Cheile Bicazului - Bicaz Canyon Romania 2019 2K video
Filmări realizate cu camera de bord.
Lake Bicaz and Bicaz-Stejaru Communist-Built Dam in Romania
In NE Romania in Neampt County is lovely Lake Bicaz in a pristine, rural and isolated area devoid of masses of humanity and tourists. We find Lake Bicaz which was created to allow water to flow through a dam for electricity generation. We will explore the 1950's Communist-era built Bicaz-Stejaru area a monolithic concrete monster. We will also go to the lake and see what it looks like 2/3 full. Settling in at a nice lodge for a few nights, you'll get a feeling for the views and experience of Lake Bicaz
Carpathian Canyons - Bicaz gorges & Red lake (Romania)
Bicaz Gorges (considered the grandest canyon and climbers paradise) and Red Lake (one of the weirdest natural wonders) are located in the centre of the Eastern Carpathians. This picturesque part of Cheile Bicazului -- Hasmas Mts. National Park with karst landscape and plenty of stone walls (the most magnificent solitary crag in Bicaz gorges -- Altar stone -- towers 350 m above the bottom of the valley), belongs in the best known and most attractive areas in Romania.
Romania Cheile Bicazului 2009 (Bicaz Canyon )
Pictures: Sophie P - from my trip in country
Downstream the Red Lake, you can see the Bicaz Canyon, which is dug by the Bicaz river waters and serves as a passageway between Transylvania and Moldavia. It is 8 km long until it reaches the village called Bicazul Ardelean. The Bicaz Canyon is part of the National Park Bicaz Canyon, which includes actually the following protected areas: The Red Lake, The Bicaz Canyon and The Hasmasu Mare Mountain.
The road inside this canyon looks like serpentine windings. The limy walls of the crags hide amazing caves (The Black Cave and The Waterfall Cave) and also circular precipices (Licas, the precipice with three entrances).
Cheile Bicazului Bicaz Canyon Romania
The Bicaz Gorge or Bicaz Canyon is a gorge in Romania, located in the north-east part of the country, in Neamţ and Harghita counties; it is part of the Cheile Bicazului-Hășmaș National Park.
The gorge was excised by the waters of Bicaz River and it serves as a passageway between the Romanian provinces of Moldova and Transylvania.
It is a noted location to see the wallcreeper, an uncommon cliff-dwelling bird.
The road along the 8 kilometres of ravines, often in serpentines with rock on one side and a sheer drop on the other, is one of the most spectacular drives in the country. Also within the gorge is Lacul Roşu (the Red Lake), with its traditional cabins, hotels, and its famous lake (situated at 980m altitude) caused by a landslide in the 19th century.
Cheile Bicazului is one of the main rock climbing sites in Romania.
Cheile Bicazului reprezintă o zonă geografică deosebit de pitorească din România situată în partea centrală a Munților Hășmaș, în nord-estul țării în județele Neamț și Harghita.
Cheile au fost formate de râul Bicaz și fac legătura între Transilvania și Moldova.
Zona Cheile Bicazului, cu o lungime de peste 6 km de la Lacul Roșu în amonte până la localitatea Bicazul Ardelean în aval, este străbătută de drumul transcarpatic DN12C care leagă orașele Gheorgheni și Bicaz.
Cheile Bicazului sunt incluse Parcul Național Cheile Bicazului - Hășmaș și fac parte din rezervația naturală Cheile Bicazului și Lacul Roșu (2.126,53 ha)
Cheile Bicaz - Bicaz Canyon - Bekas-szoros - Romania
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Cheile Bicazului - Bicaz Gorge (Eastern Carpathians, Romania)
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Bicaz Gorge together with Red Lake, are one of the most important tourist attractions in Romania. Both are located in Hasmas Mountains, in the Bicaz Gorge - Hasmas National Park. The gorge is in the north-central part of the Eastern Carpathians, at the boundary between the counties Harghita and Neamt. The gorge has a length of 8 km. It is limited to west by Red Lake (983 m altitude) and to the east by Bicazu Ardelean village (600m altitude). The gorge is crossed by route DN12C, linking Moldova (Bicaz town) and Transylvania (Gheorgheni town). Red Lake and Bicaz Gorge make up a reservation of national interest (geology, water, fauna, flora and landscape). Gorge were formed by the Bicaz River (coming out of Red Lake) who digging a towering gorge in Mesozoic limestones. In places, the gorge were formed by the collapse of underground voids ceiling. Bicaz Gorge is crossed by a modernized road cut into the rock that winds beneath the vertical walls. Often the walls are in overhang and frequently the serpentines are very close, in cascade. The serpentines in the central part of gorge are dominated by an imposing rock, Altar Stone (1,120m), prior to 1990, instead of the cross, having a proletarian star on top. The auto traffic in Bicaz Gorge is permanently open, but heavy goods traffic is banned. In 2005 was inaugurated a new tunnel which has 155 m long, 9.80 m wide and 7.80 m high, allowing two lanes and sidewalks. In the gorge, on the major tributaries of the Bicaz River, forming in turn, secondary gorge, but very beautiful. Gorge and Red Lake area is crossed by many tourist paths, climbing and mountaineering. Gorge impresses with its grandeur and wild, some areas bearing significant names: Hell Neck, Large Serpentines, Altar Stone, Stone Mary, Bardocz Wall, Tarnatul Hell, Black Tower Bridge Hungarians, Surduc Stone, Tower Guard, Tent Stone, Reserve, Lost World etc. The Red Lake resortis near the Bicaz Gorge. Red Lake was formed by the collapse of a mountain slope in the earthquake of January 23, 1838. Landslide barred Bicaz River, flooding the forest whose trees are seen today awash. On the lake, we can see boats floating through the former treetops forest.
Cheile Bicazului, împreună cu Lacu Roşu, învecinat, reprezintă una din cele mai importante atracţii turistice naturale ale României. Ambele sunt situate Parcul Naţional Cheile Bicazului – Hăşmaş, în Munţii Hăşmaş Cheile se găsesc în partea central-nordică a Carpaţilor Orientali, la limita dintre judeţele Harghita şi Neamţ. Cheile au o lungime de 8 km şi sunt limitate în partea de sus de Lacu Roşu (altitudine 983 m, format în ziua de 23 ianuarie 1838 în urma unui cutremur), iar în partea de jos de localitatea Bicazul Ardelean (600 m altitudine). Sunt străbătute de DN12c care leagă Moldova (oraşul Bicaz) de Transilvania (oraşul Gheorgheni). Cheile Bicazului şi Lacu Roşu alcătuiesc o rezervaţie de interes naţional (rezervaţie naturală de tip geologic, acvatic, faunistic, floristic şi peisagistic). Cheile s-au format prin săparea de către Râul Bicaz (care iese din Lacu Roşu) a unui impozant defileu în calcare mezozoice, pe alocuri chiar prin prăbuşirea tavanului golurilor subterane. Cheile sunt străbătute de un drum modernizat săpat în piatră care şerpuieşte fie pe sub pereţii verticali, deseori în surplombă şi frecvent în serpentine foarte strânse, în cascadă. În partea centrală, drumul trece şi printr-un tunel lung de 155 m, fiind accesibil în orice anotimp (este interzis traficului greu de marfă). Masivul calcaros este dominat de Vârful Suhardul Mare (1506 m). Serpentinele din partea centrală a cheilor sunt dominate de o stâncă impozantă, Piatra Altarului (1.120m), având în vârf o stea înainte de anul 1990, iar acum o cruce. În chei sau în zona lor sunt mai multe peşteri. În zona cheilor, afluenţi importanţi ai Râului Bicaz (Lapoş, Şugăului, Bicajel) formează la rândul lor, chei secundare, dar foarte frumoase. Zona Cheilor şi a Lacului Roşu sunt străbătute de numeroase trasee turistice marcate și trasee de escaladă şi alpinism. Defileul impresionează prin măreţie şi sălbăticie, anumite zone purtând nume semnificative: Gâtul Iadului, Serpentinele Mari, Piatra Altarului, Piatra Maria, Peretele Bardócz, Tărnaţul Iadului, Turnul Negru, Podul Maghiarilor, Piatra Surducului, Turnul de Pază, Cortul de Piatră, Rezervaţia, Lumea Pierdută etc.
Bicaz Canyon, Romania
The Bicaz Canyon (Romanian: Cheile Bicazului, Hungarian: Békás-szoros -- literally The Keys of Bicaz) is a canyon in Romania, located in the north-east part of the country, in Neamţ and Harghita counties.
46°48'43.1N 25°49'08.2E
Bicaz canyon, Romania
Traveling around East Europa
Bicaz Gorge, Harghita, Romania - Cheile Bicazului 2019 - Cheile Bicazului Romania
Bicaz Gorge, Harghita, Romania
Parcul Național Cheile Bicazului Hășmaș
Cheile Bicazului Hășmaș
Cheile bicazului romania
Cheile bicazului 2019
Bicaz Canyon (Location)
Cheile Bicazului - Neamt
The Bicaz Gorge is a gorge in Romania, located in the north-east part of the country, in Neamţ and Harghita counties; it is part of the Cheile Bicazului-Hășmaș National Park.
The gorge was excised by the waters of Bicaz River and it serves as a passageway between the Romanian provinces of Moldova and Transylvania.
It is a noted location to see the wallcreeper, an uncommon cliff-dwelling bird.
The road along the 8 kilometres of ravines, often in serpentines with rock on one side and a sheer drop on the other, is one of the most spectacular drives in the country. Also within the gorge is Lacul Roşu (the Red Lake), with its traditional cabins, hotels, and its famous lake (situated at 980m altitude) caused by a landslide in the 19th century.
Cheile Bicazului is one of the main rock climbing sites in Romania.
Filmed in Octomber 2019 with S9+ on dji Osmo Mobile 2 and Parrot Anafi Drone
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Cheile Bicazului (Canyon Bicaz -ROMANIA )
Bicaz Romania
Bicaz Canyon, a narrow pass linking Romanian historical regions of Moldavia and Transylvania along DN12C national road
The Bicaz Canyon (Romanian: Cheile Bicazului -- literally The Keys of Bicaz) is a canyon in Romania, located in the north-east part of the country, in Neamţ and Harghita counties.
The canyon was dug by the waters of Bicaz River and it serves as a passageway between the Romanian provinces of Moldova and Transylvania.
It is a noted location to see the wallcreeper, an uncommon cliff-dwelling bird.
The road along the 8 kilometres of ravines, often in serpentines with rock on one side and a sheer drop on the other, is one of the most spectacular drives in the country. Also within the Chei is Lacul Roşu (the Red Lake), with its traditional cabins, hotels, and its famous lake (situated at 980m altitude) caused by a landslide in the 19th century.
Cheile Bicazului is one of the main rock climbing sites in Romania.
Hitchhiking Romania's Bicaz Canyon (Cheile Bicazului)
While hitchhiking to Piatra Neamt I pass through Bicaz Canyon, also known as The Bicaz Keys (Cheile Bicazului.) At one of the thinnest passages, it almost looks like the Carpathian Mountains will swallow our little car whole.
Bicaz Canyon - Cheile Bicazului
07.11.2010 Travel to Romania - Bicaz Canyon Neamt
Bicaz Canyon Neamt. GPS : 46º 48' 42.5 N / 25º 49' 39.8 E. More if you visit my travel website .
Bicaz Gorge - Romania
Bicaz Gorges is one of the most attractive tourist areas in the country. Located in the central part of the Hasmas Mountains, belonging to the Oriental Carpathians and bounded to the north and northwest by the Suhardul Mare (1506 m) and to the southeast by the Suhardul Mic (1352 m), connecting the Neamt and Harghita counties. The Bicaz Gorges have a length of 8 km, stretching between the Lacu Rosu resort and the Bicazul Ardelean village and connecting Transylvania with Moldova.
This film was made on the trans-Carpathian road DN12C, a road connecting Gheorgheni de Bicaz.
Bicaz Gorges are part of Cheile Bicazului National Park - Hasmas, which has as protected areas: Red Lake, Bicaz Gorges, Suga Lake, Hasmasul Mare - Lonely Stone and Black Hasmasul.
The construction of the narrow road, designed to defeat the relief with a spectacular series of serpentines, began in 1912. From the initial destination of the military road, it later reached one of the most important crossing points between Transylvania and Moldova, accentuating his role by the recent launch of the new tunnel.
All the way from Bicaz Gorges is made of serpentines of great beauty. Eight miles of tall vertical rocks so close to each other that no sun rays can penetrate them, they make up the keys. Both sides of the narrow valley are guarded by rocks of 300-400 m. The limestone walls of the rocks hide caves (Black Cave, Cascade Cave) and avene (Licas, Avenul).
Along the way you can admire the Altar Stone - a rocky massif of 1120 m altitude, the rocky massifs Piatra Pintestilor (847 m) and the Stone Arsitei (835 m). Among other more special cliffs in the area we mention Piatra Surducului, Stone Gate and Bardos Policies.
Prior to the Bicajel spill in Bicaz, there was an unfinished bridge, which was called the Bridge of Unglars, started in the 1940s. Initially the bridge was designed to bypass the most dangerous part of the keys, the Door of the Ladder, but could not end due to the war. On the left side of the bridge, the Bardos wall is raised with the Santinela from the Gatul of the Ladd. From the spilling of the Bicajel river begins the most spectacular area of the 800 m long, the Gatul lui Ladului, which squeezes between the Surduc Stone and the Bardos wall
The gills were formed by erosion of less hard mesozoic limestone. The association of the differently colored and varied types of rocks on the Bicazu Ardelean - Lacu Rosu route makes the great split of Bicaz Valley one of the most remarkable tourist routes in the Carpathians. Keys are guarded by the heights: The Killer, The Altar Stone (Tower of Bardos), Suhard. On some rocks there are routes for climbing.
For more info about us:
(3/5) Eastern Carpathians trip - Mountain Spring Dam and Bicaz Canyon
Beautiful Nature in Bicaz Romania
some moments from nature ...
BICAZ GORGE ( Cheile Bicazului ), ROMANIA - Amazing Road - [ HD ]