Bibi Shahr Banu Shrine | بی بی شهربانو | Tehran Iran
#BibiShahrBanu #TehranIran
The shrine is located outside the present town on the slope of a small mountain range extending eastwards, known by the name of Mount Tabarak or Kuh-e Ray or also Kuh-e Bibi Sharbanu.
The oldest parts of the shrine date from the 15th century, shortly before the Safavid period. Researchers have discussed, if the name of the shrine and the location could point to an earlier pre-Islamic holy site, possible a sanctuary of the goddess Anahita.
Bibi Shahar Banu Shrine is located near Shahr-e Ray, a southern suburb of Tehran, Iran. The shrine is located outside the present town on the slope of a small mountain range extending eastwards, known by the name of Mount Tabarak or Kuh-e Ray or also Kuh-e Bibi Sharbanu. On the day of 13th of March the Zaireen visited this place which was organized by Al Hadi Tours & Travlels (India)
Part 46 Safre Ziaraat Bibi Shehar Bano (sa) Tehran Rly Mashad Roza Bhrain Airport
I did Ziarat of Syria (Sham), Iraq and Iran from 2nd December 2010 to 24th December 2010, here are some memories of these Ziarat...
Tehran, Iran. bibi shahr-banoo s.a tomb
imam hussain a.s wife... .way to tomb of bibi shahr-banoo s.a Tehran, Iran.The shrine is located outside the present town on the slope of a small mountain range extending eastwards, known by the name of Mount Tabarak or Kuh-e Ray or also Kuh-e Bibi Sharbanu
Shahrbānū (or Shehr Bano) (Persian: شهربانو) (Meaning: Lady of the Land) is one of the wives of Husayn ibn Ali, (grandson of Muhammad and third Twelver Shī‘ah Imām) and the mother of Ali ibn Husayn (the fourth Imāmī-Twelver Shī‘ah Imām).[1][2][3] She has also been referred with other names[4] by different writers such as: Shaharbānawayh,[5] Shahzanān,[6] Salāma,[7] Salāfa,[8] Ghazāla,[9] Salama,[10] and Sādira.[11]
Shahrbānū was a Sassanid princess and daughter of Yazdegerd III the last Emperor of the Sassanid dynasty of Persia/Iran.[12][13][14][15] Shī`a' scholars, interalia, discuss the poetic verses attributed to Ali ibn Husayn by Abu al-Aswad al-Du'ali an Arab companion of `Ali who was still alive during the time of Ali ibn Husayn and affirmed that Shahrbanu was Sassanid princess and daughter of Yazdegerd III [16][17] According to Majority of Shia writers, she died shortly after giving birth to her son Ali ibn Hysayn [18][19] and buried in the graveyard of Jannat ul Baqi alongside other members of Muhammad's family, however, some Shia scholars relate the shrine at Ray to her. The eighth Twelver Shia Imam Ali ar-Ridha has also been quoted as saying, (Shahrbānū) died during her confinement, and one of (Husayn's) slave-maid looked after him (Ali ibn Husayn). The people claimed that the slave-girl was his mother, while she was his retainer.
There are two versions regarding death of Shahr Banu. First relates to her death in between 655-659 AD, and a majority of Shia Muslims acknowledge her death after birth of Ali Zainul Abedeen as authentic. The second tradition relates to her participation in the event of Karbala. Thus her death is suggested after 681 AD.
As regard of her appearance and construction of her Shrine in Ray of that time Khurasan, a tradition in a 460 pages researched English book titled The Princess Shehr Banoo[64] compiled by a Shia Ismailee, traces a visit of couple that Hussain Ibn Ali with his wife Shahar Banu traveled towards Khurasan during caliphate of Ali Ibn Abe Talib. After giving birth to Zainul Abedeen, mother of this baby expired in the nearby of present-day Ray.[65] Reference of that event and considering it with the archaeological observations[66] made by Mary Boyce in her article, the construction of shrine at Ray at later period can be considered as a clue to the construction of shrine which is widely discussed as a myth.[67][68]
مرقد بي بي شهربانو أم الإمام السجاد - طهران Bibi Shahr Banu
مرقد بي بي شهربانو (رض) أم الإمام علي بن الحسين عليهما السلام في (الري) مدينة طهران ـ إيران و في قول آخر أنها خالته التي ربته بعد وفاة والدته الشاهزنان .
هي السيدة شهربانو (شاهزنان) بنت كسرى يزدجرد بن شهريار بن ابرويز بن أنوشروان و كان والدها يزدجرد آخر ملوك الفرس
وفي (المفيد في ذكرى السبط الشهيد) قال: إن أم زين العابدين (عليه السلام) أخذت في وقعة القادسية بين العرب والفرس. فحين انهزم الملك يزدجرد، أخذت بناته الثلاث أسرى؛ فتزوج إحداهن الحسين (عليه السلام) وهي شاه زنان، فولدت له زين العابدين (عليه السلام) وفاطمة الصغرى. .
وفي مناقب ابن شهراشوب قال: خيّروا شهربانويه بمن تتزوج؟. فقالت: لست ممن تعدل النور الساطع والشهاب اللامع: الحسين بن علي (عليه السلام).
***ويمكن التوفيق بين من قال إن أم زين العابدين (عليه السلام) هي شاهزنان بنت يزدجرد، فلما توفيت في نفاسه بزين العابدين (عليه السلام) تزوج أختها شهربانويه، فربّت زين العابدين خالته، وكان يدعوها أمي. وهي التي أُثر أنه لم يؤاكلها في قصعة واحدة، بل كان يضع لها صحنًا وله صحنًا.
((كان يقال للإمام زين العابدين(عليه السلام) ابن الخيرتين؛ فخيرة الله من العرب هاشم، ومن العجم كسرى.))
روت(رضوان الله عليها) قصّتها لأمير المؤمنين(عليه السلام) فقالت: «رأيت في النوم قبل ورود عسكر المسلمين علينا، كأنّ محمّداً رسول الله(صلى الله عليه وآله) دخل دارنا، وقعد ومعه الحسين(عليه السلام)، وخطبني له وزوّجني أبي منه، فلمّا أصبحت كان ذلك يؤثّر في قلبي، وما كان لي خاطب غير هذا.
بی بی شهربانو نام آرامگاهی است در شهر ری که طبق کتیبه موجود در آن و باور مردم مقبره، شهربانو همسر امام حسین (ع) و مادر امام سجاد (ع) است.
Bibi Shahr Banu Shrine located near Shahr-e Ray, a southern suburb of Tehran, Iran.
The shrine is located outside the present town on the slope of a small mountain range extending eastwards, known by the name of Mount Tabarak or Kuh-e Ray or also Kuh-e Bibi Sharbanu.
The oldest parts of the shrine date from the 15th century, shortly before the Safavid period. Researchers have discussed, if the name of the shrine and the location could point to an earlier pre-Islamic holy site, possible a santcuary of the goddess Anahita. She is the daughter of the last Sassanian king Yazdgerd III became a wife to Ali ibn Husayn, the 3rd Shia Imam. She was present at the Battle of Karbala and could escape after Ashura. Pursued by her enemies she reached up to Ray in Iran. On the slope of the mountain her enemies threatened to get hold of her. With the last of her strength she asked God to deliver her and the mountain miraculously opened and gave refuge to the princess. However, a tail of her dress remained wedged in the rock when it closed behind her. When her pursuers and other people found the cloth in the rock, they realised the miracle and acknowledged Sharbanu as a saint.
Part 40 Safre Ziaraat Masooma Qum way to Tehran shah abdul azeem bibi shehar bano (sa)
I did Ziarat of Syria (Sham), Iraq and Iran from 2nd December 2010 to 24th December 2010, here are some memories of these Ziarat...
Roza e Pak Bibi SHEHRBANO | Zawar TUH | 2016
Placed in Tehran Capital of Iran
Shah Abdul Azim Shrine in Tehran Iran
Shahr-e-Ray Teheran.
Crazy sport in south Teheran, a very religious place..
Imamzada Shah Abdul Azim| Shahr-e-Rey| 173| Tehran| Urdu
Urdu Language
Oil Stolen From Shahr e Ray Oil Refinery In Iran آخرین جزئیات از سرقت نفت پالایشگاه شهرری
Oil Stolen From Shahr e Ray Oil Refinery In Iran
آخرین جزئیات از سرقت نفت پالایشگاه شهرری
امید مهدینژاد -مدح حضرت عبدالعظیم
شعر زیبای امید مهدینژاد در مدح حضرت عبدالعظیم حسنی (ع)
Hazrat Shehr Bano | حضرت شہر بانو
Shahrbānū (or Shehr Bano) (Persian: شهربانو) (Meaning: Lady of the Land) is one of the wives of Husayn ibn Ali, (grandson of Muhammad and third Twelver Shī`a Imām) and the mother of Ali ibn Husayn (the fourth Twelver Shī`a Imām). She has also been referred with other names by different writers such as: Shaharbānawayh, Shahzanān, Salāma, Salāfa, Ghazāla, Salama, and Sādira.
Shahrbānū was a Sassanid princess and daughter of Yazdegerd III the last Emperor of the Sassanid dynasty of Persia/Iran. Shī`a' scholars, interalia, discuss the poetic verses attributed to Ali ibn Husayn by Abu al-Aswad al-Du'ali an Arab companion of `Ali who was still alive during the time of Ali ibn Husayn and affirmed that Shahrbanu was Sassanid princess and daughter of Yazdegerd III According to Majority of Shia writers, she died shortly after giving birth to her son Ali ibn Hysayn and buried in the graveyard of Jannat ul Baqi alongside other members of Muhammad's family, however, some Shia scholars relate the shrine at Ray to her. The eighth Twelver Shia Imam Ali ar-Ridha has also been quoted as saying, (Shahrbānū) died during her confinement, and one of (Husayn's) slave-maid looked after him (Ali ibn Husayn). The people claimed that the slave-girl was his mother, while she was his retainer.
Please watch: Prayer of ministers | آج کل کے وزيروں کی دعا
ايران - طهران مرقد شاه عبدالعظيم
برنامج عن الشاه عبد العظيم الحسني
برنامج يتحدث عن سيرة الشاه السيد عبد العظيم الحسني المدفون في إيران عرض على قناة الأنوار الفضائية
مرقد الشيخ الصدوق - طهران Al-Shaykh al-Saduq shrine
هو الشيخ أبو جعفر، محمد بن علي بن الحسين بن موسى بن بابويه الصدوق القمّي وعرف بالشيخ الصدوق ولد بقم في حدود سنة 306ه ونشأ بها تحت رعاية أبيه الذي كان أعلم الناس في زمانه وأتقاهم, وتخرج على مشايخها
قال الشيخ الطوسي قدس سره: محمد بن علي بن الحسين بن موسى بن بابويه القمي جليل القدر حافظ للاحاديث بصير بالرجال، ناقد للاخبار لم ير في القميين مثله في حفظه وكثرة علمه، له نحو ثلاثمائة مصنف. وقال النجاشي في رجاله: أبو جعفر نزيل الري، شيخنا وفقيهنا ووجه الطائفة بخراسان، ورد بغداد سنة 355 ه وسمع منه شيوخ الطائفة وهو حدث السن. وقال ابن ادريس في السرائر: كان ثقة جليل القدر، بصيرا بالاخبار ناقدا للاثار عالما بالرجال، وهو استاذ شيخنا المفيد.
يعتبر الشيخ الصدوق من أهم محدثي الشيعة الامامية وبلغت مصنفاته فوق المئتين, من أهمها كتاب من لا يحضره الفقيه وهذا الكتاب من الكتب الاربعة المعتمدة في الحديث عند الشيعة أورد فيه المؤلف 5998 حديثا. قامت مؤسسة الأعلمي للمطبوعات في بيروت بطبع الكتاب على أربعة أجزاء اشرف على تصحيحه, طبعه والتعليق عليه العلامة الشيخ حسين الاعلمي. هذا وله كتب أخرى منها كتاب الامالي وكتاب علل الشرائع وكتاب معاني الأخبار وكتاب التوحيد وكتاب ثواب الأعمال وعقاب الأعمال وكتاب الخصال وكتاب عيون أخبار الرضا عليه السلام وكتاب كمال الدين وتمام النعمة وكتب أخرى.
تُوفّي الشيخ الصدوق في بلدة الريّ، فدُفن قرب مرقد السيّد عبدالعظيم الحسنيّ رحمه الله.
جاء في (روضات الجنات) أنه في حدود سنة (1238هـ) وعلى أثر تساقط الأمطار بكثرة وجريان السيول، تعرض قبر الشيخ الصدوق (رحمه الله) ـ الواقع في مدينة ري في سرداب ـ للخراب، وعندما هدم القبر لأجل تعميره، شوهد جسد الصدوق (رحمه الله) باقياً على حاله لم يتغير، كأنه قد دفن لتوه، إلا ما كان من الكفن فقد تمزق وأصبح كالفتائل المنتشرة على بدنه، وكان البدن مكشوفاً بكله باستثناء العورة.
فذهب الناس من العلماء والمؤمنين لمشاهدة البدن الطاهر في ذلك السرداب وزيارته، حتى لم يبق أدنى شك لأحد من الأهالي في ذلك.
فلما وصل الخبر إلى سلطان الوقت فتح علي شاه، حضر بنفسه مع حاشيته إلى ذلك المكان، فظهرت للجميع تلك الكرامة الباهرة، فأمر السلطان بتعمير القبر وبناء قبة محكمة عليه مع وضع الزينة على البناء.
Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn 'Ali ibn Babawaih al-Qummi or as known Al-Shaykh al-Saduq e was the leading traditionist of his time (4th Century A.H.) and one of the most outstanding traditionists of Shi'ite Islam. He earned the title of al-Shaykh al-Saduq on account of his great learning and his reputation for truthfulness. It is a title which he also shares with his father
Al-Shaykh al-Saduq died in Ray (Tehran) in 381 A.H. and he was buried there. He was probably more than 70 years of age. He is buried at Ebn-e Babooyeh in Persia—Iran. He left behind him many collections of traditions which are considered to be of great importance.
Holy shrine Janab e Hur AS 12 Moharram 1440AH 22/9/18
Hur as shrine Muharram Dec 2011
Sheikh Ejaz group in Karbala for ashura here at the holy shrine of Hur as