Executions in Sebastopol ww2 - part 1
The Soviet naval base at Sevastopol was one of the strongest fortifications in the world. Its site, on a deeply eroded, bare limestone promontory at the South-Western tip of the Crimea made an approach by land forces exceedingly difficult. The high-level cliffs at Severnaya Bay protected the anchorage, making an amphibious landing just as dangerous. The Soviet Navy had built upon these natural defences by modernising the port and installing heavy coastal and artillery defences which could fire inland and out to sea. The artillery was protected by strong concrete and armoured turrets. The port was a valuable target. Its importance as a potential naval and air base would enable the Axis to conduct far ranging sea and air operations against Soviet targets into and over the Caucasus ports and mountains. The Red Air Force had been using the Crimea as a base to attack targets in Romania since the Axis invasion in June 1941, proving its use as an air base.
Since the beginning of Barbarossa, the planned offensive in the east had not really addressed the Crimea as an objective. German planners assumed the area would be captured in mop-up operations once the bulk of the Red Army was destroyed west of the Dnepr river. But in June attacks by Soviet aircraft from the Crimea against Romania's oil refineries destroyed 11,000 tons of oil. Hitler described the area as a floating aircraft carrier and ordered the conquest of the Ukraine and the Crimea as vital targets in the Directive 33, dated 23 July 1941.
The Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW) issued orders that the Crimea was to be taken as soon as possible to prevent attacks on Romanian oil supplies, which fed the German military. Hitler, impatient with his commands advance in the south, repeated his desire that the Crimea be taken immediately on 12 August. Over a month later, during the capture of Kiev, Generaloberst Erich von Manstein was given command of the German 11th Army on 17 September. After only a week in command, he launched an assault upon the Crimea. After severe fighting, von Manstein defeated several Soviet counter-offensives and destroyed two Soviet armies. By 16 November, von Manstein had cleared the region, capturing its capital Simferopol, on 1 November. The fall of Kerch on 16 November left only Sevastopol in Soviet hands.
Fortunately for the Soviets, by the end of October 1941, Major-General Ivan Yefimovich Petrov's Independent Coastal Army, numbering 32,000 men, had arrived in Sevastopol by sea from Odessa, further west, having been routed in heavy fighting. Petrov set about fortifying the inland approaches to the Crimea. He aimed to halt the Axis drive on the port by creating three defence lines inland, the outermost arc being 16km (10 mi) from the port itself. Soviet forces, including the Soviet 51st Army and elements of the Black Sea Fleet, were defeated in the Crimea in October and were evacuated in December leaving Petrov's force as Sevastopol's main defence force. Having cleared the Crimea from 26 September--16 November, the Romanian 3rd Army and German 11th Army prepared for an attack on the port. The German 11 Army was the weakest on the entire front, containing only seven divisions intitially. The Romanians made up the numbers, but were poorly trained, led and only lightly equipped. The weather turned against the Axis in mid-October and torrential downpours delayed the build up. This gave time for Vice Admiral Filipp Oktyabrsky, commander of the Black Sea Fleet, to bring in men and ammunition from Novorossisk. By the 17 December the weather had cleared sufficiently to begin a major operation.
The Great Patriotic War. War in the Sea. Episode 13. StarMedia. Docudrama. English Subtitles
Watch free russian tv shows with english subtitles.
All episodes:
Type: historical reenactment
Genre: docudrama
Year of production: 2011
Number of episodes: 18
Directed by:Anna Grazhdan
Written by:Artem Drabkin, Aleksey Isaev
Production designer:Valeriy Babich
Music by:Boris Kukoba
Producers: Valeriy Babich , Vlad Ryashin , Sergey Titinkov , Konstantin Ernst
Premiere:29/03/2010 (Russia), 03/05/2010 (Ukraine), 20/06/2011 (UK)
The project “Soviet Storm: WW2 in the East” depicts the most important events and battles of World War II. The task of the project is to illustrate the history of the war by means of computer graphics, motion-picture images and wartime actuality shots.
Episode 1: Operation Barbarossa
Episode 2: Kiev, 1941
Episode 3: The Defence of Sevastopol
Episode 4: The Battle for Moscow
Episode 5: Leningrad
Episode 6: Rzhev
Episode 7: Stalingrad
Episode 8: The Battle for Caucasus
Episode 9: The Kursk Bulge
Episode 10: From the Dnieper to the Oder
Episode 11: Operation Bagration
Episode 12: War in the Air
Episode 13: War in the Sea
Episode 14: The Partisan Movement
Episode 15: Secret Intelligence of the Red Army
Episode 16: The Battle for Germany
Episode 17: Berlin
Episode 18: War Against Japan
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230 лет Черноморскому Флоту - парад (обход кораблей) 2013 г.
Обход кораблей ЧФ РФ и ВМСУ, стоящих в парадном строю на рейде в Севастопольской бухте, 10.05.2013 г., генеральная репетиция. (парад в честь Дня ВМФ 2012).
В Севастополе торжественно отметили 230-летие образования Черноморского флота. Поздравить военных моряков в город прибыли председатель Совета Федерации Федерального собрания России Валентина Матвиенко, Чрезвычайный и Полномочный Посол РФ В Украине Михаил Зурабов, Главком ВМФ России адмирал Виктор Чирков, председатель Верховной Рады Украины Владимир Рыбак.
История Черноморского флота началась во времена царствования Екатерины Великой. 2 мая (13-го по новому стилю) 1783 года русская эскадра в составе 11 кораблей под командованием вице-адмирала Ф.А. Клокачёва (им было положено начало формирования Черноморского флота) вошла в Ахтиарскую бухту. А в феврале 1784 года последовал указ императрицы: «С пользой и во славу России... устроить крепость большую Севастополь, где ныне Ахтиар, и где должны быть Адмиралтейство, верфь для первого ранга кораблей, порт и военное селение». Яркие страницы мужества и стойкости вписали черноморцы в историю отечественного флота и двух героических оборон Севастополя.
Празднование началось с торжественного собрания, состоявшегося 11 мая в Доме офицеров флота. В фойе ДОФа разместились три фотовыставки, посвящённые Черноморскому флоту, а на сцене состоялось театрализованное представление, в котором были показаны эпизоды из истории создания флота и его героических действий в боях с врагами. В честь 230-летия Черноморского флота ряд военнослужащих были награждены медалями. В заключение состоялся концерт с участием московских артистов.
12 мая торжественные мероприятия начались с возложения венков и цветов к Вечному огню у Мемориала героическим защитникам Севастополя на пл. Нахимова. Потом командующие флотами Украины и России с Графской пристани на катере отбыли принимать парад кораблей, выстроенных на внутреннем рейде Севастопольской бухты.
Затем состоялось театрализованное представление, в ходе которого представшая в окружении свиты Екатерина II огласила свои указы о создании флота на Чёрном море и месте его базирования. В акватории Севастопольской бухты военные реконструкторы воссоздали боевые эпизоды истории ЧФ -- от подвига брига «Меркурий» и сражений Первой обороны до Второй обороны города.
Группа ВМФ: ;
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U.S. Navy Destroyer Heads For Waters Near Ukraine For Exercise
A U.S. Navy destroyer was en route to the Black Sea on Thursday - but it had nothing to do with tension in Ukraine, Pentagon officials said. The U.S.S. Truxtun, was due to take part in a pre-planned exercise involving Romanian and Bulgarian vessels. Meanwhile, Ukrainian troops remained on high alert after Pro-Russian forces effectively took control of Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula in the wake of last month's ouster of President Viktor Yanukovych. Moscow has denied any role in the apparent occupation. After a meeting with his Russian counterpart Wednesday, Secretary of State John Kerry said the U.S. had agreed to continue intense discussions in the coming days with Russia.
World War Zero. Episode 3. Docudrama. English Subtitles. StarMediaEN
The War of 1853-1856 is most often known as The Crimean War. But the battle for the Crimea was only one episode of a much bigger war. The confrontation between the Russian Empire on the one hand and the Allied Forces of the British Empire, France, Turkey and the Kingdom of Sardinia on the other affected a huge territory stretching from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean. In fact, it was a war for world domination - in effect a world war.
What were the overt and covert reasons that caused the confrontation between the great powers in the middle of the XIX century? How it all started and what role the Russian Empire ultimately played on the world political stage is all told in this challenging and insightful new four-part documentary series, WORLD WAR 0.
Type: historical reenactment
Genre: docudrama
Year of production: 2016
Number of episodes: 4
Directed by: Denis Bespalyi
Written by: Andrey Nazarov, Andrey Burovskiy, Vasiliy Shevtsov
Production designer: Mikhail Gavrilov
Director of photography: Ivan Barkhvart
Music by: Maksim Voitov
Producers: Valeriy Babich, Vlad Ryashin
Cast: Oleg Anoshkin, Dmitriy Yachevskiy, Anatoliy Bober, Dmitriy Eremenko, Yuriy Pimkin, Viktor Bashinskiy, Yulia Kharkovskaya, Vyacheslav Kramarev, Valeriy Lukyanov
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World War Zero. Trailer
World War Zero. Episode 3
All World War Zero episodes
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Крым. Путь на Родину. Документальный фильм Андрея Кондрашова
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Полнометражная документальная лента была задумана, чтобы сохранить для истории каждый значимый эпизод событий, происходивших в Крыму весной 2014 года. Съемки продолжались 8 месяцев и охватили Севастополь и Форос, Симферополь и Керчь, Ялту и Бахчисарай; Феодосию, Джанкой, Алушту и еще десяток населенных пунктов Крыма. По горячим следам был записан большой разговор с Владимиром Путиным, а потом еще больше полусотни интервью с участниками и свидетелями Крымской весны. С чего все началось? Как Россия получила официальное обращение от легитимного президента Украины с просьбой спасти ему жизнь?
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Крым. Путь на Родину. Документальный фильм Андрея Кондрашова
Sevastopol | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:01:27 1 Etymology
00:03:19 2 History
00:03:59 2.1 Part of the Russian Empire
00:06:00 2.2 Soviet Union
00:07:20 2.3 Sevastopol as part of Ukrainian SSR
00:09:13 2.4 After Soviet dissolution
00:13:09 2.5 2014 Russian annexation
00:15:19 3 Geography
00:16:52 3.1 Climate
00:18:49 4 Politics and government
00:19:10 4.1 City State Administration
00:19:34 4.2 Legislature
00:20:19 4.3 Administrative and municipal divisions
00:20:52 5 Economy
00:21:20 5.1 Industry
00:22:39 5.2 Infrastructure
00:23:48 5.3 Tourism
00:25:14 6 Demographics
00:26:18 7 Culture
00:27:01 8 Twin towns – sister cities
00:27:33 9 Gallery
00:27:42 10 See also
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Sevastopol (; Russian: Севасто́поль; Ukrainian: Севастополь; Crimean Tatar: Акъяр, Aqyar) is the largest city on the Crimean Peninsula and a major Black Sea port. The city is administered as a federal city of the Russian Federation following Crimea's annexation by Russia in 2014, though Ukraine and most of the UN member countries continue to regard Sevastopol as a city with special status within Ukraine.
Sevastopol has a population of 393,304 (2014 Census), concentrated mostly near the Sevastopol Bay and surrounding areas. The location and navigability of the city's harbours have made Sevastopol a strategically important port and naval base throughout history. The city has been a home to the Russian Black Sea Fleet, which is why it was considered as a separate city in Crimea of significant military importance and was therefore once a closed city.
Although relatively small at 864 square kilometres (334 sq mi), Sevastopol's unique naval and maritime features provide the basis for a robust economy. The city enjoys mild winters and moderate warm summers; characteristics that help make it a popular seaside resort and tourist destination, mainly for visitors from the former Soviet republics. The city is also an important centre for marine biology; in particular, dolphins have been studied and trained in the city since the end of World War II.
Великая Война. 13 Серия. Война на Море. StarMedia. Babich-Design
Все серии:
Проект посвящен 65-й годовщине Великой Победы Фильм рассказывает о главных событиях и сражениях Великой Отечественной войны. Уникальность проекта в широком использовании компьютерной графики в сочетании с кинохроникой военных лет. Благодаря новейшим технологиям зритель, даже неискушенный в вопросах истории, привычный к современному киноязыку, получает возможность, с одной стороны, разобраться в подробностях событий, с другой, - в полной мере ощутить масштабность и драматизм великой войны.
Серия 13. Война на Море:
Боевую готовность № 1 на флоте объявили незадолго до полуночи 21 июня 1941 года. Немцы и их союзники финны пытались полностью блокировать советские морские перевозки. К 1942 году немцам понадобилась долгосрочная защита морских коммуникаций. Командование Кригсмарине делало ставку на мины. Советские подводники удачно действовали на Балтике. Советские эсминцы Северного флота вместе с английскими кораблями участвовали в сопровождении транспортов, прикрывали их от атак авиации и подводных лодок. Вышел Приказ Верховного Главнокомандующего от 22 июля 1945 года: «Флот до конца выполнил свой долг перед Родиной»...
Формат: историческая реконструкция
Жанр: докудрама
Год производства: 2010
Количество серий: 18
Режиссер: Анна Граждан
Сценарий: Артем Драбкин, Алексей Исаев
Художник-постановщик: Валерий Бабич
Композитор: Борис Кукоба
Продюсеры: Валерий Бабич, Влад Ряшин, Сергей Титинков, Константин Эрнст
Смотреть онлайн бесплатно Великая Война
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Star Media в социальных сетях:
Российская империя. Серия 4. Екатерина II. Часть 1
Российская империя. Проект Леонида Парфёнова
Екатерина II. Часть 1
Происхождение принцессы Софьи-Фредерики-Августины, будущей Екатерины Великой, её приезд в Россию.
Свержение с престола мужа — императора Петра III.
Превращение дворянства в привилегированное сословие.
История Салтычихи.
Русско-турецкие войны, присоединение Крыма к России, штурм Измаила.
Насаждение картошки в России.
Екатерина — воспитательница внуков.
Фавориты императрицы.
Пугачёвский бунт.
Российская империя. Серия 10. Николай I. Часть 2
Российская империя. Проект Леонида Парфёнова
Николай I. Часть 2
Создание жандармерии — Третьего отделения Его Императорского Величества Канцелярии.
Триада «православие, самодержавие, народность».
Новый российский гимн «Боже, царя храни».
Спор «западников» и «славянофилов».
Кавказская война.
Александр Герцен и его «Колокол».
Подавление Венгерской революции.
Официальная культура — скульптор Клодт, баснописец Крылов, архитектор Тон, художник Айвазовский.
Крымская война.
Севастопольская катастрофа.
Крах николаевской России.
Нулевая Мировая. 3 серия. StarMedia. Babich-Design. Документальный Фильм
Войну 1853-1856 годов часто называют Крымской. Но битва за Крым была только эпизодом огромной войны. Противостояние Российской империи с объединенными силами союзников – Англии, Франции, Турции и Сардинского королевства – затронуло огромную территорию: от Балтийского моря до Тихого океана. Фактически это была война за мировое господство – мировая война. Каковы были явные и скрытые причины развернувшегося в середине XIX века противоборства великих держав?
С чего всё началось и какую роль в итоге занимала Российская империя на мировой политической арене рассказывается в новом документально-игровом фильме «Нулевая Мировая».
Формат: историческая реконструкция
Жанр: докудрама
Год производства: 2016
Количество серий: 4
Режиссер: Денис Беспалый
Сценарий: Андрей Назаров, Андрей Буровский, Василий Шевцов
Художник-постановщик: Михаил Гаврилов
Оператор-постановщик: Иван Бархварт
Композитор: Максим Войтов
Продюсеры: Валерий Бабич, Влад Ряшин
В ролях: Олег Аношкин, Дмитрий Ячевский, Анатолий Бобер, Дмитрий Еременко, Юрий Пимкин, Виктор Башинский, Юлия Харьковская, Вячеслав Крамарев, Валерий Лукъянов
Смотреть онлайн бесплатно:
Нулевая Мировая. 3 серия
Все серии Нулевая Мировая
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Star Media в социальных сетях:
The River War: An Account of the Reconquest of the Sudan by Winston S. Churchill
When the self-proclaimed Mahdi (“Guided One”) gathered Islamic forces and kicked the Anglo-Egyptians out of the Sudan, he unleashed a backlash. With the image of the heroic General Charles Gordon dying at Khartoum, the British public was ready to support a war to reclaim the lost territories. And when the political time was right, a British-Egyptian-Sudanese expedition led by the redoubtable Herbert Kitchener set out to do just that.
The river involved was the Nile. For millennia, its annual flood has made habitable a slender strip, though hundreds of miles of deserts, between its tributaries and its delta. Through this desolate region, man and beast struggled to supply the bare essentials of life. Though this same region, the expedition had to find and defeat an enemy several times larger than itself.
The young Churchill was hot to gain war experience to aid his career, and so he wangled a transfer to the 21st Lancers and participated in the last successful cavalry charge the world ever saw, in the climactic battle of Omdurman. He also had a position as war correspondent for the Morning Post, and on his return to England he used his notes to compose this book.
Chapter 01. The Rebellion of the Mahdi - 00:00
Chapter 02. The Fate of the Envoy - 1:24:09
Chapter 03. The Dervish Empire - 2:45:41
Chapter 04. The Years of Preparation - 3:33:13
Chapter 05. The Beginning of the War - 4:15:26
Chapter 06. Firket - 5:00:59
Chapter 07. The Recovery of the Dongola Province - 5:21:57
Chapter 08. The Desert Railway - 6:15:20
Chapter 09. Abu Hamed - 7:04:52
Chapter 10. Berber - 7:46:23
Chapter 11. Reconaissance - 8:22:42
Chapter 12. The Battle of the Atbara - 8:52:56
Chapter 13. The Grand Advance - 9:21:50
Chapter 14. The Operations of the First of September - 9:50:47
Chapter 15. The Battle of Omdurman - 10:17:57
Chapter 16. The Fall of the City - 11:34:01
Chapter 17. The Fashoda Incident - 11:55:29
Chapter 18. On the Blue Nile - 12:28:57
Chapter 19. The End of the Khalifa - 13:12:58
Appendix - 13:54:27
Axis powers of World War II | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:01:54 1 Origins and creation
00:03:29 1.1 Initial proposals of a German–Italian alliance
00:08:43 1.2 Danube alliance, dispute over Austria
00:15:38 1.3 Development of German–Italian–Japanese alliance
00:18:52 2 Ideology
00:19:24 3 Economic resources
00:21:48 4 Founding members of the Axis
00:21:58 4.1 Germany
00:22:06 4.1.1 War justifications
00:37:12 4.1.2 History
00:42:34 4.1.3 Colonies and dependencies
00:47:52 4.2 Italy
00:48:00 4.2.1 War justifications
00:51:19 4.2.2 History
01:09:43 4.2.3 Colonies and dependencies
01:09:51 In Europe
01:13:13 In Africa and Asia
01:14:02 4.3 Japan
01:14:10 4.3.1 War justifications
01:16:26 4.3.2 History
01:21:09 4.3.3 Colonies and dependencies
01:22:11 5 Subsequent signatories of the Tripartite Pact
01:22:59 5.1 Bulgaria
01:26:17 5.2 Hungary
01:30:15 5.3 Romania
01:36:28 5.4 Yugoslavia (two day membership)
01:38:00 6 Co-belligerent state combatants
01:38:23 6.1 Finland
01:42:48 6.2 Free City of Danzig
01:43:24 6.3 Iraq
01:45:47 6.4 Thailand
01:49:20 7 Client states
01:49:29 7.1 German
01:50:45 7.1.1 Albania (under German control)
01:52:33 7.1.2 Serbia (Nedic Regime Puppet Government under German control)
01:55:28 7.1.3 Italy (Italian Social Republic)
01:56:20 7.1.4 Slovakia (Tiso regime)
01:58:19 7.2 Italian
01:58:36 7.2.1 Monaco
01:59:30 7.3 Joint German-Italian client states
01:59:40 7.3.1 Croatia (Independent State of Croatia)
02:04:32 7.3.2 Greece (Hellenic State)
02:06:10 7.4 Japanese
02:06:33 7.4.1 Burma (Ba Maw regime)
02:07:06 7.4.2 Cambodia
02:08:40 7.4.3 China (Reorganized National Government of China)
02:11:33 7.4.4 India (Provisional Government of Free India)
02:13:08 7.4.5 Inner Mongolia (Mengjiang)
02:14:52 7.4.6 Laos
02:16:35 7.4.7 Manchuria (Manchukuo)
02:18:14 7.4.8 Philippines (Second Republic)
02:19:12 7.4.9 Vietnam (Empire of Vietnam)
02:19:59 8 Controversial cases
02:20:22 8.1 Denmark
02:22:52 8.2 Soviet Union
02:27:25 8.3 Spain
02:30:51 8.4 Vichy France
02:38:02 9 German, Italian and Japanese World War II cooperation
02:38:14 9.1 German-Japanese Axis-cooperation
02:38:25 9.2 Germany's and Italy's declaration of war against the United States
02:41:28 10 See also
02:42:20 11 Notes
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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Speaking Rate: 0.9743517129971768
Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-E
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
The Axis powers (German: Achsenmächte; Italian: Potenze dell'Asse; Japanese: 枢軸国 Sūjikukoku), also known as Rome–Berlin–Tokyo Axis (also acronymized as Roberto), were the nations that fought in World War II against the Allies. The Axis powers agreed on their opposition to the Allies, but did not completely coordinate their activity.
The Axis grew out of the diplomatic efforts of Germany, Italy, and Japan to secure their own specific expansionist interests in the mid-1930s. The first step was the treaty signed by Germany and Italy in October 1936. Benito Mussolini declared on 1 November that all other European countries would from then on rotate on the Rome–Berlin axis, thus creating the term Axis. The almost simultaneous second step was the signing in November 1936 of the Anti-Comintern Pact, an anti-communist treaty between Germany and Japan. Italy joined the Pact in 1937. The Rome–Berlin Axis became a military alliance in 1939 under the so-called Pact of Steel, with the Tripartite Pact of 1940 leading to the integration of the military aims of Germany, Italy and Japan.
At its zenith during World War II, the Axis presided over territories that occupied large parts of Europe, North Africa, and East Asia. There were no three-way summit meetings and cooperation and coordination was minimal, with slightly more between Germany and Italy. The war ended in 1945 with the defeat of the Axis powers and the dissolution of their alliance. As in the case of the Allies, membership of the Axis was fluid, ...
National Gendarmerie | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:01:00 1 History
00:01:09 1.1 Early history of the institution
00:04:15 1.2 The Revolution
00:05:35 1.3 Nineteenth century
00:07:09 1.4 Battle honours
00:09:27 2 Missions
00:11:09 3 Organization
00:11:18 3.1 Basic principles
00:11:48 3.2 Director-General
00:12:31 3.3 Directorate-General
00:13:52 3.4 Organization
00:17:13 3.4.1 Departmental Gendarmerie
00:19:39 3.4.2 Mobile Gendarmerie
00:21:39 3.4.3 National Gendarmerie Intervention Group
00:22:48 3.4.4 Republican Guard
00:23:33 3.4.5 Overseas Gendarmerie
00:24:00 3.4.6 Maritime Gendarmerie
00:24:24 3.4.7 Air Transport Gendarmerie
00:25:13 3.4.8 Air Gendarmerie
00:25:36 3.4.9 Ordnance Gendarmerie
00:25:56 3.4.10 Nuclear ordnance security Gendarmerie
00:26:13 3.4.11 Provost Gendarmerie
00:26:32 4 Foreign service
00:27:02 5 Uniforms
00:28:20 6 Ranks
00:28:45 7 Personnel
00:31:36 7.1 Prospective Centre
00:32:17 8 Equipment
00:32:25 8.1 Cars
00:32:39 8.2 Helicopters
00:33:53 9 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.
- Socrates
The National Gendarmerie (French: Gendarmerie nationale [ʒɑ̃daʁməʁi nasjɔnal]) is one of two national police forces of France, along with the National Police. It is a branch of the French Armed Forces placed under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of the Interior—with additional duties to the Ministry of Defense. Its area of responsibility includes smaller towns, rural and suburban areas, while the Police Nationale—a civilian force—is in charge of cities and downtowns. Due to its military status, the Gendarmerie also fulfills a range of military and defense missions. The Gendarmes also have a cybercrime division. It has a strength of more than 100,000 personnel as of 2014.The Gendarmerie is heir to the Maréchaussée (Marshalcy—see below), the oldest police force in France, dating back to the Middle Ages. It has influenced the culture and traditions of gendarmerie forces all around the world—and especially in the former French colonial empire.
Timeline of World War II (1942) | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Timeline of World War II (1942)
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
This is a timeline of events that occurred during World War II in 1942.
Axis Powers | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Axis Powers
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
The Axis powers (German: Achsenmächte; Italian: Potenze dell'Asse; Japanese: 枢軸国 Sūjikukoku), also known as the Rome–Berlin–Tokyo Axis, were the nations that fought in World War II against the Allies. The Axis powers agreed on their opposition to the Allies, but did not completely coordinate their activity.
The Axis grew out of the diplomatic efforts of Germany, Italy, and Japan to secure their own specific expansionist interests in the mid-1930s. The first step was the treaty signed by Germany and Italy in October 1936. Benito Mussolini declared on 1 November that all other European countries would from then on rotate on the Rome–Berlin axis, thus creating the term Axis. The almost simultaneous second step was the signing in November 1936 of the Anti-Comintern Pact, an anti-communist treaty between Germany and Japan. Italy joined the Pact in 1937. The Rome–Berlin Axis became a military alliance in 1939 under the so-called Pact of Steel, with the Tripartite Pact of 1940 leading to the integration of the military aims of Germany, Italy and Japan.
At its zenith during World War II, the Axis presided over territories that occupied large parts of Europe, North Africa, and East Asia. There were no three-way summit meetings and cooperation and coordination was minimal, with slightly more between Germany and Italy. The war ended in 1945 with the defeat of the Axis powers and the dissolution of their alliance. As in the case of the Allies, membership of the Axis was fluid, with some nations switching sides or changing their degree of military involvement over the course of the war.
Axis powers | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Axis powers
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
You can find other Wikipedia audio articles too at:
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
The Axis powers (German: Achsenmächte; Italian: Potenze dell'Asse; Japanese: 枢軸国 Sūjikukoku), also known as the Rome–Berlin–Tokyo Axis, were the nations that fought in World War II against the Allies. The Axis powers agreed on their opposition to the Allies, but did not completely coordinate their activity.
The Axis grew out of the diplomatic efforts of Germany, Italy, and Japan to secure their own specific expansionist interests in the mid-1930s. The first step was the treaty signed by Germany and Italy in October 1936. Benito Mussolini declared on 1 November that all other European countries would from then on rotate on the Rome–Berlin axis, thus creating the term Axis. The almost simultaneous second step was the signing in November 1936 of the Anti-Comintern Pact, an anti-communist treaty between Germany and Japan. Italy joined the Pact in 1937. The Rome–Berlin Axis became a military alliance in 1939 under the so-called Pact of Steel, with the Tripartite Pact of 1940 leading to the integration of the military aims of Germany, Italy and Japan.
At its zenith during World War II, the Axis presided over territories that occupied large parts of Europe, North Africa, and East Asia. There were no three-way summit meetings and cooperation and coordination was minimal, with slightly more between Germany and Italy. The war ended in 1945 with the defeat of the Axis powers and the dissolution of their alliance. As in the case of the Allies, membership of the Axis was fluid, with some nations switching sides or changing their degree of military involvement over the course of the war.
Famous Black Canadians: 4/10: William Hall
In celebration of Black History Month 2020, we've decided to put together this video series on ten famous black Canadians who helped shape our country into what it is today.
In 1857, William Hall became the first Canadian sailor and the first black man to receive the Victoria Cross. Born in Horton Bluff, N.S., he joined the Royal Navy as a teenager. He was decorated for bravery during the Crimean War, and awarded the Victoria Cross for an act extraordinary courage he performed during the Indian Rebellion of 1857.