Belgian Beer Festival 2012 biergildezang grande place Brussel
biergilde zingt uit volle borst grote markt Brussel
Entry of King Albert I into Bruges 25 October 1918
100 YEARS AGO TODAY: Canada's Hundred Days - 79.
The Battle of the Selle, begun October 17 and involving the British First, Third and Fourth Armies as well as the Second American Corps, comes to an end, Friday, 25th October 1918.
From 14th October 1914 to 19th October 1918, Bruges was occupied by the Germans, with Admiral von Schroeder as Military Governor. After stripping the town of everything that could be carried off, and blowing up the bridges, the enemy left the town. Fortunately, the chimes in the belfry were left untouched, and as the Germans hurriedly departed, a peal rang out joyously. Flags and banners were taken from their hiding-places and hung in the streets and squares. Bruges-the-dead became Bruges-the-living-and-joyful.
On Friday, 25th October 1918, amid indescribable enthusiasm, and to the strains of La Brabançonne and La Marseillaise ringing out on the old belfry chimes, King Albert, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Leopold, accompanied by the General Staff, General Degoutte and Admiral Ronarc'h, re-entered the liberated city of Bruges.
Imperial War Museum photos captured Friday, 25th October 1918.
12.000 fans voor België - Rusland vanuit WK dorp in Brugge (HD)
More reports on Brugge:
So Much Chocolate!! *Travel Day* | Day 27 - Brussels to Amsterdam | #BLEH2017
Our last day in Brussels is filled with chocolate - literally. We visit Atomium and take a train to Amsterdam in the evening :)
For our grad trip we took a 30 day trip to Europe - we drove around all of Iceland in 8 days and then went on to Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, and finally, The Netherlands. This was one of the coolest trips I've ever taken - here's my documentation of the trip! Hope you enjoy. xo
P.S. #BLEH2017 stands for Beverly, Leah, Emily, Hilary ;) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Photo in end credits and banner art taken by Beverly Zabawskyj facebook: instagram:
BRUGGE townscape sightseeing
BRUGGE in sharper image filmed from propeller-plane.
All of the centre as a whole is classifeid as world heritage. For town development the city has to comply to certain obligations and conditions.
The town was also in the news for a bishop who fled to an abbey renowned for its best beer in the world. It is told that the bishop was a popular one before it was discovered that he had been sinful, unlike the rest of Flanders population.
Halletoren Grote Markt olv-kathedraal san-salvator kathedraal bisschoppelijk paleis
héritage reconnu de l' UNESCO
Brugge Belgium Bruges Flanders Brügge Brujas
Tasting Belgium: Praline Paleis Belgian Chocolate
Hello Internet,
I’m Kathryn Desinaasappelen. Today I’m Tasting Belgium, by trying Belgian Chocolates from a local shop called Praline Paleis.
If you liked my video give it a like and hit that subscribe button. Leave a comment and I will see you in the next video! ~KD
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delirium tremens belgian beer review
the beer panel reviews delirium tremens belgian ale with special guest, the church lady.
this stuff awesome. brettomyces (wild yeast) notes and clove and citrus. this is a lovely beer. i think i need to revise my score to at least a 4.1, 4.2 out of 5.
the other belgian ale i was trying to think of is de ranke XX bitter. that is some really nice beer, too.
please let us know if you'd like to see the church lady in future reviews.
personally, i had a blast doing this and all the other reviews. i hope you had 10% as much fun watching.
Bruxelles. Visit oct 2010 part 1
ready for action-just in case
sablon anticking-waffles tasting, shrimp cocktail to go, champagne every where, beer, great speciality shops, bar hoping-just lost of fun things to do in Bruxelles...try it! chocolate too of course....Godiva, leonidas...newhaus-corné-
dont go to au bon pain in le sablon, service is crap, they serve me raw eggs, told the manager he didn t care made me pay anyway i had to return that breakfast but one bite was too much i was sick like a dog. Plus they only serve russian coffee, they don t know what is a bowl of café latté, the service is so long you can actual die of waiting there, so so so bad they started a great branch the other one in Bru in st-gery is way better but the one in London England in Marylebone is my favorite it s awsome sooososso good what a shame au bon pain is Belge! the bread si so good there, all their marvellous spread...but raw eggs made me sick for weeks... but I still love Belgium
i love all of the other places...and have fun they're plenty of other breakfast place in le sablon and so many nice boutiques too.
Marcollini the best chocolatier hum not for me! try it for the sake of trying it but for me the bite is too small too too too small you loose the taste. We were a group of chocolate taster amateur and marcollini is at the buttom of our list. you bite and the bite is so tiny you loose it dissapointed to have lost so much money for so little of this famous chocolate...the chocolate it self is quite good but too small again and the filling the same thing..dont waste your money on this but you have to go and try it and the boutique is so cold, so out of style, there is no passion in the decor and no passion in the chocolate too but I love the other ones and my cookies from delacre. And beware of the flower man on the grand place he sold me bags of bulbs supposely good for canada and they weren't he is a liar. I don't like liar he should be trusty especially on the grand place in front of the city hall what a bunch of liars...I spend 21 euros for those bulbs luckily i declare them in Canada...what a shame this is not how to make business gardener lovers, i don t think so. Yes when you go to les Marolles and bargain it is part of the deal to get cross or not but it is not part of the deal on the grand place in front of the city hall where justice is supposed to start. But go to Bruxelles it s great fun trust me !
Go and dine like the rich Belge in elgaqueen my favorite and go to arcadi for nice little meal with the Belgium.
My favorite for dessert is at leonidas near the grand place they serve hot chocolate sauce over a shish kebab of fresh strawberries not to miss really and while you are there get some chocolate my favorite alexandre le grand square with caramel the LOuise and the Manon in all the 3 different kind of chocolate. ENjoy the Belgium are really nice and the pubs all different a great institution is LA mort subite. But go to St Gery street, music street ...
BRUSSELS | Belgium Places To Visit |Things To Do In Belgium
Brussels - Place to Visit and Things to Do In Belgium, Brussels. Exploring The Beautiful and Historic City of Brussels (french: Bruxelles, Dutch: Brussel) is the capital city of Belgium and of Brussels Capital Region.Brussels operates as a bilingual city where both French (85%) and Dutch (Flemish) (15%) are official languages. Best Places To visit In Brussels are (1) Grand Place-Grote Markt (2) Manneken Pis, (3) Jeanneke Pis (4) Parc du Cinquantenaire-Jubelpark (5) Atomium (6) Palais de Justice/Justitiepaleis (7) Mini-Europe, (8) Red Light District (9) European Parliament
Belgian specialties Beer, Croquettes,Croque (Grilled Sandwich), Filet Américain (Steak Tartare, Carbonades,Meat Balls in Tomato Sauce (Boulettes),Moules Frites,Vol-Au-Vent#brussels #brussels4K #bestplacesinbrussels Wanna Watch Travel Videos Please WATCH
FOR STREET FOOD VIDEOS WATCH -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Malayalam Travel Videos, Malayalam Travel Eat Videos Facebook Page
Last Night I Dreamed of Belgian Chocolate
An original poem read by Prince Edward island poet, Wendy Jones. Wendy's book of poetry is soon to be released. Last night I dreamed of Belgian chocolates Of caramel dripping down my chin Of chewy nuts, bourbon and praline, Glistening cherries sweet and red The chocolate melting oh so rich To liquid on my tongue
I woke up in the morning And wiped the drool away My chest so heavy on my lungs I could barely breath So using all the strength I had I rolled on to my side
On the verge of slumber I recalled Swiftly running to the store Spending all of my allowance On bulging bags of candy And a box of Captain Crunch Fred and Bugs and Popeye were my friends We’d curl up on the sofa while I ate
Back in slumber I slowly fall An ever-present hunger Leads me down a hall I see a green door standing open And walk into a treasure trove Treats from floor to ceiling Every single one for me
Shelves stacked high with ice-cold soda Beer and booze to quench a beggar’s thirst And pretty packs of various cigarettes Mary Jane invites me to light up so I do Breathing deep I hold my breath Then take a swig of whisky To soothe my burning throat
My bedroom door it opens wide A nurse she bears my tray Cold dry toast and lukewarm tea And I just want to die or run away As she sets them down beside me With a condescending smile I close my eyes and turn away to cry
Trip to Brussels, Pt. 3: Eating Snails and Defiling Statues
Hi Bloggy Friends,
On the very last day of our trip, Alan and I set out to find the best spots of Brussels. It's such a large city and not as pretty as the others we've visited, but I think we did a good job of discovering the beauty in this bustling, international metropolis.
Thank you so much for joining us on our trip. I hope it was as fun for you as it was for us. And more than anything I hope it inspires you to get out and take a trip of your own. The whole world is at our fingertips!
Have a great night.
Love, Josh
You'll never walk alone at Copa Crubeca ! België - Rusland
Copa Crubeca OPEN AIR Alle matchen van de Rode Duivels, halve finales en finales zien op een groot LED-scherm van maar liefst 15m² ? COPA CRUBECA is the place to be ! De inkom is volledig gratis en het bier & frieten zijn tijdens, voor en na de match te verkrijgen aan democratische prijzen. Event: Photography & timelapse:
Summer Terrace of Atrio Restaurant & Bar in Brussel in Belgium - European District
At Atrio Restaurant and Bar Italian meets Finnish cuisine in the heart of European District of Brussels in Belgium. Welcome for lunch and dinner to taste the best of South and North Europe! Visit also our great and peaceful summer terrace. More information:
Fraeylema Koetsentocht Slochteren 1 Sept 2018
De koetsen komen hier Hellum binnen en aan het eind vertrekken ze bij de kerk van Hellum na een koffiestop. De Helmster Parelzangers zwaaien ze uit met het lied Adieu, mein kleiner Gardeoffizier
Brussels Museum Nightlife
Apparently, this is totally normal and happens all the time. Free party, good dj, cheap (strong) beers. They kicked everyone out around 4am.
Belgium-US: A Success Story
The Embassy of Belgium introduces a video about the close relationship between the US and Belgium. Taking viewers beyond the well-known Belgian trivia (waffles and beer, anyone?), it highlights the continuous success story that has come out of this longstanding alliance, as well as the great potential for the future.
Brussel parlement 13/02/2011 euro. 35 miljard !
Dat is het bedrag van de Staatswaarborg die de Kamer dinsdag 13/02/2011 aannam als bijdrage aan het euro monetair fonds (EFSF en EMS) dat door de EU en het IMF werd opgericht. Naar verluid om euro-landen met schuldaflossingproblemen als Griekenland te helpen.
Americans Try BELGIAN Chocolate!!
Today we get to try some authentic Belgian Chocalate and it was AMAZING. Watch the whole thing to find out what was the most surprising one!
Thank you guys so much for watching and stay tuned for more :)
Make sure to catch up with us! Instagram: meimeiandjacob Facebook: meimeiandjacob
Club Brugge Vrouwen-DVK Egem 5-2, 14-10-2017
Samenvatting van een topper in 2e nationale tussen Club en Egem, gespeeld op een prachtige nazomer dag.
Doelpunten: Barbara Lezy 1-0 Ellen Stichelbaut 1-1 Katinka Dubois 2-1 Katinka Dubois 3-1 Barbara Lezy 4-1 Ellen Stichelbaut (pen) 4-2 Katinka Dubois 5-2