Romania,Braşov White Tower,Black Tower
Black and White Towers of Brasov Romania E021
I hiked a hill on the north side of Brasov to see the Black & White Towers which overlook the city.
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Copie a Romania,Braşov White Tower,Black Tower
Walk in Brasov - visiting Transylvania # 2. The Black Tower - Turnul Negru.
White Tower and the Black Tower.
Old Fortress was in a good state of preservation.
Dubllon travels to this city Brasov in Transylvania, Romania, in this place live romanians hungarians and germans in peace a harmony. Today the city is modern and without industry pollution.
I hope to show as many historical monuments.
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Brasov - White & Black Towers || Unwind life
A little journey in the middle of the city Brasov, Romania. Watch the trip to the White and Black Towers, all the views of the city and so more.
Walk in Brasov - visiting Transylvania # 1. The White Tower - Turnul Alb.
White Tower and the Black Tower.
Old Fortress was in a good state of preservation.
Dubllon travels to this city Brasov in Transylvania, Romania, in this place live romanians hungarians and germans in peace a harmony. Today the city is modern and without industry pollution.
I hope to show as many historical monuments.
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Walk in Brasov - visiting Transylvania # 8. Black Church and High School Honterus - Biserica Neagra.
In 1421 an important part of the construction was destroyed during the Turkish invasion, and that is why the church was completely built in 1477. Nowadays it is considered the greatest place of worship in Romania, with impressive dimensions: 90 meters in length, between 25 and 37 meters wide, 65 meters from the floor level to the highest point of its Cross tower, while it can house about 5000 people. More than that, the biggest bell in the country, weighting 6.3 tones, is to be found in its tower as well.
The dangers having passed, the works continued, and the church was inaugurated in 1477, while the tower in 1514. In 1542, when the Saxon town accepted the reforms of Honterus and embraced the Lutheran religion the local Catholic church became Evangelical. The events in Transylvania in between 1143-1571 were recorded on the walls, but according to a book written by Balázs Orbán the list of the persons donating for the construction of the church was also present on the wall. Unfortunately the 1689 fire destroyed the recordings.
Then, after almost 200 years, a fire partially destroyed it in 1689, and the smoke blackened the walls, and for a long period of time the façade couldn’t be renovated. The restoration lasted about 100 years, but the place of worship was called Biserica Neagra (the Black Church) because of its black smoked walls (Die Schwarze Kirche in German and Fekete Templom in Hungarian). The present roof, 20 meters in height, was also built after this fire. The workers who restored it were from Danzing, and this is the reason why the new vaults are in Baroque style and not in Gothic.
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Brasov - Monumente Istorice #2 - Black Tower - Turnul Negru - (Dupa Ziduri).
Turnul Negru este unul dintre cele patru turnuri de observație ale Cetății Brașovului construit ca o fortificație independentă amplasată în afara zidurilor cetății, înaltă de peste 11 metri. Situat la mică distanță de Bastionul Fierarilor, pe o stâncă a dealului Warthe, Turnul Negru din Brașov domina Șcheii cu dimensiunile sale, el trebuind să împiedice apropierea dușmanilor de zidurile orașului, care aici erau la mai puțin de 5 m de stâncă (abia în 1819 - 1820 trecerea a fost lărgită). Ocupând o suprafață de 50 mp, turnul are 11 m în înălțime, iar zidurile sale măsoară la bază 2 m grosime. Prezintă șase goluri de tragere pe fiecare față a sa, dispuse pe trei rânduri de atac. În interior are trei galerii etajate și, mai demult, turnul poseda un sistem de legătură cu Cetatea printr-un pod mobil ce se lăsa până la Bastionul Fierarilor. Turnul datează din secolul XV, fiind construit concomitent cu Turnul Alb. Totuși, prima mențiune documentară a turnului datează din 1541. Acoperișul inițial nu se mai păstrează, fiind distrus de trăznet, la 23 iulie 1559, și de incendiul din 1689 - care au înegrit zidurile turnului și i-a dat denumirea de azi. A mai fost distrus de trăznet în 1696, dar a fost refăcut, așa cum ne arată o stampă din 1735. În timpul epidemiei de ciumă din 1756, se pare că Turnul Negru a fost folosit ultima dată ca adăpost și punct de pază pentru paznicii cordonului sanitar din jurul orașului. În caz de primejdie, un lanț gros de fier între stâncă și bastion oprea comunicația cu Dupăzidurile de Jos. Acoperișul, existent încă la 1796, datorită vitregiilor timpului, a făcut la 1827 obiectul unei cereri de restaurare, dar, întrucât nu aducea venituri orașului, cererea nu a fost aprobată. Abia în 1900 s-a pus problema restaurării monumentului, efectuându-se o consolidare a zidurilor la partea lor superioară în anul 1901. În noaptea de 3 spre 4 iulie 1991, zidul sudic al turnului s-a prăbușit după o ploaie torențială. Restaurarea a avut loc însă de abia în 1996. Astăzi deține un punct muzeal.
Brasov - Seen from the Black Tower
Date: 16.03.2017
Romania,Braşov-White Tower,Black Tower
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Brasov Break - Episode 4: The Black Tower
#Brasov #Romania #Travel
A beautiful old edifice in the heart of Transylvania
Bran Castle, Rasnov citadel, and Black Church in Brasov, Romania in 4k
Travel video shows Beautiful Bran Castle, Rasnov citadel, and Black Church in Brasov.
Bran Castle became famous due to the noble by Stoker “Dracula”.
Video was taken in May 2018 with Sony A7Rmk3 with 24-105f4G.
Music: J. S. Bach Sonatas for Flute and Harpsichord Obbligato No. 1 in G Major, BVW 525 10:07, No 23 in D Minor, BVW 527 11:13,
Aurele Nicolet, Michio Kobayashi
Black Church from Braşov city, România
Travels in Transylvania: Brasov Romania Part 2
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Before we arrived in Brasov, we knew very little about what to see and do. Besides seeing the Black and White towers and ogling the Brasov Hollywood sign, there is sooooo much to see and do in Brasov Romania!
Much like other Medieval fortified cities, Brasov is surrounded by walls, towers and bastillions. Each tower and bastillion is maintained by a skilled trades guild. For example, the Black Tower would be defended by the blacksmiths of Brasov. Such a neat bit of history! If our cities and town did this today, we would have the “grocery clerk’s tower” the “accountant’s bastillion” the “barista’s tower” etc. etc.
Whilst visiting the Black and White Towers, we came across a map with other sites to visit in Brasov. We then decided that we would stay in Brasov for a second partial day, just to see everything we could!
For more information about Brasov:
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Brasov - Monumente Istorice #1 - White Tower - Turnul Alb - (Dupa Ziduri).
Construit între anii 1460 și 1494, Turnul Alb impresionează și astăzi prin masivitatea și zveltețea liniilor sale arhitectonice. Rezumând arhitectura sa în date putem spune: plan semicircular deschis; peste 30 m diferență de nivel față de zidurile orașului; înălțime: 20 m spre oraș și 18 m înspre deal; zidurile au la bază 4 m, iar diametrul turnului măsoară 19 m. De-a lungul zidurilor sale, turnul prezintă metereze, guri pentru smoală și balcoane susținute de console cioplite în piatră. Aflându-se la 59 m depărtare de zidul cetății, turnul comunica cu aceasta printr-un pod mobil ce făcea legătura între turn și Bastionul Graft. Avea vedere spre Blumăna și, cu cele 5 etaje ale sale, era cel mai ridicat punct de fortificație din Brașov. În interiorul turnului s-a păstrat coșul de fum de deasupra unei vetre, care putea servi și pentru încălzirea paznicilor și a apărătorilor - breslași cositorari și arămari. În 1678, breasla cositorilor a răscumpărat obligația de apărare a turnului, numărul meșterilor fiind scăzut. Cu ocazia marelui incendiu din 21 aprilie 1689, focul dus de un vânt puternic a cuprins și Turnul Alb, care a ars, fiind renovat de abia în 1723. Alte acțiuni de restaurare au fost efectuate în 1902, 1974, 2002 și 2006. Astăzi deține un punct muzeal.
Panda's Odyssey In Brasov Romania
17 Aug 2017
Brasov Romania Walking Tour
I joined my new friend Leonie in visiting Brasov Romania and together we walking all over the city seeing it's cool old buildings, walls and fortifications. This video really does do the city justice on how cool the old rock structures are, I highly recommend taking the short train ride up if you're visiting Bucharest.
here are links to the places we visited:
The Black Church:
The arch/gate we walked under (Catherine's Gate):
The Black Tower:
The stream, wall and arch we walked by (Graft Bastion):
The Fortress we ended up at:
Music provided by Phantom
Song: The King's Road
Brasov, Romania Travel - Visiting St. Nicholas Church in Brasov
Take a tour of Brasov St. Nicholas Church in Brasov, Romania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The Transylvania region of Romania is blessed with the earthy and plush city of Brasov.
Standing stern and magnanimously in the city's Union Square is the simple yet beckoning Saint Nicholas Church.
The journey of this structure began in the 14th century when it was a mere wooden church.
In the 15th century, efforts to reconstruct the building and transform it into a stone church began.
Today it is a sublime edifice which incorporates different architectural styles with Gothic, Baroque and Renaissance elements.
Emerging as an austere yet graceful monument, it modestly stands out to all of Brasov.
Brasov Historical Center in Brasov, Romania
The Brașov County Museum of History is a history museum in Brașov, Romania.
In the central square of the old city, in 1420, the town's town, once called Rathaus or the House of the Council, was built. The ground floor still retains elements of the Gothic style, and the tower and the tower are built in Renaissance and Baroque style. From 1950 the building hosts the History Museum of Brasov County .
Brasov County Historical Museum was founded as a regional museum in 1950, and it has inherited a large part of the collections of the Bârsa and Astra Country Museum in Brasov.
The collection of the Museum has been enriched by systematic research, acquisitions and donations, reaching today 36,000 objects of historical and artistic interest.
In 1950, the Museum of History received in heritage the House of the Council, a Baroque building in the Council Square, a Baroque building in the Council Square, which was certified as a headquarters of the furry guild since 1420. The 1420 document was a contract between the Guardsman and the Magistrate of Brasov by which the Council of the Centurions was given the right to raise a courtroom over the guild building. During the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries, the House of Councilors underwent various modifications, and new rooms and the tower were added to it.
In the 7th century of the last century, the History Museum of Brasov received the patrimony of the building on the 21st Heroes Boulevard, which was destined to accommodate the art department, a decade later, the museum's patrimony was later added to the building of the museum in which it was organized ethnography section.
Also in the museum, the Muresen Memorial House developed as a memorial museum dedicated to the Mures family, which played an important role in the cultural and national life of the Romanians in the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.
In 1990, the Museum has a first break through the detachment of the art and ethnography sections that become the Museum of Art and Ethnography.
The House of the Muresen became a museum since 1997.
At present, the History Museum has three sections housed within representative historical monuments in Brasov: the Council House, the Fabric Bastion and the Black Tower.
The Board House houses the basic exhibition and has a showroom for temporary exhibitions. The museum is organized on three levels (basement, ground floor and floor) and has thirteen exhibition halls, displaying 1673 objects that make up the basic exhibition.
The basic exhibition has as its theme the history of Brasov from the earliest times to the present and is divided into three sections: the archeology department, the medieval history department, the modern and contemporary history department.
The archeology section is located in the basement of the House of the Council and includes archaeological remains from the Upper Palaeolithic to the 14th century; arms and stone, bronze and iron, neolithic ceramics, Roman and medieval Dacians, etc.
The Medieval History Department is located on the ground floor and contains objects and products of medieval Brasov guilds: crates, convoys and guild seals, weapons, ornaments, church items, torture tools, etc. Two reconstructions are also featured in the exhibition: a blacksmith workshop and a medieval scourge.
The Modern and Contemporary History Department presents an old Romanian and German book exhibition (XVI-XVIIth century) and an exhibition devoted to urban civilization from the nineteenth century to the beginning of the 20th century, which comprises various manufactures manufactured by small industry and the reconstitution of a newspaper editorial. Another hall is devoted to the events preceding the formation of Great Romania and presents personalities of Romanian history and personalities of the history of Romanians and local personalities who participated in the Great Assembly in Alba-Iulia.
The Weavers Bastion is situated at the end of the Castle Street, next to the sports base Olimpia was built in two stages between 1421-1573, it is the only one of the eight bastions of the fortress preserved in its original form. The bastion has a hexagonal plan surrounded by walls with a thickness of 4, 30 m at the base, pierced with pitted and fire holes at which the access was provided by four levels of wooden galleries. In 1800, inside the bastion were built two rooms for wreaths of the weavers' guild, in which today is housed the exhibition that includes a collection of weapons, the medieval fortress model made in 1896 and the Skeiului model made in the 1950s.
The Black Tower entered the heritage of the County Historical Museum in 2001 after having undergone restoration works. The tower includes an exhibition devoted to craftsmen of the XV century, in which the most diverse weapons (lances, arches, lips, swords, crossbows, etc.), mugs, tin plates and ironware (locks, frogs, keys etc.) )
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Climb on Conglomerate Towers in Piatra Mare - Brasov, Romania
Overview above Timis Valley from the towers that we climbed.
Panoramic View from the Black Tower of Brasov, Romania HD
Music: Dutty - Vibe Tracks