Coconut moonshine - GRAYSON CAPPS & J.SINTONI - Live at DaTrapani (Pavia,IT)
Recorded live at Da Trapani in Pavia (Italy) - March,17th 2013
Coconut Moonshine (Written by Grayson Capps)
Long down Mississippi Way
A place 'bout Ocean Springs
There's a barbecue joint they call The Shed
Between Mobile and New Orleans
We're gonna talk about Mr. Jim
He's the soul of the place
There ever since the bar been open
And he will 'til his dyin' day
G-maw's in the kitchen
There's a band playing tonight
A full moon looking like a coconut
Hanging up in the sky
Long come Mr. Jim in the coconut moonshine
Prettiest woman in the whole damn bar
Dancing right by his side
In that Coconut Moonshine (3x)
The band is sounding good
The sunny day long time down
An old timey Mason Jar
Jim pass it around
Oh it taste so good, oh it tastes so sweet
Tastes like fresh raw coconut milk
But it burns like canned heat
Blame it on Mr. Jim, that coconut moonshine
Won't tell anybody where he got it
But it sure makes him dance in time
Coconut Moonshine (3x)
Now it's summer time way down south
A song 'bout Mr. Jim
The baddest man in the whole damn bar
Dancin' like Anthony Quinn
He's gonna dance away your troubles
Dance away your fears
Dance away yesterday like tomorrow's already here
Coconut Moonshine (3x)
All you pretty women, I'll tell you what he'll do
He'll take you by the hand, drag you in the sand
And dance all night with you
All you pretty women, he don't mean no harm
Sweat be dripping' from between your legs
and underneath your arms
In that Coconut Moonshine (3x)
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I mondi ancestrali e ironici di Sari Ember in Galleria Campari
Sesto San Giovanni (askanews) - Una sinergia che funziona tra diversi attori del sistema dell'arte: nella Galleria Campari di Sesto San Giovanni è aperta al pubblico la prima mostra personale in Italia dell'artista ungherese Sari Ember, vincitrice del Campari Art Prize, realizzato in collaborazione con la fiera torinese Artissima. E ora, nel museo aziendale alle porte di Milano, Sari presenta i propri lavori in una esposizione intitolata Since our stories all sound alike.
Io sono interessata agli oggetti - ci ha detto l'artista classe 1985 - e ho usato materiali che, su scala diversa, sono molto comuni. Le ceramiche le troviamo nelle nostre case, il marmo invece rimanda ai musei. E il titolo della mostra vuole sottolineare che la mia storia personale è simile a quella di molte altre persone, perché è solo una storia umana.
In mostra sculture evocative, ispirate a magia e rituali, ma declinate, oltre che in una dimensione site specific legata al museo della Campari, anche in un dialogo ironico con la tradizione e, perché no, pure con noi spettatori.
Uso questi materiali molto seri, che rispetto molto - ha aggiunto Sari Ember -. Ma voglio creare con essi un tipo di umorismo, una specie di scherzo.
La leggerezza, nonostante tutto, quindi. E anche la sensazione, confermata da Ilaria Bonacossa, direttrice di Artissima e curatrice della mostra, che l'esposizione sia la tappa finale di un percorso virtuoso tra ricerca, momento fieristico e sponsorizzazioni.
E' un bel risultato - ha detto ad askanews - quando i premi e i lavori con i nostri partner non solo portano una sinergia con un brand come Campari, che ha lavorato con nomi importanti come Depero o Munari, ma anche all'idea che dei partner importanti credano nell'arte contemporanea e supportino dei giovani talenti.
Sulla medesima linea d'onda anche il direttore della Galleria Campari, Paolo Cavallo. Il nome stesso di Galleria Campari - ci ha spiegato - denota questa aspirazione che abbiamo avuto creando questo museo aziendale, ossia non limitarci a esporre le opere dell'archivio storico Campari, quindi pubblicità dedicate al marchio, ma di essere, come abbiamo sempre fatto, promotrici dell'arte e di promuovere artisti giovani, mostrando che c'è una presenza attiva nel mondo culturale e nel mondo dell'arte.
Tra rimandi intimi e suggestioni ancestrali, la mostra di Sari Ember resta aperta fino al 9 settembre.
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Campaign history of the Roman military | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Campaign history of the Roman military
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
From its origin as a city-state on the peninsula of Italy in the 8th century BC, to its rise as an empire covering much of Southern Europe, Western Europe, Near East and North Africa to its fall in the 5th century AD, the political history of Ancient Rome was closely entwined with its military history. The core of the campaign history of the Roman military is an aggregate of different accounts of the Roman military's land battles, from its initial defense against and subsequent conquest of the city's hilltop neighbors on the Italian peninsula, to the ultimate struggle of the Western Roman Empire for its existence against invading Huns, Vandals and Germanic tribes. These accounts were written by various authors throughout and after the history of the Empire. Following the First Punic War, naval battles were less significant than land battles to the military history of Rome due to its encompassment of lands of the periphery and its unchallenged dominance of the Mediterranean Sea.
The Roman army battled first against its tribal neighbours and Etruscan towns within Italy, and later came to dominate the Mediterranean and at its height the provinces of Britannia and Asia Minor. As with most ancient civilizations, Rome's military served the triple purpose of securing its borders, exploiting peripheral areas through measures such as imposing tribute on conquered peoples, and maintaining internal order. From the outset, Rome's military typified this pattern, and the majority of Rome's campaigns were characterised by one of two types. The first is the territorial expansionist campaign, normally begun as a counter-offensive, in which each victory brought subjugation of large areas of territory and allowed Rome to grow from a small town to a population of 55 million in the early empire when expansion was halted. The second is the civil war, which plagued Rome from its foundation to its eventual demise.
Roman armies were not invincible, despite their formidable reputation and host of victories, Romans produced their share of incompetents who led Roman armies into catastrophic defeats. Nevertheless, it was generally the fate of even the greatest of Rome's enemies, such as Pyrrhus and Hannibal, to win the battle but lose the war. The history of Rome's campaigning is, if nothing else, a history of obstinate persistence overcoming appalling losses.
Benito Mussolini | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Benito Mussolini
00:05:30 1 Early life
00:07:28 1.1 Emigration to Switzerland and military service
00:09:41 1.2 Political journalist, intellectual and socialist
00:13:32 1.3 Expulsion from the Italian Socialist Party
00:19:51 1.4 Beginning of Fascism and service in World War I
00:25:43 2 Rise to power
00:25:52 2.1 Formation of the National Fascist Party
00:33:42 2.2 March on Rome
00:34:48 2.3 Appointment as Prime Minister
00:37:25 2.4 Acerbo Law
00:38:03 2.5 Squadristi violence
00:39:36 3 Fascist Italy
00:39:45 3.1 Organizational innovations
00:41:17 3.2 Police state
00:44:51 3.3 The Pacification of Libya
00:46:45 3.4 Economic policy
00:49:55 3.5 Propaganda and cult of personality
00:52:53 3.6 Culture
00:56:40 3.7 Foreign policy
01:12:30 4 World War II
01:12:39 4.1 The gathering storm
01:19:49 4.2 War declared
01:22:04 4.3 Path to defeat
01:26:19 4.4 Dismissed and arrested
01:31:05 4.5 Italian Social Republic (Salò Republic)
01:35:10 5 Death
01:36:43 5.1 Mussolini's corpse
01:39:13 6 Personal life
01:40:40 7 Religious views
01:40:49 7.1 Atheism and anti-clericalism
01:43:09 7.2 Lateran Treaty
01:46:27 8 Mussolini's views on antisemitism and race
01:54:55 9 Legacy
01:55:04 9.1 Family
01:56:10 9.2 Neo-fascism
01:57:06 10 In popular culture
02:01:11 11 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini (; Italian: [beˈniːto mussoˈliːni]; 29 July 1883 – 28 April 1945) was an Italian politician and journalist who was the leader of the National Fascist Party (Partito Nazionale Fascista, PNF). He ruled Italy as Prime Minister from 1922 to 1943; he constitutionally led the country until 1925, when he dropped the pretense of democracy and established a dictatorship.
Known as Il Duce (The Leader), Mussolini was the founder of Italian Fascism. In 1912, Mussolini had been a leading member of the National Directorate of the Italian Socialist Party (PSI), but was expelled from the PSI for advocating military intervention in World War I, in opposition to the party's stance on neutrality. Mussolini served in the Royal Italian Army during the war until he was wounded and discharged in 1917. Mussolini denounced the PSI, his views now centering on nationalism instead of socialism and later founded the fascist movement which came to oppose egalitarianism and class conflict, instead advocating revolutionary nationalism transcending class lines. Following the March on Rome in October 1922, Mussolini became the youngest Prime Minister in Italian history until the appointment of Matteo Renzi in February 2014. After removing all political opposition through his secret police and outlawing labor strikes, Mussolini and his followers consolidated their power through a series of laws that transformed the nation into a one-party dictatorship. Within five years, Mussolini had established dictatorial authority by both legal and extraordinary means and aspired to create a totalitarian state. In 1929, Mussolini signed the Lateran Treaty with the Vatican, ending decades of struggle between the Italian state and the Papacy, and recognized the independence of Vatican City.
After the Abyssinia Crisis of 1935–1936, Mussolini invaded Ethiopia in the Second Italo–Ethiopian War. The invasion was condemned by the Western powers and was answered with economic sanctions against Italy. Relations between Germany and Italy improved due to Hitler's support of the invasion. In 1936, Mussolini surrendered Austria to the German sphere of influence, signed the treaty of cooperation with Germany and proclaimed the creation of a Rome–Berlin Axis. From 1936 through 1939, Mussolini provided huge amounts of military support to Franco's forces in the Spanish Civil War. This active intervention further distanced Italy from France and Britain. Mussolini had sought to delay a major war in Europe, but Germany invaded Poland on 1 September 1939, resulting in declarations of war by France and the UK and the start of World Wa ...