djivan Gasparian
Samarkand - Uzbekistan - UNESCO World Heritage Sitest
Samarkand is the second-largest city in Uzbekistan and the capital of Samarqand Province. The city is most noted for its central position on the Silk Road between China and the West, and for being an Islamic centre for scholarly study. In the 14th century it became the capital of the empire of Timur (Tamerlane) and is the site of his mausoleum (the Gur-e Amir). The Bibi-Khanym Mosque (a modern replica) remains one of the city's most notable landmarks. The Registan was the ancient center of the city.
In 2001, UNESCO added the city to its World Heritage List as Samarkand -- Crossroads of Cultures.
(Source : Wikipedia)
View on the Bibi Khanym Mosque Samarkand Uzbekistan May 2015
Uzbekistan, Main Attractions: Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva. May 2016
Uzbekistan is a bright country of the East with a rich historical past. It is just impossible to count all the mosques, madrasas, mausoleums and minarets of the country. It is also impossible to convey their beauty. You just have to see it.
Many roads of the Great Silk Road passed through Uzbekistan. On this road of wealth and different cultures grew Uzbek cities. Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva are dotted with magical architecture, they will captivate everyone who sees them at least once in their life.
Uzbekistan is an ideal country for a budget tourist. It does not stint at the sights at all and will give inexpressible impressions to everyone who wants to see its beauty or try original Uzbek cuisine.
In this video you can see the following places:
0:17 - 3:11 Samarkand
Gur Emir Mausoleum, Shah-i-Zinda Necropolis, Registan, Ulugbek Madrasah, Tillya Kori Madrasah, Sher Dor Madrasah, Bibi Khanym Mosque
3:12 - 5:17 Fortresses near Urgench
Kyzyl-kala Fortress, Toprak-kala Fortress, Ayaz-kala Fortress
5:18 - 7:38 Khiva, Itchan Kala
Mohammed Amin Madrasah, Kalta Minor Minaret, Kunya-ark Citadel, Stone Palace (Tash Khauli), Friday Mosque, Islam Khodja Minaret, Pakhlavan Makhmud Mausoleum
7:39 - 11:23 Bukhara
Chor-Minor, Modari-khan Madrasah, Monument to Hodja Nasreddin, Nodir Devon Begi Madrasah, Lyab-i-Hauz, Nodir Devon Begi Xonaqosi, Trading Domes, Maghak-i 'Attari Mosque, Ulugh-Beg Madrasah, Abdulaziz-Khan Madrasah, Ark of Bukhara, Bolo Hauz Mosque, Samanid Mausoleum, Poi-Kalyan Complex, Minaret of the Kalon, Palace of Moon-like Stars (Sitorai-Mokhi-Khosa), Chor-Bakr Necropolis
11:24 - 11:58 Chashma Complex, Fortress of Alexander the Great
11:59 - 13:20 Sarmish-say Petroglyphs
#Uzbekistan #Samarkand #Bukhara #Khiva
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One of the World's Largest Mosque, Bibi Xanom, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
One of the World's Largest Mosque, Bibi Xanom, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Audio Courtesy from: Free Music from YouTube Audio Library.
TITLE: Spanish Rose
ARTIST: Chris Haugen
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【K】Uzbekistan Travel-Samarkand[우즈베키스탄 여행-사마르칸트]아무르 티무르, 지배자의 묘/Gur Emir Mausoleum/Amir Timur/Tomb
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[한국어 정보]
타슈켄트에서 300여 킬로미터 떨어진 사마르칸트는 인구 약40만 명이 사는 우즈베키스탄에서 두 번째로 큰 도시다. 사마르칸트에서 가장 먼저 가봐야 할 곳은 구르 예미르다. 구르는 무덤, 예미르는 왕, 지배자라는 뜻이다. 원래는 테무르 왕이 전사한 손자를 애도하기 위해 만들었으나, 1년 후 중국 명나라로 원정 가던 중 사망한 자신도 이곳에 묻히게 되었단다. 안으로 들어서자 테무르와 관련된 기념품과 테무르의 원정 지도가 눈에 띄었다. 인도의 델리에서 북쪽 타슈켄트까지, 서쪽으로 바그다드를 넘어 이스탄불까지 대제국을 건설했던 테무르. 그러나 지금은 모두 지배자의 묘에 안치돼 있다. 테무르 일가의 묘는 옥으로 만들어져 있는데 가운데 흑 녹색의 묘가 바로 아미르 테무르의 묘다. 오른쪽에는 손자인 마흐무트 술탄의 묘가 있고, 북쪽으로는 테무르 스승의 묘가 있는데 테무르는 스승을 존경하여 자신의 것보다 스승의 묘를 더 크게 위쪽에 만들라고 유언했었다.
[English: Google Translator]
Samarkand is the second largest city in Uzbekistan live a population of about 400,000 people 300 kilometers from Tashkent. The first place to go in Samarkand is rolled Yemi Garda. Rolling grave, for example Mir is a means king, ruler. Although originally created to mourn the grandson who temureu warrior king, one year after the danda himself was buried here died of his way to China visiting the Ming Dynasty. Map of the visitors souvenirs and temureu heard in a party related to the temureu stood out. To the north of Delhi in Tashkent, beyond the west of Baghdad to Istanbul temureu who built the great empires. But now all is enshrined in the tomb of gotta ruler. Temureu family tomb is the tomb of the black middle green myoda Amir temureu made right there in the prison. Right, and the tomb of the grandson of Sultan Mach Kone, north, there is the tomb of temureu temureu by respected mentor teacher had called testament to create the grave of his mentor than a larger one at the top.
[Uzbek: Google Translator]
Samarqand O'zbekistonda ikkinchi yirik shahri Toshkent taxminan 400,000 kishi 300 kilometrdan aholisi yashash emas. Samarqandda borish uchun birinchi o'rin Yemi Garda o'raladi. Qabr Rolling, masalan Mir a king, hukmdori demakdir. Dastlab jangchi shoh temureu nabirasi yig'lamoq uchun yaratilgan bo'lsa-da, o'zi ham shu yerda dafn etilgan bir yil DandA so'ng Ming sulolasi tashrif Xitoyga o'z yo'lida vafot etdi. Temureu bilan bog'liq bir partiya eshitdim mehmon esdalik va temureu xaritasi chiqib turdi. Buyuk imperiyalar bunyod Istanbul temureu uchun Bag'dod g'arbidagi uzoqda Toshkentda Dehli shimolida, uchun. Ammo hozir hamma gotta hukmdori qabri bilan mustahkamlangan. Temureu oila qabr Amir qamoqda o'ng bor qilgan temureu qora o'rta yashil myoda maqbarasi hisoblanadi. O'ng va Sulton Mach Köne nabirasi maqbarasi, shimol, hurmat ustoz o'qituvchi tomonidan temureu temureu maqbarasi yuqorisida bir katta ko'ra uning ustozi qabrlarini yaratish vasiyat deb nomlangan edi bor.
■클립명: 아시아033-우즈베키스탄01-04 아무르 티무르, 지배자의 묘/Gur Emir Mausoleum/Amir Timur/Tomb of ruler
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 현상용 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2006년 8월 August
,아시아,Asia,,우즈베키스탄,Uzbekistan,Ozbekiston,우즈베키스탄 공화국,현상용,2006,8월 August,,,,
Gur Emir the tomb of Timur Lenk . Samarkand part1
Timur Amir (Tamerlan) 1336- 1405 Great state man and strategist of medieval times. He is among the 5 strategists of all time: Alexander the Great, Hanibal, Attila, Gingis Han. He won all the battles and did not lose any. During his reign (35 years) he built a huge empire stretched between Volga and Gange, between Tian San and Bosphorus. His empire was the most powerful in the world at that time. He destroyed the golden hordes and liberated the peoples of Europe and the Russian Mongol yoke rulers.
The Gur Emir Mausoleum, the central city masterpiece. Begun in 1403. Composed of 3 edifices. He has a cannula dome with 64 ceramic ribbed segments. Diameter 15 m and height 12.5 m Decorated with wood sculptures, stone engravings, stalactites and stained glass, mural painting. The blue and golden predominance. In the mausoleum is buried outside Timur, 3 of his children, astronomer Ulug Bek with his children. Mausoleum complete restaurant in 1996
Timur Amir ( Tamerlan ) 1336- 1405 Mare om de stat si strateg al epocii medievale .Este printre cei 5 strategi ai tuturor timpurilor : Alexandru cel mare, Hanibal, Attila , Gingis Han . El a castigat toate bataliile si nu a pierdut nici una . In cursul domniei sale (35 ani ) a construit un imens imperiu intins intre Volga si Gange , intre Tian San si Bosfor . Imperiul sau a fost cel mai puternic din lume in acea prioada . A distrus “ hoarda de aur “ si a eliberat popoarele europei se est si principatele rusesti de jugul Mongol .
Mausoleul Gur Emir .-capodoperei asiei centrale . Inceput in 1403 . Compus din 3 edificii . Poseda o cupola caneleta cu 64 segmente cu nervuri ceramice . Diametrul de 15 m si inaltime de 12,5 m Decorat cu sculpture in lemn , gravuri in piatra , stalactite si vitralii , picture murale . Predomina albastru si auriu .In mausoleu este inmormantat in afara de Timur, 3 copii ai lui , astronomul Ulug Bek cu copii lui . Mausoleul complect restaurant in 1996
Filming mcostiniuc . 2018 - 04 Sony AX 53
The Most Beautiful Mausoleums in the world, Shah-i-zinda Samarkand, Uzbekistan, 사마르칸트 샤히진다 영묘
세상에서 가장 아름다운 영묘, 사마르칸트 샤히진다
우즈베키스탄 여행에서 가장 강열한 인상을 받았던 아름다운 영묘
2019년 1월 우즈베키스탄 여행중 우즈벡 전체를 통틀어 관광객이 가장 많았던 곳이었고 대부분이 현지인들이었습니다.
10월의 샤히진다도 아름다웠지만 겨울 샤히진다는 또 다른 매력이 있었습니다. 붐비지 않는 조용한 여행을 원한다면 겨울여행이 최고인 것 같습니다.
직접 가서 직접 보고 아름다운 우즈베키스탄을 즐기고 오시기 바랍니다.
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