Mauritania - Biblioteca Habott, Chinguetti
Una breve visita alla antica biblioteca Habott di Chinguetti, dove saremo il prossimo 9 gennaio durante la prima tappa di DESTINAZIONE CIAD 2017-2019
La bibliothèque Habot, fondée par Sidi Mohamed Ould Habott (1776 -1876), est l'une des plus importantes et des plus riches.
1400 manuscrits, dont certains millénaires, composent cette collection. Il ne faut toutefois pas s'attendre à voir toutes ces merveilles. Pour des raisons de conservation, les manuscrits sont rangés dans des boîtes en carton alignées sur des étagères métalliques. Il est donné à voir au visiteur quelques exemples de ces manuscrits, illustrés et avec des enluminures dorées.
Bibliotheque Habott in Chinguetti, Mauritania
Chinguetti is a ksar or a Berber medieval trading center in northern Mauritania, located on the Adrar Plateau east of Atar.
The bone-dry wood creaks as the book opens at a page representing the course of the moon, framed by black balls and red crescents. The manuscript contains 132 pages of Arab astronomy bound in well-worn leather, a 15th-century treasure stored, with similar items, in a cardboard box in a traditional dwelling in Chinguetti. This historic town, on the Adrar plateau in Mauritania, holds some of the finest collections of old Arabo-Berber books, but now the desert libraries are disappearing.
Bibliotheque Habott features a collection of Arabic scriptures and illuminated manuscripts ranging from the 3rd through the 15th century. The library is well hidden in a one-story building surrounded by a labyrinth of narrow walkways. Once you find and enter it, look for astronomical manuscripts questioning the heliocentric model long before European scientists did so. If the library is closed, try calling the librarian's number, which is usually pinned onto the door.
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2009 Mauritanie Chinguetti, Bibliothèque Habbott
2009 Mauritanie, à Chinguetti , chez Mahmoud de l' auberge Eden (le meilleur guide de la région et peut-être du pays), visite de la Bibliothèque Habbott.
Chinguetti compte une dizaine de bibliothèques recensées, et de nombreux foyers y possèdent quelques manuscrits. Certaines pièces de ces collections datent du IXe siècle, ont parfois été rédigées sur des peaux de gazelles, ou sont protégés par des couvertures en peau de chèvre. La majorité de ces ouvrages traitent de religion et du Coran, mais beaucoup parlent de science ou de littérature.
=== Source : Wikipédia ===
Preserving ancient Arabic manuscripts
Chinguetti, northern Mauritana - October 18, 2008
1. Pan of Chinguetti
2. Wide of a Mauritanian walking across a stretch of desert
3. Mohamed Koulame of the Habott family library in Chinguetti opens a manuscript
4. Close up of manuscript Mohamed is looking at
5. Extreme close up of manuscript Mohamed is looking at
6. Pan of Chinguetti, ending on the mosque tower
7. Sahara Sand collecting against a Chunguetti building, illustrating the encroaching sand dunes.
Chinguetti, northern Mauritana - October 19, 2008
8. Mohamed Koulame opens up the Habott family library
9. Mohamed Koulame opens up cupboards housing manuscripts, inside the Habott family library
10. Mohamed places a manuscript in a display cabinet
11. Mohamed opens the oldest manuscript in the library, an eleventh century explanation of the Koran.
12. close up of this manuscript
13. Mohamed opens a manuscript on astronomy
14. Various close up astronomy manuscript
15. Mohamed shows a manuscript damaged by termites
16. SOUNDBITE (Hassaniya Arabic): Mohamed Koulame, manager of the Habott family library:
We need to conserve these manuscripts not only for Mauritanians, but for all people. What we still need to do here is make photocopies or scans of the manuscripts. Also, although this cupboard behind me was kindly donated we need wooden cupboards. Then manuscripts will be stored at lower temperatures which is better for them.
Chinguetti, northern Mauritana - October 18, 2008
17. Saif Ahmed Mamoud opens up his family library
18. Saif takes out some manuscripts from his library
19. SOUNDBITE (French): Saif Ahmed Mamoud, the Ahmed Mamoud family library:
These are some examples of the family collection.
20. Saif shows a manuscript on Arabic grammar
21. Saif demonstrates a sixteenth century manuscript
22. SOUNDBITE (French): Saif Ahmed Mamoud, the Ahmed Mamoud family library: (with footage of termite-damaged manuscript)
There is much work to be done. The buildings are made of stone and clay. When it rains, the clay slowly deteriorates, so we need to repair the walls frequently. The roof is made of palm leaves, which is very fragile and needs to be renewed regularly. We have books that are in a poor condition, termites being one of the reasons for their deterioration.
23. Saif demonstrates some scanned copies of manuscripts
24. close up of a scanned copy.
Nouakchott, capital of Mauritania, October 28 2008
25. SOUNDBITE (French): Olivia lloze, visitor to Chinguetti:
At Saif's library I saw his oldest Koran which is covered by Gazelle skin. It was in good condition, but it was the only old manuscript I saw in a good condition. The other manuscripts are in a poor condition. Some pages are in more or less a good condition, but the general condition of the manuscripts is very deteriorated.
26. Conservationist Mohamed Ould Nel Tfeil enters the IMRS building
27. Mohamed opens one of the cupboard's where the 3700 manuscripts are kept
28. Mohamed pulls out one of the files from the cupboard
29. Close up showing cataloguing detail
30. Mohamed pulls out one of the treated manuscripts
31. A researcher uses a microfilm apparatus to look at a manuscript
32. close up microfilm manuscript being observed
33. Mohamed demonstrates some of the microfilm
34. SOUNDBITE (Hassaniya Arabic): Mohamed Ould Nel Tfeil, IMRS Conservationist:
We would like to partner up with a regional or international organisation which could assist both in a technical and financial capacity. We'd like to expand the microfilm project, and also to make quality copies of the manuscripts. With some assistance we'd be better placed to carry out our conservation work.
35. A researcher at IMRS
Chinguetti, northern Mauritana - October 19, 2008
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Mauritanie Chinguetti bibliothèque des livres anciens Fondation Al Ahmed Mahmoud
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visite d'une bibliotheque de chinguetti (8)
Bande Annonce : Retour à Chinguetti
Après dix ans d'absence ,suite à une très injuste mise à l'écart de la Mauritanie, les touristes reviennent au goutte à goutte. Ce film raconte comment ce retour est vécu par les nomades et les habitants de Chinguetti…